Alaska Department of Natural Resources

May 2, 2018

Re: Solicitation of Interest for Service on the Bristol Bay Advisory Group

Dear Alaskan,

The Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) appreciates your interest in serving on the Bristol Bay Advisory Group (BBAG). DNR seeks a broad range of perspectives and applicants with direct knowledge of and/or reliance on the region’s natural resources who are willing to work cooperatively to identify resource management issues and potential solutions. If you are interested in appointment to the BBAG, please review the following information and submit a resume, cover letter, and application as described below.

Your cover letter should 1.) identify the organizations or interest(s) that you would represent on the advisory group, 2.) describe your knowledge and experience related to natural resources in the Bristol Bay region, 3.) and discuss your experience working with diverse stakeholders to achieve consensus.

In selecting members for the BBAG, we seek people who are knowledgeable about the region and who can:

1. Present and review information in a respectful manner;

2. Listen to and understand other points of view;

3. If representing formal entities or stakeholder groups, keep these organizations or groups briefed on the process; and

4. Strive for consensus in making recommendations.

Please complete the following application and submit it along with a resume and a cover letter to:

By mail:

Attention: Bristol Bay Advisory Group Recruitment

Office of the Commissioner

Alaska Department of Natural Resources

550 West 7th Avenue, Suite 1400

Anchorage, AK 99501

By e-mail:


Please direct questions regarding the application process and the BBAG to missioner@.

Continue to the next page for the BBAG application.

Alaska Department of Natural Resources’

Bristol Bay Advisory Group Application

(Please use as many lines needed to answer accurately and completely.)

Name (First, M.I., Last)

Home/Message Phone: Business Phone: Cell Phone:

Permanent Mailing Address (Street #, City, State/Zip):

Permanent Residence Address (Street #, City, State/Zip):

Email Address:

Education/training/experience you would bring to this board:

Amount of time you are willing to spend on board business per month:



Volunteer experience:

Current Organizational Affiliations:

Are you a resident of the Bristol Bay region? Y/N

If no, how much time in a year do you spend in the region?

If no, how much time in a year do groups that you would represent as a member of the BBAG spend in the region?

How do you use the natural resources in Bristol Bay?

Have you been convicted of a misdemeanor within the past five years or a felony within the past ten years? Y/N


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