I. Authorities for Preparation

a. Policies & Procedures (P&P) 261.2, dated 2/8/91

b. ARS Correspondence Manual M261.2, dated 2/8/91

c. U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual, dated March 1994, and

d. Word Division Supplement, dated 1987

e. Ordering Information

II. Official ARS Stationery

III. Copy Requirements

IV. Informal Letter or Memorandum

V. Formal Letter

VI. Controlled Correspondence

A. Report of Congressional Conversation - Form ARS-213

VII. Foreign Correspondence

A. Foreign Correspondence Dispatched to Communist-Controlled Countries

B. Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)

VIII. Electronic Communications

Authorities for Preparation:

P&P 261.2, dated 2/8/91 (afm.ars.ppweb/PDF/261.2.pdf)

ARS Correspondence Manual M-261.2 ()

U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual, dated March 1994, and

Word Division Supplement, dated 1987

Ordering Information:

United States Government Printing Office Style Manual, March 1984

(Stock No. 021-000-00120-1)

Word Division, Supplement to the United States Government Printing Office Style Manual, 1987 (Stock No. 0231-000-00139-2)

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,

Washington, DC 20402

Government Printing Office catalog web-site (w/search):

Official ARS Stationery

See attached guidelines and example of the official letterhead.

Electronic letterhead can be generated by your personal computer, but it must look exactly as the printed letterhead (, no colors, black and white.

Order printed letterhead through the Area Procurement Office, Mid South Area, Stoneville, MS.

Copy Requirements

Official File Copy - Prepare an official file copy of all memos. The official file copy may be yellow or white. If a white copy is used as the official file, it must be clearly marked or stamped as the (OFFICIAL FILE( in the upper right hand corner of the correspondence.

In the Mid South Area, we urge you to use the Yellow Official File Copy for the subject files. The yellow subject file copy is easier to locate and identify, especially with the volume of E-Mail received.

Alphabetical File Copy - Alphabetical files are optional. In the Mid South Area, we urge you to use the Pink Alphabetical File Copy. It is a good cross-reference tool to use to locate the subject file copy.

Reading Files - Reading files or chronological files are optional. If desired, keep each piece of correspondence in a folder with a fastener at the top arranged with the most current date to the top.

Coding - All copies should be coded in the upper right hand corner. Coding notation in the upper right hand corner should agree on the pink, yellow, and reading copies.

Legends - With the varying types of printers available, offices may choose a method that allows for the efficient placement of the dictator’s legend on correspondence. The ARS Correspondence Manual shows three examples. We use the following format in the Area Office:


Informal Letter or Memorandum

On the first page, top and bottom margins are about 2 inches to allow for headers and footers.

Side margins are 1 inch.

On the second and succeeding pages, top, bottom, and side margins

are one inch.



November 9, 2004

SUBJECT: Example of Informal Letter

TO: Chief O. Staff, Mid South Area Office

FROM: Ima Secretary

Executive Assistant to the Area Director

This is an example of an informal letter that is less than 10

lines. Double space memos of one paragraph (10 lines or less).

Single space the body of memos longer than one paragraph and

double space between the paragraphs.



November 9, 2004


SUBJECT:  Example of Informal Letter

TO: Chief O. Staff

Deputy Area Director

USDA, ARS, Mid South Area

P.O. Box 225

Stoneville, Mississippi 38776

FROM: Ima Secretary

Executive Assistant to the Area Director

This is an example of the informal letter using the “For Official Use Only” line. Information or records that are not for immediate public use shall be marked FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY at both the top and bottom of each page. Further instructions are contained in Directive 253.2, For Official Use Only.

Note that the top caption is typed two lines below the date. The Subject line is typed three lines (triple space) below the For Official Use Only caption.

Type the bottom caption two lines below the last line on each page. If the caption falls above the middle of the page, place it below the middle of the page flush with the left margin.


S. Y. Scientist




November 9, 2004

SUBJECT:  Example of Informal Letter with THROUGH Line

TO: Chief O. Staff

Deputy Area Director

USDA, ARS, Mid South Area

P.O. Box 225

Stoneville, Mississippi 38776

THROUGH: Head Mann, Area Director, Mid South Area

Second N. Command, Associate Director, Mid South Area

FROM: Ima Secretary

Executive Assistant to the Area Director

This is an example of the informal letter with the THROUGH line. A THROUGH line may be necessary if an official needs to concur with the memo before it is received by the addressee.

The THROUGH line is typed two lines below the last line of the TO block and the FROM line is typed two lines below the last line of the THROUGH block. Note the titles are beside the names rather than under as is customary in the SUBJECT and TO lines.

