RCSD Mission - Schoolwires

Home of the 4716 Old Seale HighwaySeale, AL 36875334-468-5604 (Phone)334-855-4487 (Fax)Russell County Middle SchoolStudent Handbook2018-2019685800104775RUSSELL COUNTY MIDDLE SCHOOL 4716 Old Seale HighwaySeale, Alabama 36875(334)468-5637 Phone (334) 855-4487 FaxHome of the Warriors00RUSSELL COUNTY MIDDLE SCHOOL 4716 Old Seale HighwaySeale, Alabama 36875(334)468-5637 Phone (334) 855-4487 FaxHome of the Warriors047625191452541910Alison WaldropPrincipal00Alison WaldropPrincipal177800101600Colethea DavisAssistant PrincipalColethea DavisAssistant Principal430530038100Hank AustinAssistant PrincipalHank AustinAssistant PrincipalAugust 2, 2018Dear Russell County Middle School Family, Our mission is to engage students in quality learning experiences that will prepare them for success in college, career and life.The dedicated staff at Russell County Middle School is committed to providing students with a safe learning environment. Russell County Middle School students, faculty and parents are asked to follow procedures to ensure that our students are safe, happy and thriving both academically as well as socially.The middle school years are an impressionable time for students, and we at RCMS encourage our students to follow the Warrior Way...B.R.A.V.E.B - Believe in Self. Be proactive and accountable.R - Respectful and Responsible. Listen, seek first to understand and then to be understood, work together/cooperate.A - Attentive: Attention to details; for yourself, others and your environment.V - Values and Vigilant: Maintain high expectations, prepare, prioritize and persevereE - Excellence: Plan with a purpose and goal, begin with the end in mind.We at Russell County Middle School believe that communication is extremely important to any successful organization. Our website is updated frequently. Our faculty and staff are available to answer your questions or address any concerns. Please feel free to call the front office to make an appointment. As Principal, it is my goal that our students be first in everything we do. Every improvement made to our facility, every decision made is for the children. My heartfelt desire is for Russell County Middle School to be the threshold for your child’s future success.Sincerely,Alison WaldropRCSD Vision Statement-104774000Inspire, Empower, and Educate with ExcellenceRCSD MissionEngage students in quality learning experiences that will prepare them for success in college, career, and life. PhilosophyAll students can learn. All students can develop a positive self-image. All students learn in different ways and should be provided with a variety of instructional approaches to support their learning. All students learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process.Teachers, administrators, parents and the community share the responsibility of achieving our school’s mission. RCMS Vision:Develop inquisitive, enthusiastic lifelong learners.RCMS Mission:Ignite the love for purposeful learning through maintaining high expectations for students, teachers and all stakeholders to prepare each student to be successful contributing members in the global society.695325110490RUSSELL COUNTY MIDDLE SCHOOL4716 Old Seale HighwaySeale, Alabama 36875(334) 468-5637 Phone (334) 855-4487 FaxHome of the Warriors00RUSSELL COUNTY MIDDLE SCHOOL4716 Old Seale HighwaySeale, Alabama 36875(334) 468-5637 Phone (334) 855-4487 FaxHome of the Warriors047625192405047624Allison WaldropPrincipal00Allison WaldropPrincipal190500114300Colethea DavisAssistant PrincipalColethea DavisAssistant Principal431800050800Hank AustinAssistant PrincipalHank AustinAssistant PrincipalAugust 2, 2018Dear Parents: We are pleased to notify you that in accordance with the Every Child Succeed Act of 2015, you have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s teacher. Specifically, you may request the following: ● Whether the teacher has met State qualification and licensingcriteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction. ● Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or otherprovisional status through which State qualification or licensingcriteria has been waived. ● The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any othergraduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree. ● Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications. If you would like to receive this information, please complete the top portion of the enclosed form, and return the form to your child’s school. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact Dr. Mesha Patrick at 334-408-4952 ext 89971, and she will be happy to assist you.Sincerely,Alison Waldropleft238125Parent and Family EngagementDescribe how the school will convene an annual meeting to inform parents of the school's participation in Title I and explain Title I requirements, including the 1% set-aside, and the right of parents involved. (Sec. 1116(c)(1)) RCMS conducts an annual School/Community Title I meeting. The meeting is held in August in conjunction with Open House, and is normally scheduled in the evening when most parents are able to attend. The purpose of this meeting is to inform parents about the Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP), as well as the requirements and offerings of the Title I Program. A PowerPoint displaying key elements of the CIP, as well as an overview of how our school is eligible to participate in Title I; the Title I Budget and the 1% set-aside; and the parents' right to be involved in the development of the CIP and School-Parent Compact is projected as each component is explained. In addition to the school's curriculum, student assessments, and student expectations for success being communicated, the following are also discussed: parents' right to be involved in decisions regarding their child's education, volunteer opportunities, and how to access the Parents Right to Know form. Additionally, the Continuous Improvement Plan will be distributed at the beginning of the school year in the Student Handbook along with the Parental Involvement Plan and School-Parent Compact.Describe: 1) How there will be a flexible number and format of parent meetings offered, such as meetings in the morning or evening, and may provide, with funds provided under this part, transportation, child care, or home visits, as such services relate to parental involvement; 2) How parents will be involved in the planning, review and improvement of the Title I Program (Note: State the school's process for how all Title I parents have the opportunity for involvement in decision-making.); and 3) How funds allocated for parent involvement are being used in the school. (Sec. 1116(c)(2)(3)) 1) Parental involvement is very important at RCMS. Parent attendance for the annual community meeting is encouraged along with other meetings that are held. Various methods of communication are used to inform parents of the meetings including newsletters, telephone calls, letters, bulletin boards, social media and public postings. Title I meetings will be conducted to inform parents of school programs and needs. Parent workshops are offered to help support learning and discipline. Meetings are held alternately in morning and evening sessions allowing flexibility for parental attendance. 2) RCMS has a Title I Parent Advisory Committee. This committee meets annually to decide how to spend the parent portion of the Title I budget. Parent representatives also attend annual CIP Committee work session meetings in which they actively participate in the review of the plan, as well as the decision-making process in regards to use of parent involvement funds. Parent Surveys are also conducted annually, allowing parents an opportunity to be involved in planning by communicating their perceptions of the school's achievements, parental involvement initiatives, and suggestions for school improvement. Input from all parents is sought during meetings, and they are actively involved in the revision of the Parental Involvement Plan and the School Compact. 