Application Instructions - Alberta

The following is intended to provide instructions on completion of your application. Please review carefully prior to submitting. Further information is provided in the Prorate Information Guide or you can access the Guide and Forms through our government web site . Upon request the forms are available in Excel format by e-mail or on disc.

If you have any questions contact Prorate Services at (403) 297-2920, fax (403) 297-2917 or

e-mail | |


|Buses - A valid Bus Inspection Certificate and an Operating Authority Certificate. |

|IFTA - Please contact 780-427-3044 for information on the International Fuel Tax Agreement. |

|Jurisdiction Requirements - Refer to the New Carrier letter for some requirements. Please contact jurisdictions directly for any further |

|requirements. (See Directories in the Quick Reference section, of the Prorate Information Guide, or web site.) |

|Safety Fitness Certificate (SFC) - This is not a pre-requisite to prorating. At the time of registration, the client must produce the SFC to |

|register a vehicle with a gross weight of 11,794 kg or more, or a bus designed to carry more than 11 passengers including the driver. You are |

|required to obtain a SFC with an operating status of “Federal” if your vehicle is 4500 kilograms or more and you are leaving Alberta. |


|Bill of Sale |

|CVIP – see Inspection Programs |

|MVIP – see Inspection Programs |

|Lease Agreement |

|New Vehicle Information Statement (NVIS) |

|Vehicle Import Form |

|Established Place of Business Questionnaire (new clients only) |

|Hauling Contracts - A written agreement between an owner/operator(s) for a specific unit and prorated client. Submit this document if the |

|owner of the unit is not the prorated client. It must contain the following information: |

|the names and addresses of all parties |

|date of birth if individual(s), |

|vehicle description including the year, make and serial number, |

|both parties must date and sign agreement |

|You must also complete OWNER INFORMATION section on Form 2. |

|Agreement To Maintain Records - Must be completed and submitted by all new clients. Clients are responsible for being knowledgeable about IRP |

|record keeping requirements. If an audit is conducted on a client and they are found to be out of compliance, they may be faced with a |

|monetary assessment. See Prorate Information Guide or web site for details. |

|Contract for a License Agent - If a licensing agent has been hired to fill out your Prorate applications then a contract that states this must|

|accompany your new application. |


|MVIP – Motor Vehicle Inspection Program |

|This program has two components: |

|Alberta Out of Province Vehicle Inspection (OOP Vehicle Inspection) |

|Has a 14-day time limit for registering the vehicle |

|For vehicles under 11,794 kgs |

|Salvage Vehicle Inspections have replaced Written-Off Vehicle Inspections |

|CVIP – Commercial Vehicle Inspection Program |

|For vehicles over 11,794 kgs |


|Client’s MVID - Motor Vehicle Identification number. |

|Account Number (AB) - number assigned by Prorate Services, if new client leave blank. |

|Effective Date – provide starting date of application. |

|Expiry Date - Alberta prorate registrations expire March 31st of each year. |

|Supp. Number (Supplement) - start with 1 and increase for following applications. |

|Fleet Number- identifies the fleet that is to be registered. Examples: 001, 002, 003 |

|When to Establish a Separate Fleet - A fleet is one or more prorated vehicles that travel in the same jurisdiction under the same client name. |

|Example: |[pic] |

|Each fleet must be submitted on separate application forms |

|Client's Name – individual or company (that is registered with Alberta Corporate Registry). |

|O/A (operating as) – trade name. Examples: John A. Smith O/A Sunshine Transport. |

|- 12345 Alberta Ltd. DBA (Doing Business As) Ace Trucking Company. |

|Alberta Business Mailing Address - of the client |

|Alberta Business Physical Address - where the client has an established place of business. Post Office box numbers are not acceptable. |

|Alberta Business Telephone Number - of the client |

|Alberta Drivers License Number or Date of Birth - required if individual. |

|Contact Name - the individual responsible for the completion of the forms. |

|Telephone Number - of the contact |

|Fax Number - of the contact |

|E-mail Address - of the contact (if this is your preferred method of receiving correspondence) |

|Insurance Information - insurance company name, policy number, and date of expiry. (if Government insurance a letter is required from the |

|Government agency) |

|Type of Fleet Application - indicate one of the following application types being submitted. The document “Types of Prorate Services” may be |

|used as a quick reference. |

|( NEW – Applying to prorate for the first time or if adding a fleet to your existing prorate account. |

|( RENEW – Renewing an existing Prorate fleet. Renewal instructions are mailed to carriers approximately 3 months prior to registration expiry. |

|( ADD JURISDICTION – If already prorated and wish to operate in a jurisdiction(s) that was not previously listed on the cab card. Record only |

|the new jurisdiction(s) kilometres and weights. The Form 2 must be completed. |

|( ADDRESS & NAME CHANGE – Any changes since the previous application. A Form 2 is required. |

|Type of Operation – indicate one of the following types of business that will be performed. |

|( PRIVATE - An individual or company transporting their own goods, property, equipment or passengers. |

|( FOR-HIRE - An individual or company transporting someone else's goods, property, equipment or passengers. |

|( DAILY RENTAL - Uses fleet on a daily rental basis. (see Guide or web site for more information) |

|Operating Authority Number for Buses – provide if operating buses. |


|For actual distances, record the years that are being used for your reporting period. e.g. July 1, through to June 30, of the preceding year |

|Enter the actual or estimated distance (estimated distance can only be used if you do not have actual kilometres) for each jurisdiction in |

|which travel is intended. |

|The jurisdictions that you want to appear on the cab card, enter "P" in the Pro-Rate column. All other jurisdictions leave blank |

