All ICD-9 Codes considered - Yale University

Description of ICD-9 comorbidity codes used by VACS

|Varname- |Varname- |Condition |Subcategory |All |Description of code |

|Baseline flag |Date of first ICD9 code | | |ICD-9 Codes | |

| | | | |included | |

|ADMHIV |FIHIVDT |HIV disease | |042 |Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease |

| | | | |V08 |Asymptomatic HIV |

|ADMCHF |FICHFDT |Congestive Heart | |402.01 |Malignant hypertensive heart disease w/CHF |

| | |Failure | | | |

| | | | |402.01 |Malignant hypertensive heart disease w/CHF |

| | | | |402.11 |Benign hypertensive heart disease w/chf |

| | | | |402.91 |Unspecified hypertensive heart disease w/chf |

| | | | |404.01 |Hypertensive heart and renal disease, with congestive heart failure, malignant |

| | | | |404.03 |W/congestive and renal failure, malignant |

| | | | |404.11 |Hypertensive heart and renal disease w/chf, benign |

| | | | |404.13 |Hypertensive heart and renal disease benign w/ chf and renal failure |

| | | | |404.91 |Unspecified w/chf |

| | | | |404.93 |Unspecified w/chf and renal failure |

| | | | |428.0 |Congestive heart failure |

| | | | |428.1 |Left heart failure |

| | | | |428.2 |Systolic Heart Failure |

| | | | |428.3 |Diastolic Heart Failure |

| | | | |428.4 |Combined systolic and diastolic heart failure |

| | | | |428.9 |Heart failure unspecified |

|ADMPULM |FIPULMDT |Pulmonary disorder | |506.4 |Chronic respiratory conditions due to fumes and vapors |

|ADMPLHTN |FIPLHTNDT | |Pulmonary HTN/ or |416.0 |Chronic pulmonary heart disease – hypertension |

| | | |pulmonale and OLD^ | | |

| | | | |416.1 |Kyphoscoliotic disease |

| | | | |416.8 |Other pulmonary heart disease |

| | | | |416.9 |Chronic pulmonary heart disease unspecified |

|ADMCOPD |FICOPDDT | |COPD and OLD |490 |Bronchitis |

| | | | |491.0 |Simple chronic bronchitis |

| | | | |491.1 |Mucoprulent chronic bronchitis |

| | | | |491.2 |Obstructive chronic bronchitis |

| | | | |491.20 |W/out mention of acute exacerbation |

| | | | |491.21 |W/acute exacerbation |

| | | | |491.8 |Other chronic exacerbation |

| | | | |491.9 |Unspecified chronic bronchitis |

| | | | |492.0 |Emphysematous bleb |

| | | | |492.8 |Emphysema nec |

| | | | |496 |Chronic airway obstruction – nec |

|ADMASTH |FIASTHDT | |Asthma and OLD |493.00 |Extrinsic asthma w/o status asthmaticus |

| | | | |493.01 |Ext asthma w status asth |

| | | | |493.02 |W/acute exacerbation |

| | | | |493.10 |Intrinsic asthma w/o stat asth |

| | | | |493.11 |Int asthma w/status asth |

| | | | |493.12 |W/acute exacerbation |

| | | | |493.20 |Chronic obstructive asthma w/o stat asth |

| | | | |493.21 |Ch ob asthma w stat asth |

| | | | |493.22 |W/acute exacerbation |

| | | | |493.90 |Asthma w/o status asthm |

| | | | |493.91 |Asthma w status asthm |

| | | | |493.92 |W/acute exacerbation |

|ADMBRONCH |FIBRONCHDT | |Bronchiectasis |494 |Bronchiectasis |

| | | | |494.0 |W/o acute exacerbation |

| | | | |494.1 |W/acute exacerbation |

|ADMALVEO |FIALVEODT | |Allergic alveoliltis |495.0 |Extrinsic allergic alveolitis – farmer’s lung |

| | | | |495.1 |Bagassosis |

| | | | |495.2 |Bird-fancier’s lung |

| | | | |495.3 |Suberosis |

| | | | |495.4 |Malt worker’s lung |

| | | | |495.5 |Mushroom worker’s lung |

| | | | |495.6 |Maple bark stripper’s lung |

| | | | |495.7 |Ventilation pneumonitis |

| | | | |495.8 |Other |

| | | | |495.9 |Unspecified |

|ADMASBES |FIASBESDT | |Pneumoconioses |500 |Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis |

| | | | |501 |Asbestosis |

| | | | |502 |Pneumoconiosis due to silicas or silicate |

| | | | |503 |Pneumoconiosis due to inorganic dust |

| | | | |504 |Pneumonopathy due to inhalation |

| | | | |505 |Pneumoconoiosis, unspecified |

|ADMFILUNG |FIFILUNGDT | |Interstitial/ |515.xx |Postinflammatory pulmonary fibrosis |

