Stay Informed about news around the world especially ... - AIU

Stay Informed about news around the world especially where your prospects are from so you have some common things to talk about. Take an interest in what is happening. Prospect Script – Outline (English)IntroductionSay Name “3” times….Try to make your presentation all Questions to interact with the prospect. Learn from them, listen to what they want.?Knowing as much as possible about your prospect is key.-There are some unique things about our programs that distinguish and set us apart from perhaps any other University in the world!!! (Capture their Attention).-By sharing this with you, My Goal is to determine if our programs fit your needs and is what you envisioned or were looking for in a distance learning program (helping,sharing, assisting).-Also to determine if you qualify for admissions to the program (You are in a position of Authority).Mention research based through independent study. More difficult, requires disciplined student to flourish in such environment. Make them notice that AIU is a serious academic institution. What is your understanding of online learning? Would you rather choose your own courses, or do you prefer if AIU defines them? Have you ever done research or projects? In what environment do you learn best?Reason for seeking degree, learn about his goals. Make a MAP of persons Professional/Work Experience and of their academic background and continuing education. Ask why seeking degree? Why seeking to further their education? Find out specific/detailed motivations, goals and reasons. Do not accept a vague answer (Ask yourself: Would this motivate me enough to invest my time and money?) This is your opportunity to make them aware of more reasons why advancing their education?will be?beneficial to them. What other benefits do you think you can gain from your new degree? Co-workers have__degree? Do People you supervise have __degree? Is a good example to set for your kids? How will you celebrate, with who? What is the income differential in (country), in the US it is __%, what will you do with an additional $20,000 Pesos/month?!! Do you have a goal in mind as to when you want to achieve your degree (use specific name of area of study) program? Are you excited about the possibility of studying at AIU? How prepared and ready are you to begin your studies?What importance do you give to Education and Learning?Why have you waited until this time to get started/continue it? (Use above questions to determine the prospect’s readiness/level of interest so you can adjust your presentation accordingly and utilize your time appropriately.)Qualifying for Admissions: Make a MAP of persons Professional/Work Experience and of their academic background and continuing. Part A: Work Experience, name of company, his position, future goals would they be within his current company or elsewhere? Know the product or service his company provides (the industry). Do you like what you do? Would having your degree in….improve your possibilities of growth within your company or elsewhere? Would having completed your education at the.... degree level be an asset to you in case of job instability or unexpected changes?Part B: Academic Background Previous degree, what school, what year completed, what major. Any continuing education or additional courses taken since then?Is saving time important to you? Time duration you expect your studies will take? Any family obligations, married, children, ages? Based on response formulate typical academic requirements. If convenient mention can incorporate work projects with course work.- Each student varies 1st ask what duration they want, expect or need. Then formulate your response according to their expectations. (B=10-15 M=6-10 D=6-8) curses plus final project are standard. Each course can take 1-2 months to complete.Mention your roll in recommending him for admissions based on your notes…AIU is advanced program focus is on core courses (Bachelors) explain why only 40 of 120 credits. If you wanted to start your program is there anything holding you back?Describe program (you are the artist - paint a picture in their mind)How program works: (Don’t say all courses are online, without using following explanation) Are you familiar with the Andragogic System of Education?What expectations do you have of a distance learning or online program?-One of the unique characteristics of AIU's programs that separate us from any other university in the world is that we do not have a standard curriculum. -The University’s Founders believed that students should have a more active role in the design of their studies. -Your program at AIU will be the best program for you. Taking into account your past, present and future. Your interests, goals, opportunities available to you, the industry you work in or would like to work in, your strengths and weaknesses. -There are over 12,000 university programs none can say they are the best for you unless they take into account all of the factors that make you unique.-We do not wish to impose a pre-determined/ standardized/ or generic list of courses, topics or subjects as this tends to result in work that is not relevant to you. Each minute, each hour that you invest in your studies should be something you would have done anyways to better prepare yourself regardless if you become a student or not.- Despite these differences: Courses consist of three main elements. These elements are universal regardless of the program, university, or delivery method (online or classroom). They are: Reading Materials, Body of Academic Work, and The Evaluation by your Academic Advisor. Each of these components or parts will form part of your grade for each course.- AIU programs are designed for students who have the discipline and ability to work independently; the assignments you will present are research based and utilize the AIU Online Library as a primary source. Do you think this kind of program will work for you? Do you see yourself succeeding in this environment?Materials and resources provided by AIU:Your main link to the University will be through the Virtual Campus / Online Student Section which will provide access or allow you to:- Instructions on how to complete each Phase of your program. - Examples of work submitted by AIU students at each Phase.- Video Conferences to guide you though that various Phases of your program.- Upload your assignments for your academic advisor to review and grade. - See your grades and view/print your transcript. - Contact your Academic Advisor or Student Services. Using the tools in the Communications Section to send questions, messages, comments and receive responses from your Academic Advisor and Student Services. - Do research at the AIU Online Library for your assignments and courses. -150+ million full text journals, articles, and other periodical. -120,000 books in electronic format.