Advanced Physics Weekly Syllabus – 9/6 – 9/9

Advanced Physics Weekly Syllabus 1/7 – 1/11

|Date |Topic |Objectives |Class Agenda |Text Reference / Homework |

|Monday |Conservation of |Apply the law of conservation of momentum to the |Warm Up – Al and Jo on Skates with a Spring FRQ |H.W. – 2008 FRQ # 1 Form B Two Ice Skaters|

|1/7 |Momentum |application of an internal force. |Vector nature of momentum demonstration with gliders and air track.|FRQ |

| | |Solve AP style FRQs related to momentum and impulse. |Ballistic Pendulum FRQ |Test on Chapter 7 is Tuesday 1/15 |

| | |Demonstrate the vector nature of momentum. |2008 FRQ #1 Bumper Cars | |

|Tuesday |Conservation of |Apply the laws of conservation of momentum and energy to |1. Video – The Physics of Car Crashes |Review and study the FRQs solved in class.|

|1/8 |Momentum |car crashes. |2. 2002 FRQ # 1 Rockets and Momentum |Answer the conclusions to the Ballistic |

| | |Discuss the use of air bags and crumple zones to car |3. 2001 FRQ #2 Momentum and Projectile Motion |Pendulum lab. |

| | |safety. |2. Ballistic Pendulum Lab |Test on Chapter 7 is Tuesday 1/15 |

| | |Determine the velocity of a ball | | |

| | |fired from a ballistic pendulum. | | |

|Wednesday 1/9 |Conservation of |Answer AP style multiple choice questions related to | 1. Solve 2006 FRQ #2 (Form B) |Review and study the multiple choice |

| |Momentum |impulse, momentum, and conservation of momentum. |2. Chapter 7 multiple choice |practice questions answered in class. |

| | |Solve AP style FRQs related to impulse, momentum, and |practice in study groups. |Answer the conclusions to the Ballistic |

| | |conservation of momentum. |3. Solve chapter 7 problems in study groups with class |Pendulum Lab |

| | | |presentations | |

| | | |4. Ballistic Pendulum Lab | |

|Thursday 1/10 |Conservation of |Answer AP style multiple choice |Complete the Chapter 7 multiple choice practice. Check answers |Review and study the multiple choice |

| |Momentum |questions related to momentum and impulse. |using the key. |practice questions answered in class. |

| | |Solve FRQs related to momentum and impulse. |Answer Focus on Concepts questions on page 216 (in study groups). |Study the FRQs related to momentum and |

| | | |Check answers with the key. |impulse. |

| | | |Class Presentations Chapter 7 problems | |

|Friday |Simple Harmonic Motion |Apply Newton’s laws, Hooke’s Law, and the laws of |1. Complete class presentations. |HW – Complete the calculations and |

|1/11 |(SHM) |conservation of momentum and energy to simple harmonic |2. Simple Harmonic Motion basics ppt with directed notes. |conclusions to the SHM lab. |

| | |motion. |3. SHM Mass on a Vertical Spring Lab |Test on Chapter 7 is Tuesday 1/15 |

| | |Investigate the SHM of a mass on a vertical spring. | | |


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