River Bank Woods Homeowners Association

River Bank Woods Homeowners Association

Architectural Standards


All residents will benefit from planning and design features that preserve the architectural integrity of the neighborhood. These benefits include emphasis of improvements having a high standard for design, materials and construction quality. The standards set forth are intended to enhance the beauty, openness and desirability of the neighborhood and to promote long-term improvement in property values. All exterior changes to land or homes within River Bank Woods must be approved before work begins. These changes include, but are not limited to, fences, decks, additions, pools, trees, plants, patios, sheds, recreation and play equipment, storm doors and windows, garages, roofs, chimneys and changes in color of any exterior surface, including a different paint color. The original chart of colors from Toll Brothers, Inc. appears at the end of these standards.


Each homeowner is legally bound to the rules and regulations set forth in the declaration of the homeowners association and the covenants therein. Among other things, the declaration establishes the homeowners association and its board of directors (“BOD”). The BOD is responsible for the organization and operation of the homeowners association, including the creation and administration of an architectural review committee (“ARC”). Among the duties of the ARC is the responsibility to review all applications for exterior changes submitted by residents. Every homeowner is encouraged to review these architectural guidelines prior to making plans for any changes to the exterior of their homes and to assist in preparing an acceptable application to ARC. In addition, homeowners are encouraged to ask questions of the ARC or BOD for clarification if needed prior to submitting an application to ARC.


Applications for proposed exterior changes are available on the RBW web site located at under “Documents” or from either ARC or the secretary of the BOD. The application form is also known as an Architectural Modification Request Application (“AMRA”). A copy of your plat must accompany the application with the location of the requested improvements identified. The plat is a survey including your lot dimensions and house location that was provided to you at settlement. Neighboring homeowners on either side of the proposed improvements must sign the AMRA. Construction contracts should have a contingency subject to the approval of ARC, and no changes are allowed thereafter without the consent of ARC. If the request includes a change of color, color chips must be included. Photographs are helpful. The following information should be included:

• Plat copy (provided to you at settlement) with drawing of improvement location

• Sketch, photo, brochure, and other descriptive information

• Materials and color

• Dimensions

• Estimated start and completion dates

For consideration of your request, please submit your application to the Community Management Company. It is also acceptable to present an application at any meeting of ARC or BOD. Meeting dates are posted on the web site. The ARC will review your application and forward with its recommendation to the Community Management Company.

You should receive a written response within 45 days of initial receipt by ARC of your AMRA. Responses are usually sent within 30 days. Approved projects must be completed within 60 days unless otherwise provided in the approval letter. Although actual response times are usually faster than these, if your application requires a quick response, please prominently note this on the top of your application. Depending on the complexity of the project, ARC will try to accelerate the response time.

County Approvals

Many items require county review and permits. If the proposed improvement requires County approval, it is the homeowner’s responsibility to obtain such approval and to comply with zoning requirements. ARC approval does not preclude the need for County approval, and County approval does not preclude the need for ARC approval. The homeowner is also responsible for determining that the proposed improvements are to be located only on the property of the homeowner (not on HOA common ground, not on property of VDOT adjoining the street, not on a recorded easement, etc.). No common area may be enclosed or have construction activity.

General Application Considerations

Open Space Concept

The need and desire to maintain this concept will be the basis for many application considerations. For example, fencing, if not of proper design, material and location, can have a detrimental effect upon the community’s desire for open space. Sheds and similar structures should not be visible from the street.

Location and Impact on Neighbors

The proposed application change must relate favorably to the environment of the area. Points that must be considered include view, sunlight, drainage, access and ventilation. As such, an addition to one property could affect the view, access, sunlight, drainage or ventilation of a neighboring property. Discussion of proposed changes with neighbors in advance is encouraged. It would also be appropriate to submit your neighbor’s comments with the application.

Design Compatibility

Proposed changes must be compatible with the architectural characteristics of the applicant’s house and yard, as well as adjoining homes and the community setting. This would include similarity of architectural style, details and colors.


The quality of workmanship must be equal to or better than that of the existing and surrounding structures. Failure to maintain this standard would result in construction, appearance and safety problems.


Continuity is a necessary consideration in relationship with the materials being used. Options may be limited to the design and materials of the original home. However, other properly coordinated components may be acceptable.


