Municipality - Anchorage, Alaska



Anchorage |[pic] | | |

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|Girdwood, Alaska 99587 |Sam Daniel & Jerry Fox, Co-Chairs |

| |Tommy O’Malley, Robert Snitzer, Eryn Boone |

|Ethan Berkowitz, Mayor | | |

July 18, 2016

GBOS Regular Meeting

Minutes Draft

7:00 p.m. Girdwood Community Room

Call to Order 7:02 p.m. Sam Daniel, Co-Chair

Attending are: Sam Daniel, Jerry Fox, Tommy O’Malley, Robert Snitzer

Eryn Boone is excused.

Agenda Revisions and Approval

July 18, 2016 Agenda Approved JF/RS 4-0

June 20, 2016 GBOS Regular Minutes Approved JF/TO 3-0

June 20, 2016 GBOS/LUC Quarterly Meeting Minutes JF/SD 2-0

Approved without quorum because previously approved by LUC


• MOA/GBOS Quarterly meeting was to be held on MON August 22, 2016, however majority of GBOS members cannot make it on that date. Staff will work on alternate date.

Introductions, Presentations and Reports:

1. Sub-Committee Reports:

a. Trails Committee – Kyle Kelley to discuss in Liaison Report

b. Public Safety Task Force – Sam Daniel/Tommy O’Malley (update in agenda below)

c. Girdwood Area Plan Review – Project still awaiting MOA staff to be available. They are currently working on Anchorage Bowl project. Lewis states that he spoke with SJ Klein, who is active in Fairview Community Council. He indicated that they needed expedited work on their plan, and were able to do it on their own, security grant funding to help pay for it.

d. Tennis Committee – Grand opening on Friday. Jack Roderick, Anchorage Mayor during Municipal unification and founder of Community Councils, attended.

Tommy O’Malley states that GBOS can use 406 funds to promote projects that Girdwood residents want to have completed. With public support, GBOS can carry out projects such as tennis courts, hand tram, pavilions, Community Center. The key is to form a group to promote the projects and make it happen.

2. Legislative Report – Sue Kennedy

No Report.

GBOS Meeting Agendas and minutes are available on line: gbos


3. Gerrish Library Report – Claire Agni

2942 visitors in July. Summer programs continue, for adults, teens and kids.

Megan Mallone is new Library Assistant, she starts in Girdwood on TUE.

4. Liaison Report - Kyle Kelley

Parks and Rec:

Tennis Court Grand Opening on Friday was big success.

Thanks to Clint and John Gallup for work on ramps and tops in Skate Park

Jodi Estrada is contractor who is going to be pulling invasive weeds.

Playground features have been repainted by John Gallup, staining perimeter is under way, hopefully complete before this great weather ends.

Lots of watering, weeding, also work on Nina’s wall and fountain.

Campground has been busy, Ben has been encouraging fee payment and revenues have been great.

Applications have been received for GBOS non-profit rec grants.

Girdwood grants are completed: RAC Grant for hand tram kiosks and Abe’s trail, Anchorage Park foundation grant for tennis courts.

Other grants still being worked under are:

Anchorage Park foundation grant for work on lower Iditarod trail has been extended to next summer, although there will be work this fall by Trails Committee.

KMTA grant for information boards in Town Square Park.

Hand tram haul rope was replaced and follow-up inspection/rope tightening


No Trails Committee meeting in July. Beaver Pond Trail has been brushed, and hand

tram kiosks were completed.


Memo written to MOA to have 406 account opened to hold funding for Cemetery work. After that the feasibility study can be completed, hopefully in fall.

Tommy O’Malley states that he went to site with Heather Hall and volunteer interns looking for antiquities. This volunteer effort will help to save money on the feasibility study.


Reapplication of Calcium Chloride on timberline has helped with dust

Crews have been working on summer projects. Currently working on drainage on

Garmish from parking lot to Alyeska View.

Large Projects:

Olympic Mtn Loop was paved today. Open tomorrow. Remaining items are lighting and landscaping, which should be done by end of this month.

Arlberg Extension: New road base almost complete, culverts are in, conduit for lighting almost complete, this project should finish this fall.

