
Name of School

School Address

Area Code/Phone Number


|Name: |      |Student ID Number: |      |

|Birth Date: |      |Registered School: |      |

|Gender: | |Grade: |      |

|Age: |      |Home Language: |      |

|Parent/Guardian: |      |Primary Language: |      |

|Address: |      |Language Proficiency: |      |

| |     , New Mexico |Referral Date: |      |

| | 87      |Date of Consent: |      |

|Phone Number: |      |Testing Date(s): |      |

| | |Report Date: |      |







Test Observations

Review of Records

Cumulative school records

Previous Evaluation(s)

      is a       grade student at       in      , New Mexico. is identified as a student with      . current IEP dated       indicated that receives       hours per week of special education services within the       setting. A referral for formal testing was initiated as is due for three-year reevaluation.

According to the Review of Existing Evaluation Data (REED), completed on      ,      


A review of school records and the current REED revealed the following information.



     ’s most current District and State Assessments revealed the following:      

Teacher Progress Reports





The school nurse completed a vision and hearing screening on       which revealed       vision

( glasses).       the hearing. Health concerns reported.      


A parent interview was completed on      . According to      ’s      ,      

Review of Factors Which Could Impact Performance

State evaluation guidelines require a review of relevant factors that could impact a student’s progress in the school setting. Cultural, linguistic, environmental and socio-economic are considered.

Cultural factors include cultural practices which could impact a student’s performance on a test or in school. Commitment to time, movement, affect, and reliance on the manner in which one communicates are some of the variables considered during the instruction day and testing.

Linguistic factors include the student’s dominant language, language spoken in the home, and language(s) of instruction. The student’s first language and exposure to a second language are important variables to consider. The duration and frequency of a second language other than English is subject to investigation to determine if a student has acquired language proficiency in English before attempting to measure academic or intellectual abilities.

Environmental factors include conditions, forces, or external stimuli which impinge upon a student’s ability to succeed in the school setting or during testing.

Socio-economic factors which could impact health, nutrition, attitude, or exposure toward learning are also reviewed.




One or more derived scores are used to report standardized test results. Some of these scores and their definition are as follows:

• Percentile (%ile) A score that gives the rank of a student compared with others of the same age (e.g. a percentile of 70 means the student’s scores is equal to or greater than 70 out of 100 students of the same age).

• Age Standard Score (SS) An age standard score is a measure of a student’s standing compared with others of the same age. Standards scores have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15.

• Age Equivalent (AE) A score that reflects a student’s performance in terms of the age level at which the score falls. An age equivalent of 3-4 means the student made the same score by the average child who is 3 years 4 months of age.

• Scaled Score This is a type of standard score with a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 3, typically used to report subtests results for intelligence scales.

• Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) A standard error of measurement is an estimate of the amount of error associated with a student’s obtained score and is directly related to the reliability of a test.

• T-Score A T-Score is a standard score based on a distribution with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10.

• V-Scale A score with a mean of 15 and a standard deviation of 3, unique to subdomain scores.


      was evaluated in       at      . Rapport was to establish. demonstrated      .

Test results to be valid estimates of current skill levels.


Insert test grids



Continued eligibility of is being considered. For re-evaluation purposes, continued eligibility (no change in eligibility classification) is not dependent upon meeting initial eligibility criteria. From the formal assessment evaluation results, it appears       continues to meet eligibility as a student with       and would benefit from continued specialized instruction in the of      .

The Eligibility Determination Team should consider the current formal assessment results, district, state, and classroom assessments in determining eligibility and the need for special education services. Determination of eligibility is made by members of an Eligibility Determination Team (EDT) and requires a student meet evaluation criterion and demonstrates a need for special education services. An EDT meeting will be held to review all available information related to the student.

|Name and Credentials | |

|Title | |

An interpretation of test results was conducted on       with      



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