Department of Human Services (DHS)

Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS)

Office of the Research, Planning, Evaluation, Information Systems and Technology

Data Entry form on Paper

For the

NEW NJSAMS Discharge Module

(Please download and keep extra copies at all time in case of Internet Connection failure and System unavailable)

NJSAMS Real-time Data System (Do not use training or demo. purposes)

If you have any questions please call customer service at

Phone: 609-777-2164

Updated 07/28/2014

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Personal Information

Personal Information (populated info – not editable.)


________________ ___________ ____________________

First name Middle name Last name

Date of Birth: ______________________ Gender: _______________

Admission Details (populated info – not editable)

Date of Admission: ____________________

Level of Care: ____________________________________________

Discharge Details / Education / Employment / Drug Use / Legal Information / Goal Achievement / Reason

Discharge Details

Discharge Date: ____________________

Counselor Name: __________________________________________

Living Arrangement

Living Arrangement at Discharge: Dependent Living/Institution

Homeless – Shelter

Homeless – Street

Independent Living

Education / Employment

Is client currently enrolled in school or a job training program?

- Not enrolled

- Enrolled Full Time

- Enrolled Part Time

- Other

Which best describes the client's CURRENT Employment situation?

- Full-time work or military (35 hours a week or more)

- Part-time (less than 45 hours a week)

- Student

- Home Maker

- Retired

- Unemployed: Actively looking for work

- Unemployed: Not looking for work

- Unemployed: Volunteer Work

- Unemployed: Living in an institution

- Disabled

Drug Use

Is Client using drugs or alcohol at Discharge?

Primary Drug

- Yes, Alcohol;

- Yes, Drugs;

- No Alcohol & No Drugs;

- Unknown

- Drug Name:

- AlcoholAlprazolam (Xanax)

- Amphetamine Barbituates

- Benzodiazepine

- Buprenorphine (non-prescription)

- Chlordiazepoxide (Librium)

- Clorazepate (Tranxene)

- Cocaine - Powder

- Codeine

- Crack

- Diazepam (Valium)

- Flurazepam (Dalmane)


- Hallucinogens - LSD

- Hallucinogens - PCP

- Heroin

- Hydrocodone (Vicodin)

- Hydromorphone (Dilaudid)

- Inhalants

- Ketamine, Special K

- Lorazepam (Ativan)

- Marijuana/Hashish

- MDMA (MOLLY), Ecstasy

- Meperidine (Demerol)

- Methadone (non-prescription)

- Methamphetamines

- Methylphenidate (Ritalin)

- Opiate - Other

- Oxycodone (Oxycontin)

- Pentazocine (Talwin)

- Propoxyphene (Darvon)

- Rohypnol (Roche, Rope, Roach)

- Synthetic cannabinoids (Synthetic Marijuana, K2, Spice, Bath Salts)

- Tramadol (Ultram)

- Other


Route of Administration (Primary Drug):

1. Oral

2. Inhalation/Sniffing

3. Smoking

4. Intramuscular/sub-cutaneous

5. Intravenous

Frequency of Use (Primary Drug):

1. No use past month

2. Less than weekly

3. 1 to 2 times per week

4. 3 to 6 times per week

5. Daily

6. N/A

Age at first use for Primary: ______ years-old

Secondary Drug

Drug Name:

- AlcoholAlprazolam (Xanax)

- Amphetamine Barbituates

- Benzodiazepine

- Buprenorphine (non-prescription)

- Chlordiazepoxide (Librium)

- Clorazepate (Tranxene)

- Cocaine - Powder

- Codeine

- Crack

- Diazepam (Valium)

- Flurazepam (Dalmane)


- Hallucinogens - LSD

- Hallucinogens - PCP

- Heroin

- Hydrocodone (Vicodin)

- Hydromorphone (Dilaudid)

- Inhalants

- Ketamine, Special K

- Lorazepam (Ativan)

- Marijuana/Hashish

- MDMA (MOLLY), Ecstasy

- Meperidine (Demerol)

- Methadone (non-prescription)

- Methamphetamines

- Methylphenidate (Ritalin)

- Opiate - Other

- Oxycodone (Oxycontin)

- Pentazocine (Talwin)

- Propoxyphene (Darvon)

- Rohypnol (Roche, Rope, Roach)