Color can play an important part in the overall appearance of your home and yard. A change that is inconsistent with the color scheme of the community could have a negative impact on the value of other properties. As such, components of additions that are similar to the existing house, such as roofs and trim, should be matching in color. No color of an existing component may be changed without the consent of ARC. The existing color chart from Toll Brothers, Inc. appears at the end of these standards.


The actual finished size of any proposed alteration or change should balance and complement adjacent structures and surroundings.


Projects that remain uncompleted for long periods of time are visually objectionable and can be both a nuisance and safety hazard for neighbors and the community. Homeowners

are encouraged to complete improvements in a timely manner. Applications must include an estimated completion schedule. If unforeseeable or uncontrollable delays are incurred, please advise ARC so that complaints may be properly addressed.


Proper maintenance of all structures and grounds are the responsibility of the homeowner. This includes lawns, fences, landscaping, unattached structures, painting, repair, etc. Items that are not properly maintained may fail to remain in compliance with architectural guidelines. If in non-compliance, homeowners may be so notified.

Non-Compliance With ARC Guidelines

If it comes to the attention of the ARC that a lot is in non-compliance with RBW architectural standards, ARC or the community management company (“LMA”) will notify the homeowner of the potential non-compliance. The notification should include:

• homeowner’s name, address and lot number

• description of the non-compliance

• reference to the RBW guideline

• name and telephone number of ARC or BOD member familiar with matter

• description of the process and responsibilities of homeowner

ARC (or LMA) must notify the homeowner at least twice of the non-compliance before making a recommendation to the BOD. The homeowner will have a period of 30 days from the date of notification in which to respond. If the homeowner fails to respond or correct the non-compliance within 30 days of the second notice, ARC will recommend action to the BOD. ARC may also delegate certain responsibilities to LMA.

Appeal Process

If a homeowner disagrees with the contents of a non-compliance letter, a review by the ARC may be requested. If ARC determines that the home is in compliance, the homeowner will be notified in writing. If ARC determines that the home is in non-compliance, ARC will continue the process. Upon making recommendation to the BOD, ARC will take no further action unless directed by BOD.



Decks are an extension of the house and have a large impact on overall appearance and affect the privacy of neighboring properties. Accordingly, these concerns will be of primary importance to the ARC in its review. Be certain to check with Loudoun County for deck setback requirements (# feet back from rear lot line) early in the planning stage. The building restriction line (“BRL”) delineated on your plat (house location survey from your settlement) outlines the furthest point a structure may be built having a roof. You may also check the Loudoun County deck requirements at

• All materials and colors used in construction of decks should complement the materials and colors of the house. Toll Brothers, Inc. color chart follows these standards.

• Decks will be located in the rear yard, and in the case of corner lots and similar situations, should not extend beyond the extended front sight line of the adjoining house. Others will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

• Privacy of adjacent homes should be considered when planning decks.

• Placement of the deck should relate to the plan of the house, windows and doors.

• Plantings to screen structural elements of decks are encouraged.


Generally, fencing will be of primary concern for the community, as many homeowners will build fences for privacy, security and physical/visual definition. Alternatives to fencing should be considered first, such as landscaping and plant materials. Homeowners with children may prefer fences. Those having dogs should consider the use of an invisible fence. Architectural guidelines will allow the construction of fencing while at the same time preserving the open space concept. The more spacious character of neighborhoods is often compromised by excessive fencing. Please understand that these guidelines are general in nature and each fence will be considered on its own merit. Plantings adjoining long stretches of fencing are encouraged to soften its effect.


Fences may be located in rear yards and may also be located in side yards no further than one-half the side of the house measured from the rear corner of the house. No fences are to be located in front yards or in side yards closer than one-half the side of the house measured from the front corner of the house. In the case of corner lots, it should be noted that fences cannot be located between the house and either street since the fence would then adjoin the front yard of a neighbor. For these and similar cases, fences may not be constructed closer to the street than the corner of the house.


Fences are encouraged to be limited in size to 4-4.5 feet. Fences will be approved having a height of up to 5 feet at the highest point of each fence section.

Open Design

Fences must have an open design that will allow the passage of sunlight and ventilation for the benefit of adjoining homeowner’s plants and for the open space concept of RBW. The finished side of the fence must always show toward the street. Variations of fence sections may include a straight top, a scooped top (Mt. Vernon) or an arched top (Monticello). Approved designs, which may have galvanized wire mesh not higher then the wooden top, include the following:

• split rail

• four board estate

• six board estate

• board on board

• picket.