The originating office will forward the following package to the last THROUGH addressee:

a. Original, with enclosures and addressed envelope to the recipient. Prepare an envelope that is large enough to accommodate the package being sent.

b. cc: copies, with enclosures (if applicable) and addressed envelopes to the recipients.

c. Official file copy, with envelope addressed to the sender or secretary. This will be returned with a notation by the Area Office personnel as to the date the letter was mailed.

d. THROUGH copies, with enclosures (if applicable) and envelopes to the next THROUGH recipient (if applicable). Prepare an envelope that is large enough to accommodate the package being sent.

Chief O. Staff 2

This example also shows the format to use when there is a reason to break a paragraph into subparagraphs. Subparagraphs may be lettered or numbered.

Please see pages 1-7 and 2-18 of the ARS Correspondence Manual for further guidance.



November 9, 2004


SUBJECT:  Example of Informal Letter

TO: Chief O. Staff

Deputy Area Director

USDA, ARS, Mid South Area

P.O. Box 225

Stoneville, Mississippi 38776

FROM: Ima Secretary

Executive Assistant to the Area Director

This is an example of the basic informal letter. This style should be used for most daily communications of routine business within USDA and other Federal agencies.

Begin the date about two inches below the last line of the Agricultural Research Service line. Remember to triple space (two lines) after the date; double space (one line) between the Subject and To lines; double space (one line) between the To and From lines. Triple space (two lines) between the From line and the body of the memo.

Double space (one line) between paragraphs. Paragraphs are typed flush with the left margin.

When enclosures are identified in the text, type the word “Enclosure” flush with the left margin, two lines below the last line of the body of the memo. For more than one enclosure, indicate the number of enclosures.


Chief O. Staff 2


Type the second and succeeding pages of a memo on plain bond paper the same quality as the first page. Starting with the second page, type the name of the addressee exactly as it is shown on the first page, six lines or one inch from the top of the page and flush with the left margin. Type the page number on the same line flush with the right margin. Continue the text two lines below the name of the addressee. Allow side margins of one inch and bottom margins of at least one inch.

4 Enclosures:

Mid South Area Secretarial Handbook

Plain Letters Pamphlet

ARS Correspondence Manual - 2 copies


H. T. Mann

S. I. Command

S. Y. Scientist




November 9, 2004


Dr. John Doe

Research Scientist

Fish Diseases and Parasites Research

P. O. Box 222

Auburn, Alabama 33333

Dear Dr. Doe:

SUBJECT:  Example of Formal Letter

The formal letter is used for other than routine work or business transactions, when it is believed that the addressee might expect, or should receive, a more formal or personalized letter.

The style is used for communications with industry and others outside of USDA and other Federal agencies. It is also used when sending ARS employees letters of condolence, congratulations, or disciplinary actions. There are other guidelines to consider, such as the complimentary close, which is different for disciplinary actions. Refer to the Correspondence Manual for additional information.

This example shows the FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY caption.



Executive Assistant to the Area Director


Controlled Correspondence

Controlled correspondence refers to correspondence with:

Office of the Secretary of Agriculture

Office of the Administrator, ARS


Legislative Reports

White House

See the ARS Correspondence Manual for details.

Congressional Inquiries

Written replies to Congressional inquires, whether referred or by direct mail, must clear through supervisory channels to the ARS Correspondence Management Unit (CMU). Prepare a formal letter to the members of Congress using the Models of Address chapter of the ARS Correspondence Manual. SEND these letters through the Area Director with a large brown envelope addressed to:

Renee Miller

Correspondence Control Officer


Correspondence Management Unit

5601 Sunnyside Avenue, GWCC/Rm 4-2124A

Beltsville, Maryland  20705

Phone:  301-504-4517

Alternate contact is:

Claudette Shields

Management Assistant


Correspondence Management Unit

5601 Sunnyside Avenue, GWCC/Rm 4-2122A

Beltsville, Maryland  20705

Phone:  301-504-4513

Official telephone conversations between ARS employees and Members of Congress and their staff must be documented and forwarded to the ARS Legislative Staff. It is imperative that all ARS employees document Congressional conversations.