Alyeska Highway and path: Replaced 7 cross culverts, 3 more to go. There will be a new cross culvert south of Timberline intersection. Soon they’ll start working on path and ditch line, starting at south end of the project.

Egloff Road: EPA requirement to knock mud off truck tires is the reason for rocks at the start of the project. If you have comments on this method of meeting the EPA requirement, contact Todd Jacobson at 522-6776. Contractor is Cat’s Eye, their phone number is on the project info board. Kyle has contacted them with comments and suggestions, more pressure from the community may help.

Fire Station: This project is moving along at or faster than schedule, and so far conversations are about credits for parts of the project that are under budget, not change orders that cost more. Foundation is in, plan is to be under cover by winter.

Budget Summary:

Undesignated Fund is $370,000 currently.

Roads: $125,000 spent in June

this is typically highest cost month, due to summer construction

and Davis Bacon rate wages

$218,680 spent year-to-date

Currently spent approx 13% of roads budget YTD

406 fund for roads has $150,000

Parks: $108,000 spent so far year to date, 33% of budget.

Still have contracted work to pay for

Currently spent approx 45% of parks budget YTD

406 fund for parks has $200,000 in it

406 fund for Community room has $74,000 in it.

5. Supervisor Reports

A) Land Use – Jerry Fox

LUC Meeting on Monday July 11. Girdwood Brewing Co provided update on project. LUC decided there was no need for them to return to GBOS with update.

Discussed Conditional Use Permit pamphlet

Move to Amend topic was on agenda. LUC decided to take no action unless local individuals pursue it.

Girdwood Picnic Club came for 2nd presentation and request for support of Letter of Non-Objection to their beer/wine license. This was approved by LUC unanimously (8-0-2)

B) Roads- Robert Snitzer/Liaison Report

No additional report.

C) Parks & Recreation – Eryn Boone/Liaison Report

No additional report

D) Fire & Cemetery – Tommy O’Malley/Interim Chief Will Day

Will Day says summer is busy with 305 calls so far, which is higher than usual. Weekends are particularly busy.

Please be aware of fire dept equipment parked at Glacier City Hall. Be careful not to park them in.

Terry Kadel has decided to stay with Girdwood Fire Dept.

Working through contract with Anchorage Fire Dept to clean up specifics of contract. Hope to have draft contract to review in August.

Working on draft bylaws and articles of incorporation, after this is complete, plan to start search for new chief. Goal is to have this person hired in early 2017.

Fire danger is high. There is a fire at McHugh sending smoke in our direction. No burn ban yet, but please be aware of burn concerns.

43 active members, planning to recruit in the fall.

Tommy O’Malley clarifies that contract with AFD was written in 1998 with one revision. Contract is out of date and leaves areas of concern unclear, such as insurance. In addition, there is possibility that Cooper Landing may no longer serve from Hope cutoff. There are many murky areas to be resolved.

GVFD is working with Foraker Group on establishing modern accounting practices for non-profits. By the time GBOS is working on budgets, they should have completed the setup and be able to provide solid information.

McHugh Fire is currently 60 acres and State’s top priority in fire fighting.

E) Public Safety & Utilities– Sam Daniel

Some residents experienced disconnected service related to road construction work.

Chugach Electric outage was quicker than expected. Future outages are expected, but dates/times are not yet known.

Public Comment:

Shirley Cote, candidate for State House District 28, which runs from Huffman rd to Portage.

Knocking on doors, talking to voters. Spent Saturday greeting folks at the Clinic, across from Post Office. Plans to be there again, stop in and see her and ask questions.


7. Public Safety Update

Status of Whittier Contract is that lawyers are in touch and are drafting language.

Contract will include 30 day opt-out for both sides, insurance and liability clauses, etc.

There was a meeting with Whittier, MOA and Girdwood to discuss specific issues. Items that came up at that meeting were 911 system and possibility that AST would not provide investigative support for major crimes. 911 system is still being figured out, and it is largely an IT issue on how to have equipment serve the need properly. The issue of investigations of major crimes has been pursued directly by Sam Daniel with Col Cockrell, who has assured Sam and followed up in writing that the support will be offered to WPD, regardless of whether the crime occurs in Girdwood or Whittier, as it is in all rural communities.