3) RCMS uses funds allocated for parental involvement to cover expenses for parent contact & communication materials, parenting workshops, and parenting newsletters, as well as events and activities to support the parenting program. The school also uses its portion of the LEA reservation funds to enhance parental support and training of parents of at-risk students. These funds may also be used to secure guest speakers to address parents at workshops and trainings, as well as supplemental training materials.Describe how the school provides parents of participating children timely information in a uniform format and, to the extent practicable in a language they can understand, about programs under Title I, a description and explanation of the curriculum in use, forms of academic assessments, and achievement expectations used, and, if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and participate as appropriate in decisions related to the education of their children. (Sec. 1116(c)(4)(A)(B)(C)) RCMS promotes and supports parental involvement. Along with the Title I meetings, annual Open House, Parent Night, and regularly scheduled PTO meetings, the school develops and distributes a parent/student handbook to provide positive, practical information about the school and its programs. The handbook provides clear information regarding course expectations, school activities, student services, and optional programs during parenting day sessions. During Open House and Parent Night, parents visit their child's classroom and receive more information from the teacher concerning classroom assessments. The school provides valuable information to parents in the monthly school newsletter. The services of our Parent Specialist are enlisted to establish workshops and programs that are helpful to parents. The school's assigned English Learner (EL) Teacher attends meetings and schedules appointments with parents of EL students to ensure understanding of their rights to involvement, as well as to ensure understanding of the extent of their child's participation in and performance on assessments. Trans Act is also used to translate school correspondence to be sure parents are informed of school happenings in their native language.Describe how parents, the school staff, and students share responsibility for improved student academic achievement for participating students (How the School-Parent Compact is jointly developed with Title I parents; how it is used, reviewed, and updated). (Sec.1116 (d))RCMS uses the School-Parent Compact that has been developed to build and foster a school-parent partnership to help all children meet the State's high standards. The compact is reviewed annually by the Advisory Committee, which includes parents, and is revised as needed to meet grade level and school needs in sharing responsibility for improved student academic achievement. The compact will remain in the classroom to be used by the teacher in working with parents and students. It is the desire of our school that all of these individuals share the responsibility for improved student achievement, as well as a shared commitment to the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help all students meet or exceed proficiency on state academic content standards. Describe procedures to allow parents to submit comments of dissatisfaction with the Continuous Improvement Plan. (Sec. 1116(c)(5)) RCMS makes every effort to ensure that parents are full partners in the decisions that affect both children and families. Parents are included on all decision-making and advisory committees. Adequate training is provided for such areas as policy, curriculum, budget, school reform initiatives, safety, and personnel. Parental concerns are handled with respect and consideration. Parents are invited to visit the school and classrooms to help achieve greater school involvement. Parents are made aware of up-coming events through the monthly newsletters, social media, school cast, and the school website. The Parental Involvement Plan, which is included in the Student Handbook, is distributed to parents for review. After reviewing the plan, concerns and questions may be forwarded to the principal or committee members for consideration. Annual Parent Surveys also provide an opportunity for parents to submit comments. Describe how the school will build capacity for parental involvement including how parents will be encouraged to become equal partners in the education of their children? (See ESSA Sec. 1116, requirements for building capacity and parental and family engagement.) To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement, our school: Shall provide materials and training to help parents to work with their children to improve their children's achievement, such as literacy training and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental involvement. (Describe)RCMS conducts an annual Title I Parent Meeting in August each year, as well as Open House and Parent Night. Information concerning the school's Continuous Improvement Plan and Title I Plan is discussed. During the Open House and Parent Night sessions parents meet with individual classroom teachers. The teachers explain the function and content of student assessments within the classroom. During the school term, parents may schedule conferences to discuss individual results. Workshops are conducted throughout the school year and parents receive information on how to monitor their child's progress through various methods such as progress reports, report cards, Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) scores, and INOW.Describe how the school will build capacity for parental involvement including how parents will be encouraged to become equal partners in the education of their children? (See ESSA Sec. 1116, requirements for building capacity in parental involvement.) To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement, our school: Shall educate teachers, office personnel, and other school staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and the school. (Describe) RCMS will utilize the services provided by the Parent Specialist. The Parent Specialist will conduct workshops geared toward helping parents formulate a plan to ensure the success of their child/children. The school also provides a resource center that is accessible to parents and family members. Information and resource materials are provided in the resource center. The school will link parents to programs and resources within the community that provide family support services. The Parent Liaison will meet with parents to discuss the needs of students.Describe how the school will build capacity for parental involvement including how parents will be encouraged to become equal partners in the education of their children? (See ESSA Sec 1116, requirements for building capacity in parental involvement.) To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement, our school: Shall to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parent involvement programs and activities with other federal programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children.(Describe) The staff of RCMS places great emphasis on the importance of parental involvement. Parents are encouraged to visit the school/classrooms as the need arises. The administrative staff is available to offer assistance. The continual development of the staff to recognize the value and utility of contributions of parents is accomplished through faculty meetings and grade level meetings. Teachers will assign homework that will encourage students to discuss and interact with their parents about what they are learning in class.RCMS constantly communicates with the parents, keeping them informed of scheduled events. This is accomplished through the monthly newsletter, notices sent home with students, the school website, social media, phone calls, the use of local communication systems, and Trans Act's translated letters for parents who speak other languages. Describe how the school will build capacity for parental involvement including how parents will be encouraged to become equal partners in the education of their children? (See ESSA Sec. 1116, requirements for building capacity in parental involvement.) To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement, our school: Shall provide such other reasonable support for parental involvement activities as parents may request. (Describe)RCMS makes every effort to maintain an atmosphere that allows parents to feel comfortable when addressing their concerns. Parent surveys are sent home to be completed annually so that any issues or concerns may be communicated and addressed. Describe how the school will ensure the provision for participation of parents and family members (including parents and family members who have limited English proficiency, parents and family members with disabilities, and parents and family members of migratory children), including providing information and school reports required under section 1111 in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language such parents understand. (See ESSA Sec. 1117(f)) RCMS has an English Learner (EL) teacher who regularly communicates with parents to inform them of daily events and activities. The EL teacher translates, in written form, any school reports that are sent home. The EL teacher places phone calls to parents to update them on their child's progress and relays any messages or concerns of the parents to the classroom teacher. RCMS strives to maintain a facility that is accessible to all persons, to include parents with disabilities. Individual student assessment results will be explained to parents by the EL teacher during parent conferences. Parents will then be able to ask any questions about the tests they do not understand. Teachers will be trained in test interpretation so they can answer any questions asked by parents. The school principal and the counselor are also available to discuss the tests and other academic concerns with parents, including parents with disabilities and parents of migratory students. Each year group test results are discussed during Parent Night at the beginning of the year. Follow-up individual conferences with parents are held with the EL and homeroom teacher. 