-300 million bibliographical resources with abstracts to expand your research beyond AIU’s library holdings.Cool features about AIU. Virtual Campus. Millions records in Online Library. Picture of you Advisor and Tutor. Phase 1 Instructions Examples and Video Conferences, do you enjoy watching TV or YouTube videos? MYAIU and 13 elements to improve the Human Condition, Student Networking and Chat with other students, AIU monthly magazine “Campus Mundi”. AIU’s Radio and TV Channels with student/faculty participation.Design of curriculum (Continued)AIU’s founders believed that the student should have a greater involvement in the design of their studies. Why?^ degree of Interest^ applicability to persons career & goalsDecreases problem of covering areas student already masters or will not apply to himYou will determine which skills are in demand and reflect on yourself to select courses to build those skills employers are looking for so to build up your confidence when applying fro position.Much easier to have standardized, some of advisors go crazy!Look at your past/present + trends in market/industry so to exploit demands.DOES IT make SENSE TO YOU?Tuition and Payment plans confirm if within budgetDid you see the tuition page? Payment options offered? If has problem ask: How much could you do/month…?If prospect requires Financial Assistance:(Don’t offer scholarships if they enroll right away)(Don’t offer to reduce the Enrollment fee if they enroll now)-Find out approximately what would be possible for them on a monthly basis, if it is feasible continue.-Confirm he is Pre-qualified for admissions / Is or is not an optimal candidate.-Make sure he understand the program and answer any pending questions.-Confirm readiness to begin studies should assistance required be available.-Confirm their ability to pay the Enrollment fee of $300. If not when would they be able to gather the $300? If it is more than 2 weeks or not within the current month as: “How much of the $300 enrollment fee would you be able to submit?”No Financial Assistance should be considered or given until prospect gives a commitment to start and is ready and able to submit the Enrollment fee.Three Parts to Applying for Financial Assistance 1) Fill out the Financial Assistance Form by Phone. 2) Make an Academic Commitment to:-Submit at least 1 Assignment per month-Maintain a “B” Average or 3.0 GPA 3) Recommendation by Admissions Counselor-What makes your situation unique or distinguishes you from other candidates also applying for Financial Assistance? Take notes.-How will the opportunity to study improve their life at he personal and professional level as well as their family, community, country est. The evaluation results will be determined by the Admissions Committee within 1-3 days. Confirm that they would be ready and able to submit their enrolment fee should the assistance they require be granted. How would you submit the Enrolment fee? Do you have a credit card? Why must I be ready to pay the Enrollment fee?Because the University asks that I only submit requests for assistance on behalf of students who are ready to begin their studies and take advantage of the opportunity should it be available. Financial Assistance is limited due to the high number of applicants requesting it.?AIU?does not charge a fee for evaluation but we do ask that applicants be ready to start should the assistance requested be available.*Be sure to Gather their Resume and Admissions App. So that before the results of the Financial Assistance are give, the only pending point is payment of the Enrollment fee.Recognition - Accreditation-Upon graduation you will receive your Degree showing the Program you completed. Your AIU transcript will outline the courses you took as part of your program at AIU and the Grades and credits you earned. We also provide our students with a Letter of Completion.-AIU meets all state and federal laws as a US university.-We have 10,000 students from 120 countries. Like you, each of our students seek to learn, gain valuable skills, advance professionally and/or have greater opportunities. -There is no distinction between your studies at AIU and those of any other traditional campus based university.- Add a practical example. Make them visualize how they will utilize their studies. For example should you apply for a job, your resume will show that you have a …Masters degree…. Should confirmation be asked, you may provide a copy of your transcript which will show the courses and grades you earned at AIU. - Although not necessary, you may have your degree Authenticated. AIU can provide graduates with international recognition of their diplomas by way of securing a Letter of Authentication from the?U.S. Department of State in Washington D.C., the process will first Notarize your documents then a letter will be atached (permanently with a metal ring) to your graduation documents. The letter bears the Seal of the US Department of State and is signed by the US Secretary of State. Again this is not necessary in any way but can be provided for international studnets who may need it.-AIU has accreditation through the ACI, the Accrediting Commission International; they are an independent non-government review body not recognized by the US Department of Education.ClosingDo you have any questions? Let me see if everything covered, one moment (review notes).Request Documentation (AA, resume). *We have 1000’s of applicants we ask that you be ready to start the program should your application be accepted.Date sending*Motivate- Great example for kids. / Today has taken important first step.Closing objections: Be ready to ask and wait for response. The idea is for them to speak frankly and remember their own goals & commitments What about your educational goals? Stop & ListenHas something changed since we spoke just 3 days ago? Stop & ListenWhat about your studies? Stop & ListenWhen will you give priority to yourself and your education? Stop & ListenHave you achieved your goal of_____? Stop & ListenWhat about the ____ opportunity that you mentioned would be possible?What will you do about your education? Stop & ListenAdditional Tools and Points?ACCREDITATIONAccreditation in the US is a voluntary process and does not guarantee a worthy education. Rather, it indicates that an Institution follows certain standard preconceptions about the appropriate learning model and has submitted its courses, programs, budget, and educational objectives for review by an independent body. Even though AIU does not have Accreditation from an Agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education it has obtained accreditation from the Accrediting Commission International (ACI), a private accrediting agency Although the ACI required a similar review of AIU’s courses, programs, budget, and educational objectives it allowed and recognized a fundamental change inherent in AIU’s educational methodology and learning model focusing on adults with work experience?PROGRAM STRUCTURE:?1.?????First Phase: It contains 8 introductory assignments, intended for the integration and projection at the personal, academic, professional and social level. In general, students are able to complete this phase within 15 days of their enrollment.2.?????Second Phase: It is the central part of the program. It consists of the elaboration of your Bibliography, 4–5 essays based on the multidisciplinary books on current tendencies recommended by AIU. On the other hand you will have the opportunity to develop your