Transcription – Avalon Member interview – October 2014

Transcription – Avalon Member interview – October 2014

My name is Christine, and I’m a moderator on the Project Avalon Forum. I’m going to give a brief introduction to one of our Avalon members, somebody who I know personally, who I’ve become close with over the past two2 years. I first became aware of his story through somehis postings and some private conversations, and I realized throughduring our getting to know each other that his story was profound. I’m struggling a little bit forin trying to find the right words to describe the experience that our friend here has had, but just let me do my best at it.

It covers so much material, all quite astonishing. (It includes) his experience as a remote viewer, starting from childhood, interdimensional portal travel, travel that he experienced in advanced spacecraft, and attendance, which is fascinating, at large scale meetings where ET’s were present, and the human representatives only played a minor role. He also has direct knowledge of the role of artificial intelligence, and the threat that is (posed) by ET Trojan horse, artificial intelligence infiltration. All of that, and more, is going to be covered in this astonishing conversation.

Sometimes I think that for some of us, it’s hard to see through the layers, not only in\ the layers inof ourselves, in this case, what was done to him, burt also at the layers of our mass consciousness that keep us looking at the outward frame of a being, where(as) the spirit is, where this reality really truly lies. It was my honor, my pleasure, my joy, to actually be able to be present with him, where for the first time he actually allowed an audio recording to be made of his memories. I just want to say as you listen to this that this was the first time he was actually not blocked from speaking. To this day he is still under quite a bit of electronic and other types of surveillance, tricks, traps, but since this audio some pretty miraculous things have happened… So, let this audio be the strength and the courage we all have to be able to speak our truth, and let nothing silence us. So here we start this… Thank you all so very much (…One more word here) and when I say thank you all very very much it’s because I know there are others who are listening… who have similar experiences, and so it is to you that have had the courage to speak your truth that I say, ‘Thank you’...

There’s so many different, I mean, I wouldn’t even know where to begin. There’s the MILAB part, the small portion of the secret space program, the part where I was working in the Federal Reserve (with)where I was working with those people that were in the Black Sun cult, that were inviting me to the Masonic lodge. I went with them a couple of times, I went out on the boat with them one time and they were telling me all their philosophies and whatnot, very dark people.

It started for you as child. Did you have memories of it during your childhood?

Yeah, the memories were kind of played with a little bit, like when I would have memories, this will sound kind of ridiculous, of a pirate ship coming to get me, a flying pirate ship…

Kind of like Peter Pan…

Yeah, sounds totally ridiculous, those are the memories I had, but that’s obviously not what actually happened, as a child how I organized the memory, or if the memory was screened or played with. Later on when I worked doing things I’m not very proud of, and the other programs, I got to see how screen memories and blank-slating people and how that kind of stuff works and it was done on me, quite a bit. (…)

And then you were co-opted into the program through what they… what was done to you…

Yes. I was labeled an intuitive empath, which back then they didn’t have all these different nice esoteric ways of making you be a good remote viewer or bilocatoro-(caterer), they did it through terrorizing you into having an out-of-body experience, kind of like what a lot of rape victims and whatnot report during their attack, they report self separation, seeing it as a bystander occurring to them, not actually being (there) … They had known about that stuff for many years, and they used terror on certain personality types, to cause you to have an out-of-body experience.

How do you think you were tapped? What isdo you think the process was…?

I come from a really big Navy family, I think some of that had something to do with it, I’m not exactly sure, I think my grandfather knew, somewhat, what was going on. I remember going through a lot of testing in school… (…) And all of the testing I liked, even in elementary school, in reading, everything except for math, in reading I tested four or five grade levels ahead fromof where I was, but they always put me in small, kind of special ed classes. They had like an Explorer program kind of thing. And vans that would pick us up and take us to other facilities, where there were other kids like us. They took us by car to (the) Air Force base, it’s closed down now, it’s somewhat closed down, it’s still in use. I have a lot of memories…

Were you made to feel special?

Yes, of course. I have a lot of memories. My dad was a coach, he took on coaching jobs, and always (a lot of the time) usually within fifteen minutes of that base. Until my mom divorced him and left him and we moved back to this area. And then I started going to elementary school, I became a 4th-grader or whatever, then I started doing the testing, I remember doing the testing there.

Were all the kids taken throughto the testing? Did they come in and choose a few from the class, or how did that happen?

