Alabama Physical Therapy Association

Fill in the highlighted spaces below with the appropriate information. Delete the highlighted portions. Copy and paste document into the body of your email and send to your State Senator and Representatives.Dear Senator/Representative ?????,My name is Your Name, and your constituent living in Town or County that you live. I am writing to inform you of an agreed-upon, noncontroversial bill that will be re-introduced this year into the Health Committee. Before the pandemic brought the 2020 legislative session to a halt, this bill passed the Senate Health Committee unanimously. If passed, this bill will allow your constituents (including you and me) greater access to physical therapy services for their healthcare needs. This change is beneficial for everyone and addresses many challenges facing the people of Alabama (i.e. easier access to Covid 19 recovery services, lack of rural healthcare options, the opioid crisis, and high healthcare costs). I ask you to support the Physical Therapy Access bill and vote yes.Sincerely,Your Name ................

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