curriculum design, in which you will define the courses that you would like to develop at this stage of your studies. Once such curriculum design is submitted and approved by your assigned academic advisor, your will have to complete and submit each of the assignments that you proposed.3.?????Third Phase: It consists of the Final Thesis of your program. Note that this part could be exempt in some cases. This phase can be completed within 60 days.4.?????Fourth Phase: It is an administrative phase, and it refers to the reception of final documentation and handling of graduation paperwork. You will have to submit the necessary documents within 7 days after completion of the academic requirements.??ACADEMIC TEAMAs an AIU student you will have a tutor to guide you throughout your program beginning with a welcome call after you enroll with us.? In addition you will have an academic advisor, an expert in your field of study to answer your questions and grade your assignments through your student platform.CURRICULUMAt AIU the development of course and curricula is a collaborative activity, conducted between the student and the Academic Advisor. Each student's curricula is as unique as they are, and developed as a result of the mutual efforts of the student, the academic staff and the academic advisor.STUDENT PLATFORMAs an AIU student you will have access to your platform 24 hours a day, 7 days a week allowing you to advance in your program at your own pace.MyAIUMyAIU is an exclusive platform available only for you, our AIU student.? Consists of 11 Elements designed not only to compliment your program but also your life, your family and your community. MyAIU aims to coincide with the philosophy of human rights and the Andragogic system of studies at AIU, which lead us to an integral and evolutionary development, in our personal, professional, social and human environments.AIU LIBRARYExclusive access to the library as an enrolled students with thousands of ebooks, articles, magazines and periodicals for your program.Prospect Script - Outline (Spanish)Introducción Repetir nombre 3 veces (por lo menos)Evaluarlo / Cualificarlo para el programa (experiencia, educación, trabajos)Basado en Investigación y estudios independientesRequiere mas disciplina y capacidad para que el alumno sea exitoso. Tu te sientes cómodo con este sistema?Razón que busca su titulo – conocer sus metas.Cuales son sus metas? Donde trabaja? Que posición ocupa? Si usted quisiera comenzar su programa, hay algo que lo detendría? Menciona tu función – tomar notas y formular recomendación al comité de admisiones.En cuanto tiempo quiere terminar su programa? Que compromisos tiene, Es Casado, Tiene Hijos? De que edad? Duración de programa con AIU: depende de la respuesta del prospecto:Cada alumno varia, (# de cursos Lic=10-15 Maest=6-10 Doct 6-8) + proyecto final. En promedio cursos toman de 1 a 2 meses. Podría comenzar su programa en los próximos 7 días?Describir Programa (Yo soy una artista –dibujare un imagen de lo que es AIU en su mente)Educación a distancia, estudios independientes a base de investigación (Ver Metas: mencionar evento reciente que sea relacionado a su país, dar idea de empezar un negocio propio o que trabaje en Industrias con crecimiento y/o oportunidades en virtud de la globalización).Propia Sección del Estudiante en línea (Sistema Electrónico Académico)-Sistema Virtual Electrónico, Plataforma virtual (Puede contactar al la Univ. 24hrs 7dias/semana -(Función del sistema: Subir trabajos, recibir sus calificaciones, comunicación con el Dep. Académico, Asesor Académico, Dep. Servicios al Estudiante, Dep.. Financiero al igual que ellos mantendrán contacto con el alumno, armar su propio calendario, ver fases del programa).-Biblioteca Virtual, más de 100+ millones de textos completos (Revistas, Publicaciones) para trabajos de investigación. 150+ millones de referencias bibliograficas. Mas de 120,000 libros disponibles en formato electrónico.Libros recomendados por facultad de AIU en Espa?ol.Dise?o de CurrículoLos fundadores y la experiencia de AIU demuestra que el alumno debe tener más intervención en el dise?o de sus estudios. (Currículo=Pensum=Materias=Cursos que toma el alumno=Plan de Estudios). Cada alumno tiene un plan de estudios diferente dise?ado por el mismo y aprobado por su Asesor Académico. Porque es mejor este sistema:Mas alto interés en el materialMas nivel de integración a sus intereses personales y metas profesionales.Baja el problema de cubrir áreas que el alumno ya domina o que no aplica para él.El alumno, en base al mercado propone cubrir las áreas y temas que lo potencializen mas -resultando en mayor confianza cuando aplique a puestos de trabajo.Es mas difícil para el asesor ya que ve diferentes planes de estudios no tiene un plan de estudio dise?ado seria mas fácil para él.Todo esto lo lleva a tener su programa con un nivel superior a el de los programas tradicionales/preséncialesEntiende el sistema de AIU? Le interesa? Colegiatura - TuitionVio la inversión requerida? Los planes de pagos? Si es problema preguntar: Cuanto $ puede / mes? Si la respuesta es menos del plan#2 debe aplicar para ayuda financiera.Antes de Aplicar para Asistencia Financiera el alumno debe: 1) Entender el programa, 2) Comprometerse a pagar su inscripción, 3) No tener ninguna pregunta/duda sobre AIU pendiente4) Documentos: Aplicación en Línea/ Resume / Aplicación de ayuda Financiera5) Compromiso Académico: Mínimo 1 trabajo por mes y promedio de "B"6) Recomendación del Admissions Counselor. Como va a beneficiar el, su familia, comunidad, país. Porque a el le daría mas beneficio que otras compa?eros que tambien estén aplicando?Reconocimiento - Acreditación-Mas de 10,000 Alumnos -Alumnos en mas de 185 países-Cumple con todos los requisitos Estatales y Federales como Universidad establecida en los Estados Unidos.-Su documentación, ósea: Titulo/ Transcript/ Carta de Graduación, son igual que otras universidades en los estados unidos no hay diferencia o distinción en base al el método que llevo acabo sus estudios. Muchos alumnos preguntan si menciona que fueron estudios a distancia o en línea y la respuesta es no. En los estados unidos la educación a distancia y la presencial tienen el mismo peso y reconocimiento por lo cual no existe distinción alguna.-Apostille-Autenticación-ACI Agencia Privada que Acredita a los programas de AIU y a la institución. No es una agencia reconocida por el Departamento de Educación, son Independientes y autónomos.-Ejemplo de cómo va a usar el titulo (Entrevista y actualización de su resume)CierreHay algún otro elemento que necesite para tomar su decisión? Permítame ver si ya cubrí con todo con usted (revisar notas).Solicitar documentación faltante, Aplicación o Resume del prospecto. (Usted debe estar decidido antes de aplicar)Fecha que enviara Aplicación / Resume? *Motivarlo - mencionarle que es un ejemplo para sus hijos, felicitarlo por haber tomado un gran para su futuro, la Educación es la mejor inversión que podemos hacer, una ves adquirida jamás se puede perder.