80962557150RUSSELL COUNTY MIDDLE SCHOOL 4716 Old Seale HighwaySeale, Alabama 36875(334) 468-5637 (334) 855-4487 Fax“Home of the Warriors”00RUSSELL COUNTY MIDDLE SCHOOL 4716 Old Seale HighwaySeale, Alabama 36875(334) 468-5637 (334) 855-4487 Fax“Home of the Warriors”\sSCHOOL-PARENT COMPACTThe Russell County Middle School, and the parents of the students participating in activities, services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A of the ESSA ( Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015) agree that this compact outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards.This school-parent compact is in effect during school year 2018-2019.School ResponsibilitiesThe Russell County Middle School will:Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the participating children to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards as follows:By following the Alabama Course of Study for each of the courses selected by studentsCollaborating with A+ College and Career Laying the Foundations/E3, ARI (Alabama Reading Initiative) and Strategic lesson planning, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineers, Mathematics, and AMSTI (Alabama Math, Science, Technology Initiative) programsMaintaining a high-quality curriculum for students by collaborating on lessons and mitted to hiring highly qualified staff members to deliver the curriculum.Providing mentoring to support teachersParticipating in Professional Development to enhance daily performanceUtilizing technology educational tools to promote and enhance deeper learning with student centered and interactive lessons.Forming partnerships with community organizations such as the Sheriff’s Office, Child Advocacy Center, CVCC, Auburn University, Troy University Providing a safe, drug free environment conducive for learning including anti-bullying, character education, red ribbon programsHold parent-teacher conferences (at least annually in elementary schools) during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement. Specifically, those conferences will be held:Parent-teacher conferences are to be arranged by either the parent or teacher to be held during the teacher’s prep period, school parent teacher conference days and/or before or after school based on teacher/parent availability.Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress. Specifically, the school will provide reports as follows:Student progress reports will be completed by all teachers every 4 ? weeks, and a report card issued every nine (9) weeks.Provide parents reasonable access to staff. Specifically, staff will be available for consultation with parents as follows:Parents will have access to staff during teacher prep periods with twenty-four (24) hour notification.Parents have access to school and teacher email addresses from the school and/or district website so quick contact can be made as well as school wide and grade level remind communication is utilized for announcements. Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and to observe classroom activities, as follows:Teachers and parents will work together to arrange for volunteer opportunities and classroom observations. Parents will give a twenty-four, (24), hour notice to the teachers and make arrangements with team teacher, team leader and Counselors or Administrators.Ensure regular two-way, meaningful communication between family members and school staff, and, to the extent practicable, in a language that family members can understand.When needed, RCMS will provide information in the parent’s native language using TransACT and/or have an interpreter during conferences. Individual student assessment results will be explained to non-English speaking parents by the ELL teacher or bilingual staff during parent conference.Parent ResponsibilitiesWe, as parents, will support our children’s learning in the following ways:Knowing and supporting the rules, procedures, and responsibilities explained in the student handbook.Monitoring attendance.Making sure that homework is completed.Monitoring amount of time students spend on watching television, playing video games, using the cell phone, etc.Volunteering in my child’s school.Participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to my children’s education.Staying informed about my child’s education and communicating with the school by promptly reading all notices from the school or the school district either received by my child or by mail and responding, as appropriate. Serving, to the extent possible, on advisory groups, such as Title I advisory committees and parental involvement committees.Maintaining communication with the school and ensuring updated contact information.Student Responsibilities (revise as appropriate to grade level)We, as students, will share the responsibility to improve our academic achievement and achieve the State’s high standards. Specifically, we will:Attend school regularly with all necessary tools for plete assigned work and seek help when needed.Be respectful, responsible, and resourceful at all times.Report all issues and problems to an adult on campus.Observe regular study habits.Give to my parents or the adult who is responsible for my welfare all notices and information received by me from my school every day.Be aware and follow the rules, procedures and responsibilities explained and set forth in the student handbook. Utilize my planner to get organized and as a means of communication between my parents and teachers. _____________________________ ________________________ _____________________ Principal Parent(s) Student_____August 2, 2018___________ ________________________ ____________________ Date Date DateARRIVAL & ATTENDANCE Arrival & Dismissal ScheduleStudents should not arrive on campus before 8:00 a.m. and they should be off campus NO LATER than 4:00 p.m. every school day unless the student is participating in a school-sponsored activity supervised by a member of the RCMS faculty. Our school day begins at 8:25 a.m. and any student arriving after that time will be counted as tardy and MUST report to the office with a parent/guardian to check in before going to class.Assembly Programs/Visiting GuestsSpecial assembly programs are scheduled throughout the year. Assembly programs will be held either in the gymnasium or in the cafeteria. Students are expected to be orderly and courteous while going to and from the assembly program, as well as, during the assembly program. Remember, speakers are guests of Russell County Middle School, and an indication of the cultural level of the school is the conduct of the student body at an assembly or during a presentation. Whether guests are present or not, all students are personally responsible for the impression made by the school as a whole. The behavior and responses of students should be appropriate to the program presented. Unacceptable conduct during the program or presentation includes fighting, bullying, whistling, uncalled for clapping, boisterousness, talking, sleeping, note writing, unnecessary or inappropriate noise, laughter or any other behavior that is disruptive determined by the discretion of the supervising school board employee. ATTENDANCEParents can routinely monitor absences by accessing their student’s information on the Parent Portal on the RCSD website () for grades K-12. If a parent has a question or concern about an absence, the parent should contact the school as soon as possible. SchoolCast calls daily to notify parent(s)/legal guardian(s) of student’s daily attendance. Absences (Written Excuses)When a student returns to school after an absence and within three (3) days of the student’s return to school, the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) must provide in writing an excuse, which includes the following: 1. Written statement from the parent, doctor or legal representative stating the reason of the absence 2. The date of the absence(s) 3. The parent’s official signature Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) may submit up to three (3) parent written excuses per semester, and may be required to submit an excuse for late check-ins and early check-outs. A student is considered absent from class if thirty (30) minutes or more is missed. Refer to the school’s handbook for additional guidelines for submitting excuses. If a student fails to attend school without submitting a timely excuse from a parent, medical professional or legal authority, the student and parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are subject to court intervention.Extended Absences If a student has an extended illness, the parent should contact the grade level counselor as soon as possible. The counselor will contact the student’s teachers for make-up assignments, tests, etc. If possible, please allow a 24-hour notice for teachers to prepare assignments. Days absent from school due to suspension generally are excused for coding purposes and credit for daily work is given providing students keep up with their assignments during suspensions and turn in the completed assignments at the time of their reinstatement in school. All students will be allowed to make up nine week tests, midterm and final examination if suspended during such exam periods.WithdrawalIn case of withdrawal, parents should give a minimum of 24 hour notice for the school to properly prepare the necessary reports. Reports and records will be transferred to the respective enrolling school upon requestAdmission To Class After AbsenceAlabama law requires all children between the ages of seven and seventeen to attend school. Administrators and teachers will make reasonable efforts to encourage attendance by students and inform parents when there are attendance problems. The final responsibility, however, rests with each student and his or her parent. Students should make every effort to do the following: to attend all classes daily; to be on time; to provide appropriate documentation for all absences; and to request, complete, and turn in on time all make up work given for excused absences. A written note from the parent or guardian or physician containing the dates absent and the reason for the absence should be brought to school within three school days after the absence. Excused absences include the following (see RCSD Student Handbook for complete list): Student too ill to attend school; Inclement weather which would be dangerous to the life or health of the child if he or she attends school as determined by the Superintendent/designee.Legal quarantine; Death in the immediate family; Emergency conditions as determined by the superintendent or the principal; and permission from the principal and consent of the parent or guardian. All other absences are unexcused. Repeated unexcused absences will result in placement in the Early Warning Program. If students check out before 12:00 p.m. they will be counted absent. Make-Up workMake-up work, which includes tests, will be administered to a student whose absence was due to illness or other reasons coded as “excused.” The student should be prepared to take any missed tests and turn in any assignments on the day that he or she returns to school. The student has three days to make up work, if it has been an extended illness, then the student may seek approval by the principal for additional time. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in all assignments and take any missed tests within the designated length of time. Make–up work must be completed prior to the end of a grading period unless otherwise approved by the principal.Perfect AttendanceA perfect attendance certificate is given to any student in the school who has not been absent during the entire school year.Truancy/SkippingAny student who is absent from school/class without the permission of his or her parent/ guardian or teacher shall be deemed truant.Once students board a bus and/or arrive on campus, they are not to leave the school grounds for any reason without permission from the Principal or designee. Being out of class without a pass from the teacher shall be deemed skipping and may result in disciplinary action. Tardiness Any student arriving in school after 8:25 a.m. is considered tardy to school, and a parent/guardian must check him/her in at the office to receive a tardy pass from the secretary. Students are expected to move quickly and directly to class.Students not in their class when the tardy bell rings are tardy to class.Students are assigned detention on the 3rd tardy to class as the appropriate disciplinary action (see morning/afternoon detention below). Students who do not report to detention may be referred to the office for disciplinary action.Students who do not report to class within five (5) minutes of their scheduled class will be referred to an administrator for skipping. Consequences for tardiness will be assessed according to RCSD Student Handbook. DetentionStudents may be assigned to detention at the teacher’s discretion for academic, behavior, or tardy purposes. When students are tardy to any class three (3) or more times, he or she will be assigned to detention. Parents or guardians are responsible for providing transportation to and from school when students are assigned to detention. Failure to report to detention may result in further disciplinary action taking place. Teachers will provide notice in writing or by calling to the parent upon assigning detention.Check-In Students who come to school late (after 8:25 a.m.) will check-in through the front office. The student must have an adult come into the building with them to check-in. The student will receive an admission slip from the office to enter the classroom. NO STUDENT WILL BE ADMITTED INTO CLASS WITHOUT THIS SLIP.The teacher will not admit a student to class without the admission slip. A student who is absent three periods or more will be recorded as absent that day and cannot participate in any school activity scheduled for that day.Check-outAll students must remain on campus at all times or disciplinary action will be taken. This includes from the time that the student arrives on the school campus (either by bus, automobile or walking) until school is dismissed in the afternoon. If a student becomes ill during the school day and wishes to go home, he or she must leave the home phone number and reason with the secretary or nurse who will call home for him/her. This eliminates the possibility of a student contacting someone unknown by the parent. The office will notify the parents so that arrangements can be made for getting the student home. The student will be allowed to check out when the parent or approved guardian personally comes to the office to check him/her out. A school administrator or designee must approve all checkouts. All checkouts should be before 3pm.Parents should not request that a student be released from classes before the end of the school day unless for emergency reasons. A student with an unexcused checkout may not make up missed work. The Principal or his designee must approve in advance any exceptions to this policy. A student who leaves campus without signing out through the office will be subject to disciplinary action and will receive an unexcused absence in the classes not attended that day. Book bags and Back PacksBook bags are to be placed in the student’s locker during Homeroom/1st Period and remain in the locker during the school day. Book bags may not be carried to classes, including the gymnasium. Students will be allowed to go to their lockers at specified times during the day. If you use a book bag or backpack, you must have a locker in which to store the book bag during the school day. Cafeteria ConductAll students will be assigned a specific lunch period and be required to go to the cafeteria with their teacher. All students are required to deposit all lunch litter in wastebaskets. Students are expected to keep their eating areas clean for others to use. No cans, bottles, or food may be taken from the cafeteria. These items, if taken out of the cafeteria, will be confiscated and will not be returned to the student, in addition, students may face disciplinary consequences. Students are