Minutes of the Directors of the

Minutes of the Directors of the

Tibetan Terrier Health & Welfare Foundation

Sunday, February 15, 2009, 7PM Eastern time

Meeting by teleconference was called to order at 7:09PM by President Bob Kreis. Directors in attendance were Brenda Brown, Jackie Faust, Camille Manfredonia, and Jac Herschler. Also in attendance was Pat Nelson, Vice President and Ken Edmonds, TTCA President.


Bob Kreis asked Camille to give the Board a brief rundown of where we stand with the Tibetan Terrier rescue. Camille said we have 18 TTs. (One escaped from the transport personnel in the vicinity of the shelter in Missouri). All the puppies are sweet, and only got nervous when they separated the pack. Some have bad hips, and a few are heartworm positive. In general, they are nice dogs who will do well with another dog in the home. Foster homes so far include Jackie Faust, Sally Birgl, Claire Coppola, and Karen Sponable. Non-members have also been supportive. Many of the dogs have missing teeth, but their mouths are otherwise healthy. Plans to treat heartworm and xray hips is underway. Camille will give Jac a guesstimate of expenses, so money can be transferred to the checking account. The breeder, Ron Reeves, can no longer own dogs in the State of Missouri, lost his property to foreclosure, and is moving to Utah.

Financial Status

Jac Herschler reported that the Rescue savings account has $2,453.93 and Rescue money market has $20,870.14. $2,095.36 is in our Health savings account, and $10,363.91 is in the Health money market account. Jac noted that the money in the Health accounts can also be used for fundraising expenses. These rescue figures include the transportation and initial vet expenses from Missouri, but not the additional expenses Camille just talked about.

Health Research funding

Support for testing Tibetan Terriers for Juvenile Renal Dysplasia was recommended by Brenda Brown. $2,000 was requested by Dr. Mary Whiteley to cover a portion of the cost of testing 100 Tibetan Terriers. Bob asked Brenda for a response to Sue Carr’s statement that she has not seen JRD in Tibetan Terriers. Brenda said this is a test, not research, and it’s being done on TTs in other countries and other breeds in the US. It’s a win-win for our breed because we will know the statistical incidence in our breed by testing a large number of dogs. In the past, Dr. Whiteley asked the former Health Committee for participation because it was occurring in other oriental breeds such as Shih-Tzu and Lhasas. Brenda felt we should diversify rather than spending all our money on eye diseases. She is also looking forward to working with the AKC CHF on grants they are sponsoring. Pat Nelson said many foreign registries have documented cases of Renal Dysplasia in Tibetan Terriers (27 cases) because of the required reporting system in those countries. Because there is no system for reporting cases in the US, we have no statistics on this or any disease. Dr Whiteley will extend the testing period until she has tested 100 Tibetan Terriers.

Jackie Faust motioned that we approve $2000 for JRD testing. Jac Herschler seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Brenda Brown wants to start a new challenge drive to fund the AKC CHF Donor Advised Fund, like the one we did two years ago. Breeders would pledge to donate $25 per puppy sold to the AKC/CHF DAF, and that money gets matched by CHF. Our DAF has no money in it now. There are new grants coming out in March including LL and PRA research proposals, as well as proposals to research specific cancers affecting our breed. Bob asked if the money can go through the Foundation. Brenda said the DAF is through the TTCA, but the correspondence they receive is also addressing the Foundation. Brenda suggested that donations be made directly to the CHF. Jac Herschler asked why we would want to confuse our members by asking them to donate to two different organizations if the money is going to the same place. Jackie suggested we explain to TTCA members in the TT Times newsletter that donations should go to the TTHWF. We can add that if they wish, they can, alternately, make their check payable to the CHF DAF. Brenda is concerned that the Foundation is asking for money for Rescue, and now asking for money for Health. She added that we need to keep these fundraisers separate, and suggested that health donations be sent to the DAF. Brenda agreed to contact CHF to clarify regarding our DAF. Bob said he would like the donations to go through the Foundation, as long as the CHF will match funds.