____________________________________________________________________________Ayuda Financiera – herramienta para Cerrar / Comprometer Es un proceso: MENOS FACIL, SELECTIVO, con ESTRUCTURA? / Azul=Se le dice al prospecto?Presentación de Ayuda Financiera. ?Vio la inversión en la Pagina Web? Que plan de Pago le Favorece a usted , el Plan 1 o Plan 2? Lo recomendado es pagar en una exhibición que seria el Plan 1. El Plan 2 le permite plazos mensuales de (300,350,390/mes por x meses). Esta adentro de su presupuesto Educacional? Si dice Si DETENTE. Si dice No, CONTINUAR…Cuanto usted podría pagar mensualmente que si este adentro de su presupuesto Educacional?” ?“No se si sea posible, no he visto muchos candidatos que se les apruebe un pago mensual tan debajo del plan pre-establecido. Los $000.00 dólares por mes es lo máximo que podría comprometerse y que aun siga adentro de su presupuesto…..? Va a ser difícil,… pero me gustaría que hagamos el intento. En base a lo que usted me ha compartido, creo usted seria un buen candidato y no quiero dejar de hacer el esfuerzo. Yo voy a hacer todo lo posible por usted para que se obtenga la Asistencia que necesita o si no, que sea lo mas cerca posible a lo que usted necesita.”?? “Hay mucha demanda por los recursos. Por esto se debe aplicar por la asistencia que usted necesita. No hay costo para Aplicar pero El Comité de Admisiones me pide a mi confirmar que usted este listo para empezar al tener los resultados si estos son favorables a la ayuda que usted pide/necesita. Los resultados demoran de 1 a 3 días. Solo algunos candidatos destacados obtienen Asistencia Financiera. Antes de enviar su aplicación necesito confirmar que Entiende el programa, le Gusta el programa, no tenga alguna duda/pregunta, que no Exista algún obstáculo para que le de inicio a sus estudios ? De ser así vamos a reunir la documentación necesaria para mandar todo junto al Comité de Admisiones. “ Confirmar Enrollment fee/ Cuota de inscripción: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? i.???? “Como usted pagara la Cuota de Inscripción?”?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ii.???? “Dispone de los $300?”1.????? Si la respuesta es no Preguntar: “Cuando dispone de los $300?”2.????? Si la fecha es en mas de 1 semana preguntar: “Con que parte de los $300 de inscripción dispone ahora?” Los resultados del Comité de Admisiones tardaran entre 1-3 días, si fuera aprobada su petición usted debe estar listo para realizar el pago de su inscripción. Como haría usted el pago de su inscripción??Aplicar por ayuda Financiera tiene un PROCESSO y una ESTRUCTURA: “El Comité consideran las siguientes áreas en su petición.” Debemos tener: Aplicación de Admisiones, Aplicación de Ayuda Financiera, Resume, Compromiso del Prospecto antes de proceder a evaluar su petición de Ayuda Financiera. Situación Socioeconómica – Debemos llenar la Solicitud de Ayuda Financiera Permítame preguntarle 2 o 3 preguntas para cumplir con este requisito. Desempe?o académico – Dos Partes ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? i.???? ?Comprometerse a enviar por lo menos un trabajo académico por mes ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ii.???? ?Mantener un promedio “B”? Recomendación de el Consejero Académico??????????????????????????????????????????????????? i.???? Necesito ahora incluir en su aplicación una RECOMENDACI?N. 1.????? Para esto necesito me diga algunos motivos por los cuales esta oportunidad el va a dar beneficio a usted. Como cambiaria su vida? Por ejemplo a nivel personal, profesional, Familia, Comunidad, País, el mundo. Que puedo poner por su parte para mejorar sus posibilidades? 2.????? Que distingue o hace su caso único, ósea necesito motivos porque esta ayuda debe ser asignada a usted y no a otro compa?ero que también la este solicitando…?Confirmar nuevamente – Entendió el programa, le Gusta el programa, no tenga alguna duda/pregunta? Confirmar que no Exista algún obstáculo para que le de inicio a sus estudios al tener los resultados de su Evaluación. Confirmar Documentación faltante (solo si falta algo)En cuanto estén Disponibles los Resultados de su Evaluación, debe ser entre 1-3 días, me comunicare con usted para finalizar el proceso de inscripción.Cierre:Recordarle su compromiso contigo de inscribirse que hizo antes de pedir ayuda financiera.Recordar el valor de la asistencia otorgadaRecordar de su motivo de estudioRecordar asenso o cambio de carera…Recordar lo que dijo de cómo cambiaria su vida esta oportunidad..Partial Scholarships – Service/Volunteer HoursIt is possible to give Partial Scholarships to students where the Tuition would be more than 15% of their monthly income. The scholarship is in part earned with Service/Volunteer hours which the student must agree to provide AIU when called upon. Some of the things they may be called upon to do are: provide a service or participate in a project, help other AIU students, carry out research, promote educational programs locally, particiapte in a conference or other AIU sponsored event, start or participate in the Alumni association in their country, serve as a reference to potential students considering AIU, or other such tasks at the sole discretion of the University. (Service hours are calculated at $20 per hour *Internal only not to be disclosed to Prospective student: For example a partial schoolarship of $500 would require 25 Service/Volunteer hours from the Student.)Prospect Script - DetailedProspect Script You are the artist - paint a picture in their mind of their future and of what AIU is all about!!!(x)=prospect speaking, Red=Notes for you onlyThis Example is for a Prospect seeking a Bachelors in Finance.Breaking the Ice / IntroductionRick Jones Please? Mr. Jones, this is RG calling from Atlantic International University, how are you?Rick I am calling you regarding the inquiry you submitted. Is it correct that you are seeking a Bachelors Program? (Yes.) What major are you interested in? (Finance.) Wonderful! Rick, there are some unique things about our programs that distinguish and set us apart from any other University in the world!.By sharing this with you Rick, my goal is to determine if our programs fit your needs and what you envisioned or were looking for in a distance learning program. And also to see if you qualify for admissions to the program.Are you comfortable doing research based work? Have you ever done an independent study program? Our programs are done via distance learning, no attendance is required at any time. Your studies will be research based through independent work, however, your academic advisor and student services will be there to help you through all the different stages of your program.Reason for Seeking Degree / Create a need / Plant ideas in their mind-There are a few questions I needed to ask you. (Ok)-What motivated you to seek your Bachelor’s degree in Finance? Rick, is there a particular reason why you have decided to continue your studies at this time? (Well I just would like to finish a Bachelors degree) Do not accept this answer, dig for greater reason and purpose.-Rick, are you currently working in Finance or a related area? (Kind of?) Ok good, what company are you with? (ABC) What is your position or responsibilities with ABC? (I work with the accounts payable and accounting department.) Oh I see, how long have you been with them? (About 4 years). Have you always been in accounts payable? (Yes) Before ABC did you work anywhere else? (Yes at Macys as an Assistant Manager). For how many years? (3). By the way do you have any college credits? (About 6) Very well that’s certainly a plus.