Lesson Plan for UAB Observation #1

Teacher: Pam Stanley Grade: K School: Carlisle

Date: July 18, 2014 Start Time: 8:30 End Time: 9:15

Number of Students:8 Number of ELLs: 5 Names of NEPs: 1 maybe 2

Other aspects worth mentioning:

UAB’s SIOP Lesson Plan 12/18/07

Subject: Math

Unit Theme: Counting

Lesson Topic: Counting 1 to 5, One to one correspondence of numbers to objects


|(broad goals on which objectives are based) |(what students will learn during this 45-minute lesson) |

| |SWBAT |

|Al Alabama COSK. 4.) Understand the relationship between numbers and |Content Objective(s): Academic Achievement |

|quantities; connect counting to cardinality. [K-CC4] |How ELLs are expected to (partially) meet the AL COS: |

| |1. Students will identify the numbers 1-5 |

|a. When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, |2. Students will show the numbers 1-5 using manipulatives. |

|pairing each object (s) with one and only one number name and each number |(3) Students will recognize that objects represent the number they count. |

|name with one or more objects. [K-CC4a] | |

| | |

|b. Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects | |

|counted. The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement | |

|or the order in which they were counted. [K-CC4b] | |

| | |

|c. Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is| |

|one larger. [K-CC4c] | |

|TESOL Standards [Underline the targeted standard(s)] |Language Objective(s): Academic Language |

|ELLs will use English to: |To meet the content objective(s), ELLs will learn to use English in one or more of |

|#1—Communicate for social, intercultural & instructional purposes within |the following ways: discourse functions, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and/or|

|the school setting; and/or |skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing): |

|#3—Communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic |1. Students will count the numbers 1-5 in their second language. |

|success in the content area of math. |2. Students will say the numbers as they use Gummi Bears to represent the number |

| |counted. |

SEQUENCE (Order of activities planned for this 45-minute lesson)

The actual amount of numbered points may vary. This depends on the amount of different activities that are planned.

BEGINNING (5 to 10 minutes)

MOTIVATION or “hook” activity

1. The teacher will begin by showing a stuffed bear and ask the students if they know the animal she is holding.

2. The teacher will allow students to continue the discussion by asking them to turn and talk to a partner about a stuffed animal that they may have.

3. The teacher will explain that they will be learning to count using Gummi bears.

4. The teacher will read the book The Gummi Bear Counting Book.

5. As the book is read, the teacher will place teddy bear cut outs with corresponding numbers on them, on the board.

6. After the story is read the students will review the bears on the board by counting the numbers aloud. (Vocabulary: count, numbers, bear).

MIDDLE (If this takes longer than expected, skip certain parts in order to review during the last 5 minutes.)

PRESENTATION of new knowledge and/or skills

7. The teacher will explain that each student will get a bag that has 5 Gummi Bears in it.

8. The teacher will instruct students to not eat the Gummi bears until the lesson is complete.

9. The teacher will hand out bear cut outs and show the student that they each have a different number on them.

10. The teacher will begin the game by calling out numbers 1-5. As each number is called, the student must find the bear with the correct number on it and count out the correct number of Gummi bears.

11. The teacher will continue until all numbers have been called.

PRACTICE/APPLICATION of new knowledge and/or skills

12. The teacher will model the activity and give explicit directions before the students begin playing in groups.

13. The teacher will allow the students to experiment by counting and playing the game in small groups

END (final 5 minutes)


14. Teacher will assess student learning by walking around and monitoring group activity.

15. At the end of the lesson, the teacher will review the objectives and tell students that they learned to count using objects (bears) to represent numbers.

16. The teacher will count out bears and have students hold up the correct cut out bear with the number on it.


17. The lesson can be extended by having students work with partners on the Race toTrace game that is in their folder.

18. Students who are still struggling with the concept of one to one correspondence of numbers can be paired with a partner that is proficient at the task.

Now list and/or explain how this lesson plan will meet each of the 8 SIOP components and their features:

I. PREPARATION: List and/or explain how you plan to do the following

Content Objectives & Language Objectives (students’ oral interaction): Objectives will be written on the board and identified by the teacher before the lesson begins. The teacher will read the objectives and have students repeat what she says. Since the students are entering kindergarten the objectives may be even more simplified as they repeat them.

