I. What is Alcohol?

a. The intoxicating chemical in drinks such as beer, wine, and distilled liquors.

i. _______________________: the psychoactive drug in all alcoholic beverages.

ii. Colorless, odorless liquid

iii. Made from the fermentation of grain, fruit juice, or honey

b. Alcohol is a central nervous system _______________________.

II. The Path of Alcohol

a. ______________________

i. Alcohol enters the body

b. ______________________

i. Approximately _________ of the alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream through the stomach lining.

ii. The remaining alcohol enters the small intestine through the pyloric valve.

c. _______________________

i. The remainder of the alcohol is absorbed through the walls of the small intestine and enters into the __________________________.

d. _______________________

i. ________________________________________________________________

e. _______________________

i. Alcohol in the bloodstream that is waiting to be broken down by the liver enters the brain.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

f. _______________________

i. Alcohol is metabolized (broken down) into carbon dioxide and water by the liver.

ii. _______________________________________________________________


g. ________________________

i. Alcohol is excreted from the body as urine after being processed by the kidneys.

III. Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)

a. Blood Alcohol Concentration: __________________________________________.

i. Also known as blood alcohol level (BAL)

b. _______________________ = ________________________ = _______________________

c. Alcohol is metabolized by the liver at a rate of _______________________________.

i. If alcohol continues to be consumed at a greater rate than 0.5 oz. per hour, the balance of the alcohol continues to circulate throughout the body via the bloodstream until it can be metabolized.

d. As a GENERAL RULE OF THUMB, this means your body can metabolize APPROXIMATELY ONE DRINK PER HOUR.

e. Factors that influence Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)

i. ____________________________________________________

1. Women have lower levels of alcohol dehydrogenase than men which results in about 1/3 more alcohol entering into the small intestine/blood stream.

ii. ____________________________________________________

iii. ____________________________________________________

iv. ____________________________________________________

v. ____________________________________________________

IV. The effects of alcohol

a. In low doses, alcohol produces

i. ____________________________________________

ii. ____________________________________________

iii. ____________________________________________

iv. ____________________________________________

v. ____________________________________________

vi. ____________________________________________

vii. ____________________________________________

b. In medium doses, alcohol produces:

i. ____________________________________________

ii. ____________________________________________

iii. ____________________________________________

c. In high doses, alcohol produces:

i. ____________________________________________

ii. ____________________________________________

iii. ____________________________________________

V. Alcohol Poisoning

a. Symptoms

i. ____________________________________________________

1. First sign of alcohol poisoning

a. Typically associated with a rapid intake of high quantities of alcohol.

i. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. BAC can continue to rise even if the person is vomiting, has vomited, or has stopped consuming alcohol.

ii. Loss of reflexes; response to stimuli such as pinching

iii. ___________________________________________________

iv. Pulse is weak and rapid

v. Breathing is unusual or irregular (fewer than 8 breaths per minute)

vi. Skin is cool (possibly damp), pale or bluish

vii. ____________________________________________________

b. It is critical to seek emergency help if a person was drinking heavily and you notice any of the symptoms listed above

i. Alcohol depresses the central nervous system ( CNS controls brain function ( areas in the brain that control breathing/consciousness can no longer function ( death or severe brain damage due to lack of oxygen.

VI. The Effects of Alcohol Use/Abuse

a. Causes poor judgment

i. Drunk Driving – Traffic Fatalities

1. “In 2006, an estimated 13,470 people were killed in traffic crashes that involved at least one driver or a motorcycle operator with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 g/dL or above – a decline of 0.8 percent from the 13,582 fatalities in 2005.”

ii. Is a factor in over half of all ________________________________________________

iii. Is a contributing factor to the top 3 causes of death among teens

1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

b. Depresses the immune system

c. __________________________________________________________________________

d. __________________________________________________________________________

e. Cancer

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