| | | |fibrotic lung dx | | |

| | | | |516.xx |Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis |

|ADMPVD |FIPVDDT |Peripheral vascular | |440.0 |Atherosclerosis of aorta |

| | |disease | | | |

| | | | |440.1 |Of renal artery |

| | | | |440.2 |Of native arteries of extremities |

| | | | |440.20 |Unspecified |

| | | | |440.21 |With intermittent claudication |

| | | | |440.22 |With rest pain |

| | | | |440.23 |With ulceration |

| | | | |440.24 |With gangrene |

| | | | |440.29 |Other |

| | | | |440.30 |Of unspecified bypass graft of the extremities |

| | | | |440.31 |Of autologous vein of bypass graft |

| | | | |440.32 |Of nonautologous vein of bypass graft |

| | | | |440.8 |Of other specified arteries |

| | | | |440.9 |Generalized and unspecified atherosclerosis |

| | | | |441 |Aortic aneurysm and dissection |

| | | | |441.00-441.0|Dissection of aorta |

| | | | |3 | |

| | | | |441.1 |Thoracic aneurysm, ruptured |

| | | | |441.2 |Thoracic aneurysm w/o mention of rupture |

| | | | |441.3 |Abdominal aneurysm, ruptured |

| | | | |441.4 |Abdominal aneurysm w/o mention of rupture |

| | | | |441.5 |Aortic aneurysm of unspecified site, ruptured |

| | | | |441.6 |Thoracoabdominal aneurysm w/rupture |

| | | | |441.7 |Thoracoabdominal aneurysm w/o rupture |

| | | | |441.9 |Aortic aneurysm of unspec site w/o rupture |

| | | | |443 |Other peripheral vascular disease |

| | | | |443.1 |Thromboangiitis obliterans |

| | | | |443.8 |Other specified pvd |

| | | | |443.81 |Peripheral angiopathy in disease classified elsewhere |

| | | | |443.89 |Other |

| | | | |443.9 |Pvd unspec |

| | | | |447.1 |Stricture of artery |

| | | | |557.0 |Acute vascular insufficiency of intestine |

| | | | |557.1 |Chronic vascular insufficiency of intestine |

| | | | |557.9 |Unspec vascular insufficiency of intestine |

| | | | |785.40 |Gangrene (785.4) |

| | | | |V43.4 |Blood vessel replaced |

|ADMHYP |FIHYPDT |Hypertension | |401 |Essential hypertension |

| | | | |401.0 |Malignant hypertension |

| | | | |401.1 |Benign hypertension |

| | | | |401.9 |Hypertension nos |

| | | | |402 |Hypertensive heart disease |

| | | | |402.0 |Malignant hypertension |

| | | | |402.00 |Malignant w/out CHF |

| | | | |402.01 |Malignant with CHF |

| | | | |402.1 |Benign |

| | | | |402.10 |Benign hyper w/out CHF |

| | | | |402.11 |Benign hypertension w/ CHF |

| | | | |402.9 |Unspecified |

| | | | |402.90 |Unspecified w/out CHF |

| | | | |402.91 |Unspecified w/ CHF |

| | | | |403.X |Hypertensive renal disease |

| | | | |404.x |Hypertensive heart and renal disease |

| | | | |404.10 |Benign hypertensive heart and renal disease |

| | | | |404.90 |Unspecified |

| | | | |405.x |Secondary hypertension |

| | | | |405 |Secondary hypertension |

| | | | |405.0 |Mal second hypertension |

| | | | |405.01 |Renovascular |

| | | | |405.09 |Other |

| | | | |405.1 |Benign |

| | | | |405.11 |Renovascular |

| | | | |405.19 |Other |

| | | | |405.9 |Second hypertension nos |

| | | | |405.91 |Unspecified, renovascular |

| | | | |405.99 |Second hypertension nec |

| | | | |437.2 |Hypertensive encephalopathy |

|ADMDM |FIDMDT |Diabetes | |250.00 |DM w/o complication – type 2 not uncontrolled |