Unacceptable Styles

Certain fences are inconsistent with the openness and friendliness desired in RBW. Therefore, the following fences will not be approved:

• stockade

• basket weave

• chain link

• barbed wire

It should be noted that some fences were constructed prior to the creation of these guidelines (July 2004). These fences are therefore in temporary compliance for this reason. At such time that any such fence is replaced, the homeowner must comply with the above referenced guidelines.


The height and width of plantings when mature should be considered prior to installation. Care should be given not to obstruct street corners, sidewalks or your neighbor’s view. Generally, shrubs and bushes in front yards should not grow to heights in excess of 4-5 feet, or be trimmed to a similar height. In addition, shrubs and bushes should have sufficient spacing via planting or trimming to allow the passage of air and light between them. Lawns should be mowed to a height not greater than 6 inches.


• All trees require the approval of ARC prior to planting.

• Evergreen trees such as leyland cypress, arborvitae and similar trees used for screening will not be approved in front yards (visible from the street).

• Street trees may not be removed or relocated without the approval of ARC.

Tree Save Areas

• No mowing

• No tree removal

• No fallen tree removal

• No “hazard tree” removal without approval of Loudoun County

For further information on tree save areas, please see “Tree Save Area Do’s and Don’ts” from Dana Malone, Loudoun County Urban Forester on RBW website under “Documents.”

Landscape Screening

The following is permitted:

1- The use of “invisible” netting products placed directly on plants and fastened by the use of anchor pins.

2- Where a more fence-like barrier is needed, the use of invisible netting with supporting stakes is permitted, provided that the stakes are spaced and a minimum of 2’ intervals and are colored to blend in (ie: green). Such barriers may be no taller than 24”. Where this type of fencing is installed, it must be maintained so that it is straight and even.

3- Tree guards and protector tubes designed for the purpose of protecting seedlings and small trees, and/or tree stakes are permitted, provided they are no more than ¾” in diameter. Any such guards or stakes must be removed once the tree is mature enough to thrive without such protections.

Patios and Walls

Patios and walls will be located in rear yards with side yard locations reviewed on a case-by-case basis. For these improvements, it is important to consider the impact on natural drainage patterns for water. The proposed improvement should not be located in a swale or other drainage area, nor should the improvement impede the natural drainage of water. Astroturf, indoor/outdoor carpeting or similar materials are not permitted to cover patios, walkways or other outdoor locations.

Recreation and Play Equipment

Recreation and play equipment should be placed in the rear yard. Larger equipment such as trampolines, moon bounces, hammocks must be located in the rear yard (behind the house) to screen from street view. The size of the recreation and play equipment should be considered in proportion to the size of the property. Design and visual screening of this equipment should also blend with the natural surroundings. The equipment must be maintained to the same standards as maintenance of housing and other structures. Portable basketball goals must remain on the homeowner’s lot, which includes the driveway, and may not be placed in the street because of safety concerns. Basketball goals that are permanently installed are discouraged because of the small lot sizes. In every case, an application for a permanent basketball goal must be accompanied by a plat showing its location and the signatures of adjoining homeowners with comments.

Solar Panels

Solar Panels will be considered individually on their own merits. A panel which lies flat with the roof pitch and which is installed on the rear roof would have the highest

probability of approval. All non-absorbing parts must be painted to match the roof or background. Piping, wiring and color devices must be hidden or minimally visible. No part of the equipment or attachments may be visible above the highest point of the roof.

Storage Sheds

Well designed and sited storage sheds can enhance individual property and the community by concealing cluttering objects such as gardening tools, trash cans, bicycles etc. To achieve this, the shed must be compatible with the architecture of the house and landscaping.

• Sheds must be located in rear yards, preferably not visible from the street unless landscaped to soften its effect.

• Materials and color should match the house, including siding roofing, dominant colors and construction details such as trim and roof pitch. No metal sheds will be approved.

Storm Doors and Windows

When installing storm doors and windows, care should be given to the general appearance of the community. Storm doors and windows should be plain without ornamentation. The color should match the door, frame or dominate trim color. The frames of storm doors and windows should blend with the color of the trim.

