. . . Corn shall make the young men cheerful, and NEW WINE the maids (cheerful). – Zech 9:17

. . . that he may bring forth food out of the earth; And WINE that maketh GLAD the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine . . . -- Psa. 104:14, 15

And the VINE said unto them, Should I leave MY WINE, which CHEERETH GOD and man . . . And they went out into the fields, and gathered their vineyards, and trode the grapes, and made merry, and went into the house of their god, and did eat and drink, and cursed Abimelech. -- Judg. 9:13, 27

“One kind of wine" advocates offer many passages which show indisputable inebriation or intoxication, as if others were trying to prove that alcohol was not drunk in Bible times. Still, this is but one side, of the Bible's use, of the word "wine." Such gainsayers are the ones whose arguments suggest that only alcoholic wine was drunk. Of course, their argued alcoholic wine is a "mocker" and is "raging,” while or kind of wine has a blessing in it.

Such “One Wine” Onlies suggest the words "cheerful" and "glad" and "blessing" as arguments to suggest intoxication is fallacious argument. Corn cheereth the young men in the sense of being tipsy only south of the Mason Dixon with on the run revenue-ers? Still, explain how alcoholic wine "cheereth" God. Does God get tipsy on alcoholic wine? Cheer and gladness regarding crop increases and harvests are not appreciated by an urban or city people (Judges 9:13) as they are among farmers, who rely on them. Nevertheless, alcoholic wine is never found in the field, the vine, cluster, or in freshly squeezed juice as we shall see.

Fruit of the Vine

. . . he will also bless the FRUIT of the WOMB, and the FRUIT of thy LAND, thy corn, and thy WINE . . . -- Deut. 7:13

But the FRUIT of the Spirit . . . -- Gal. 5:22

The "fruit of the womb" is that which the womb PRODUCES. The "fruit of the land" is that which the land produces. The "fruit of the Spirit" is that which the Spirit produces. The "fruit of the vine" is that which the VINE PRODUCES. The "fruit of fermentation" is that which fermentation produces. Jesus said that He was the "VINE" not the distillery or the brewery. The type of wine that Jesus, God incarnate, produced, at the wedding of Cana, was the "fruit of the vine" or the wine found in nature, as God produces it. Not as the merry wine maker produces it!

Fresh, new, natural wine was found, in the last supper’s "cup of blessing." Jesus used the "fruit of the vine" (new wine), at the last supper. He promised not to drink of that "fruit of the vine" until the kingdom. During the crucifixion, Jesus was offered both vinegar and wine, mixed with narcotics (Pro. 31:6), and He refused it. Still, in John 19:30, Jesus RECEIVED VINEGAR, proving that it was not the "fruit of the vine" but the "fruit of double fermentation."

Wine is the "fruit of single fermentation" and not the "fruit of the vine”; single fermented wine ferments again to produce vinegar. When the process is partially finished, you have sour wine. So Jesus did not use either alcoholic wine or vinegar, at the last supper. He used the fruit of the vine, grape juice.

Their Wine versus Our Wine

The CUP OF BLESSING which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? . . . Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils. -- 1 Cor. 10:16-21

Most Protestants, most Calvinistic Baptists, and the Catholics argue for alcoholic wine in the Lord's Supper (or Lord’s breakfast). A clear physical and spiritual difference exists between their cup and our cup, their wine and our wine, the cup of the Lord versus their cup of devils, and their table of the Lord and the table of devils.

Some of their number has gone so far, as to enlist the services of a chemist, to prove that fresh juice contains leaven and is impure and unfit to symbolize the Lord's blood, as opposed to alcoholic wine, of which the leaven is chemically spent. The truth of the matter is that leaven is not found in the meat or juice of the grape. Leaven spores are airborne and come from the world; they collect on the grape's outer skin. Still, the Lord pronounces the "blood of the Grape" as "pure" (Deut. 32:14). (How would our friends like to handle an amoeba and protozoa infested "water" symbolization of the Holy Spirit?)