| | | | |250.01 |Type 1 not uncontrolled |

| | | | |250.02 |Type 2 uncontrolled |

| | | | |250.03 |Type 1 uncontrolled |

| | | | |250.10 |Diabetes with ketoacidosis – type 2 not uncontrolled |

| | | | |250.11 |Type 1 not uncontrolled |

| | | | |250.12 |Type2 uncontrolled |

| | | | |250.13 |Type 1 uncontrolled |

| | | | |250.20 |Diabetes with hyperosmolarity – type 2 not uncontrolled |

| | | | |250.21 |Type 1 not uncontrolled |

| | | | |250.22 |Type 2 uncontrolled |

| | | | |250.23 |Type 1 uncontrolled |

| | | | |250.3 |Diabetes with other coma |

| | | | |250.30 |Diabetes with other coma – t2 not uncon |

| | | | |250.31 |T1 not uncon |

| | | | |250.32 |T2 uncon |

| | | | |250.33 |T1 uncon |

| | | | |250.40 |W/ renal manifestations – t2 not uncon |

| | | | |250.41 |T1 not uncon |

| | | | |250.42 |T2 uncon |

| | | | |250.43 |T1 uncon |

| | | | |250.50 |W/ opthalmic manifestations – t2 not uncon |

| | | | |250.51 |T1 not uncon |

| | | | |250.52 |T2 uncon |

| | | | |250.53 |T1 uncon |

| | | | |250.6 |With neurological manifestations |

| | | | |250.60 |W/neurological man – t2 not uncon |

| | | | |250.61 |T1 not uncon |

| | | | |250.62 |T2 uncon |

| | | | |250.63 |T1 uncon |

| | | | |250.7 |With peripheral circulatory disorder |

| | | | |250.70 |W/peripheral circulatory disorder – t2 not uncon |

| | | | |250.71 |T1 not uncon |

| | | | |250.72 |T2 uncon |

| | | | |250.73 |T1 uncon |

| | | | |250.8 |Diabetes with other specified manifestations |

| | | | |250.80 |T2 not uncontrolled |

| | | | |250.81 |T1 not uncon |

| | | | |250.82 |T2 uncon |

| | | | |250.83 |T1 uncon |

| | | | |250.90 |Diabetes w/ unspecified complication – t2 not uncon |

| | | | |250.91 |T1 not uncon |

| | | | |250.92 |T2 uncon |

| | | | |250.93 |T1 uncon |

| | | | |357.2 |Neuropathy in diabetes |

|ADMALC |FIALCDT |Alcohol Abuse | |291 |Alcoholic psychosis |

| | | | |291.0 |Alcohol withdrawal delirium |

| | | | |291.1 |Alcohol amnesic synd |

| | | | |291.2 |Alcoholic dementia nec |

| | | | |291.3 |Alcohol hallucinosis |

| | | | |291.4 |Pathologic alcohol intox |

| | | | |291.5 |Alcoholic jealousy |

| | | | |291.8 |Alcoholic psychosis nec |

| | | | |291.81 |Alcohol withdrawal |

| | | | |291.89 |Alcoholic psychosis nec |

| | | | |291.9 |Alcoholic psychosis nos |

| | | | |303 |Alcohol dependence syndrome |

| | | | |303.0 |Ac alcohol intoxication |

| | | | |303.00 |Ac alcohol intox-unspec |

| | | | |303.01 |Ac alcohol intox-continuous |

| | | | |303.02 |Ac alcohol intox-episodic |

| | | | |303.03 |In remission |

| | | | |303.9 |Alcohol depend nec/nos |

| | | | |303.90 |Unspecified |

| | | | |303.91 |Continuous |

| | | | |303.92 |Episodic |

| | | | |303.93 |In remission |

| | | | |305.0 |Alcohol abuse |

| | | | |305.00 |Alcohol abuse-unspecified |

| | | | |305.01 |Alcohol abuse-continuous |

| | | | |305.02 |Alcohol abuse-episodic |

| | | | |305.03 |Alcohol abuse-in remission |

| | | | |790.3 |Excess blood-alcohol level |

| | | | |980.0 |Toxic effect ethyl alcohol |

| | | | |980.8 |Toxic effect alcohol nec |

| | | | |980.9 |Toxic effect alcohol nos |

| | | | |E860.0 |Acc poison-alcohol beverage |

| | | | |E860.1 |Acc poison-ethyl alcohol |

| | | | |E860.8 |Acc poison-alcohol nec |

| | | | |E860.9 |Acc poison-alcohol nos |

|ADMALCOM |FIALCOMDT | |Complications from |357.5 |Alcoholic neuropathy |

| | | |alcohol use | | |

| | | | |425.5 |Alcoholic cardiomyopathy |

| | | | |535.3 |Alcoholic gastritis |

| | | | |571.0 |Alcoholic fatty liver |

| | | | |571.1 |Ac alcoholic hepatitis |

| | | | |571.2 |Alcohol cirrhosis liver |

| | | | |571.3 |Alcohol liver damage nos |

|ADMALHX |FIALHXDT | |History of alcohol use|V11.3 |Alcoholism |

|ADMDRUG |FIDRUGDT |Drug abuse | |292 |Drug psychosis |

| | | | |292.0 |Drug withdrawal syndrome |

| | | | |292.1 |Paranoid and/or hallucinatory states |

| | | | |292.11 |Drug-induced organic delusion |

| | | | |292.12 |Drug-induced hallucinosis |

| | | | |292.2 |Pathologic drug intoxication |

| | | | |304 |Drug dependence |

| | | | |304.00 |Opiod type dependence – unspecified |

| | | | |304.01 |Continuous |

| | | | |304.02 |Episodic |

| | | | |304.03 |In remission |

| | | | |304.10 |Barbiturate – unspecified |

| | | | |304.11 |Continuous |

| | | | |304.12 |Episodic |

| | | | |304.13 |In remission |

| | | | |304.20 |Cocaine dependence – unspec |

| | | | |304.21 |Continuous |

| | | | |304.22 |Episodic |

| | | | |304.23 |In remission |

| | | | |304.30 |Cannabis dependence – unspec |

| | | | |304.31 |Continuous |

| | | | |304.32 |Episodic |

| | | | |304.33 |In remission |

| | | | |304.40 |Amphetamine – unspec |

| | | | |304.41 |Continuous |

| | | | |304.42 |Episodic |

| | | | |304.43 |In remission |

| | | | |304.50 |Hallucinogen dependence – unspec |

| | | | |304.51 |Continuous |

| | | | |304.52 |Episodic |

| | | | |304.53 |In remission |

| | | | |304.6 |Other specified drug dependence |

| | | | |304.60 |Unspecified |

| | | | |304.61 |Continuous |

| | | | |304.62 |Episodic |

| | | | |304.63 |In remission |

| | | | |304.7 |Combination of opiod type drug with any other |

| | | | |304.70 |Unspec |

| | | | |304.71 |Continuous |

| | | | |304.72 |Episodic |

| | | | |304.73 |In remission |

| | | | |304.8 |Combinations of drug dependence exc opiod |

| | | | |304.80 |Unspec |

| | | | |304.81 |Continuous |

| | | | |304.82 |Episodic |

| | | | |304.83 |In remission |

| | | | |304.9 |Unspec drug dependence |

| | | | |304.90 |Unspec |

| | | | |304.91 |Continuous |

| | | | |304.92 |Episodic |

| | | | |304.93 |In remission |

| | | | |305.1X |Tobacco use |

| | | | |305.20 |Cannabis abuse – unspec |