- Synthetic cannabinoids (Synthetic Marijuana, K2, Spice, Bath Salts)

- Tramadol (Ultram)

- Other

Route of Administration (Secondary Drug):

1. Oral

2. Inhalation/Sniffing

3. Smoking

4. Intramuscular/sub-cutaneous

5. Intravenous

Frequency of Use (Secondary Drug):

1. No use past month

2. Less than weekly

3. 1 to 2 times per week

4. 3 to 6 times per week

5. Daily

6. N/A

Age at first use for Secondary: ______ years-old

Tertiary Drug

Drug Name:

- AlcoholAlprazolam (Xanax)

- Amphetamine Barbituates

- Benzodiazepine

- Buprenorphine (non-prescription)

- Chlordiazepoxide (Librium)

- Clorazepate (Tranxene)

- Cocaine - Powder

- Codeine

- Crack

- Diazepam (Valium)

- Flurazepam (Dalmane)


- Hallucinogens - LSD

- Hallucinogens - PCP

- Heroin

- Hydrocodone (Vicodin)

- Hydromorphone (Dilaudid)

- Inhalants

- Ketamine, Special K

- Lorazepam (Ativan)

- Marijuana/Hashish

- MDMA (MOLLY), Ecstasy

- Meperidine (Demerol)

- Methadone (non-prescription)

- Methamphetamines

- Methylphenidate (Ritalin)

- Opiate - Other

- Oxycodone (Oxycontin)

- Pentazocine (Talwin)

- Propoxyphene (Darvon)

- Rohypnol (Roche, Rope, Roach)

- Synthetic cannabinoids (Synthetic Marijuana, K2, Spice, Bath Salts)

- Tramadol (Ultram)

- Other

Route of Administration (Tertiary Drug):

1. Oral

2. Inhalation/Sniffing

3. Smoking

4. Intramuscular/sub-cutaneous

5. Intravenous

Frequency of Use (Tertiary Drug):

1. No use past month

2. Less than weekly

3. 1 to 2 times per week

4. 3 to 6 times per week

5. Daily

6. N/A

Age at first use for Tertiary: ______ years-old

Legal Information

What is client's current Legal Status? (Check all that apply)

- No Legal Problem


Case Pending


Drug Court






DWI License Suspension


Jail/Prison Inmate


CWP (CP and P) or Family Court


Other; if Other Specify: ____________________________

How many times has client been arrested and charged for an offense in the past 30 days? How many times has client been arrested and charged for an offense in the past 30 days?

____________ Time(s) (If none, enter 0)

Evaluation of Client Goal Achievement

Alcohol/Drug Problem: Achieved

Partially Achieved

Not Achieved

Not Applicable

Educational: Achieved

Partially Achieved

Not Achieved

Not Applicable

Employment/Vocational: Achieved

Partially Achieved

Not Achieved

Not Applicable

Legal: Achieved

Partially Achieved

Not Achieved

Not Applicable

Family Situation/Social: Achieved

Partially Achieved

Not Achieved

Not Applicable

Psychological/Mental Health: Achieved

Partially Achieved

Not Achieved

Not Applicable

Physical Health : Achieved

Partially Achieved

Not Achieved

Not Applicable

Discharge Reason

Date of last face to face Client contact: ________________

Discharge Reason

Reason for Discharge: Treatment plan completed at this level of care

Treatment plan not completed

Discharged to DCF-CSOC

If treatment not completed:

- Quit or dropped out

- Needs different Level Of Care

- Unable to meet client’s non-substance abuse treatment needs

- Administrative Discharge / Rule Non-compliance

- Exhaustion of insurance benefits or ability to pay

- Loss of eligibility for Medicaid or Medicare

- Incarcerated – status revocation

- Incarcerated – charge since entering treatment

- Incarcerated – charge since entering treatment

- Medical discharge / Hospitalized

- Deceased

- Refused continuing care

- Treatment needed unable to continue

- Other

Continuing Care Type

- No continuing substance abuse treatment needed

- Refused continuing care

- Treatment needed unable to continue

- Transfer to different level of care within same agency and clinic


- Transfer to a new clinic site location within same agency

- Continuing care coordinated with new agency

Continuing care NJSAMS treatment agency: (if transfer to another agency)

Self-Help / Recovery Support


In the past 30 days, did client attend any Self-Help Groups? (Check all that apply)

- Narcotics Anonymous (NA)

- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

- Any religious or faith affiliated recovery Self-Help Group

- Other Self-Help/Mutual Support Groups

Frequency of Attendance:

- No Attendance in the past month

- 1-3 times in the past month (less than once per week)

- 4-7 times in the past month (about once per week)

- 8-15 times in the past month (2 to 3 times per week)

- 16-30 times in the past month (4 or more times per week)

- Some attendance but frequency unknown in the past month

- Unknown

Recovery Support

In the past 30 days, did client have interaction with family and/or friends that are supportive of his/her recovery?