-Now I am going to ask you a very important question. Do you like the kind of work you are doing at ABC is it something you would like to continue doing? Have you thought of starting your own business or working elsewhere? (I guess) You guess! This is very important, its your life!!! Fast forward in time to the near future, what would you do with your degree in hand? (It would be a great achievement for me I would seek new opportunities) Great! With ABC do they have a HR department, can you apply for higher position is there opportunity for advancement? (Yes), perhaps completing your Bachelors degree would make you a qualified candidate for higher positions within your company or even positions elsewhere… -From what you have told me I think you are an optimal candidate for our programs. We focus on adult students with relevant work experience. In fact one of the admissions requirements is that you have at least 2 years of experience in your field or a related field, you certainly meet that requirement. -Now from the picture I am getting about you, I think it is vital at this stage in your career to recognize the learning that you have done at ABC and at Macys. Rick, should you decide to change companies now or in the future, not having at least your Bachelors degree could unfairly limit the opportunities available. For example: You may be the best candidate for a position but if a degree is required you may not get an opportunity to go for an interview or ever be filtered on the technicality by a screener.Time Duration / Ask first their expectations Do you have a particular time frame in mind or perhaps a deadline for promotional purposes when you need to finish your studies? (Not really, but ASAP) Yes I understand, realistically though Rick, how long do you imagine it will take you to finish? (I am hoping like 2 years)In that case I have some good news for you. Our Bachelors students must take 10-15 courses plus a final project each course takes about (choose a specific time based on their expectations 1, 1.5, or 2 months) to complete so you could definitely finish within that time frame. Keep in mind that all of are students are in a similar situation since 90% work full time as you do and some even have a 2nd job..In case they ask why only 10-15 course when most Bachelors program require 30+ course, explain: The Bachelors level serves as a foundation for students to make them well rounded and able to function as professional adults. A traditional Bachelors program has 20+ course that are electives or general distribution requirements, the remaining 10 or so courses are the ones that are actually in their major called CORE COURSES. At AIU our students already have the ability to function professionally and have a greater sense of direction for where they want to go and so their focus in on their CORE COURSES.So far does everything make sense? Do you have any questions thus far? Answer the questions but don’t forget afterwards to get back on track and cover all the points in your presentation.Curriculum Design / PhilosophyOne of the unique things about AIU is the curriculum design.AIU’s founders believed that the student should have a greater involvement in the design of their studies.During the First Phase of your program you will be responsible for 2 important things.Number one to become more familiar with your field. In today’s information age we are fortunate to have a great deal of information at our fingertips. To make use of this in your curriculum you will research other programs to learn and understand what is available in your field. Even in Finance there are may different focuses. You may be a Personal Financial Planer, Or work on Corporate Finance to fund a companies operations or seek investment vehicles to fuel new growth, Perhaps you will be working within a Bank or as a Mortgage Broker. These things vary by sector within your industry and also geographically since many or our student s are based outside the United States.The point is that there are many opportunities in your field some that you are aware of and some that you are not. Be doing this research during the First Phase of you program we are still in time to make adjustments to your curriculum.It is no mystery that you have to take 10-15 courses. The REAL question is which course will most benefit or interest Rick. What some of our student do is incorporate various elements/courses from various outside programs and incorporate them into their curriculum at AIU. In this way the work you do will be relevant to Rick’s interest, it will prevent you form taking courses that you have already taken or don’t need and studies show that student retain much more when they are studying something they had a hand in creating. Of course your academic advisor will be with you every step of the way in fact her will ultimately above your list of courses. Should you find that you can not decide the course or are unsure you can ask your advisor for help and a tentative list can be presented to you as an example or starting point.Does this make sense to you, is it clear, do you have any questions?The second important task in the first Phase goes hand in hand with doing research in your field and other available programs. You see many times in a traditional program, students will go though all the required courses and when they begin to look for work find that they do not poses certain skills or abilities required for positions. To prevent this, you will need to do a survey of your environment and the opportunities available assuming your had just graduated from AIU. You will determine which skills are in demand and reflect on yourself to select courses to build the skills potential employers are looking. By knowing your weaknesses and using your courses at AIU to improve them, you will build up your confidence and qualifications as a professional improving your future chances of employment . Look at your past and present trajectory and try to identify trends in your environment or industry so to exploit demands. All of this must be done during the Curriculum design so that the course you select can be focused towards increasing your competence and knowledge in the areas you are lacking.Assignments / E-platform / Online student section / Online LibraryYour main link to the University will be your online student section. In your online student section you will have access to instructions on how to get started with your study program as well as example of work submitted by other AIU students for the various orientation courses that form part of the First Phase.