| | | | |305.21 |Continuous |

| | | | |305.22 |Cannabis abuse – episodic |

| | | | |305.23 |In remission |

| | | | |305.30 |Hallucinogen abuse – unspec |

| | | | |305.31 |Continuous |

| | | | |305.32 |Episodic |

| | | | |305.33 |In remission |

| | | | |305.40 |Barbiturate abuse – unspec |

| | | | |305.41 |Continuous |

| | | | |305.42 |Episodic |

| | | | |305.43 |In remission |

| | | | |305.50 |Opiod abuse – unspec |

| | | | |305.51 |Continuous |

| | | | |305.52 |Episodic |

| | | | |305.53 |In remission |

| | | | |305.60 |Cocaine abuse – unspec |

| | | | |305.61 |Continuous |

| | | | |305.62 |Episodic |

| | | | |305.63 |In remission |

| | | | |305.70 |Amphetamine abuse – unspec |

| | | | |305.71 |Continuous |

| | | | |305.72 |Episodic |

| | | | |305.73 |In remission |

| | | | |305.80 |Antidepressant type abuse – unspec |

| | | | |305.81 |Continuous |

| | | | |305.82 |Episodic |

| | | | |305.83 |In remission |

| | | | |305.9 |Other, mixed or unspecified drug abuse |

| | | | |305.90 |Unspec |

| | | | |305.91 |Continuous |

| | | | |305.92 |Episodic |

| | | | |305.93 |In remission |

|ADMCAD |FICADDT |MI/CAD | |410 |Acute MI |

| | | | |410.0 |Of anterolateral wall |

| | | | |410.00 |Of Anterolateral wall – episode of care unspec |

| | | | |410.01 |Of ant wall – initial ep of care |

| | | | |410.02 |Of ant wall – subsequent episode |

| | | | |410.1 |Of other anterior wall |

| | | | |410.10 |Episode of care unspecified |

| | | | |410.11 |Initial episode of care |

| | | | |410.12 |Subsequent episode of care |

| | | | |410.2 |Of inferolateral wall |

| | | | |410.20 |Episode of care unspecified |

| | | | |410.21 |Initial episode of care |

| | | | |410.22 |Subsequent episode of care |

| | | | |410.3 |Of inferoposterior wall |

| | | | |410.30 |Episode of care unspecified |

| | | | |410.31 |Initial episode of care |

| | | | |410.32 |Subsequent episode of care |

| | | | |410.4 |Of other inferior wall |

| | | | |410.40 |Episode of care unspecified |

| | | | |410.41 |Initial episode of care |

| | | | |410.42 |Subsequent episode of care |

| | | | |410.5 |Of other lateral wall |

| | | | |410.50 |Episode of care unspecified |

| | | | |410.51 |Initial episode of care |

| | | | |410.52 |Subsequent episode of care |

| | | | |410.6 |True posterior wall infarction |

| | | | |410.60 |Episode of care unspecified |

| | | | |410.61 |Initial episode of care |

| | | | |410.62 |Subsequent episode of care |

| | | | |410.7 |Subendocardial infarction |

| | | | |410.70 |Episode of care unspecified |

| | | | |410.71 |Initial episode of care |

| | | | |410.72 |Subsequent episode of care |

| | | | |410.8 |Of other specified sites |

| | | | |410.80 |Episode of care unspecified |

| | | | |410.81 |Initial episode of care |

| | | | |410.82 |Subsequent episode of care |

| | | | |410.9 |Unspecified site |

| | | | |410.90 |Episode of care unspecified |

| | | | |410.91 |Initial episode of care |

| | | | |410.92 |Subsequent episode of care |

| | | | |411 |Acute and subacute forms of ischemic heart disease |

| | | | |411.0 |Postmyocardial infaction syndrome |

| | | | |411.1 |Intermediate coronary syndrome |

| | | | |411.8 |Other acute and subacute forms of ischemic heart disease |

| | | | |411.81 |Coronary occlusion without mi |

| | | | |411.89 |Other |

| | | | |412 |Old myocardial infaction |

| | | | |413 |Angina pectoris |

| | | | |413.0 |Angina decubitus |

| | | | |413.1 |Prinzmetal angina |

| | | | |413.9 |Other and unspecified angina pectoris |

| | | | |414 |Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease |

| | | | |414.0 |Coronary atherosclerosis |

| | | | |414.00 |Of unspecified type of vessel, native or graft |

| | | | |414.01 |Of native coronary artery |

| | | | |414.8 |Other specified forms of chronic ischemic heart disease |

| | | | |414.9 |Chronic ischemic heart disease unspecified |

| | | | |429.7 |Certain sequelae of myocardial infarction, not elsewhere classified |

| | | | |V45.81 |Aortocoronary bypass status |

| | | | |V45.82 |Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty status |

|ADMPAN |FIPANDT |Pancreatitis | |577.0 |Acute pancreatitis |

| | | | |577.1 |Chronic pancreatitis |

| | | | |577.2 |Cyst and pseudocyst of pancreas |

| | | | |577.8 |Other specified diseases of pancreas |

| | | | |577.9 |Unspecified disease of pancreas |

| | | | |579.4 |Pancreatic steatorrhea |

|ADMSCHIZ |FISCHIZDT |Schizophrenia | |295.0 |Schizophrenic disorders – simple type |

| | | | |295.00 |Schizophrenic disorders- simple type-unspecified |

| | | | |295.01 |Subchronic |

| | | | |295.02 |Chronic |

| | | | |295.03 |Subchronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.04 |Chronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.05 |In remission |

| | | | |295.1 |Disorganized type |

| | | | |295.10 |Unspecified |

| | | | |295.11 |Subchronic |

| | | | |295.12 |Chronic |

| | | | |295.13 |Subchronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.14 |Chronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.15 |In remission |

| | | | |295.2 |Catatonic type |

| | | | |295.20 |Unspecified |

| | | | |295.21 |Subchronic |

| | | | |295.22 |Chronic |

| | | | |295.23 |Subchronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.24 |Chronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.25 |In remission |

| | | | |295.3 |Paranoid type |

| | | | |295.30 |Unspecified |

| | | | |295.31 |Subchronic |

| | | | |295.32 |Chronic |

| | | | |295.33 |Subchronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.34 |Chronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.35 |In remission |