Troopers are serving in Girdwood through September.

Request is to have a draft contract by August 10.

Contract has to be approved by Whittier City Council, GBOS, and the Anchorage Assembly.

Sam Daniel will represent Girdwood at final negotiations.

Goal is to have contract in place September 1 so there is some overlap with AST.

Forest Fair Contract:

Wrap up meeting showed positive response to Whittier service of Forest Fair.

Business owners outside of Forest Fair site were pleased with Whittier service, as otherwise they are usually without coverage.

Mike Edgington adds that Whittier was going to use contracted officers from other locations for Forest Fair, but in fact mostly sent their own officers. This was well-received and relieved concerns voiced at GBOS meeting prior to Forest Fair.

Group discussed final cost for Forest Fair WPD service. No bill has been received yet, but it is expected to be $5200 per day/3 days, approx $15,600.

Mandy Hawes requested a copy of the Forest Fair contract with Whittier. She has requested previously from WPD and has not received it. Kyle Kelley says he will request it and get it to her.

Mandy also requests a copy of the email that Col Cockrell wrote regarding investigation of major crimes. Sam Daniel states that he will forward that to all members of the Public Safety Task Force.

Mandy states that the resort feels it is prudent, given 30 day opt-out clause and other concerns, to continue consideration of the Alaska State Trooper service and states that Alyeska Resort will pursue this option independently of the GBOS.

Sam Daniel states that at the May GBOS meeting the topic of the AST offer to stay in Girdwood and receive the funding of $615,000 was discussed at length with virtually no community support for GBOS to pursue this option.

Tommy O’Malley states that Trooper departure from Girdwood is unprecedented. But, with Troopers out, Girdwood has made it’s own solution with Whittier, and this option will allow troopers to put resources toward the Seward Highway.

Randall Call asks what the plan is if the groups are not able to agree on contract terms. He also asks what would happen if one or the other side were to decide to terminate the contract with 30 day notice. The implication is that these are reasons for the resort to pursue AST service.

Sam Daniel states that there is not answer to these hypothetical questions.

Jerry Fox adds that the contract negotiations are going on in good faith and it is unlikely that issues between the two entities could not be resolved before getting to the point of dissolving the contract.

Tommy O’Malley restates that GBOS is following the direction of public input that has been stated at various times in support of Whittier Police service.

Mike Opalka adds that if contract is defaulted on, the issue will go back to Anchorage Police Department to serve Girdwood at their discretion and billed back to Girdwood at approx $120 per officer per hour. He cautions that APD is under-staffed.

He recommends that Alyeska Resort review the requirements of training required for police officers to be certified in the State of Alaska.

Public Safety Advisory Committee:

First committee will be appointed by GBOS.

Resumes have been received by 4 individuals.

They will need to write their own bylaws and will be a standing committee similar to LUC.

GBOS will review candidates and make selection at Executive Session on Monday next week.

Mandy Hawes inquired if there are enough applicants and if applications are still being accepted. Sam indicated that 4 have been received, and that application period has closed. Tommy O’Malley offered that there could be space for a non-voting member to be included in the membership.

8. Status of Pedestrian activated crosswalk sign at Hightower/Egloff and Alyeska Highway.

Meeting last week with Sam Daniel, Jerry Fox, Scott Thomas (DOT) and Stephanie Morillo (MOA) resulted in approval of the pedestrian activated crosswalk. Specifics will be outlined in a Transfer of Responsibility Agreement (TORA). Basically the Girdwood Service Area will take on responsibility for the design, purchase, installation and maintenance of the equipment. The DOT will retain responsibility for the right of way where it is installed.

TORA is a standard agreement, and in place for many lights throughout the MOA.

Once written, TORA will go to MOA for legal review, SOA for review and then will be signed.

Likely installation will take place after construction, next year.

This is a major turnaround from status of this item 2 months ago.