-It is here were you will upload your assignments for your academic advisor to review and grade. -Your grades will also be available here and you can view and print your transcript. -There is a Communications section were you will send all your questions or responses to both your academic advisor and student services as needed. -For your assignments and research you may access the AIU Online Library which contains 150+ million full text journal articles and other publications as well as 58 million bibliographical resources with abstracts and 120,000 Books in electronic format/e-books.Assignments at AIU are made up by three main components that are in line with traditional study methods. Each of these three parts will form part of your grade. -First, you will need to have sufficient reading material. Lets say you are searching the online library for a course objective. You will do a search and usually receive several hundred items of which you may need to narrow down to a more manageable 20-30 that will form your reading material. In other cases you may opt to follow a more traditional approach and use a text book. Most student use the Online Library as their primary source and complement will local resources at public libraries.-You will then have to decide on an assignment, research, comparison, project to submit as your main body of work. -Lastly you may receive questions as a form of oral or written exam about the course or assignment to make sure you have done sufficient reading and understand the main concepts. The questions may be asked via phone of sent to you via your online student section.Tuition / Financial Assistance / ScholarshipsRick did you have a look at the tuition page while you were at the AIU Web site?You did see it, good. Which payment plan will you be choosing? (I think the monthly payment option)In that case for the Bachelors program your monthly tuition would be $300.00 the only other fees are a $300 enrollment fee and a 300 graduation fee, is this appropriate for you at this time? Had you budgeted for the cost of your education, is the payment plan within your possibilities?If the prospect says no: So $300 is a strain on your budget? We can request an extension of your payment plan to bring down your monthly commitment. At this time what would you be able to submit as a monthly tuition payment? (Maybe $200) Oh, that may be a problem since there is quite a difference from the payment plan available. Are you sure $200 is the most you can allocate towards your tuition? (I think so) I will put in a request, as I mentioned to you earlier, I think you are an optimal candidate and I can really see how earning your Bachelors could have a truly positive impact on you future. I will need to have your resume an application form on file to submit my recommendation, are you online now? Great it should take maybe 5 minutes to fill in the form. You may copy and paste your resume on the space provided or e-mail or fax to my attention, whatever is easiest for you. Regarding the Financial Assistance for your tuition. There are some questions I will need to ask you to qualify you for it.Go through the FAAF form via phone with them. Please be ready to enroll should the assistance you seek is granted.Depending on the candidate ask for payment method. Now you are ready to make the $300 Enrollment fee? (Yes) Do you have a credit card?Remember Assistance from AIU is NOT EASY, if your prospect is to give any value to the assistance granted he must see that it is limited and given only to select candidates with the most potential. Getting assistance should be like climbing a mountain. If your prospect sees this, he/she will value more what is given and will be more appreciative for it.A dual program candidate who needs financial assistance must be able to pay at least the full enrollment fee and the monthly tuition for each of the programs. (As an exception the least you may accept is $150 enrollment fee per program and $150 per month per program.) SEE-- Financial AssistanceAccreditation / Recognition(What is the recognition of my studies at AIU?)(I saw on the web site that you are not accredited?)-AIU meets all state and federal laws as a US university.-AIU has accreditation through the ACI, the Accrediting Commission International; they are an independent non-government review body not recognized by the US Department of Education.-There is no distinction between your studies at AIU and those of any other traditional campus based university. -Accreditation is a voluntary process and does not guarantee a worthy education. Rather, it indicates that an Institution has submitted its courses, programs, budget, and educational objectives for review. The US Department of Education reviews/approves several regional accrediting agencies and overal about 80 in total. The current review mechanisims used by these agancies are inadequate for AIU’s unique and innovative programs. In some cases the Accrediting agancies require attendance at some point in the program whether is for one semester or testing, some prohibit offering Doctorate degree programs via distance learning, the open curiculum used at AIU is inapropriate as a core requiremtn is the submission of standardized curiculum. Due to these limitations by accrediting agencies AIU has?chosen private accreditation from the Accrediting Commission International (ACI), which it obtained in 1999 although it is not regulated or approved by the US Department of Education. The ACI has recognized the need for the methodologies and systems implemented by AIU to serve it adult students in a 100% distance learning environment.-AIU can provide graduates with international recognition of their diplomas by way of securing an Authentication from the?U.S. Department of State in Washington D.C., which?facilitates it's authenticity and International Recognition. The Authentication from the US Department of State is a process that will notarize, Certify and ultimately bind a letter (permanently with a metal ring) to your graduation documents. The letter of Authentication will be signed by the US Secretary of State <currently Condoleezza Rice> and confirms the authenticity of the documentation it is affixed to. It is optional but may help if you need to revalidate your studies outside the US.-Your degree and transcript will serve as evidence of your completion. Your transcript will show all the courses and credits you have earned during your studies at AIU and your respective grades or GPA.-Should you need it we can send an official transcript. If someone calls to verify your studies we can confirm through the Registrars Office provided you have given them your Student Identification Number.(Will I be able to work in my fied when I graduate?)-Ther are certain professions that require state licensing and this varries not only within the US but throughout the world. I suggest that we find what requirements there may be from your Department of Labor. In some cases you may have to take a test or include caertain courses as part of your curiculum. If this is the case you can include the required courses in your curriculum at AIU and you may even take a course specifically for preparing yourself for any required testing. An additional consideration may be certifications, in some professions like Financial planning, you will add credibiluty to yourself by being a Certified Financial Planner or Mortgage Broker may such qualifications exist and will give you a competitive edge for employment or to gain customers.