| | | | |295.4 |Acute schizophrenic episode |

| | | | |295.40 |Unspecified |

| | | | |295.41 |Subchronic |

| | | | |295.42 |Chronic |

| | | | |295.43 |Subchronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.44 |Chronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.45 |In remission |

| | | | |295.5 |Latent schizophrenia |

| | | | |295.50 |Unspecified |

| | | | |295.51 |Subchronic |

| | | | |295.52 |Chronic |

| | | | |295.53 |Subchronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.54 |Chronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.55 |In remission |

| | | | |295.6 |Residual schizophrenia |

| | | | |295.60 |Unspecified |

| | | | |295.61 |Subchronic |

| | | | |295.62 |Chronic |

| | | | |295.63 |Subchronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.64 |Chronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.65 |In remission |

| | | | |295.8 |Other specified types of schizophrenia |

| | | | |295.80 |Unspecified |

| | | | |295.81 |Subchronic |

| | | | |295.82 |Chronic |

| | | | |295.83 |Subchronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.84 |Chronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.85 |In remission |

| | | | |295.9 |Unspecified schizophrenia |

| | | | |295.90 |Unspecified |

| | | | |295.91 |Subchronic |

| | | | |295.92 |Chronic |

| | | | |295.93 |Subchronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.94 |Chronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.95 |In remission |

| | | | |V11.0 |Personal History of schizophrenia |

|ADMPSYCH |FIPSYCHDT |Other psychosis | |293.x |Transient organic psychotic conditions |

| | | | |294.x |Other organic psychotic conditions (chronic) |

| | | | |298.x |Other nonorganic psychoses |

| | | | |299.x |Psychoses with origin specific to childhood |

| | | | |299.10 |Disintegrative psychosis –current or active state |

| | | | |299.11 |Residual state |

| | | | |299.80 |Other specified early childhood psyches-current or active |

| | | | |299.81 |Residual |

| | | | |299.90 |Unspecified – current or active |

| | | | |299.91 |Residual state |

|ADMSCHIZA |FISCHIZADT |Schizoaffective | |295.7 |Schizoid-affective type |

| | |disorder | | | |

| | | | |295.70 |Unspecified |

| | | | |295.71 |Subchronic |

| | | | |295.72 |Chronic |

| | | | |295.73 |Subchronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.74 |Chronic with acute exacerbation |

| | | | |295.75 |In remission |

|ADMBIPOL |FIBIPOLDT |Bipolar disorder | |296.0 |Manic disorder, single episode |

| | | | |296.00 |Unspecified |

| | | | |296.01 |Mild |

| | | | |296.02 |Moderate |

| | | | |296.03 |Severe, without mention of psychotic behavior |

| | | | |296.04 |Severe, specified as with psychotic behavior |

| | | | |296.05 |In partial or unspecified remission |

| | | | |296.06 |In full remission |

| | | | |296.1 |Manic disorder, recurrent episode |

| | | | |296.10 |Unspecified |

| | | | |296.11 |Mild |

| | | | |296.12 |Moderate |

| | | | |296.13 |Severe, without mention of psychotic behavior |

| | | | |296.14 |Severe, specified as with psychotic behavior |

| | | | |296.15 |In partial or unspecified remission |

| | | | |296.16 |In full remission |

| | | | |296.4 |Bipolar affective disorder, manic |

| | | | |296.40 |Unspecified |

| | | | |296.41 |Mild |

| | | | |296.42 |Moderate |

| | | | |296.43 |Severe, without mention of psychotic behavior |

| | | | |296.44 |Severe, specified as with psychotic behavior |

| | | | |296.45 |In partial or unspecified remission |

| | | | |296.46 |In full remission |

| | | | |296.5 |Bipolar affective disorder, depressed |

| | | | |296.50 |Unspecified |

| | | | |296.51 |Mild |

| | | | |296.52 |Moderate |

| | | | |296.53 |Severe, without mention of psychotic behavior |

| | | | |296.54 |Severe, specified as with psychotic behavior |

| | | | |296.55 |In partial or unspecified remission |

| | | | |296.56 |In full remission |

| | | | |296.6 |Bipolar affective disorder, mixed |

| | | | |296.60 |Unspecified |

| | | | |296.61 |Mild |

| | | | |296.62 |Moderate |

| | | | |296.63 |Severe, without mention of psychotic behavior |

| | | | |296.64 |Severe, specified as with psychotic behavior |

| | | | |296.65 |In partial or unspecified remission |

| | | | |296.66 |In full remission |

| | | | |296.7 |Bipolar affective disorder, unspecified |

| | | | |296.70 |Unspecified |

| | | | |296.71 |Mild |

| | | | |296.72 |Moderate |

| | | | |296.73 |Severe, without mention of psychotic behavior |

| | | | |296.74 |Severe, specified as with psychotic behavior |

| | | | |296.75 |In partial or unspecified remission |

| | | | |296.76 |In full remission |

| | | | |296.8 |Manic-depressive psychosis, other and unspecified |

| | | | |296.80 |Manic-depressive psychosis, unspecified |

| | | | |296.81 |Atypical manic disorder |

| | | | |296.82 |Atypical depressive disorder |

| | | | |296.89 |Other |

| | | | |296.9 |Other and unspecified affective psychoses |

| | | | |296.90 |Unspecified affective psychosis |

| | | | |296.99 |Other specified affective psychoses |

| | | | |V11.1 |Personal history of manic-depressive psychosis |

|ADMMAJDEP |FIMAJDEPDT |Major depression | |296.20 |Major depressive disorder, single episode, unspecified |