Brenda Brown motioned to begin a Challenge Drive for the AKC CHF Donor Advised Fund through the TTHWF (after clarifying with CHF). Camille seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Brenda researched grants that are available to us, and reported that most of them are for rescue. The health grants typically go directly to researchers. We need to be going after some of the rescue grant money.

Jac Herschler mentioned that Dr Gus Aguirre reported that he needed more young PRA affected Tibetan Terriers for his study, and that we should get the message out there about this. Jac suggested we let TTCA members know that if additional TTs were reported as affected, that the Foundation would provide further financial support for Dr. Aguirre’s research. Jackie Faust reported that Dr. Aguirre sent an end of year report to Frank Liewer, Alice Smith, and herself. She sent copies to each Foundation Board member.

Bob Kreis talked about fundraising, and asked Jac Herschler to speak about donations receipts. Jac said a year ago at this time, he was buried in processing donations received with annual TTCA membership renewals. Thus far this year, we have very little money coming in. Unfortunately, dues notices this year did not include check off boxes for donations. We cannot recover these significant donations. Bob asked Ken Edmonds that the procedure be reinstated with next year’s dues notices. Jac Herschler asked the Board if we feel a need to do a mailing to the TTCA membership to solicit donations to the Foundation. Jackie said she feels a mailing is needed. After missing the end of year mailing, we also missed the dues renewal mailing. We need to explain to TTCA members that we missed the opportunity to ask for their yearly contribution to health and rescue. A suggestion was made that we use a picture of the rescue dogs in the letter. Brenda Brown volunteered to write the letter. Jackie Faust volunteered to do the mailing. Bob asked that we enclose a donation form. Jac suggested we recognize memorials to their dogs on the form. The Board approved a mailing by consensus.

Ken Edmonds asked for a written request from the Foundation that our donation request and return envelope be enclosed in next year’s dues notice. Bob volunteered to write the letter to the TTCA.

Brenda checked on the newly revised Ebay procedures for listing the TTHWF as a registered charity. Anyone who sells on Ebay can allocate from 10 to 100% of their profit to a registered charity of their choice. Ebay designates MissionFish to send out donation receipts and send electronic donations to our bank. Brenda will register the Foundation for this.

Fundraising at the National

Bob mentioned that the commemorative plate sales have slowed down, and suggested that we not do a new plate design at this time. (Board agreed). Jackie said she would ship a carton of 40 out to Denver for sale at the Specialty. Bob said we should have a sales table in the ballroom at the National, and not sell plates at the auction dinner. Jac said there should be different people attending the National, and we should sell a good number of the plates. Brenda added that the sales table can have a “tricky tray” and also sell the wine. Jackie said the wine went on the dinner tables at the auction last year, and suggested we do that again. She also thinks we should have silent auction items at the TTHWF table at the show. Bob said Linda Nagao is painting some art work for the benefit of the Foundation. Camille will also sell raffle tickets for a basket.

Foundation Board appointments

Ken said the TTCA Board will appoint two new TTHWF Board members at the TTCA Board Meeting in May 2009. Ken asked Foundation Board Member to make recommendations for two positions. Jac Herschler and Brenda Algar’s position is up for re-election. Ken would like the TTCA Board to be able to make an informed decision, and wants to develop a procedure to that effect. Recommendations from TTHWF Board members should be made to Ken Edmonds.

CCL Video release

Dr. Martin Katz has offered to give us a video presented in 2003 at the TT World Congress in Sturbridge, MA. The video was filmed in Canada by the TT owner, and depicts a Tibetan Terrier afflicted with CCL. As soon as a good copy is received from Dr. Katz, we will attempt to make it available on the TTCA web site.

Brenda Brown motioned to adjourn at 8:30PM. Jac seconded, and meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jackie Faust

TTHWF Secretary

The undersigned Directors who were not present for the entire meeting reported above hereby ratify and in all respects approve the foregoing minutes and all actions taken.

Brenda Algar___________________________________________

Susan Carr___________________________________________


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