Swimming Pools

Above-ground pools are prohibited. In-ground pools will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Lots in our community are generally too small to accommodate swimming pools. Principal problems involve locating the pool in a manner that satisfies Loudoun County setback requirements from rear lot lines and not interfering with existing utility easements.

• Pools must be located in the rear of the property and be shielded from the street by the house.

• Pool filtration equipment should be shielded from adjacent properties using mature shrubbery or other screening of an appropriate size and scale.

• Pools may be enclosed by wrought iron railings. The only permitted color is black. Height must be 36-42 inches, and railings must be at least three (3) feet from the property line. Railings do not substitute for a lot line fence, which remain subject to the guidelines for fences (see page five).

• Pool alarms or pool covers are permitted with approval of the ARC.

Exterior Alterations (Major: Garage, Porch Etc.)

The design of exterior alterations should be compatible in scale, material and color with the existing structure and adjacent structures. Pitched roofs on additions should match the slope of the existing roof on the applicant’s house. New windows and doors should match the type used in the applicant’s house and should be situated in such a way that they blend with the existing doors and windows. Any change in drainage must be indicated. Drainage changes that would adversely impact a neighboring property will generally not be approved.


Garage doors should be overhead type and match those in the community. Carports are generally not acceptable.


Porches are also an extension of the house, but unlike decks, porches may be attached to the front of the house.

• Porches must relate according to the plan of the house and established porch plans for your model within the community.

• Plantings should be provided at post foundations to screen structural elements and to soften visual impact.

• For screened-in porches, floors may be of decking material. Screen material should match the color of existing window and door screens.


Attic Ventilators

These should be as small in size as functionally possible, mounted on the rear roof of the home and not be higher than the ridge line of the roof.


Use of exterior clotheslines is prohibited.

Commercial and Government Vehicles

These are defined as:

• Capacity of 1500 lbs (3/4 ton) or more; or

• Displays advertising; or

• Licensed for hire

These vehicles may not be parked regularly within the community. Note that a vehicle that is garaged shall not be considered a commercial or government vehicle for purposes of this guideline.

Exterior Decorative Objects

ARC approval is required for all exterior decorative objects, including, but not limited to, fountains, pools, bird baths, sculptures, wagon wheels, poles and any attachments.

Exterior Lighting

Additional or changed exterior lighting fixtures should be compatible and match the style and scale of the house.

Exterior Painting

Matching of exterior painting during the process of repainting or re-staining does not require the application approval. However, if a different exterior color is to be used (door, shutters, trim, roof garage door etc.), an application must be submitted. Any change proposed should consider the other colors of the house and community.


Firewood should be located in rear yards. If placed in side yards, the wood should not be visible from the street. This can be achieved by landscaping or fencing. Firewood may not be stacked higher than 4 feet from ground level.

Inoperable Vehicles

These are defined as:

• Any vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer not in operating condition; or

• Any vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer that has been partially or totally disassembled

These vehicles may not be parked regularly within the community. Note that a vehicle that is garaged shall not be considered an inoperable vehicle for purposes of this guideline.


These should be of simple design and color.

Recreational Vehicles (RVs) and Campers

No vehicles except as may be classified as passenger cars or station wagons shall be regularly parked in residential areas. Passenger cars include pick-ups, SUVs, vans and motorcycles.

Refuse Containers

Trash cans and refuse containers should not be obviously visible from the street. They should be placed in a garage or in side or rear yards hidden from view. Trash cans and refuse containers should not be left in front of houses. They should be placed on the curb no earlier than the night before the scheduled pick-up.

Satellite Dishes

Satellite dishes will be considered for approval if:

• not greater than 24 inches in diameter, and

• mounted in an area not on the front wall or front roof of the house, and may be on the back roof not visible from the street. In addition, if mounted on the side wall, the dish may not protrude into the front sight line of the house. Plant screening is also encouraged to soften the street view.


Replacement shutters must be of comparable size and design. Colors must be compatible with the other colors of the house and with colors of houses in the community. A color chart from Toll Brothers, Inc. follows these standards.


No signs are allowed to be displayed from houses other than building permits and other similar requirements of the county government. Signs in yards should be for temporary use only, are restricted to one sign per lot and may not exceed 3 square feet in size. In addition, all signs must meet Loudoun County regulations regarding size, content and removal. All signs relating to such matters as real estate marketing, political elections or construction advertising must be removed within 2 days after the leasing or closing of real estate, conclusion of the election or completion of construction.