| | | | |296.21 |Mild |

| | | | |296.22 |Moderate |

| | | | |296.23 |Severe, w/o mention of psychotic behavior |

| | | | |296.24 |Severe, specified as with psychotic behavior |

| | | | |296.25 |In partial or unspecified remission |

| | | | |296.26 |In full remission |

| | | | |296.3x |Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode |

|ADMMILDEP |FIMILDEPDT |Other depression | |300.4 |Neurotic depression |

| | |formerly mild | | | |

| | |depression | | | |

| | | | |301.13 |Cyclothymic disorder |

| | | | |309 |Adjustment reaction |

| | | | |309.0 |Brief depressive reaction |

| | | | |309.1 |Prolonged depressive reaction |

| | | | |311 |Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified |

|ADMPTSD |FIPTSDDT |PTSD | |309.81 |Prolonged posttraumatic stress disorder |

|ADMSTROK |FISTROKDT | Stroke | |430 |Subarachnoil hemorrhage |

| | | | |431 |Intracerebral hemorrhage |

| | | | |432 |Other and unspecified intracranial hemorrhage |

| | | | |432.0 |Nontraumatic extradural hemorrhage |

| | | | |432.1 |Subdural hemorrhage |

| | | | |432.9 |Unspecified intracranial hemorrhage |

| | | | |433.01 |Basilar artery – with cerebral infarction |

| | | | |433.11 |Carotid artery – with cerebral infarction |

| | | | |433.21 |Vertebral artery – with cerebral infarction |

| | | | |433.31 |W mention of cerebral infarction |

| | | | |433.81 |Other specified precebral artery – with cerebral infarction |

| | | | |433.91 |With cerebral infarction |

| | | | |434.0 |Cerebral thrombosis |

| | | | |434.00 |Cerebral thrombosis – without mention of cerebral infarction |

| | | | |434.01 |With cerebral infarction |

| | | | |434.1 |Cerebral embolism |

| | | | |434.10 |Cerebral embolism – without mention of cerebral infarction |

| | | | |434.11 |With cerebral infarction |

| | | | |434.91 |With cerebral infarction |

| | | | |437.1 |Other generalized ischemic cerebrovascular disease |

| | | | |437.6 |Nonpyogenic thrombosis of intracranial venous sinus |

| | | | |438.0 |Cognitive deficits |

| | | | |438.10 |Speech and language deficits - unspecified |

| | | | |438.11 |Aphasia |

| | | | |438.12 |Dysphasia |

| | | | |438.20 |Hemiplegia affecting unspecified side |

| | | | |438.21 |Hemiplegia affecting dominant side |

| | | | |438.22 |Hemiplegia affecting nondominant side |

| | | | |438.30 |Monoplegia of upper limb affecting unspecified side |

| | | | |438.31 |Monoplegia of upper limb affecting dominant side |

| | | | |438.32 |Monoplegia of upper limb affecting nondominant side |

| | | | |438.40 |Monoplegia of lower limb affecting unspecified side |

| | | | |438.41 |Affecting dominant side |

| | | | |438.42 |Affecting nondominant side |

| | | | |438.50 |Other paralytic syndrome affecting unspecified side |

| | | | |438.51 |Affecting dominant side |

| | | | |438.52 |Affecting nondominant side |

| | | | |438.53 |Bilateral |

| | | | |438.81 |Other late effect of cerebrovascular disease - apraxia |

| | | | |438.82 |Dysphagia |

| | | | |438.89 |Other late effects of cerebrovascular disease |

| | | | |438.9 |Unspecified late effects of cerebrovascular disease |

|ADMCVD |FICVDDT | |CVD/TIA |433.00 |Basilar artery – without mention of cerebral infarction |

| | | | |433.10 |Carotid artery – without mention of cerebral infarction |

| | | | |433.20 |Vertebral artery – without mention of cerebral infarction |

| | | | |433.30 |W/o mention of cerebral infarction |

| | | | |433.80 |Other specified precebral artery – without mention of cerebral infarction |

| | | | |433.90 |Unspecified precerebral artery – without mention of cerebral infarction |

| | | | |434.90 |Cerebral artery occlusion, unspecified – without mention of cerebral infarction |

| | | | |435 |Transient cerebral ischemia |

| | | | |435.0 |Basilar artery syndrome |

| | | | |435.1 |Vertebral artery syndrome |

| | | | |435.2 |Subclavian steal syndrome |

| | | | |436 |Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease |

| | | | |435.3 |Vertebrobasilar artery syndrome |

| | | | |435.8 |Other specified transient cerebral ischemias |

| | | | |435.9 |Unspecified transient cerebral ischemia |

| | | | |437.0 |Cerebral atherosclerosis |

| | | | |437.7 |Transient global amnesia |

| | | | |437.8 |Other |

| | | | |437.9 |Unspecified |

|ADMHEPB |FIHEPBDT |Chronic Hepatitis B | |070.2x |Viral Hepatitis B with hepatic coma - |

| | | | |070.20 |Viral hep B with hepatic coma – acute or sunspecified without mentionof hepatitis |

| | | | | |delta |

| | | | |070.21 |Viral hepatitis B with hepatic coma – acute or unspec, with hepatitis delta |

| | | | |070.22 |Viral hepatitis B with hepatic coma – chronic, w/out mention of hepatitis delta |

| | | | |070.23 |W/ mention of hepatitis delta |

| | | | |070.3x |Viral Hepatitis B without mention of hepatic come |

| | | | |070.30 |Acute or unspec, without mention of hepatitis delta |

| | | | |070.31 |Acute or unspec, with hepatitis delta |

| | | | |070.32 |Viral hepatitis B without mention of hepatic coma – w/out mention of hepatitis delta |