Our Wine

. . . thy PRESSES shall burst out with new WINE. -- Prov. 3:10

. . . the TREADERS shall tread out no WINE in their presses . . . -- Isa. 16:10 (YAYIN)

And Pharaoh's cup was in my hand: and I took the GRAPES and PRESSED them into Pharaoh's cup, and I gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand. -- Gen. 40:11

. . . he will also bless the FRUIT OF THY WOMB, and the FRUIT OF THY LAND, thy corn, and thy WINE, and thine oil . . . -- Deut. 7:13

. . . GATHER in thy corn, and thy WINE, and thine oil . . . -- Deut. 11:14

Thus saith the LORD, As the NEW WINE is found in the CLUSTER, and one saith, Destroy it not; for a blessing is in it . . . -- Isa. 65:8

. . . the corn is wasted: the NEW WINE is dried up . . . -- Joel 1:10

. . . the mountains shall drop down NEW WINE and the hills shall flow with milk, and all the rivers of Judah shall flow with waters . . . -- Joel 3:18

. . .thou shalt TREAD the olives, but thou shalt not anoint thee with oil; and SWEET WINE, but shalt not drink wine. -- Mic. 6:15

And I called for a drought . . . upon the NEW WINE, and upon the oil, and upon that which the GROUND bringeth forth . . . -- Hag. 1:11

I will give you the rain of your land in his due season . . . that thou mayest GATHER IN thy corn [grain], and thy WINE [grapes], and thine oil [olives]. -- Deut. 11:14

In that day sing ye unto her, A VINEYARD of red WINE. -- Isa. 27:2

. . . thy presses shall burst out with NEW WINE. -- Prov. 3:10

. . . the LORD of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of . . . of WINES on the lees WELL REFINED . . . Moab . . . hath settled on his lees, and hath not been emptied from vessel to vessel . . . therefore his taste remained in him, and his scent is not changed. -- Isa. 25:6 with Jer. 48:11

. . . the latter rain, that thou mayest GATHER in thy corn, and thy WINE, and thine oil. --Deut 11:14

. . . treaders shall TREAD out no WINE in their presses; I have made their vintage shouting to cease. -- Isa 16:10

. . . As the NEW WINE is found in the CLUSTER . . . Destroy it not; for a BLESSING is in it . . . -- Isa 65:8

I have drunk my wine with my milk: eat, O friends; drink, yea, DRINK ABUNDANTLY, O beloved. -- Song 5:1

. . . thou didst drink the PURE BLOOD of the GRAPE. -- Deut. 32:14

Our wine, as opposed to our gainsayer’s wine, may be gathered directly from the field. Our wine may be tread directly out of the wine presses. Our wine may be directly found in a CLUSTER of grapes. Our wine may be mixed with milk, without causing us to retch. Our wine may be drunk ABUNDANTLY without drunkenness and without fear of violating the scriptures against drunkenness and without God being a tempter, as the result of such an instruction. Our wine is NEW and may be preserved; if it is not put, in OLD yeast infested bottles (which would cause it to ferment and burst the bottles -- Matt. 9:17). Our wine is a BLESSING, unlike the CURSE of alcoholic wine.

Their Wine

WINE is a mocker, STRONG DRINK is RAGING and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. -- Pro. 20:1

Look not thou upon the wine when it is RED, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it MOVETH itself aright. -- Prov. 23:31

. . . they drink the wine of the condemned in the house of their god. -- Amos 2:8

For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, and the wine is RED; it is FULL of MIXTURE; and he poureth out of the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them. -- Psa. 75:8

THEIR WINE is the POISON of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps. -- Deut. 32:33

The wine of many Missionary Baptists, Sovereign Grace Baptists, Protestants, Reformed, and Catholics, as opposed to our wine, moves. It is RED (indicating mixture), and gives its color in the cup. IT is the wine of another god, the wine of the condemned. Their wine is an impure mixture of a chemically changed juice and an addictive poison (alcohol or yeast DUNG), as opposed to our "pure blood of the grape." Their wine is a poison, toxic, intoxicating. Their wine is the "wine of the condemned" and not the saved. Their wine is "old" (which won't burst old or new bottles because it has already fermented -- Matt. 9:17). It is POISON; the word INTOXICATE is TOXIC from TOXIN. Bad wine is a MIXTURE of BITTER alcohol (yeast dung) and other things. The SWEET (sugar) is eaten up by the LEAVEN. Ask the doctors, police, and the asylums; their wine has never been a blessing, it has always been a curse.

-- by Herb Evans, Ref. Flaming Torch - July/Aug/Sept 2000, p. 22


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