References: P&P 125.3 - Documenting Official Congressional Conversations, dated 5/20/85

ARS Form 213 - Report of Congressional Conversation


| | |

|Report of Congressional Conversation |Date of Conversation |

| | |

| |Time of Conversation |

| |

|INSTRUCTIONS: As soon as possible after completing an official conversation, prepare ARS-213 and distribute as follows: |

|(Send to the Area Office for distribution) |

| |

|Conversed with - Name and Title of Individual; Congressional Representative's Name, State, and Office Phone Number. |

| |

| |

| | |

|Employee's Name, Title, and Location |Phone No. |

| | |

| | |

| |

|Subject of the Conversation |

| |

| |

|Information Given |

| |

| |

|Action Recommended (If further action is required) |

| |


Foreign Correspondence

The P&P 263.2, “Foreign Correspondence Dispatched to Communist Controlled Countries,” has been cancelled.

There are countries, however, under U.S. embargo to which no material or correspondence may be sent without the permission of the Foreign Asset Control Board. These countries are listed on the website () for the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).

Individual ARS employees wishing to contact these countries or send material may contact the Asset Control Board, U.S. Department of Treasury, directly at 202-622-2500, fax 202-622-1657.

If an employee is unsure about communication with a country or institution, they should contact someone at OFAC for guidance.

Electronic Communications

Electronic communications are used for transmitting correspondence when speed is important.

Information transmitted electronically is subject to the records and information management requirements; i.e., P&P 251.8, Records Management.

Access the REE Administrative Issuances (Directives, P&P, etc.) website at:

(with search capability) or

(without search capability)

Forms of Address

The following list shows the address element, salutation, and complimentary close, when used, for certain addresses.

| | | |

|Addressee |Address on Letter |Salutation and Complimentary Close |

| |(Note: use DC (no periods) on the Envelope | |

| | | |


|The President |The President |Dear Mr., Madam President: |

| |The White House |Respectfully, |

| |Washington, D.C. 20500 |or The President |

| | |Respectfully submitted, |

| | | |

|Spouse of the President |Mrs. (full name) |Dear Mrs., Mr. (surname)1 |

| |The White House |Sincerely, |

| |Washington, D.C. 20500 | |

| | | |

|Assistant to the President |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. |

| |Assistant to the President | |

| | | |

|Former President2 |Formal: The Vice President |Dear Mr., Madam Vice |

| |United States Senate |President: |

| |Washington, D.C. 20510 |Sincerely, |

| |Informal:The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Madam Vice |

| |The Vice President of the |President: |

| |United States |Sincerely, |

| |Washington, D.C. 20501 | |

| | | |

|Former Vice |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. |

|President |(no title) |(surname): |

| |(local address) (ZIP code) |Sincerely, |

| | | |

|Director, Office of |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. |

|Management and |Director, Office of Management |(surname): |

|Budget |and Budget | |

| |Washington, D.C. 20503 | |

| | | |


|The Chief Justice |The Chief Justice |Dear Chief Justice: |

| |The Supreme Court |Sincerely, |

| |Washington, D.C. 20543 | |

| | | |

|Associate Justice |Justice (surname) |Dear Justice (surname): |

| |The Supreme Court |Sincerely, |

| |Washington, D.C. 20543 | |

| | | |

|The Clerk of the |The Clerk of the Supreme Court |Dear Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. |

|Supreme Court |The Supreme Court |(surname) |

| |Washington, D.C. 20543 |Sincerely, |

| | | |


|President of the |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Madam president: |

|Senate |President of the Senate |Sincerely, |

| |Washington, D.C. 20510 | |

| | | |

|Speaker of the House |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Madam Speaker: |

|of Representatives |Speaker of the House of |Sincerely, |

| |Representatives | |

| |Washington, D.C. 20515 | |

| | | |

|United States Senator |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Senator (surname): |

| |United States Senate |Sincerely, |

| |Washington, D.C. 20510 | |

| |or | |

| |The Honorable (full name) | |

| |United States Senator | |

| |(Congressional District Office | |

| |address) | |

| |(City) (State) (ZIP code) | |

| | | |

|United States |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. |

|Representative |House of Representatives |(surname): |

| |Washington, D.C. 20515 |or |

| |or |Dear Congressman, |

| |The Honorable (full name) |Congresswoman (surname): |

| |Member, United States House of |Sincerely, |

| |Representatives | |

| |(local address) (ZIP Code) | |

| | | |

|Committee Chairman |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr. Chairman: 3 |

|Chairwoman |Chairman, Committee on (name) |Madam Chairwoman: |

|Chair |United States Senate |Chair: |

| |Washington, D.C. 20510 |Sincerely, |

| |or | |

| |The Honorable (full name) | |

| |Chairman, Committee on (name) | |

| |House of Representatives | |

| |Washington, D.C. 20515 | |

| | | |

|Subcommittee Chairman |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Madam Chairman: |

