IMPORTANT: The individual who picks up the section’s ...

American Dental Education Association

Council of Sections

Section Annual Report 2008

I. Contact Information

Section name: Comprehensive Care and General Dentistry

Name of individual completing this report: Fred Fendler, Councilor

Institution: University of the Pacific Arthur A Dugoni School of Dentistry

Section office held: Councilor

Phone: 415-929-6661

Fax: 415-749-3339


Date of annual report submission: May 28, 2008

II. Mission Statement

To provide an avenue for exchange of ideas and discussion of shared interests about comprehensive patient care and general dentistry in the dental education setting.

Goals and Objectives

A. Continue to foster a viable section by:

1. Providing an avenue for the exchange of ideas and information concerning the teaching of comprehensive patient care and general dentistry.

2. Providing programs that assist faculty in more effective mechanisms for preparing students for general dental practice.

i. Annual program: developed by the chair-elect to address topics to improve the education of dental students and to enhance the skills of faculty.

ii. Every annual program includes a question and answer session to encourage the exchange of viewpoints and information regarding the program and the teaching of comprehensive patient care and general dentistry.

iii. Newsletter: compiled by the newsletter editor, this includes a summary of the Annual Session section program for section members who could not attend the meeting, as well as reports from the section officers and any other news of interest to section members.

B. Combining of annual session programs with other sections approximately every 3 to 4 years.

1. Joint program planned with Dental Hygiene Education for Phoenix 2009

2. Joint program with Sections on Practice Administration and Educational Research/ Development and Curriculum and with SIG, Career Development for the New Educator, Dallas 2008

3. Joint program with the Section of Business and Financial Administration and the Section of Clinic Administration in 2002.

4. Joint program with the Section of Gerontology and Geriatric Education in 2000.

5. Joint program with the Section of Practice Administration in 1997.

IV. Accomplishments

Section Program

This year’s section program, titled “Team/Group Leaders, How Do We Attract and Nurture Them?” was presented at the Hilton Anatole Hotel, Dallas, Texas, March 31, 2008 during the 85th Annual ADEA Session. It was organized and moderated by Dr. Susan Lee from UCSF.

The speakers for the program were Dr. Lex MacNeil, Associate Dean, Clinical Affairs, UBC; Dr. Fred Certosimo, VCU School of Dentistry and Dr. Joseph Berrong, UTHSCSA Dental School.

Dr. MacNeil gave a historical perspective on clinical learning styles, practice teams and leadership in US and Canadian dental schools.

Dr. Certosimo spoke about problems encountered a VCU in the late 90’s in their early modular system. He went on to discuss the need for the “generalist” as the lynchpin of a group practice and the issues and difficulties this approach caused among specialty driven clinical teaching. Issues of recruitment and retention were also discussed and the need for team leaders to also be competent managers, communicators and coaches for their teams.

Dr. Berrong covered similar topics as they related to UTHSCSA and went on to discuss the need to produce these leaders from within the faculty by nurturing and encouraging those with the identifiable skills. Both Dr’s Certosimo and Berrong stressed the universal problem of adequate compensation for teaching faculty in general and especially for the people we hope to attract to the positions of team managers and group leaders.

The program presentations were followed by a lively question and answer session guided by Dr. Lee’s moderation.

V. Membership and Attendance

A. Total membership for the section as of March 2007---1419

B. Total attendance at the section’s 2008 Annual Session program was-41

C. Of this total, the number who are section members - 9

D. Attendance at the section’s 2008 business meeting-10

VI. Section Structure

Section officers:


Fred J. Fendler, DDS

University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry

2155 Webster Street

San Francisco, CA 94115-2333

V: 415-929-6661

F: 415-749-3339



Susan M. Lee, DDS

University of California, San Francisco School of Dentistry

707 Parnassus Avenue

San Francisco, CA 94143

V: 925-947-0901


Chair-Elect, and Annual Session Program organizer

Kim Scaggs, DDS

University of Missouri, Kansas City

School of Dentistry

Department of General Dentistry

Kansas City, Missouri

V: 816-235-2100 ext. 2146

F: 816-235-2157



Norma Partida, DDS

University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Mail Code 7914

7703 Floyd Curl Drive

San Antonio, TX 78229-3900

V: 210-567-1503

F: 210-567-3443


Newsletter Editor

Joseph Parkinson, DDS

University of Missouri, Kansas City School of Dentistry

650 East 25th Street

Kansas City, Missouri 64108

Phone: 816-235-5472

F: 816-235-5472


VII. Financial Support


VIII. Section Communications

A. Communications to membership are via e-mail, telephone, fax, letter, and the listserv. A minimum of one newsletter is sent out annually in the December/January timeframe. This is sent to all section members electronically. The section website is maintained by Linc Conn, UTHSCSA Dental School (V: 210-567-3191; F: 210-567-3443;


B. Contact information for all officers is provided in Section VI above.

IX. Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the 2008 Annual Member’s Forum

ADEA Section on Comprehensive Care and General Dentistry

85th ADEA Annual Meeting and Exhibition

Hotel Anatole, Dallas, Texas

Monday, March 31, 2008

1. Call to Order

The Member’s Forum was called to order at 12:30 pm by CCGP Section Councilor, Dr. Fred Fendler. Approximately nine members were in attendance.

Dr. Fendler announced that Chair Dr. Marnie Oakley was ill and would be unable to attend the Forum; therefore he would also give the Chair’s report. Dr. Fendler thanked Dr. Oakley for her service as Chair and also noted that she was Chair of the Annual Session Planning Committee for the second year.