Appropriate Content Concepts: Content selected from course objectives, Alabama Course of Study, TESOL

Supplementary Materials needed: Plastic bags, cut out bear patterns, Gummi bear candy, book Gummi Bear Counting Book, stuffed bear, folder’s containing Race to Trace game, expo markers, sock (eraser).

Ideas for Content Accommodations: role play activity, Bilingual students can act as interpreters for non-English speaking students.

Meaningful Activities planned: Whole group presentation of the book Gummi Bear Counting Book, Small group activities planned around counting with Gummi bears. Peer to peer interaction as game is being played.

II. INSTRUCTION: Give names of specific techniques for each feature & explain how you plan to do them.

These 6 components are not in a fixed order. They occur in a cyclical manner, often simultaneously, throughout a SIOP lesson.


Links to Students’ Cultural Backgrounds: Discussion on what kind of favorite stuffed animal they may have at their house. The teacher may also count in the student’s L1.

Links to Students’ Prior Knowledge: counting from 1-5 orally

Key Vocabulary emphasized (visible, oral, interaction): bear, number, count


Appropriate Speech: slowed pace, break tasks into subtasks

Academic Tasks Explained Clearly: Demonstrated and modeled by teacher, examples given.

Techniques to Clarify Content Concepts: peer to peer discussion, partner checks, whole group questioning, teacher monitoring of language use during lesson.


Opportunities for Students to Use Strategies: group activities designed to check learning, activity designed to use new vocabulary.

Scaffolding Techniques: Counting songs, whole group activities to introduce concepts, manipulatives for reinforcement of concepts.

Question Types to promote higher-order thinking: Is it important to count numbers in order? Why? Is it important to know the names of number? Why?


( Meaningful Interactive Peer-to-peer Oral Techniques (name at least 4 different IPOTs): Turn and Talk, Singing counting songs, Using manipulatives to represent amounts, matching cut outs with correct number of candy, race to trace counting game.

( Multiple grouping configurations—pairs & new pairs (name the IPOTs), triads, groups, full class: Whole group (discussion and teacher led instruction), small group (counting gummi bears and matching numbers), multi-ability grouping

Sufficient wait time: teacher gives ample time for students to respond and process instructions, time to stop and discuss with a partner.

Clarification of key concepts in L1 (if needed): turn and talk to a partner in L1, clarification of vocabulary in L1 (if needed).


Hands-on materials to practice new concepts: Gummi Bear candy, chart to graph colored gummi bears, crayons, cut-outs of gummi bears, pencils

Activities to apply content and language knowledge:

(Activities that integrate all 4 language skills (list below after the following feature) ****

Ample opportunities to practice each of 4 literacy domains (list several activities after each skill):

Listening: Whole group instruction, small group interactions, listening to book about counting.

Speaking: turn and talk about a favorite stuffed animal, talk about numbers they have learned, count with a partner.

Reading: Reading objectives with teacher, reading numbers on cut out bears.

Writing: tracing numbers in the Race to Trace game.


Support of content objectives: manipulatives, gummi bears for counting, cut outs with numbers

Support of language objectives: use of vocabulary through reading, writing, listening, and speaking

All students engaged 90% of time: multiple activities, multiple grouping, movement and meaningful activities.

Appropriate pacing: sufficient wait time, breaks into subtasks, ample time to complete activities, ample time to review the concepts learned. Extension activities planned.

III. REVIEW/ASSESSMENT: Give names of specific techniques for each feature & explain how you plan to do them

Review of key vocabulary and language: Key vocabulary will be posted and reviewed throughout the lesson.

Review of key content concepts: students will review counting concepts by using manipulatives, and matching correct number of items with correct numbers.

Ongoing feedback to students regarding language production and the application of new content concepts:

Formal & informal assessment of student progress (formative & summative) in meeting lesson objectives: The teacher will rotate around the room to make sure students are engaged and are understanding concepts. The teacher will monitor language as students work in groups. The teacher will provide direction and support throughout the lesson.


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