EIND 442


After completing chapter 1, students will be able to:

? Describe the significance of facilities planning. ? Describe how facilities planning is important to the field of Industrial Engineering. ? Identify the key phases and activities of an engineering design process, and articulate how each relates to

facilities planning. ? State the primary objectives of facilities planning. ? Describe why facilities planning is central to an organization's strategic planning processes.


After completing chapter 2, students will be able to:

? Define the term "concurrent engineering" and identify the benefits of deploying this practice in the design and development of products and processes.

? Define the key activities associated with process design, namely: identifying required processes, make-orbuy decisions, process selection, and process sequencing

? Use the following tools to generate process designs for simple production processes: parts lists, bills of materials, routing sheets, precedence diagrams, and operations process charts.

? Calculate production requirements for machines and serial operations given demand information, processing times, set-up times and scrap rates.

? Estimate the number of machines needed to meet production requirements using the machine fractions approach.

? Calculate the production quantity that will maximize profit in cases of small lot production with variability in output (i.e., solve the reject allowance problem).

? Estimate number of workers required in cases of multiple machine operation, and plan workflow coordination using multi-activity charts.

? Discuss when to design for high utilization of machines using excess labor capacity, versus high utilization of labor using excess machine capacity.


EIND 442


After completing chapter 3, students will be able to: ? Define what is meant by flow, and discuss why it is fundamental to efficient facilities design. ? Describe three principles of flow management, and apply them to the design of facilities. ? Identify four layout classifications, describe their application, and discuss their relative advantages and disadvantages. ? Recognize situations where the direct clustering algorithm (DCA) can be usefully applied. ? Use DCA to decide groupings of machines/workstations when designing manufacturing cells. ? Correctly apply DCA when conflicts in resources exist, and when considering capacity of resources. ? Explain the benefits of U-shaped organization of work cells. ? Determine the minimum number of workers needed in a work cell to meet a given takt time. ? Apply the largest candidate rule and ranked positional weighted (RPW) methods to line balancing problems. ? Create a distance (or mileage) chart and a from-to chart to measure flow quantitatively. ? Create a relationship chart to document desired closeness between departments within a facility.


In reflecting on prior quiz performance and completing chapter 3, students will be able to identify growth opportunities for skill development in life-long learning.


EIND 442


After completing chapter 3, students will be able to:

? Develop departmental space requirements using a "bottom up" approach with aisle allowances. ? Successfully complete a space (or area) requirements worksheet. ? Design aisles appropriate to type and volume of flow. ? Define the term "visual management," articulate its three main purposes, and illustrate those purposes

with examples.


After completing chapter 7, students will be able to:

? Identify the five core functions of a warehouse, and articulate the key activities involved in each. ? Describe the potential benefits of warehousing for a company's supply chain. ? Discuss principles and techniques for the design of efficient receiving and shipping operations (at least six

each). ? Determine the space requirements for shipping and receiving operations. ? Describe the differences between fixed (dedicated) location and floating (random) location storage

strategies, including advantages and disadvantages. ? Identify the major objectives in storage layout design. ? Discuss five principles for efficient storage layout. ? Determine storage space requirements given unit load, storage volume and storage equipment

information. ? Identify and explain four picking strategies, and describe in detail the relative advantages and

disadvantages of each. ? Discuss at least five principles for efficient picking. ? Describe the most common technologies in use today for improving the speed and accuracy of picking. ? Describe the basic functions of warehousing management systems (WMS), and discuss the importance of

WMS in the efficient running of warehousing operations, including potential pitfalls that companies should strive to avoid.


EIND 442


After completing chapter 4, students will be able to describe the primary considerations for the following issues related to having people working at a facility:

? Parking lot size and layouts. ? Personal belongings storage. ? Restrooms size and placement. ? Food services size and location. ? Health services size requirements. ? Barrier-free compliance. ? Office planning, including the pros and cons of open versus closed offices.

Further, students will be able to calculate space requirements for personal belongings storage, restrooms, food services/break rooms, and health services.


After completing chapter 5, students will be able to:

? Explain what material handling (MH) encompasses. ? Identify and explain the ten principles of effective MH as developed by the Material Handling Institute. ? Outline a general approach to MH systems design problems based on the engineering design process,

including systemically acquiring the necessary input information and requirements. ? Define what a unit load is, explain why unit load design decisions are critically important to material

handling systems design, and evaluate the various trade-offs involved in making unit load design decisions. ? Calculate container space utilization, storage space utilization, warehouse utilization, trailer space utilization, and container nesting ratio for use in making unit load design decisions. ? Explain a basic taxonomy of material handling equipment, and identify several of the basic technologies within the following material handling equipment categories:

o Unit Load Formation Equipment o Transport equipment o Positioning equipment o Storage and retrieval equipment o Identification and control technology


EIND 442


After completing chapter 5, students will be able to: ? Identify key safety considerations involved when humans work with and around MH equipment. ? Identify the main cost categories and use a systematic approach to evaluate the cost of a MH system.


After completing chapter 6, students will be able to: ? Identify the key input information needed for layout planning, and map that information to topics previously covered in prior chapters. ? Define the four phases of Muther's Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) method. ? Follow the major SLP pattern in the development of block and detailed layouts, including but not limited to: relationship diagrams, space relationship diagrams, generating alternatives, and systematically evaluating alternatives. ? Calculate material handling cost measures. ? Explain a basic mathematical formulation of the block layout problem. ? Solve simple block layout problems using the pair-wise exchange procedure. ? Outline the CRAFT procedure for optimizing block layouts. ? Use the computer tools available in the Facilities Design Lab to assist in the key steps of SLP for solving facility layout problems. ? Apply a sound engineering design process to facilities layout planning and design problems.


EIND 442


After completing chapter 9, students will be able to describe, at a high-level, the primary considerations for the following building systems as they relate to facilities layout decisions:

? Structural systems ? Enclosures (e.g., walls, roofs, floors) ? Atmospheric systems (e.g., heating, ventilation and cooling) ? Electrical and lighting ? Fire safety ? Plumbing ? Building automation


After completing chapter 10, section 2, students will be able to: ? Articulate the critical decision factors, both qualitative and quantitative, in facilities location decisions, including additional considerations unique to international location. ? Define four types of facility location problems based upon their differing objectives ? minisum, minimax, set covering and max covering ? and correctly identify problem classification based on project description. ? Explain the mathematical formulation of each of the four types of facility location problems. ? Solve a one-facility location problem to identify the best site from a set of candidate sites using minisum or minimax criteria. ? Find an optimal location using the median location heuristic and assuming rectilinear distances. ? Use a simple heuristic to solve set covering location problems when candidate sites are given. ? Use a greedy heuristic to solve max covering location problems to identify the best site(s) from among a set of candidate sites.


In completing the CICMHE Design Competition project, students will improve their ability to: ? Function effectively on a team. ? Organize and manage a significant project.

? Communicate effectively through interpersonal and formal written communication. ? Synthesize and analyze large data sets. ? Design an integrated system comprised of people, equipment, material and information within realistic

constraints. ? Evaluate design alternatives using quantitative and qualitative criteria. ? Conduct an economic analysis. ? Use computer aided design software. ? Develop skills useful for lifelong learning.


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