expected to behave appropriately to maintain a safe, orderly and conducive atmosphere while in the cafeteria. Students will not be allowed to leave the lunchroom without permission, if students leave without approval they will be considered truant/skipping and may be subject to disciplinary actions. Students should take money to the cafeteria in the morning prior to school starting.Change of Address/Telephone NumberStudents and parents are requested to inform the secretary if a change of address or telephone number occurs during the school year so RCMS may employ continuous communication. Cheating, Honor CodeCheating is the unauthorized giving or receiving of information on homework, class work, quizzes, tests, projects, research papers, or exams as specified by the teacher. If it is determined that a student is participating in such behavior, the student(s) will receive a zero for that activity, and the teacher will notify the parents of the incident. Additional incidents will be treated as a disciplinary problem and will be referred to the appropriate administrator. Cheerleaders Selection CriteriaThe cheerleaders promote school spirit and the crowd’s involvement during athletic events. They hold pep rallies and other fun events to encourage school spirit and pride among the student body. During the selection process for school cheerleaders, an evaluation of skill, talent, and attitude are assessed, and each student must meet academic requirements, as well as, maintain a clear discipline record with no major or repetitive infractions (evaluated by school board employee, Principal or designee). A cheerleader constitution is available at RCMS for review and RCMS upholds the meet the “No pass, No play” requirement of the Russell County Board of Education as well as all other district athletic policies and procedures.Athletic Participation Russell County Middle School athletic department offers various types of participation opportunities open to all students. Students are encouraged to become involved on a team as sportsmanship, teamwork, and citizenship are valuable traits gained through athletic programs. RCMS enforces all the Russell County School District policies and maintain the academic standard pertaining to “No pass, No play.”Communicable Diseases / Shot RecordsEvery student enrolled at RCMS must have an Alabama immunization card to prove they have received vaccination for the various communicable diseases. This is STATE law. No student should come to school if he or she is known to have an illness or condition that is highly contagious. If it is discovered that a student has one of these conditions, he or she will be sent home and will not be allowed to return until the school is provided with a written note from the parent/physician reflecting that the student has been treated and is no longer contagious.ConductEvery student should act responsibly and respectfully toward the learning environment of the school and behave accordingly. The following rules should be observed:IN THE CAFETERIA, HALLWAYS, RESTROOMS, DROP-OFF/PICK-UP AREAS – See The Warrior Way…Brave. 2. OFFICE VISITS - Students will enter office through the side doors and must have a hall pass and /or office referral to come to the office.Counseling ProgramThe counseling program at RCMS strives to provide students with a challenging educational opportunity and, at the same time, meet the student’s individual needs so meaningful learning can take place.Our program has a four-fold focus: school guidance curriculum, individual student planning, responsive services and system support. The counseling and guidance dimensions actively assist students with their academic, social, and personal concerns. The curriculum emphasizes decision making; self-understanding; study skills; and career exploration, preparation, and planning taking place in classrooms, group activities, interdisciplinary development or parent workshops. Individual student planning includes counseling activities that provide every student with an opportunity to plan, monitor, and manage their academic, career, and personal/social development individually or in small-groups. Responsive services include counseling or referral activities that meet the immediate needs and concerns of students. Responsive services include personal counseling, crisis counseling, problem solving, agency referral, and consultation. System support includes indirect guidance management activities that maintain and enhance the total counseling and guidance program. Responsibilities in this area include staff relations, community relations, task forces, professional development, support teams, test interpretation, data analysis, and curriculum development. Parental involvement is considered an important aspect of the program and through working together, we are confident that we can make a positive difference in the lives of our studentsCounseling/Guidance ServiceGuidance can best be defined as the services available to each student to help assure academic success in school; to help better understand strengths and limitations; to identify interests; and to aid in planning for and attaining realistic goals. To help the student with plans, the guidance department has four services to offer:The student can discuss various plans with the counselor.The student can have standardized tests interpreted.The student can secure information about educational, career/technical, or personal matters. The student can be referred to other agencies for specialized help.Courtesy on the School GroundsFor the sake of being safe – students will NOT run in the building. The parking lot is off limits to students at all times. When using the hallway, refrain from causing loud noises. All students are to respect and obey each school board employee. Keep the school clean and the grounds attractive by respecting and protecting school property. Students who intentionally deface or damage school equipment or property in any way will be required to clean the article and pay for damages. Vandalism to property will result in an administrative referral.School grounds are to be vacated immediately by all students after dismissal unless attendance in another activity is authorized in which students should remain with the adult supervisor at all times. Students must report directly to a staff member if remaining on campus. Custody / GuardianshipEach student must attend school in the district where the student maintains a legal residence with the custodial parent (s) or legal guardian(s). Students entering Russell County Middle School from other schools must have a withdrawal form from the previous school, an up-to date immunization slip, and two verifications of residence that he/she lives in Russell County. A parent/legal guardian must accompany student during admission procedures.WithdrawalA student who is leaving school or is transferring to another school is to notify the office and obtain a withdrawal form before reporting to homeroom for his or her last day of school. Subject area teachers will indicate grades are up to that date and sign the withdrawal form. Before a student is considered to be officially withdrawn, he or she must have completed and signed withdrawal form from the following: homeroom teacher, subject teachers, P.E. Department, library, furthermore they must remove his or her belongings from the locker and return the lock, return all text books, and pay any outstanding debts. An official transcript of credits will not be sent to the school to which the student is transferring until all records are clear. DISCIPLINESilent Lunch- Students may be assigned to silent lunch as a disciplinary action. All students assigned to silent lunch will eat their lunch without talking under supervision.Morning/Afternoon DetentionIn order to improve conduct and/or grades, students may be assigned to detention by teachers in the afternoons (pick up time is 4:10 p.m). Parents are responsible for transportation.In-School SuspensionThis program is designed to be an alternative to out of school suspension. Students violating the code of conduct may be assigned to in-school suspension. Students assigned to in-school suspension are separated from other students and are not allowed any freedom of movement. In-school suspension is a highly supervised and structured environment in which students can complete all assigned classwork. Students are counted present each day they attend and receive credit for completed assignments.Students who do not comply with the rules and requirements of the in-school suspension may be suspended. Students assigned to ISS should report to