Dr. Fendler recognized Chair-elect Dr. Susan Lee for developing and moderating the Section’s program, “Team and Group Leaders: How Do We Attract and Nurture Them?” co-sponsored with the Section on Practice Administration. The program was well done and generated spirited discussion.

Dr. Fendler congratulated Dr. Norma Partida our Newsletter editor for producing a great newsletter which is available on line at the ADEA website as well as at the Section program. Dr. Fendler has submitted the missing newsletters for inclusion on the ADEA website. Dr. Partida stated that former Councilor Dr. Linc Conn is webmaster of our Section website () and would like information submitted to him so he can update the website.

2. Officer Reports

Councilor and Chair Reports – Dr. Fred Fendler

A. House of Delegates

The House of Delegates resolutions were covered. Non-are considered controversial.

The House of Delegates is working on a proxy voting system that would not require changing the by-laws. As it is now both Councilor and Chair must attend the opening and closing of the House of Delegates to vote. It is becoming increasingly expensive and difficult for members to be away from their schools for so long.

The major work from the House was passage of the “Competencies for the New General Dentist”. Work will begin this year to establish the Foundation Knowledge needed to support new competencies. This work will be done by the Council of Sections Task Force. It is expected to be a 2 to 3 year project.

B. Council of Sections

The Section on Dental Hygiene Education was awarded the Thomas F. Nowlin Award for Best Performance by a Section .

It was noted that all section officers can vote at the Council of Sections.

COS Vice President, Sandra Andrieu reported that a motion to have only a single name for the slate for the post of President-Elect of ADEA was brought forward at the Board of Directors meeting. The COS and several other Councils voted this motion down.

ADEA Board of Directors has formed a committee to write an ADEA Code of Professionalism. $25,000.00 was funded to this new project. The COS has membership on the committee.

Project Pool: $54,000 had been reduced to $25,000 because several projects have been funded. Some projects were completed and new applications accepted. A project on smoking cessation has just been completed. Two more projects have been funded. One is headed by the Gay-Straight Alliance and the other by Anatomical Sciences. Two new applications were submitted in February. To apply you need at least two sections to submit. Dr. Fendler encouraged anyone that may have an idea for project pool funding to talk about it among the members.

There are presently 37 sections. As sections combine or as SIGs become sections it changes the voting power in the House of Delegates. The Council of Sections would like to put forth a candidate for President of ADEA.

C. Section

Dr. Fendler handed out the Section Financial Report for 6/30/2007 – 12/31/2007 with a balance of $5,481.39 with no addition income or expenses. There was a question from the floor that if the money was not used after two years would it be turned over to the project pool.

Open enrollment: CCGD has one of the largest section enrollment of 1780 members. Initial breakdown of that group is a follows:

Faculty: 382

Students: 1200

Administration: 74

Remainder: undeclared

Dr. Alan Budenz commented that it seemed logical that students who wanted to be general dentists and not teach might choose the CCGP as their section.

3. Old business

Dr. Susan Lee asked about the Project Pool project that the CCGP was involved in around 2000-2001. Was it about school models and would that be worth repeating? Dr. Alan Budenz said that is was a survey among faculty that practiced general dentistry. It did ask some questions about the school model but was mainly concerned with faculty activity, research interests and interest in collaborative research opportunities. In his opinion school programs were in so much flux that the information received was out of date before it could be organized and reported.

Dr. Fred Certosimo suggested that when the project was done that the technology was such that it took too long to enter the data and present it. That a better way of knowing who was in the Section and their interests would be for the ADEA to keep updated profiles on members. Dr. Fendler reported that the Council of Sections was working on identifying exactly who members were and how to proceed from there.

4. New Business

Ideas were brought forth concerning next year’s Section Program. Some topics of interest discussed were:

Follow up on the 2003 survey of schools that Dr. David Holmes, et al completed about different types of clinical models and why they change.

Clinical group structures, especially how many students are involved.

A follow-up to the San Antonio and Orlando meetings in which three different clinical models were described.

Why top students are attracted to specialties and not to general dentistry.

Integrating Hygiene departments into general dentistry practice models.

Vertical integration of D1 and D2 students into the clinic.

Competencies vs. requirements.

Dr. Budenz suggested that since Chair-elect Dr. Kim Skaggs was responsible for the next program he make the selection and he should let the members know if he needs help. Dr. Fendler stated that the deadline for program submission was July 11, 2008 and the decision needed to be made soon.

5. Election of Officers

Nominations for the Newsletter Editor were opened. Dr. Joe Parkinson from the University of Missouri – Kansas City was nominated from the floor. Nominations were closed. Dr. Parkinson was elected unanimously. All other officers will advance one position.

6. Announcements

Dr. Olav Alvares, Editor of The Journal of Dental Education is retiring and there is an active search underway for his replacement.

The Interim meeting is in Philadelphia, PA. in October. Councilors attend.

The 2009 Annual meeting is in Phoenix, March 14 – 18, 2009.

The Chair Dr. Susan Lee announced she is retiring from the UCSF dental school July 1. She will continue to be active in the ADEA and will Chair the meeting in Phoenix. She also offered to be of help as she hopes to have more time.

7. Adjournment

Submitted Respectfully,

Kim Skaggs, DDS

Secretary, ADEA Section on Comprehensive Care and General Dentistry

X. Section Program Evaluation Summary

Electronic submission of evaluations indicated that the program was well received. However there were only 10 responses from the 41 people who attended. It may be that some were not aware of this new format.

XI. Feedback to the Administrative Board

We would like to thank you for your continued efforts to minimize program conflicts between groups of similar or overlapping interests. The program this year was well organized and well run by ADEA staff and a special thanks to Monique Morgan for all of her help.

XII. Attach all other relevant documents.

2007/2008 CCGD Newsletter sent under separate cover.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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