| |Chairman, Committee on (name) |Sincerely, |

| |(name of parent Committee) | |

| |United States Senate | |

| |Washington, D.C. 20510 | |

| |or | |

| |The Honorable (full name) | |

| |Chairman, Subcommittee on (name) | |

| |(name of parent Committee) | |

| |House of Representatives | |

| |Washington, D.C. 20515 | |

| | | |

|Joint Committee |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Madam Chairman: |

|Chairman |Chairman, Joint Committee on |Sincerely, |

| |(name) | |

| |Congress of the United States | |

| |Washington, D.C. (ZIP code) | |

| | | |

|Senator-elect |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Senator-elect (surname) |

|Representative-elect |United States Senator-elect |Sincerely, |

| |or | |

| |Representative-elect |Dear Congressman-elect: |

| |(address, if given) or |Sincerely, |

| |Care of the United States | |

| |Senate or House of | |

| |Representatives | |

| | | |

|Office of a Deceased |Office of the late Senator4 |Sir: or Madam: |

|Senator or |(full name) |Sincerely, |

|Representative |United States Senate | |

| |Washington, D.C. 20510 | |

| |or | |

| |Office of the Late Representative | |

| |(full name) | |

| |House of Representatives | |

| |Washington, D.C. 20510 | |

| | | |

|Secretary of the |The Honorable (full name) |Dear M., Mrs., Miss, Ms. |

|United States |Secretary of the Senate |(surname): |

|Senate |United States Senate |Sincerely, |

| |Washington, D.C. 20510 | |

| | | |

|Delegate |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr. Mrs., Miss, Ms. |

| |Delegate from (name) |(surname): |

| |United States House of |Sincerely, |

| |Representatives | |

| |Washington, D.C. 20515 | |

| | | |


|Comptroller General |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. |

| |Comptroller General of |(surname): |

| |the United States |Sincerely, |

| |Washington, D.C. 20515 | |

| | | |

|Librarian of |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. |

|Congress |Librarian of Congress |(surname): |

| |Library of Congress |Sincerely, |

| |Washington, D.C. 20540 | |

| | | |

|Public Printer |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. |

| |Public Printer |(surname): |

| |U.S. Government Printing Office |Sincerely, |

| |Washington, D.C. 20401 | |

| | | |

|EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS | |Dear Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. |

|Cabinet Members |The Honorable (full name) |(surname): |

| |Deputy Secretary of (name of |Sincerely, |

| |Department) | |

| |Washington, D.C. (ZIP code) | |

| |or | |

| |The Honorable (full name) | |

| |Assistant Secretary of (name | |

| |of Department) | |

| |Washington, D.C. (ZIP code) | |

| |or | |

| |The Honorable (full name) | |

| |Under Secretary of (name of | |

| |Department) | |

| |Washington, D.C. (ZIP code) | |

| | | |

|Postmaster General |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Madam |

| |Postmaster General |Postmaster General: |

| |Washington, D.C. 20260 | |

| | | |


|American Ambassador |The Honorable (full name) |Sir: Madam: (formal) |

| |American Ambassador |Dear Mr., Madam |

| |(City) (Country) |Ambassador: (informal) |

| | |Very truly yours, |

| | |(formal) |

| | |Sincerely, (informal) |

| | | |

|Personal (Special) |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. |

|Representative of |Personal Representative of |(surname): |

|the President |the President of the |Sincerely, |

| |United States of America to | |

| |(Country) | |

| |(City) (State/Country) | |

| | | |

|American Consul |Mr. (full name) |Dear Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. |

|General or American |American Consul General (or |(surname): |

|Consul |American Consul) |Sincerely, |

| |(City) (Country) | |

| | | |


|Foreign Ambassador in |His (Her) Excellency (full name) |Excellency:(formal) |

|the United States |Ambassador of (Country) |Dear Mr., Madam |

| |Washington, D.C. (ZIP code) |Ambassador: (informal) |

| | |Very truly yours, |

| | |(formal) |

| | |Sincerely, (informal) |

| | | |

|Foreign Minister in |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Madam Minister: |

|the United States |Minister of (Country) |Sincerely, |

|(head of a Legation) |Washington, D.C. (ZIP code) | |

| | | |

|Foreign Minister |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Madam Minister: |

|Counselor in the |Minister Counselor |Sincerely, |

|United States |Embassy of (Country) | |

| |Washington, D.C. (ZIP code) | |

| | | |


|United States |The Honorable (full name) |Sir: or Madam: (formal) |

|Representative to |United States Representative to |Dear Mr., Madam |

|the United Nations |the United Nations (or Organi- |Ambassador: (informal) |

|or Organization of |zation of American States) |Very truly yours, (formal) |

|American States |(City) (State) (ZIP code) |Sincerely, (informal) |

| | | |


|Governor of State |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Governor (surname): |