the designated area upon arrival at school. Students will be met by the ISS instructor and escorted to eat breakfast and lunch after other students have finished.Students who are assigned to ISS may be required to perform community service. Discipline, The Parents’ ResponsibilityGood behavior is a cooperative effort and a matter between student, parents, teachers and school administration. Good Citizenship qualities are learned first in the home. Parents/guardians are their children’s first teachers. Just as the home and the school are partners, good grades and good behavior are partners. A good citizen is eager to learn, to work, and to play. A good citizen feels very good about himself/herself and is respected by all. It is the policy of RCMS to involve parents/guardians as often as possible in discipline problems which may arise at school. We ask that parents assist us by emphasizing to their child/children the importance of good behavior. When a problem warrants the principals’ participation, the classroom teacher completes a discipline referral and sends the student to the office and disciplinary action will be taken based on the Student Statement of Responsibilities (See RCSD Handbook for details.) Writing AssignmentsIf writing assignments are issued as a consequence for violation of school rules, they will be used as a tool for teaching and learning. For example, the principal or designee may require a student to write a plan for correcting his/her behavior, an essay on classroom conduct or other pertinent character education topics.Work Assignment/Community ServiceThe principal has the authority to assign supervised activities related to maintenance of school facilities as a disciplinary action. Dress CodeStudents should wear clothes that are appropriate for the Middle School setting, please refer to the RCSD Student & Parent Handbook.This includes, but is not limited to:Pants must be worn at the waist with a belt. (No underwear, shorts should be showing).Undergarments showing and see through blouses are NOT permitted without the appropriate clothing underneath. * see RCSD HandbookNo pajamas or house/shower shoes can be worn to school.Shirts/tops should be long enough so that the midriff is not showing.Shorts and skirts should be appropriate length (2” from knee). No Choke Chains, wrist bands with spikes, pants with chains.No articles of clothing that are offensive, obscene, suggestive, inflammatory or promote unacceptable products may be worn.No Jeggings (tight leggings made of jean material) or spandex, stretchy material without appropriate length skirt or shorts over)Clothing may not have holes in inappropriate locations, example holes may not be above the knee in pants)No bandanas Shoes must be worn at all times. *Any apparel or appearance that may be distracting in the classroom as deemed by the administration is not permitted.BODY PIERCING/TATTOS:Students will not be allowed to wear jewelry or any other items in their noses, eyebrows, lips, or tongue. Tattoos must be covered. This includes writing and drawing on a student’s body. It is the duty of each teacher/staff member to ensure that the dress code is enforced. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that the dress code is observed and adhered to. Remember that the administration will make the final determination on all dress code issues. Individuals in violation of the dress code will be asked to make an “on the spot correction.” In cases where a change in clothing is required, a parent will be called. Students will not be allowed into class until the dress code violation is corrected. In the event a parent cannot come to the school to correct the violation, the student may be placed in an alternative setting until the violation is corrected. Continued or repeated violations of the dress code may be considered defiance and will be addressed according to the RCSD code of conduct. **No student shall be considered noncompliant with the policy in the following instances:When noncompliance derives from financial hardship.When noncompliance derives from a disability.DrugsThe possession of alcoholic beverages, over the counter drugs, or any controlled substance (drugs) by a student will result in immediate suspension pending an expulsion hearing and the Sheriff’s Department will be notified for legal action. Electronic DevicesRadios, tape/CD players, beepers, cell phones, etc.Cell phones assist with communication and are convenient, but they can be utilized in abusive ways that can interrupt and interfere with the learning process, which is unacceptable. If a cell phone becomes a distraction to the learning environment, it will be confiscated and must be picked up by the parent or guardian from the main office, and “forgetting” to turn-off the phone is not a valid excuse. Please see the RCSD Statement of Responsibilities for further information. Russell County Middle School nor RCSD assumes responsibility for the loss, theft, or destruction of any cellular phones that are brought to school before, during or after school hours. Cell Phone , Communication Devices, and/or Electronics devicesDue to the increased distraction that electronic devices are creating in the educational environment, electronic devices are not allowed for use at RCMS except as spelled out in the RCSD Statement of Responsibilities (pages 18-19). (Board policy…. Alabama code Act 1989, No.89-953, pl 1880, Act 2006-530, p.1224 Section 16-1-27). Consequences for the violation of the policy will be at the discretion of the administration.Extra-Curricular ActivitiesExtra-curricular activities at RCMS may include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) assemblies; (2) clubs and organizations, such as, academic competition teams, career/technical clubs, band, athletics, cheerleaders, dance club, drama, student government, academic clubs, journalism, etc. All students at RCMS are encouraged to develop an interest and become active participants in the extra-curricular programs offered in our schools. Good grades, good attendance, and acceptable conduct are pre-requisites for participation in any extra-curricular activity.Faculty AreasThe faculty lounges and copy rooms are designated strictly for faculty and staff members only. NO STUDENTS ARE ALLOWED IN THESE AREAS AT ANY TIME. If caught in these areas, disciplinary action will be taken by administration (including before and after school). Field TripsThe responsibility and authority for planning field trips rest with the classroom teacher and must be approved by the principal and Superintendent. A minimum of three weeks’ notice is necessary if the excursion is to be approved. Students must have written parental permission to participate in any field trips. All field trips must have adequate adult supervision. Students are expected to follow all school rules when attending field trips as they are extensions to our school day, therefore any student that does not behave appropriately may be referred to the administration upon returning to school. Food and Drink on CampusStudents are prohibited from eating or drinking in any classroom or hallway at any time during school hours. Food and drink that is taken from the cafeteria into the main building will be confiscated by teachers and administrators and will not be returned to the student. Exceptions will be allowed for teacher sanctioned, and Principal approved, classroom activities. Gum is never allowed in school. Fund Raising (limits, etc.)All fund raising projects and activities conducted by any group within, connected with, or in the name of Russell County Middle School shall contribute to the Mission/Vision Statements of the school and MUST be approved by the Principal. They shall not be in conflict with the overall instruction program. Funds derived from student body activities shall be expended to benefit the student body. The principal must approve all programs for raising money by organizations and classes. The administration will determine the number of fund raising activities that will be allowed during a school year. GradingCore Subjects:65% Tests/Projects25% Classwork10% HomeworkPhysical Education/Electives:20% Test80% ParticipationHall PassesNo student is to leave any class, study hall, library, or physical education class without a hall pass. If a student needs to go to the office, he or she should go to the teacher first for permission. The teacher will be the screening agent for students who leave the room.Harassment (Bullying)(Alabama State Code, Act No. 2009-57 Student Harassment Prevention Act)Bullying is defined as the act of one or more individuals