-Upon graduation, as a Bachelors degree holder you will qualify for positions wher a degree is required. From what you have told me about your work experince I think you have much greater qualifications than students who are fresh out of college but lack your experience. Unfortunately, may positions you apply for have the requirment of an academic degree, so without it you may be overlooked or filtered out during the initial screening process not having had a chance to present you case as the perfect candidate.(continued below)Curriculum Explanation2971800231139Learn about major / Research Programs / Identify possible academic paths within your field/major?00Learn about major / Research Programs / Identify possible academic paths within your field/major?-600075228600Research Environment / Professional Arena / Employment Opportunities?00Research Environment / Professional Arena / Employment Opportunities?180594073660Standard # of Courses Required?00Standard # of Courses Required?-685800157480 Courses consist of three main elements. These elements are universal regardless of the program or delivery method. 00 Courses consist of three main elements. These elements are universal regardless of the program or delivery method. 3200400182880Questions about the course may be sent by the Academic Adv.00Questions about the course may be sent by the Academic Adv.1809750165735Body of Academic Work00Body of Academic Work233362579375B00B369570079375C00C96202579375A00A457200-1905Reading Material00Reading Material73342546355Evaluation by Academic Advisor:The grade is derived from the three components of the course.00Evaluation by Academic Advisor:The grade is derived from the three components of the course.-563880223519Resources Tools provided by the UniversityE-platform / Online Student Section *Describe Functions. Online Library – 13 million full text journals, articles, periodicals. E-books – 25,000 books available in full text / Academic Advisor / Student Services.00Resources Tools provided by the UniversityE-platform / Online Student Section *Describe Functions. Online Library – 13 million full text journals, articles, periodicals. E-books – 25,000 books available in full text / Academic Advisor / Student Services.1. At the start of your program you will research the various career opportunities available to graduates within your filed. The goal is that you not only become aware of the different career opportunities that will be available, but also the different skills, abilities, and knowledge that are demanded of said positions. Now, you can compare the skills, abilities, and knowledge that are demanded with your own and identify those that you are lacking or need to work on during your degree program at AIU. We want for all AIU students to make this confrontation now, at the start of their program when we can appropriately establish your curriculum by selecting courses that address those skills, abilities, and knowledge you may be lacking. 2. There are over 10,000 universities worldwide; it is difficult of any one university to claim they have the best curriculum for a particular field or major! For this reason, during phase one, our students research other programs within their field in order to have a broader understanding of what is available to them so they can make a better decision when deciding what their programs will focus on at AIU. Very soon, as you carry out this research or comparison with other programs, it will become clear that about 80% of the curriculums offered are made up the same typical courses. However the differences that do exist and your knowledge of them will help determine the best suited courses to form part of your curriculum at AIU. Though this exercise our students can determine any course or courses that they consider ideally suited for them and incorporate them into their curriculum at AIU.3. The number of courses required is standard depending on the level of study. Bachelors is 10-15 plus final project Masters 6-10 plus final project Doctorate is 6-8 plus final project-34290044323000Explanation in detail One of the unique things about AIU is the curriculum design.AIU’s founders believed that the student should have a greater involvement in the design of their studies.-1028700128270Intro A00Intro ADuring the First Phase of the program you will be responsible for 2 important things:-10287001911350Intro A00Intro A-34290088328500Do Research in your field/major to become familiar with your field and the various academic paths available. (in detail below)Do research or study of your environment meaning the professional arena to identify potential future employment opportunities. (In detail below)One of the unique characteristics of AIU's programs is that we do not have a standard curriculum. Our programs are designed for adult students who can work independently; the assignments are research based and utilize the AIU online library as a primary resource. The University’s Founders believed that students should have a more active role in the design of their studies. This they though, would ensure programs are specifically suited to enhance individual students skills in areas they are deficient in and areas which their particular industry or geographic location demands. Your advisor will assist you to make sure that your curriculum is appropriate for your field and complies with the generally accepted norms. Your first task in selecting your courses is to learn about the profession that you want to study in. Even students within the same major can have dramatically different expectations or needs based on different geographic location or the industry that they work or plan to work in. During the First Phase of your program you will be responsible for 2 important things.Research Environment / Professional Arena / Employment Opportunities: Number one to become more familiar with your filed/major. In today’s information age we are fortunate to have a great deal of information at our fingertips. To make use of this in your curriculum design, you will research other programs to learn and understand what is available in your field. (example of prospect seeking a degree in Finance) Even in Finance there are many different focuses you can choose from. You may be a Personal Financial Planer, or work on Corporate Finance to fund companies operations, or seek investment vehicles to fuel new growth. Perhaps you will be working within a Bank or as a Mortgage Broker. Career choices vary by sector within your industry and also geographically since certain cities, regions and countries have different demands and opportunities.The point is, that there are many opportunities in your field some that you are aware of and some that you are not. By doing this research during the First Phase of you program we are still in time to make adjustments to your curriculum to better leverage yourself within the labor force.It is no mystery that you have to take (x number) courses. The REAL question is which course will most benefit or interest you. What some of our students do, is incorporate various elements/courses from other programs as part of their curriculum at AIU. In this way, the work you do will be relevant, of interest to you, it will prevent you form taking courses that you have already taken or don’t need. Studies