9. Review of Girdwood Forest Fair

From staff perspective, Forest Fair ran smoothly. Great partnership with Gus O’Malley, even with the delays in permitting due to law enforcement issue.

Forest Fair committee repaved pathways in the park, which was a benefit to the fair and now is enjoyed by kids on bikes and skateboards.

On Tuesday after the fair clean up day, only 1 vendor remained.

Road construction started up immediately following the fair. The great condition of the fairgrounds was very much appreciated.

Tommy O’Malley stated that the fair went well for all: public enjoyed it, vendors made money, local businesses made money, and local population was pleased with calmest Forest Fair anyone remembers.

Kudos to Girdwood Valley Transit for extending service in evenings to help people get back from festivities. Also to Whittier Police for giving rides to those who needed, and to Girdwood Fire Dept for being aware of a contained fire on one of the islands in Glacier Creek, without breaking up the party there unnecessarily.

10. Update on Cemetery Feasibility Study (Kyle Kelley)

Already discussed.

11. Agenda Item LUC 1606-06: Request by Girdwood Picnic Club for Letter of Non

Objection to beer/wine permit

Jerry Fox updates that LUC voted in favor of the LONO for Girdwood Picnic Club at their meeting last week.

Jerry Fox read the draft LONO in to the record.


Girdwood Board of Supervisors moves to approve the Letter of Non-Objection for a beer and wine license for the Girdwood Picnic Club, as presented.

Motion by Tommy O’Malley, 2nd by Robert Snitzer

Motion carries 4-0

12. Agenda Item LUC 1603-05: Update on status of tri-folds to clarify Conditional Use Permit process and Marijuana Special Land Use Permit process and other MOA Title 21 development activities.

Last month Lewis presented Conditional Use Permit structure for 2nd time, and that information

has now been re-stated in 3 page handout presented to GBOS tonight. This information will be

edited into version that will be placed on GBOS website.

Marijuana Special Land Use Permit document now presented to GBOS by Lewis Leonard for 2nd

review and request for acceptance of this as a working document to be updated as needed and

posted on the GBOS website.


Girdwood Board of Supervisors moves to accept the Marijuana Special Land Use Permit

document as presented to be posted on the GBOS website. It is understood that this is a

working document that will be updated as needed.

Motion by Jerry Fox, 2nd by Robert Snitzer

Motion carries 4-0.

Margaret requests that Lewis provide the document in an electronic format to her in order to post

it on the website.

13. MOA/GBOS Quarterly Meeting Aug 22, 2016 at 4PM at Anchorage City Hall agenda topics (note change in meeting date)

Discussion of this topic at the beginning of the meeting revealed that most GBOS members will not be available to attend this meeting. Topics to be discussed are police contract and pedestrian crosswalk.

Group will discuss alternate dates and make decision at Working Group meeting on MON July 25 at 4:30PM.


14. 2017 Budget Process

Kyle recommends that GBOS budget process start earlier than usual, partly due to the need to formalize the Girdwood Fire Department contract. System of first quarter revisions doesn’t work well with Fire Department budgeting, and leaves them in budget crunch mid-year.

Kyle proposes work session to discuss budgets and process so the Fire Department can establish their budget earlier.

In addition, GBOS needs to consider that they have 2 new budget items: Public Safety (Police) and cemetery. Staff needs to receive direction from GBOS, after they review the mill rate, regarding maintaining a flat budget vs raising the mill rate.

Group confirms plan to meet at 4:30 on Monday to have this discussion and to set up 3 budget work sessions.

Action Item Updates as assigned:

• Staff to work on rescheduling Quarterly GBOS Municipal Manager Meeting

• Kyle to request copy of final Whittier Forest Fair Policing Contract and see that it gets to Mandy Hawes.

• Sam Daniel to forward email from Col Cockrell regarding major crime investigations to all members of the Public Safety Task Force

• Lewis to send Margaret electronic copy of Marijuana Special Land Use Permit to post on GBOS website

Request for Executive Session:

Executive Session set for Monday July 25 at 4PM to review and appoint members to the Girdwood Public Safety Advisory Committee.


8:50PM Meeting Adjourn


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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