|For the jurisdictions that you are estimating kilometres, enter "E" in the EST column. |

|Estimated Distance Explanation - Explain by giving location(s), routes, frequency and any additional information. To explain your estimated |

|distances use one of the following methods: |

|Prorate Fleet Application Form 1 in the explanation field or, |

|Estimated Distance Declaration, or |

|Distance generated computer software program. |

|Note: On an Add-Jurisdiction fleet transaction or estimating the distances for a second year, the fees will be calculated over 100 percent. |

|Applications with non-bordering jurisdictions will be questioned. |

|Authorized Signature and Date of Application - an authorized representative of the company must sign the application. Enter the date |

|application is signed. |

|Other government departments and the Prorate office share client information. |

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|Type of Transaction (TX) - Choose one of the following transactions (see Documents You May Need to Submit With Application) The document |

|“Types of Prorate Services” may be used as a quick reference. |

|AV- Adding a vehicle to a new fleet, existing fleet or renewing a fleet. |

|TR – Transferring plates and registration from a deleted vehicle to a vehicle you are adding on the same supplement. A new plate can be |

|requested with this transaction by putting "NEW" in the plate number field in Section B. If you have a plate that you would like to use enter |

|the number. (Use for Temporary Breakdown – see glossary in Guide or web site .) |

|CV – Changing vehicle information on a current prorated vehicle in the fleet. Example: add-jurisdiction, new plate, duplicate cab card, unit |

|number, colour, fuel, owner/operator, lease information etc. Indicate on the form what is being changed. (vehicle type can only be changed on |

|a fleet to fleet transfer or renewal) |

|WC - Weight change on a current prorated vehicle in the fleet. |

|Note: When adding a unit that is already registered in Alberta, it is advisable that this registration be cancelled at the same time as paying|

|for the prorate registration. |

|Vehicle Identification Number - Complete VIN must be recorded on the application. |

|Unit Number – optional |

|Colour - primary colour of the power unit. |

|Year of Vehicle - last two digits of model year. |

|Make of Vehicle – manufactures name. Examples: FRHT, KW, and PTRB |

|Fuel Type - D - Diesel, - G - Gas, - P - Propane, - M - Multi-fuel, - O - Other. |

|Vehicle Type - choose type of unit from shaded box at the top of form. See Prorate Information Guide or web site for detailed description. |

|Odometer Reading – optional |


|Axles - number of axles for each individual vehicle, not the combination. |

|Tare Weight - empty / unladen weight of the vehicle |

|Plate Number – current or previous license plate number or the word "NEW" for a new plate. |

|Canadian Purchase Price - total purchase price (do not include GST, sales tax and tire tax). For leased vehicles this is the capitalized cost.|

|U.S. Exchange Rate – if prorating U.S. jurisdiction(s) then record the rate used. |

|U.S. Purchase Price – converted Canadian purchase price or capitalized cost into U.S. dollars, if the fleet is travelling into the U.S. |

|Date of Purchase/Lease - record as Year /Month /Day |

|Commodity Code - A - All or hauling more than one commodity. - B - Bore Wells, |

|- C - Concrete, - G – Gravel, - H - Household, - K - Crane Services, - L - Logs, |

|- P - Cement Pumpers, - S - Livestock |

|Mounted Equipment – type of Mounted Equipment and/or specifications. To qualify the type of operation must be Private, the vehicle must not |

|carry a load, have permanently affixed equipment that covers a minimum of 75 per cent of the deck, and be registered as vehicle type TR. An |

|ambulance, bed-truck or a fire-truck may appear in this field. See list in Prorate Information Guide, web site or contact your nearest weigh |

|scale to determine eligibility. |

|Bus Seats - rated seating capacity |


|If vehicle is owned/leased by more than one individual and/or company record all names. |

|Leasing Company Name – if owner is leasing from a financial institute or a leasing company |

|MVID – the Motor Vehicle Identification Number of owner or leasing company. |

|Owner/Operator Name(s) - full name of the owner/operator record all names if owned by more than one person (Trade names are not allowed.) |

|Date of Birth – if an individual. (record all date of births if owned by more than one individual) |

|DELETE VEHICLE INFORMATION - Vehicle that is being removed from the Prorate fleet. |

|VIN (Vehicle Identification/serial Number) – the complete serial number of the unit to be deleted. |

|Vehicle Year - last two digits of model year of the vehicle to be deleted. |

|Plate Number - of vehicle to be deleted. |

|Note: When the transaction involves a deletion it is advisable that this service be processed as soon as possible because a delay could result|

|in a reduction of the credit amount. Cab card(s) must be returned to your Registry Agent at the time of processing, or accounted for by a |

|sworn declaration. |

|Insurance Information – Indicate YES if the vehicle insurance is the same as on the Application Form 1. If NO then provide a copy of the pink |

|insurance card. |


|Weight Group Number – identifies the weight group that is to be used. Examples: 1, 2, 3 etc. |

|A "Weight Group Number" represents units travelling in the same jurisdictions at the same designated weights. Use separate forms for units |

|with different weight groups. |

|GVW – Combined Gross Vehicle Weight of the vehicle and load. |

|A chart for jurisdiction's maximum registered gross vehicle weight can be found in the Prorate Information Guide or on our web site. |

|Canadian weights are to be recorded in kilograms, Quebec by the total number of axles and the United States in pounds. |

|Declaration - required if there is a 10 % difference between the highest and lowest GVW |

|Signature & Date – sign and date all forms. |


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