| |Governor of (State) |Sincerely, |

| |(City) (State) (ZIP code) | |

| | | |

|Lieutenant Governor |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. |

| |Lieutenant Governor of (State) |(surname): |

| |(City) (State) (ZIP code) |Sincerely, |

| | | |

|State Senator |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. |

| |(State) Senate |(surname): |

| |(City) (State) (ZIP code) |Sincerely, |

| | | |

|State Representative |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. |

|Assemblyman |(State) House of |(surname): |

|Delegate |Representatives (or Assembly |Sincerely, |

| |or house of Delegates) | |

| |(City) (State) (ZIP code) | |

| | | |

|Mayor |The Honorable (full name) |Dear Mayor (surname): |

| |Mayor of (City) |Sincerely, |

| |(City) (State) (ZIP code) | |

1i.e., last name.

2Use the Honorable unless the former President is entitled to another distinctive title (for example, military) and prefers to be addressed by it. For example, General (full name); Dear General (surname).

3Dear Mr. Chairman is most commonly used; however, Madam Chairwoman and Chair are options.

4If the name of the late Senator(s secretary or administrative assistant is known, the letter may be addressed to that person by name.


➢ Letterhead: Be sure the letterhead is appropriate for the signer.

➢ Always use title (Dr., Mr., Mrs., Ms.) on letters.

➢ No not abbreviate State name in the inside address. Always show the zip code in the address.

➢ Do not use titles on the TO: line in memos (To: Dr. John Doe – no acceptable).

➢ Double space the body of letters of one paragraph, 10 lines or less. Single space the body of letters longer than one paragraph.

➢ Acronyms: The first time referring to a word to be abbreviated, write it out with the acronym following in parentheses. For example, Agricultural Research Service (ARS); fiscal year (FY).

➢ Federal Government – always capitalized.

➢ State is capitalized when referring to States in the United States (State of Maryland; State, Federal, local). Do not capitalize when used in a general sense (state of mind; a foreign state).

➢ Dates – a comma is needed after the year when you have the complete date in a sentence (In your letter dated April 22, 2003, you requested information. . . . . ). When only month and year are used in a sentence, no commas are used (April 2004).

➢ Agency is capitalized when referring to our Agency (ARS). When referring to other agencies, put in lower case.

➢ ARS’ (not ARS’s) when showing possession.

➢ We do not use “the Department” in outgoing correspondence. The USDA acronym is to be used.

➢ Comma (,) before “and” when there is a series of three (time, money, and measurement).

➢ Keep time together on same line – 12:15 p.m., not 12:15


➢ “Agencywide” is one word, not “Agency wide”

➢ Try to avoid typing part of a personal name at end of sentence. If you must divide name, title, first name, and middle initial should be on the same line.

➢ We are the Agricultural Research Service, not the Agriculture Research Service

➢ Period and other punctuation goes inside the quotation marks. For example: David was walking down the street and said, “I am tired.”


United States Department of Agriculture

Research, Education and Economics

Agricultural Research Service

National Sedimentation Laboratory

598 McElroy Drive

P.O. Box 1157, Oxford, Mississippi 38655

Voice: 662 232-2901 lð FAX: 662 232-2915 lð E-mail: isecretary@arλ FAX: 662 232-2915 λ E-mail: isecretary@ars.

United States Department of Agriculture

Research, Education and Economics

Agricultural Research Service

National Sedimentation Laboratory

598 McElroy Drive

P.O. Box 1157, Oxford, Mississippi 38655

Voice: 662 232-2901 λ FAX: 662 232-2915 λ E-mail: isecretary@ars.

United States Department of Agriculture

Research, Education and Economics

Agricultural Research Service

National Sedimentation Laboratory

598 McElroy Drive

P.O. Box 1157, Oxford, Mississippi 38655

Voice: 662 232-2901 λ FAX: 662 232-2915 λ E-mail: isecretary@ars.

United States Department of Agriculture

Research, Education and Economics

Agricultural Research Service

National Sedimentation Laboratory

598 McElroy Drive

P.O. Box 1157, Oxford, Mississippi 38655

Voice: 662 232-2901 λ FAX: 662 232-2915 λ E-mail: isecretary@ars.

United States Department of Agriculture

Research, Education and Economics

Agricultural Research Service

National Sedimentation Laboratory

598 McElroy Drive

P.O. Box 1157, Oxford, Mississippi 38655

Voice: 662 232-2901 λ FAX: 662 232-2915 λ E-mail: isecretary@ars.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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