To Kill A Mockingbird - Mrs. Macomber's Class

To Kill A Mockingbird Novel Questions- Part II

Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences and remember to capitalize proper nouns (names of people and places) and the first word of each sentence.

Points will be deducted each time these directions are not followed.


When asked to provide evidence from the novel, be sure to use MLA citation:

“Place the author’s words in quotation marks like this” (45).

• Place the page number in parentheses (do NOT put any letters before the numbers in the citation).

• Notice the punctuation for the quotation goes AFTER the citation.


Chapter 12

1. Scout notices that Jem, who has turned 12 at the beginning of Chapter 12, has changed. Describe how Jem is different. How has the relationship between the siblings changed?

2. What do Scout and Jem notice about the way that Calpurnia talks when she is among other African Americans at church? How does Calpurnia explain the difference? Do Scout and Jem approve of the way she talks to other African Americans?

3. How does the woman named Lula react when she sees Scout and Jem arrive at the First Purchase Church with Calpurnia? Why do you think she reacts as she does? How do the other congregants of First Purchase react to Scout and Jem’s presence?

4. Why does Reverend Sykes order the doors of the church shut?

5. Why does the congregation sing hymns by “lining?”

Chapters 13 & 14

6. What evidence is there in this chapter that Jem is continuing to try to live up to the idea of “being a gentleman”? Give evidence using MLA citation.

7. What evidence is there that Scout continues to resist the idea of being a “proper lady”? Give evidence using MLA citation.

8. What does Aunt Alexandra request that Atticus try to convey to the children?

9. How does Atticus respond to Alexandra’s suggestion that they don’t need Calpurnia anymore?

Chapter 15

10. After Atticus leaves the house at night, where do the children find him? What is he doing?

11. After Scout talks to Mr. Cunningham about Walter and the entailment of his farm, what does he do?

12. What had Mr. Underwood been doing at this time?


Chapter 16

13. How does Atticus explain “mobs” to the children?

14. What is Maudie’s reaction to everyone wanting to go to the trial?

15. What news does Scout overhear about Atticus defending Tom Robinson? Does it give her any comfort? Why or why not?

16. According to Jem, how does their society define who is black? How does he answer Scout when she asks how to tell whether or not someone is black? What does Jem’s answer suggest about the meaning of race?

17. With whom do the children sit in the courtroom?

Chapters 17 & 18

18. What question does Atticus ask the sheriff three times?

19. What does Atticus lead Sheriff Tate to remember about Mayella Ewell’s black eye?

20. Explain what Atticus is attempting to show by asking Mr. Ewell to write something.

21. Why is Judge Taylor upset about the language that Bob Ewell uses to answer the lawyers’ questions? Does Mr. Ewell use code-switching? What does his language suggest about how Harper Lee intends the reader to view the Ewells?

22. Why does Mayella think Atticus is mocking her?

23. Compare and contrast the description of the Ewells’ home and the black neighborhood nearby. What similarities do you notice? What differences? What conclusions might Harper Lee want the reader to draw about the Ewells and the black families who live nearby based on the descriptions of where and how they live?

24. What alternative account of the events of November 21 is Atticus suggesting took place when he asks Mayella, “What did your father see in the window, the crime of rape or the best defense of it”? Does he have sufficient evidence for this suggestion?

Chapters 19 & 20

25. Identify what Tom says Mayella did to him while he was A. standing on the chair, B. after he got off the chair, and C. afterward.




26. What are the unwritten rules about race that Mr. Gilmer attempts to get Tom to break? Does he succeed? What parts of Tom’s testimony would have offended jurors who supported the laws and customs of segregated society?

27. How does Atticus speak to Tom Robinson differently from the way Mr. Gilmer does? Cite specific examples from the text, using MLA format, that show the difference.

28. How does Mr. Raymond explain his pretense about drinking?

29. During Atticus’s closing speech to the jury, he states, “This case is as simple as black and white.” Explain the double meaning of this statement.

30. What, according to Atticus, is the one thing in the country that makes everyone equal?

Chapters 21 & 22

31. How do the adults in this chapter respond to Jem’s confidence that Atticus has won the case? What do they understand that Jem does not?

32. What is Atticus’s response to Alexandra’s attempt to say the children shouldn’t have witnessed the trial?

33. What does Miss Maudie say about Atticus’s ability to have kept the jury out for so long?

34. What had Bob Ewell done to Atticus?

Chapter 23-24

35. How does Atticus explain the fact that women can’t serve on juries in Alabama?

36. How does Atticus explain his decision to have allowed Mr. Cunningham to sit on the jury?

37. What conclusion does Jem come to about Boo Radley?

38. What is Miss Stephanie’s advice to Scout about becoming a lady?

39. What news does Atticus bring about Tom Robinson?

40. How does Atticus explain what Tom did?

41. What evidence do these chapters provide that both Scout and Jem have become more mature in their understanding of the world? How has the way that they understand the differences between people changed from the beginning of the novel?

Chapters 25-27

42. What does Mr. Underwood say in his editorial?

43. What conclusion does Scout come to about Tom after reading Mr. Underwood’s article?

44. How does Miss Gates explain why Hitler is able to treat Jews so poorly in Germany? What irony is exposed in her explanation? What is she forgetting or ignoring? Why do you think Harper Lee chose to include this current events lesson in the novel? What point was she making?

45. Why does Judge Taylor have a shotgun on his lap when his wife comes home from church?

46. Why was Helen Robinson walking a mile out of her way to get to her job?

47. What do Atticus’s beliefs about the possible threat that Bob Ewell poses to him suggest about Atticus’s outlook on the world?

Chapter 28

48. Find words and phrases that help create the mood in this chapter. How does the mood of the story change from the Halloween pageant to the walk home? How does the change in mood affect how the reader experiences the attack on Jem and Scout?

49. How does Scout know the body she touches is not Jem’s?

50. What, according to Dr. Reynolds, is Jem’s condition?

51. What news does Sheriff Tate give Atticus?

Chapter 29-31

52. According to the Sheriff, what kind of man was Bob Ewell?

53. When Scout points to the man who saved Jem and looks at him closely, what does she realize? What does she do and say?

54. Who does Atticus think killed Bob Ewell?

55. What does the Sheriff say about Bob Ewell’s death?

56. After Scout takes Boo home, what makes her sad?

57. As Scout tells Atticus the story of the Gray Ghost, what does she say about Stoner’s Boy? What is Atticus’s response?

OVERALL NOVEL QUESTIONS. Each of these questions requires you to think deeply to show you are understanding the novel and are therefore each worth 2 points. Write detailed responses to earn these points.

58. The mockingbird symbol recurs often in this novel. Who are the mockingbirds in this novel? Explain your thinking.

59. How does Scout demonstrate that she has taken to heart Atticus’s advice about seeing things from others’ perspectives? Explain your thinking.

60. Who is most responsible for the injustices that Tom Robinson and his family endure in To Kill a Mockingbird? Explain your thinking.

61. Do you think there is a hero in To Kill a Mockingbird? If so, who is it? Explain your thinking.


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