intimidating, threatening, ridiculing, humiliating, frightening, or causing increased anxiety to one or more other individuals through verbal, written, electronic, or physical interactions or behaviors, whether explicit or implied. Examples of bullying include but are not limited to:Intimidation, either physical or psychologicalThreats of any kind, stated or impliedAssaults, including those that are verbal, physical, psychological, or emotionalAttacks on student propertyHarassment refers to conduct of a verbal or physical nature that is designed to embarrass, distress, agitate, disturb or trouble students. Harassment as described above may include, but is not limited to:Repeated remarks of a demeaning natureImplied or explicit threats concerning one’s grades, achievements, or other school mattersDemeaning jokes, stories, or activities directed at the student We are dedicated to doing all we can to stop this type of behavior; therefore, it is important for students to inform their teacher or school personnel when this happens. The administration will handle harassment complaints promptly, and with the utmost confidentiality in order to protect students. It is especially important that we work together and cooperate to establish a safe, orderly, and friendly school for ALL students. If you see something don’t be a bystander, let your teachers, counselors, or administrators know about it.Homework PolicyRCMS acknowledges the importance of coordinating and integrating homework assignments as a meaningful component of the overall instructional program. Homework is, most often, an immediate need that reinforces a skill learned that day or prepares students for the next day’s lesson. Each classroom teacher will determine actual homework assignments which will be a meaningful part of the instructional program to stimulate independent study habits, develop responsibility and self-direction and to enhance or reinforce classroom instruction. HOMEWORK COUNTS FOR 10% OF THE NINE WEEKS GRADE. Lab FeesComputer Applications, Science, Art, and Career Technologies are lab classes that require hands on activities. There may be a lab fee. The lab fees will help provide supplies for students to use during classroom activities. Lost and FoundLost and Found items will be kept in a designated area at RCMS for a reasonable time, but these items will be relocated and donated off campus if they remain unclaimed.RCMS is not responsible for lost items.LockersStudents may rent a locker for a yearly fee. Students may not share a locker. The locker rental fee is $5.00 for the year. Students not purchasing a locker are responsible for carrying their books and materials to each class every day. Remember, no book bags are to be used during the day and students may utilize lockers to place book bags and possessions. We do not have space to store book bags, etc. Students in 7th and 8th grade will have the opportunity to rent a PE locker through the PE department.Media Center / LibraryThe media center is an important part of a student’s school life. The library is under the direction of a full-time media specialist who solicits the help of every student in taking proper care of all library materials. Students may visit the library from classes with an individual written pass from their teacher. All books and other library materials must be checked out before they are taken from the library and students are not to leave the library until the librarian gives permission. A fine of five cents a day will be charged on all overdue books. Any lost or damaged book fees must be paid at the end of each nine weeks.Parent/Administrative ConferencesThe administrative staff is very eager to meet with parents regarding their child’s success here at Russell County Middle School. Meetings with the assistant principal, counselors, and the Principal cannot be scheduled before 9:00 a.m. daily due to assigned responsibilities on campus that relate to ensuring the safety and security of all students. Conferences should be scheduled 24 hours in advance. Students requiring a parent/administrative conference to return to school (pending suspension) will be scheduled at 9:00 a.m. and students will not be counted tardy on the day of the conference. Parent / Teacher ConferencesParents are asked to call and schedule conferences through the grade level counselor’s office. Russell County Middle School’s office phone number is (334)468-5637. A teacher’s time and responsibilities during the day are carefully structured. Therefore, conferences need to be scheduled during the time of the teachers’ planning periods or after school. Parents are welcome and encouraged to visit RCMS or set up conferences as needed. However, interference that interrupts the educational process during the school day will not be accepted. If necessary, parents may be asked to leave, removed, charged with trespassing, and/or banned from the school.Personal PropertyPersonal property, such as, money, clothing, jewelry, purse, etc. is the responsibility of the individual student. These articles should be kept in the student’s possession or in a locked locker at all times. It is recommended that students not bring large sums of money to school but only bring the amount of money needed for a particular day. Warrior-Parent-Community – Parent Teacher OrganizationThe Russell County Middle School Parent Teacher Organization is an active organization dedicated to improving conditions for education in our community. We urge and encourage all parents to join and attend all meetings. Meeting dates for 2018-2019 will be announced through monthly newsletters, Principal notes, SchoolCast, sent home with students, etc. Progress ReportsParents and students should be familiar with the RCSD calendar which is accessible on the district and school website. Please note that a nine-week grading period is utilized and progress reports will be sent out at the mid-point of each nine-week grading period. All students receive a progress report to take home, however if the parent or guardian desires, he or she may work with the teacher(s) or counselor to keep a closer track of his or her child’s grades. All students will be provided a username and password to monitor and track academic progress during the school year. The parent should place responsibility on the child to keep him or her informed of their academic progress.Progress Reports will be issued on the Following Dates:September 12, 2018November 26, 2018February 13, 2019April 29, 2019Report CardsReport cards will be sent home every nine (9) weeks. In order for the parents to know how their child is performing prior to this time, progress reports will be sent home at the midpoint of each grading period. Report Cards will be issued on: October 12, 2018 January 11, 2019March 19, 2019 May 30, 2019Sales/ Fees and MoneyIt is against school policy for an individual or group to sell or distribute any goods or materials on school grounds, which are not school sponsored and which have not been approved through the Principal’s office. All money collected in the school must be deposited in the office prior to the end of the school day to the RCMS bookkeeper. A receipt will be given for the money and any bills will be paid by RCMS bookkeeper. This is the plan required by law.School Safety Drills (Fire, Severe Weather, Intruder)Several emergency drills will be held periodically each year to acquaint students with the proper procedure for each situation. Evacuation procedures will be posted in each room and in hallways. The student should be well acquainted with these procedures to save lives in an actual emergency condition. During the drills, students should be on their best behavior under these circumstances to ensure proper procedures are followed. During a real emergency, there may be possible delays in releasing students to maintain safety. During weather warnings and emergencies, it is important to keep the school phone clear for important updates.Fire Drill ProceduresA long, continuous ringing of the bell will be the signal for a fire drill. Fire drills will be held monthly, and students should follow this procedure:Stop all work immediately.Remain silent for instruction.Follow the evacuation plans given.Move quietly and promptly in single file out of the classroom.Proceed far enough from the building to be safe.Teachers will account for students by calling roll with their classroom roster. Remain in line until an all-clear signal is given to return.Return to the classroom in the same manner using the same route used for the departure.Severe Weather Plans/Intruder Drill ProceduresIn case of bad weather, the