| | | | |070.33 |W/ mention of hepatitis delta |

| | | | |070.42 |Hepatitis delta without mention of active hepatitis B disease with hepatic coma |

| | | | |070.52 |Hepatitic delta without mention of active hepatitis B disease or hepatic coma |

| | | | |V02.61 |Hepatitis B carrier |

|ADMHEPC |FIHEPCDT |Hepatitis C | |070.41 |Acute or unspecified hepatitis C with hepatic coma |

| | | | |070.44 |Chronic hepatitis C with hepatic coma |

| | | | |070.51 |Acute or unspecified hepatitis C without mention of hepatic coma |

| | | | |070.54 |Chronic hepatitis C w/out mention of hepatic coma |

| | | | |V02.62 |Hepatitis C carrier |

| | |Anemia | |280.1 |Iron deficiency anemia second to inadequate dietary iron intake |

| | | | |280.8 |Oth spec iron deficiency anemias |

| | | | |280.9 |Iron deficiency anemia, unspec |

| | | | |281 |Oth deficiency anemias |

| | | | |281.0 |Pernicious anemia |

| | | | |281.1 |Oth vitamin b12 deficiency anemia |

| | | | |281.2 |Folate-deficiency anemia |

| | | | |281.3 |Oth spec megaloblastic anemias |

| | | | |281.4 |Protein-deficiency anemia |

| | | | |281.8 |Anemia assoc w/ oth spec nutritional deficiency |

| | | | |281.9 |Unspec deficiency anemia |

| | | | |282 |Heredity hemolytic anemias |

| | | | |282.0 |Hereditary spherocytosis |

| | | | |282.1 |Hereditary elliptocytosis |

| | | | |282.2 |Anemias due to disorders of glutathione metabolism |

| | | | |282.3 |Other hemolytic anemias due to enzyme deficiency |

| | | | |282.4 |Thalassemias |

| | | | |282.5 |Sickle-cell anemia |

| | | | |282.60 |Sickle-cell anemia unspec |

| | | | |282.61 |Hb-s disease no crisis |

| | | | |282.62 |Hb-s disease with crisis |

| | | | |282.63 |Sickle-cell/hb-c disease |

| | | | |282.69 |Other sickle-cell anemia |

| | | | |282.7 |Other hemoglobinopathies |

| | | | |282.8 |Other spec hereditary hemolytic anemias |

| | | | |282.9 |Hereditary hemolytic anemia, unspec |

| | | | |283 |Acquired hemolytic anemias |

| | | | |283.0 |Autoimmune hemolytic anemias |

| | | | |283.1 |Non-autoimmune hemolytic anemias |

| | | | |283.10 |Non-autoimmune hemolytic anemia, unspec |

| | | | |283.11 |Hemolytic-uremic syndrome |

| | | | |283.19 |Other non-autoimmune hemolytic anemias |

| | | | |283.2 |Hemoglobinuria due to hemolysis from external causes |

| | | | |283.9 |Acquired hemolytic anemia, unspec |

| | | | |284 |Aplastic Anemia |

| | | | |284.0 |Constitutional aplastic anemia |

| | | | |284.8 |Other spec aplastic anemias |

| | | | |284.9 |Aplastic anemia, unspec |

| | | | |285 |Other and unspecified anemias |

| | | | |285.0 |Sideroblastic anemia |

| | | | |285.21 |Anemia in chronic illness – end-stage renal disease |

| | | | |285.22 |In neoplastic disease |

| | | | |285.29 |Of other chronic illness |

| | | | |285.8 |Other specified anemias |

| | | | |285.9 |Anemia, Unspecified |

|ADMLIP |FILIPDT |Hyperlipidemia | |272 |Disorders of lipoid metabolism |

| | | | |272.0 |Pure hypercholesterolemia |

| | | | |272.1 |Pure hyperglyceridemia |

| | | | |272.2 |Mixed hyperlipidemia |

| | | | |272.3 |Hyperchylomicronemia |

| | | | |272.4 |Other unspecified hyperlipidemia |

| | | | |272.5 |Lipoprotein deficiencies |

| | | | |272.6 |lipodystrophy |

| | | | |272.7 |Lipidoses |

| | | | |272.8 |Other disorders of lipoid metabolism |

| | | | |272.9 |Unspecified disorder of lipoid metabolism |

|ADMREN |FIRENDT |Renal insufficiency | |403.01 |Hypertensive renal disease – |

| | | | | |malignant with renal failure |

| | | | |403.11 |Hyp renal disease benign with renal failure |

| | | | |403.91 |Hyp renal disease unspecified with renal failure |

| | | | |404.02 |Hyp heart and renal disease – |

| | | | | |malignant with renal failure |

| | | | |404.03 |Malignant with renal and heart failure |

| | | | |404.12 |Benign with renal failure |

| | | | |404.13 |Benign with renal and heart failure |

| | | | |404.92 |Unspecified with renal failure |

| | | | |404.93 |Unspecified with heart and renal failure |

| | | | |585 |Chronic renal failure |

| | | | |586 |Renal failure, unspec |

| | | | |587 |Renal scelrosis, unspec |

| | | | |588 |Disorders resulting fromimpaired renal function |

| | | | |588.0 |Renal osteofystrophy |

| | | | |588.1 |Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus |

| | | | |588.8 |Other spec disorders resulting from impaired renal function |

| | | | |588.9 |Unspec disorder resulting from impaired renal function |

| | | | |792.5 |Cloudy (hemodialysis)(peritoneal) dialysis effluent |

| | | | |V42 |Organ or tissue replaced by transplant |

| | | | |V42.0 |Kidney transplant status |

| | | | |V45.1 |Renal dialysis status |

| | | | |V56 |Encounter for dialysis and dialysis catheter care |

| | | | |V56.0 |Extracorporeal dialysis |

| | | | |V56.1 |Fitting and adjustment of extracorporeal dialysis catheter |

| | | | |V56.2 |Fitting and adjustment of peritoneal dialysis catheter |

