List of Potential Local Activities for Sports

List of Potential Local Activities for Sports

Celebrity Involvement and Participation Criteria

Covering Kids & Families coalitions across the country work with sports teams and celebrities to raise awareness about the availability of low-cost and free health care coverage programs in their states. Below is a list of potential activities in which celebrities and athletes might participate.

List of Potential National and Local Activities for a Sports Celebrity

• Speak at Covering Kids & Families Back-to-School Campaign events

• Write/sign an op-ed to submit to the newspaper

• Participate in media interviews

• Record an audio bite line

• Engage fellow athletes or the team, where appropriate, in aforementioned activities

Click the links above for template materials of these tactics.

Participation Criteria

In order to avoid potential negative feedback, Covering Kids & Families grantees should only consider athletes who meet the following criteria:

• No association with or advocacy on behalf of the tobacco, gun or alcohol lobbies

• No major legal or public relations problems or issues

• No recent involvement with drug or alcohol abuse (someone who has recovered from substance abuse would be acceptable.)

• No sex scandals

• No history of violence

• No expressions of bigotry of any kind, including, but not limited to, anti-black or Hispanic racism, anti-Semitism and all forms of religious intolerance, anti-Arab sentiments, homophobia, sexism or misogyny

• No publicly known and stated political views that would detract substantially from Back-to-School and enrollment support


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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