office staff and administration will alert staff and students. When notified, the students should move to a designated area, remain calm if the electricity goes off, and remain in the designated area until the administration determines that the threat is over.Tornado WatchAn alert or forecast issued whenever atmospheric conditions are favorable for the development of severe weather or tornadoes, giving an estimate of the situation. Actual conditions in the area at the time of the “watch” announcement may not be threatening.Tornado WarningA message of danger issued when a tornado has been sighted and there may be danger to life and property if people who are in its path do not take protective measures. Personnel in all areas will cease to work. Students will move to the designated area and sit on the floor with backs against the wall and a book to protect head. Teachers will account for students by calling roll. Students are to remain quiet and listen for further instructions. Schedule Changes Students have been scheduled into classes according to grade level and academic needs. Schedule changes will not be considered unless the following procedure is followed: The parent is to call the counselor and arrange a conference with the administrator and the teachers involved in the change (the student, the parent, the teacher whose class is to be changed, and an administrator must be present at this conference). At the parent conference you and your parent must present a compelling reason why your schedule must be changed. Not getting along with the teacher or another student in the classroom are not compelling reasons. Parent may be required to observe student in classroom setting.The administrator and team present at the parent conference will make the final decision as to whether the schedule will be changed or not. School NurseOne of the school nurses assigned to the Russell County School District will be on call for RCMS who will be responsible to provide guidance and support to the students and staff at RCMS. The nurse coordinates with medical professionals, responds to emergencies, supervises the dispensing of medications, and provides district wide health education. The nurse can be contacted at (706) 321-2261 during normal school hours.MedicationAll medication will be administered in the nurse’s office or the parent may come and administer medication to their child. Students may not have prescription medication or over the counter medication in their possessions. Exceptions include an inhaler or Epi pen which may be carried by the student as long as the proper forms are on record in the office. All medications given at school must have a signed authorization form, be in original bottle with clear and concise directions. Copies are available in the front office or from the nurse. See RCSD Statement of Responsibilities for further information.School PicturesRussell County Middle School usually has school pictures taken in the fall and spring of the year. Notification will be sent home prior to these days. Search and SeizureStudents are subject to reasonable searches and seizures. School officials are empowered to conduct reasonable searches of a particular student and school property when, in the opinion of school officials, there is reasonable cause to believe that student may be in possession of drugs, weapons, firearms, alcohol, or other materials in violation of school policy, state law or federal law. School property shall remain under the control of school officials and shall be subject to search. SCHOOL PROPERTY: Student lockers, desks, and other such property are owned by the school. The school exercises exclusive control over the school property and a student should not expect privacy regarding items placed in school property because school property is subject to search at any time by school officials. THE PERSON: According to the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, “a student may be searched if there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the search will turn up evidence that the student has violated either the law or the rules of the school.” A particular student’s personal effects are subject to being searched by the Principal and his/her designee and are subject to the same rule. Personal effects may include vehicles located on school property. If the principal and his/her designee conclude that a more intrusive search is needed they shall call the parents of the students involved and report their suspicions to the Sheriff’s Department who shall be responsible for any such search.SOURCE: Russell County Board of Education Policy Manual, Policy JDF LAW ENFORCEMENT DRUG SEARCH It is the policy of the Russell County Board of Education to allow law enforcement agencies to make periodic unannounced visits to any Russell County Schools’ property to detect the presence of and/or use of illegal drugs. Only the Superintendent, or his/her designee, and the building principal will be notified. SOURCE: Russell County Board of Education Policy Manual, Addition to Policy JDFStudent RecordsStudent records are administered in compliance with PL-380 Education Amendment of 1974. Student records will be maintained by the schools and will be used in making appropriate educational decisions for the students. All information regarding students and their families will be collected, maintained, and distributed with appropriate safeguards. These records may be obtained through informed consent, verification of accuracy, limited access, selective discard, and appropriate use.Text BooksTextbooks will be furnished to all students free of charge. Textbooks are to be kept clean and handled properly at all times. If a student loses a textbook, he or she must pay for it. Another textbook cannot be issued until the student has paid for the lost textbook. By law, parent/guardian and students are responsible for textbook issued to students. Any student, returning a damaged book at the end of the school year, will be liable for the cost of replacing that textbook. Any student that has not paid for a lost or damaged textbook from the previous year will not be issued textbooks for the new school year. If a student or parent fails to pay for a textbook, it is the school’s legal right to submit the problem to small claims court. All students’ books will be checked per class period for accountability purposes.Tobacco and Tobacco ProductsRussell County School Board policy prohibits possession, smoking, or using tobacco products in any form in any Russell County School building, on school buses, on school grounds, or during school-sponsored events. Students violating this policy will be given ISS or out of school suspension. TrespassingUnauthorized persons on school property are trespassers and will be subject to legal prosecution. A suspended or expelled student will not be allowed to come on any school property to attend an on campus or off campus activity, or to participate in any activity sponsored by the school.VandalismIf any student commits an act of vandalism on school property, the school will take appropriate action and parents/guardians will be held financially responsible for all damages. Vandalism includes, but is not limited to, writing or painting on school property.VisitorsSchool policy is to accept only those visitors who have legitimate business at the school. Visitors must register in the main office upon arriving on campus. Parents are always welcome to visit the school. They must register in the front office upon arrival. However, the administration asks that parents make an appointment through the principal or counselor’s office. Students are expected to extend appropriate courtesy at all times and assist visitors in any manner possible.AgreementTo Parent(s) or Guardian(s):This Student Handbook is provided as a guideline, policy, and procedural manual for RCMS. Please sign and return to your child’s teacher verifying that you have read this handbook.Parent’s/Guardian’s CommitmentI, ______________________________, parent/guardian of _________________________ have received a copy of the RCMS 2018-2019 Student Handbook and agree to follow the guidelines, policies, and procedures within.______________________________________ Date ______________________Parent/guardian SignatureStudent’s CommitmentI, ______________________________, have received a copy of the RCMS 2018-2019 Student Handbook and agree to follow the guidelines, policies, and procedures within._________________________________________________________________Student SignatureDate ................

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