| | | | |V56.3 |Encounter for adequacy testing for dialysis |

| | | | |V5631 |Encounter for adequacy testing for hemodialysis |

| | | | |V5632 |Encounter for adequacy testing for peritoneal dialysis |

| | | | |V56.8 |Other dialysis |

|ADMGLOM |FIGLOMDT | |Glomerulonephitis |580 |Acuteglomerulonephritis |

| | | | |580.0 |With lesion of proliferative glomerulonephritis |

| | | | |580.4 |With lesion of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis |

| | | | |580.8 |With other specified pathological lesion in kidney |

| | | | |580.81 |Acute glomeruloonephritis in diseases class elsewhere |

| | | | |580.89 |other |

| | | | |580.9 |Acute glomerulonephritis with usnpec pathological lesion in kidney |

| | | | |581 |Nephrotic syndrome |

| | | | |581.0 |With lesion of proliferative glomerulonephritis |

| | | | |581.1 |With lesin of membranous glomerulonephritis |

| | | | |581.2 |With lesion of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis |

| | | | |581.3 |With lesion of minimal change glomerulonephritis |

| | | | |581.8 |With other spec pathological lesion in kidney |

| | | | |581.81 |Nephritic syndromei n diseases class elsewhere |

| | | | |581.89 |Other |

| | | | |582 |Chronic glomerulonephritis |

| | | | |582.0 |With lesion of proliferative glomerulonephritis |

| | | | |582.1 |With lesion of membranous glomerulonephritis |

| | | | |582.2 |With lesion of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis |

| | | | |582.4 |With lesion of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis |

| | | | |582.8 |With other specified pathological lesion in kidney |

| | | | |582.81 |Chronic glomerulonephritis in diseases class elsewhere |

| | | | |582.89 |other |

| | | | |582.9 |Chronic glomerulonephritis with unspec pathological lesion in kidney |

| | | | |583 |Nephritis and nephropathy, not spec as acute or chronic |

| | | | |583.0 |With lesion of proliferative glomerulonephritis |

| | | | |583.1 |With lesion of membranous glomerulonephritis |

| | | | |583.2 |With lesion of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis |

| | | | |583.4 |With lesion of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis |

| | | | |583.6 |With lesion of renal cortical necrosis |

| | | | |583.7 |With lesion of renal medullary necrosis |

| | | | |583.8 |With other specified pathological lesion in kidney |

| | | | |583.81 |Nephritis and nephropathy, not spec as acute or chronic, in diseases class elsewhere |

| | | | |583.89 |Other |

| | | | |584 |Acute renal failure |

| | | | |584.5 |With lesion of tabular necrosis |

| | | | |584.6 |With lesion of renal cortical necrosis |

| | | | |584.7 |With lesion of renal medullary necrosis |

| | | | |584.8 |With other specified pathological lesion in kidney |

| | | | |584.9 |Acute renal failure, unspec |

|ADMSTON |FISTONDT |Urine Stone-** | |592.0 |Calculus of kidney |

| | | | |592.1 |Calculus of ureter |

| | | | |592.9 |Urinary calculus, unspec |

| | | | |594 |Calculus of lower urinary tract |

| | | | |594.0 |Calculus in diverticulum of bladder |

| | | | |594.1 | Other calculus in bladder |

| | | | |594.2 |Calculus in urethra |

| | | | |594.8 |Other lower urinary tract calculus |

| | | | |594.9 |Calculus of lower urinary tract, unspec |

| | | | |788.0 |Renal colic |

| | | | |V13.01 |Personal history of urinary calculi |

|ADMCIRR |FICIRRDT |Cirrhhosis | |571.2 |Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver |

| | | | |571.5 |Cirrhosis of liver without mention of alcohol |

| | | | |571.6 |Biliary cirrhosis |

|AMDDELD |FIDELDDT |Decompensated liver | |070.0 |Viral hepatitis A with hepatic coma |

| | |disease | | | |

| | | | |070.2x |Viral hepatitis B with hepatic coma |

| | | | |070.6 |Unspecified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma |

| | | | |570 |Acute and subacute necrosis of liver |

| | | | |572.2 |Hepatic coma |

| | | | |572.3 |Portal hypertension |

| | | | |572.4 |Hepatorenal syndrome |

| | | | |456.0 |Esophageal varices with bleeding |

| | | | |456.1 |Esophageal varices without bleeding |

| | | | |456.2 |Esophageal varices in diseases classified elsewhere |

| | | | |789.5 |Ascites |

|AMDESLD |FIESLDDT |End stage liver | |070.22 |Viral hepatitis B with hepatic coma – chronic, whithout mention of hepatitis delta |

| | |disease | | | |

| | | | |070.23 |Viral hepatitis B with hepatic coma –chronic, with hepatits delta |

| | | | |070.44 |Chronic hepatitis C with hepatic coma |

| | | | |571.2 |Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver |

| | | | |571.5 |Cirrhosis of liver without mention of alcohol |

| | | | |571.6 |Biliary cirrhosis |

| | | | |572.2 |Hepatic coma |

| | | | |572.3 |Portal hypertension |

| | | | |572.4 |Hepatorenal syndrome |

| | | | |572.8 |Other sequelae of chronic liver disease |

| | | | |456.0 |Esophageal varices with bleeding |

| | | | |789.5 |Ascites |


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