Vegetable Gardens

Care should be given to garden equipment and upkeep of the garden. If a compost heap is kept, the location of the pile should be considered as well as resultant offensive odors. Gardens should be placed in the back yard. Potential drainage problems and runoff should be considered in the location of the garden. Dead vegetation should be removed and the area cleaned after the growing season.

Window Air Conditioning Units

Exterior air conditioning units may not be located in windows, doors or walls.

Exterior Color Selections


Brick Suppliers – Potomac Valley Brick

Roof Shingles – GAF, Timberline

Vinyl Siding – ALCOA

Stucco – Sonneborn

|Color Selection |Brick |Siding |Trim |Roof |Shutters |Front Door |Garage Door |

| | | | | | | | |

|Stucco Color |Cameo |Cameo |Pebble |Pebble |Saltbox |Saltbox |Granite |

| | | | | | | | |

|Accent Stucco |Marble White (P) |Marble White (P) |Marble White (P) |Marble White (P) |Snowball (P) |Snowball (P) |Snowball (P) |

|(match Parex) | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Siding (ALCOA) |Cameo |Cameo |Almond |Almond |Sandtone |Sandtone |Victorian Gray |

| | | | | | | | |

|Trim |101 Amber White |101 Amber White |101 Amber White |101 Amber White |101 Amber White |101 Amber White |100 Super White |

| | | | | | | | |

|Roof |Heather |Weathered Wood |Weathered Wood |Pewter Gray |Charcoal |Pewter Gray |Charcoal |

| |220 Georgetown Green | |215 Cobblestone Grey | |215 | | |

|Shutters | |202 Foxhall Green | |202 Foxhall Green |Cobblestone |483 Carolina Slate |483 Carolina Slate |

| | | | | |Grey | | |

| | | |220 Georgetown Green | | | | |

|Front Door |471 Grey Flannel |225 Old Colonial Red | |202 Foxhall Green |225 Old Colonial Red |483 Carolina Slate |483 Carolina Slate |

| | | | | | | | |

|Garage Door |101 Amber White |101 Amber White |101 Amber White |101 Amber White |101 Amber White |101 Amber White |100 Super White |

| | | | | | | | |

|Aluminum Trim |Cameo (Alcoa) |Cameo (Alcoa) |Cameo (Alcoa) |Cameo (Alcoa) |Cameo (Alcoa) |Cameo (Alcoa) |White |

| | | | | | | | |

|Gutters & D.S. |Cameo (Alcoa) |Cameo (Alcoa) |Cameo (Alcoa) |Cameo (Alcoa) |Cameo (Alcoa) |Cameo (Alcoa) |White |

(S) = Sonneborn stucco finish/color

(P) = Parex color

(D) = Dryvit color

River Bank Woods Stucco Color Schemes (Cont’d.)

| | | | | | |

|Scheme # |ST-8 |ST-9 |ST-10 |ST-11 |ST-12 |

| | | | | | |

|Stucco Color |Granite (S) |Picket (S) |Picket (S) |Moonstone (S) |Moonstone (S) |

| | | | | | |

|Accent Stucco |Snowball (P) |Pebble (S) |Pebble (S) |Marble White (P) |Marble White (P) |

|(match Parex) | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Siding (ALCOA) |Victorian Gray |Linen |Linen |Desert Sand |Desert Sand |

| | | | | | |

|Trim |100 Super |100 Super White |100 Super White |101 Amber White |101 Amber White |

| |White | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Roof |Pewter Gray |Weathered Wood |Weathered Wood |Heather |Heather |

| | |215 Cobblestone Grey | | | |

|Shutters |216 Hearthstone | |Brush Grey |471 Grey Flannel |475 McKinney Stone |

| | | | | | |

|Front Door |480 Persian Plum |Brush Grey |225 Old Colonial Red |225 Old Colonial Red |471 Grey Flannel |

| | | | | | |

|Garage Door |100 Super White |100 Super White |100 Super White |101 Amber White |101 Amber White |

| | | | | | |

|Aluminum Trim |White |White |White |Cameo (Alcoa) |Cameo (Alcoa) |

| | | | | | |

|Gutters & D.S. |White |White |White |Cameo (Alcoa) |Cameo (Alcoa) |

(S) = Sonneborn stucco finish/color

(P) = Parex color

(D) = Dryvit color


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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