Anchorage, Alaska

Girdwood Public Safety Advisory Committee

Special Meeting RE: Girdwood Forest Fair

May 20, 2019

Minutes Draft

The Girdwood Board of Supervisors, its committees, and subcommittees are subject to the Alaska Open Meetings Act as found in Alaska Statute 44.62.310 and Anchorage Municipal Code1.25 - Public Meetings.

6PM Call to order, Ken Waugh, Co-Chair

Confirmation of Quorum

Agenda Approved for May 20, 2019 special meeting


1) Forest Fair Parking and Girdwood Fire Dept concerns of emergency access

GFR Chief Michelle Weston has expressed concern about access in neighborhoods during high-traffic events.

Guests attending Spring Carnival events blocked access to fire hydrants and blocked emergency vehicles’ ability to travel down streets, effectively cutting off homes from fire service and EMS response. WPD was unable to respond with tickets and requests for towing as they were active with other issues related to the event.

Looking forward to upcoming Forest Fair, she has concerns about maintaining access along the side streets, in particular on Saturday afternoon, if the weather is good.

In Anchorage, organizers of large events are required to hire off-duty professional enforcement (Right of way or APD). Cost of APD officers for this service is $132/hour per officer. 1 hour each way is reserved for drive time to/from Girdwood. Total anticipated cost is $3200 for the day, and there is a 15 day cancellation requirement. APD would need formal signage in place in order to enforce parking. Barricades can be rented to help with this.

Forest Fair would like to have GBOS pay for this, as the issue is outside of the boundary of the event and the event is one that is supported by the community.

Group discusses that this action will set precedent for other large events that are impactful on the community, including the Spring Carnival and other emerging events, such as the Alaskaman Triathalon.

Group discusses who would manage these officers. Chief Weston will accept this responsibility and will handle from the Mobile Command Center.


PSAC moves to recommend that the Girdwood Forest Fair provide professional parking enforcement for 8 hours on the SAT for the Saturday of Forest Fair.

Motion by Mike Opalka, 2nd by Guy Wade

Motion carries 4-0

Public Comment: None

Public Safety Outreach Opportunities/Events:

Fiddlehead Festival SAT-SUN June 1-2 Resort Event

AlaskaMan Triathalon SAT June 29 Seward Highway/Girdwood events

Girdwood Forest Fair FRI-SUN July 5-7 Town Event

Discrete Mountain Run SAT July 27 Town Trail Event

Blueberry Festival SAT-SUN Aug 17-18 Resort Event

End of year bike festival FRI-SUN Sept 6-8 Resort Event

Fungus Fair SAT-SUN Sept 7-8 Community Event

Climb-A-Thon SAT Sept 14 North Face Trail Event

Rotary Health Fair SAT Sept 28 Community Event

Girdwood Trail Marathon SAT Oct 5 Community Event

Adjourn 6:50PM

Girdwood Public Safety Advisory Committee is a sub-committee to the Girdwood Board of Supervisors

Agendas and minutes are available on line:



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