
|Municipality |[pic] | |

|of | | |

|Anchorage | | |

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|Girdwood, Alaska 99587 |Tim Cabana, Chairman |

| |Erin Eker, Bryan Epley, John Gallup, Jake Thompson |

|Matt Claman, Acting Mayor | | |

Available online at gbos

April 20, 2009

GBOS Monthly Meeting


7:00 p.m. Girdwood Community Center

Call to Order 7:00 p.m. by Tim Cabana, GBOS Chairman

Attendees: Tim Cabana (TC), Bryan Epley (BE), John Gallup (JG), Erin Eker (EE), Jake Thompson (JT)

Minutes Changes, additions, revisions and final approval

1. GBOS Regular Meeting Minutes March 16, 2009.

JG - motion to approve minutes

BE- 2nd VOTE: 5-0 to approve the minutes.


TC- tonight is my last meeting.

JG - Work Party on Bridge timbers held at Alpine Air hanger from 1-4

Work on bridge will be May 1-3 and May 8-10

Volunteers needed, please contact John Gallup 783-3028 or johngallup@

JG - There will be a Girdwood Area Plan advisory meeting on Wednesday, May 22, 2009 6:30p.m.

Introductions, Presentations and Reports:

2. Legislative Report – Senator Bunde – Telecon –no call

3. Assembly Report – Jennifer Johnston – not present

4. ASD Master Plan – Angie Barr – Kumin & Assoc./Mary Cary- ASD/Kathy Recken

Next building design meetings will be May 4, 2009 and May 11, 2009, 3:15 at the Girdwood

School. Public input and comments are welcome.

Plan is for renewal/rehabilitation of the school to better suit the student’s needs.

The classrooms are undersized and there isn’t a gym that is separate from the cafeteria.

Joe Hanson - has concerns over design and life of school buildings, believes the structures are

not holding up as well or as long as they should.

TC – The May 4th meeting is the place to address these concerns.

JG - The bond just got defeated, so this is a moot point.

5. Tim Charnon – Thanks to Tim Cabana for his service as the Chair of the GBOS.

Introduction of new Girdwood District Ranger Kate Walker.

Kate Walker – 17 years service, fisheries background has worked in Idaho & Montana previously.

6. Heather Gott – Anchorage USFS Office – Resource Advisory Council- There is new Federal funding

available for Resource Advisory Councils. There will be two committees, one for Prince William

Sound, the other for Kenai Peninsula/Anchorage. There are 15 people per committee, land

managers work with communities to help decide on projects. Applications will be available in

Parks & Rec office.

7. Financial Report – Tim Cabana

Girdwood budget is a little less than 1.7 million. The budget goes to three main areas; Roads,

Fire and Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec and Fire are on budget, right where they should be. Roads

budget is a little high due to the large amount of snow received in March, but it will even out.

Public Comment:

Persons offering public comment must state their full name and address. Public Comment is limited to three (3) minutes per person and must be on subjects not listed on the agenda.

JG – Would like to acknowledge Tim’s service to the Board and his skills for dealing with the

Municipality. Tim’s presence on the Board has been a plus for Girdwood.

Karen Zaccaro – Little Bears Rummage Sale will be held May 8, 9 & 10 at the Daylodge.

Old Business:

8. From The Land Use meeting of 3/09/09

a. Sub-Committee Reports – John Gallup

Girdwood Area Plan meeting will be held May 22

Trails Committee- Bridge project May 1-3

b. LUC 0904-03 1535 Alyeska Highway Eliminate boundary line between two contiguous


JG – Motion for GBOS to issue letter of Non-Objection to eliminate boundary line at

1535 Alyeska Hwy

EE –2nd

VOTE 5-0

c. LUC 0904-04 Formation of Chapter 9 Review Committee

JG – Motion for GBOS to form Sub-Committee for Chapter 9 Review

BE – 2nd

VOTE 5-0

TC & JG will be on committee and first meeting will be posted

d. LUC0904-05 Girdwood Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade – Chris Beck & Tom