in Education and the retention of knowledge show that student learn and remember much more material when they are studying something in which they had a hand in creating. Of course, your academic advisor will be with you every step of the way to ensure the final courses approved for your curriculum are appropriate and relevant for your program. Should you find that you can not decide the courses or are unsure what they should be, you can ask your advisor for help and a tentative list can be presented to you as an example or starting point.Research Programs / Identify possible academic paths within your field/major:The second important task in the first Phase goes hand in hand with doing research in your field and other available programs. You see, many times in traditional programs, students will go though all of their required courses and, when they begin to look for work, find that they do not possess certain skills or abilities required for their intended career or profession. To prevent this from happening, you will need to do a survey of your environment and of the opportunities available assuming you had just graduated from AIU with your degree. You will determine which skills/abilities/knowledge are in demand and reflect on yourself to select courses to build on the skills/abilities/knowledge that potential employers are looking for or those that you may be lacking. By knowing your weaknesses and using your courses at AIU to improve them, you will build up your confidence and professional qualifications, thus improving your future chances of employment and landing that dream job. Look at your past and present trajectory and try to identify trends in your field or industry so to exploit demands and opportunities. All of this must be done during the Curriculum design so that the course you select can be focused towards increasing your competence and knowledge in the areas you are lacking.Resources Tools provided by the University:Your main link to the University will be through the E-platform / Online Student Section. In the online student section, you will have access to instructions on how to get started with your study program, as well as examples of work submitted by AIU students for the various orientation courses that form part of the First Phase.The E-platform / Online Student Section allows you to do the following:- Upload your assignments for your academic advisor to review and grade. - Access your grades and view and/or print your transcript. - Contact your Academic Advisor or Student Services. Using the tools in the Communications Section, you can send all your questions, messages, or responses to your Academic Advisor or Student Services. - Access the Online Library for your assignments and research. You will have 13 million full text journal articles, 25,000 books in electronic format, and 58 million bibliographical resources with abstracts to expand your research beyond AIU’s library holdings.Assignments at AIU are made up of three main components that are in line with traditional study methods. They are: Reading Materials, Body of Academic Work, and The Evaluation by your Academic Advisor. Each of these components or parts will form part of your grade. Reading MaterialFirst, you will need to gather sufficient Reading Material. Lets say you are searching the online library for a course objective. Start by searching the 13 million full text journals articles and periodicals. You will want to narrow or restrict your search terms so as to have a few relevant results instead of dozens or even hundreds of items that may not directly relate to what you are searching for. There are also 25,000 books available in electronic format that you could use a secondary source. In other cases you may opt to visit a local library to further supplement your research. Most students use the AIU Online Library as their primary source and do not need to go elsewhere to find sufficient reading material.Body of Academic Work:You will then have to decide on an assignment, research paper, comparison, or project to submit as your main Body of Academic Work. Questions about the course may be sent by the Academic Advisor:Lastly, you may receive questions from your Academic Advisor about the course or assignments you submitted. This is to ensure that you have done sufficient reading, understand the main concepts, and learned the material. The questions may be asked via phone of sent to you via your online student section. This is the final component of your course and will result in the Evaluation of your work and course material by your Academic Advisor.Evaluation by Academic Advisor:Your grade will be determined derived from each of the three course components.Closing PointsAfter Prospective student submits his Enrollment fee the following Closing Procedure must be followed to Register the student (ABC): The Last step requires the Admissions Counselor to submit the Enrollment form, copy of Welcome Letter, and receipt of enrollment fee payment.A. Discuss/Explain the following closing points with all Enrollments:Let them know that you expect them to do well in their studies.Example: I am proud of your dedication and desire to advance academically. My goal is to see each and every one of my students do well in their programs and eventually graduate. I will be sending you some recommendations from AIU which include: 1) You must submit at least one assignment or academic work per month to be “Active Academically”. Ask the student to set a Goal for the Date of Graduation. Phase 1 of the program will be very fast you should plan on completing it right away, no more than 1-2 weeks from now.2) Your tuition and payment plan are separate from your academic progress. Your program allows you to work at your own pace; however, your tuition payment must be made on a monthly basis. Make sure to send your first tuition payment no later than 30 days from today on ___ …. How will you be making your payments? Ask student to be added to Automatic Payment if he/she will be paying via Credit Card. 3) Communication with our students is vital especially since you are in a distance learning program. Please respond promptly to any messages from the university. If your contact information changes please let us know.If points 1, 2, 3 are not met it may result in being withdrawn from the program. I know this will never happen to you as I know you have a clear goal in mind, however I must inform you of the following:-Reactivation fee of $300-(If student has tuition credit) Loss of scholarship-(If student has a different payment plan) Loss of payment plan if different return to default plan 2. -Loss of Academic progress (uploaded assignments not yet graded).If the Student has a tuition credit or Payment Plan other that PP1/PP2 (Financial Assistance), he must meet the following criteria to keep them:-Maintain a 3.0 GPA or “B” Average.-Remain “Academically Active” at all times (submit at least one assignment per month).-Make his monthly payments by or before the date agreed.-Always maintain his communication with AIU-Commit to (X) number of service hours, depending on tuition credit amount. ................

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