Yes No Refused to answer Don’t know

To whom, does the client turn to when he/she is having trouble that is supportive of his/her recovery?

No One Counselor Clergy Family Member

Friends Other _____________

Refused to answer Don’t Know

Significant Problems (Check all that apply)

Significant problems and conditions present at admission or identified

during treatment

- Not Applicable

- Batterer

- Child of Substance Abuser

- Compulsive Gambling

- Criminal Activity

- Mental Health problem

- Neglect/Abuse of Client’s Children

- Physical Disability/Handicap

- Pregnancy

- Runaway Behavior

- Suicide Attempt

- Victim of Physical Abuse/Neglect

- Victim of Sexual Abuse

- Other; if Other specify: ________________________________


Substance Abuse Services

- Employee/Student Assist. Program

- Alcoholics Anonymous

- Narcotics Anonymous

- Family-Oriented Self-Help Program

- Other Self-Help Program; if Other Specify: _____________

Supportive Services





Family Services

Food stamp/Food


HIV/AIDS Testing




Mental Health

Public welfare


Social Services

TB Services


Vocational Rehab

Women’s Center

Other if Other Specify: ____________________________

Medication / Services by Agency

Unit of Service

Units of service for client (Non-Residential):

________________ days/sessions

Units of service for co-dependents not reported separately:

________________ days/sessions


Medication prescribed to treat substance abuse (check all that apply)

- Methadone

- Buprenorphine

- Acamprosate

- Naltrexone (oral)

- Vivitrol

- Psychotropic Medication

- Other if other Specify: _____________________

- No

- Don’t Know

Supportive Services

Services provided by agency during treatment (check all that apply)

- Anger Management/Resolution Interventions

- Case Mgmt: DYFS or Other Child Protective Service

- Case Mgmt: Judge or Court

- Case Mgmt: Parole or Probation

- Case Mgmt: Public Assistance (TANF, WIC, Food Stamps etc)

- Case Mgmt: Other

- Counseling – Family

- Counseling – Group

- Counseling – Indivisual

- Education Service

- Housing Assistance

- Job/Vocational Assessment, Training

- Legal Assistance or Services

- Medical Testing or Services

- Mental Health Testing or Services

- Parenting/ Family Interventions

- Personal Needs: Food, Clothing

- Rape/ Sexual Abuse Interventions

- Self-Help: Alcoholics Anonymous

- Self-Help: Narcotics/Cocaine Anonymous and other

- HIV/AIDS Testing

- TB Services

- Other

Mantoux Tuberculin Skin Test / Hepatitis Test /

HIV / Toxicology Test

Mantoux Tuberculin Test

Was any Mantoux Tuberculin Skin Test during treatment?

- Positive at this Facility

- Positive at Other Facility

- Negative

- Refused

- Not Offered

- Mantoux TST Given, Not Read

- Other

- Unknown

If positive: Date: _______________

Tuberculin Treatment Started? Yes No

Hepatitis Test

Was Client Tested for Hepatitis during treatment?

- Positive at this Facility

- Positive at Other Facility

- Negative

- Refused

- Not Offered

- Hepatitis Test Done, Not Read

- Other

- Unknown

If positive: Date: ________ Positive at Hepatitis: A B C D E

Hepatitis Treatment Started? Yes No

HIV Test

- Tested

- Offered but refused

- Not offered

- Unknown

If Tested: If tested: Did client get HIV test result?

- Yes

- Client Refused Result

- Client Discharged before results Given

- Unknown/Don’t Know

Toxicology Test

Was Urine analyzed for illegal drug?

Yes No Don’t Know

If Yes: How many tests were done? ___________________

How many tests were positive for drugs? _______________


Discharge Comment (it can be discharge report, recommendations and findings)


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