Resolution 2009-03



Whereas, the Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility (AWWU) is responsible to

ensure that the Girdwood treatment plant is able to meet current and anticipated

demand for wastewater treatment in the Girdwood valley; and

Whereas, the Girdwood Wastewater Treatment Facility, built in 1978, is outdated

and approaching capacity; and

Whereas, AWWU has held a series of well publicized work sessions in the Valley to inform the

community about the need for an upgraded facility, including distribution of a background

“Factbook” and two articles published in the Turnagain Times, and

Whereas, the Girdwood Land Use Committee, unanimously voted (6-0) for non-objection to the

proposed treatment facility upgrade at their regularly scheduled meeting on April 13, 2009,

Now, therefore it is hereby resolved that the Board of Supervisors supports upgrading the

facility; and supports AWWU continuing the process of designing the facility, seeking project

funding, and upgrading the facility, consistent with state and federal environmental regulations.

Approved by the Girdwood Board of Supervisors, at their regularly scheduled meeting, held April

20, 2009.

JG – Motion to adopt Resolution 2009-03

BE – 2nd

VOTE – 5-0

9. Boutet Company – Todd Jacobsen

Resolution 2009-04

A resolution of the Girdwood Board of Supervisors in regards to an extension water service connection agreement between Anchorage Water & Wastewater and the Municipality of Anchorage’s Parksand Recreation department

Whereas, the earmarked Federal grant monies administered by the State of Alaska Department of Transportation for street and drainage improvements in Girdwood includes upgrades to the Girdwood Town Square Park(New Girdwood Townsite Alaska Subdivision, Block 1, Lot 23, located in Girdwood, Alaska); and

Whereas, the Municipality of Anchorage’s Parks and Recreation Department desires to have water service from AWWU through an extended connection from the property to an AWWU main located in another benefited area to the west of the parcel;

Whereas, The Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility (AWWU), a public corporate authority of the Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska, operates under rates, rules and regulations approved by the Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA), promulgated in the AWWU Water Tariff (Tariff), which from time to time is subject to change; and

Whereas, AWWU has the capacity to extend water service to the property through an extended water service connection; and

Whereas, AWWU agrees to furnish water service to the property at such rates and under such conditions as are set forth within the Tariff as approves by the RCA, or its successors.

Now, therefore, on April 20, 2009, the Girdwood Board of Supervisors resolves that a portion of

the earmarked Federal grant monies for street and drainage improvements in Girdwood be

utilized to assume the payment of the assessment obligation for the Girdwood Townsite Alaska

Subdivision, Block 1, Lot 23,

located in Girdwood, Alaska ($23,500).

Jacques Boutet – a meter will be there once the levy is paid, but there is no obligation to hook

it up

JG – Motion to adopt resolution from Boutet Company

EE – 2nd

VOTE 4-1

New Business:

10. New Winery –Bob Waites

Presentation of information about Alaskan fruit winery

Will come before the Board at May meeting to request letter of Non-Objection for transfer of

liquor license

Hank Hosford has been involved with Mr. Waites in the South Anchorage community and

recommends him as good neighbor for the community

Will be on May 18th GBOS agenda

Supervisor Reports and Action Item Updates as assigned:

1. Land Use – Jake Thompson

No report

2. Public Safety & Fire – Bryan Epley

Open burning 4/1-5/31 with proper permits

Wood lot open 5/2

3. Roads - Tim Cabana

97” of snow in March, large snow month

working on getting road paved by Safeway store, will be hot-patched this week

4. Parks & Rec – John Gallup

Currently looking for a campground host

Disk golf looking to expand 6-9 more holes

Mountain Metal Madness generated $2,000 for Skatepark

5. Utilities – Erin Eker

Will post notice of area wide tariff filings

JG – Motion to adjourn

JT – 2nd

VOTE 5-0

Request for Executive Session:

Call for Executive session, set agenda, time and place if necessary. Not necessary



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