I remember them bringing the tests into the class, and it was like those bubble tests, you know? Later on, you would be told, ‘Oh, you did so well’ you know, ‘Dadadadada’ and ‘We’d like you to do more testing’, and this testing would be observed, a teacher that wasn’t from the school that I didn’t know, would sit there and it ended up being exactly what I took later on in high school for the (ASFAB) test, for the military, and on that test, I tested in the top 10% of the nation on that, it was pretty much that kind of stuff.

What were the abilities they were looking for? Intelligence?

Intelligence (and) that kind of thing, they even did the weird things, which was very odd, the weird cards with stars on them, different things like that, trying to get you to guess what was on them, playing whatever objects under plastic cups. Different things. (

Eye tests, with colors?

Yes, and hearing. To this day I can hear things way way off. I hear a very high, like high-pitched noise … I can hear very high-pitched noises, and they would be like, ‘Wow, you can hear that?’ Yeah. And they would be like, “Do it again.’ Lift my right hand, my left hand, I would hear the (harem), they did the eye test, different things like with the color stuff.

I think it’s important to talk about this because I’ve listened to other (MILAB stories). How are they tracking? How are they finding? Are they still doing it today?

Yeah, they are. They categorize, they do it totally different now. It’s a lot more sensitive the way it’s done and the blank-slating is not done chemically any more.

Can you talk about these experiences you went through?

Such as…?

How were you blank-slated? How did that start?

Mostly it was done chemically, shots, and then give you hypnotic, kind of like when you go through hypnosis. They would give you shocks, and then they would talk to you in a steady voice, and put you down into a certain, not (BETA) but certain level, and then. …

Did you have something monitoring your brain waves?

Yeah, yeah. And then later on they could do that with (PG electric) things they would put on your hands or your fingers, a monitor just on your forehead, and then just give you the drugs, and then discuss what you went through, and then they would, like, reading you a book, telling you a story, and then show you a movie of something else, and that would become the your screen memory overlaid.

So you would be seeing one picture, and then you’d tell a story that was just jointed from that picture? Or…

Overlaid … itThat would occur in sequence, they would be giving you a memory, it was also like a debriefing at the same time. You would tell them, like a debriefing, what occurred, and then they would like, they kept it kind of childlike, read you a story, to make it more easily ridiculed or silly, you know, you (owned) the other experience, and then you would have a film to watch, with headphones on, that would be your memory or dream.

(Drug you?)

(In training…)

So they put you through the experience, where they were doing some torturous thing, perhaps, and then you would debrief. You would tell them where you went or what you experienced, did you remote view, or whatever, and then they would blank you and give you something to remember…

Can we talk about this now without getting all…

Yeah, different, huh?

Yeah. Before I couldn’t even talk about it.

I also feel it’s beneficial for anyone who has been through this to just let it out…

Not everybody has the same experience, because the major reason for the testing, and each individual’s personality and personality type, they break everybody down, within the people who were intuitive empaths, you were broken down into different groups as to abilities, and probable abilities and whatnot. So it was a lot bigger… a lot of people it was, like, Boom, MILAB, Boom, Supersoldier, Boom, you know? SoAnd I see that, and it’s kind of ridiculous to me in a way, a lot of it, but I kind of saw it more as an adult later on. It was different for everyone else, and some people had a lot less traumatic experiences, being a MILABs. And some people, depending how stubborn they were, or what type of personality they had, some had a lot worse. They would have, you know, they would have kids do stuff to each other, you know, sexually, or beat each other up or, you know, violently…

Did you see the folks who were doing this? Do you have (any) visuals of who was in the room? Who was there?

Yeah. I remember the adults standing around, observing, watching, (thumbing), taking notes, the kids just watchinglooking constantly back for either approval or direction. They developed, usually the females, developed a relationship with the kids, where the kids wanted approval from them to where they would do whatever they were told, they wanted approval. If they didn’t get approval from them, then in would come one of the more military-ish male figures that would subject them to one of the more negative things. You know, to where they were on the other side of what was occurring.

Were you alone? Sometimes in groups, different scenarios?

The alone stuff was more, never totally alone. Usually it was like one-on-one with an adult, or adults, where you were training. A lot of meditation, altered states of consciousness, both chemically induced and then self induced.


Oh definitely, that definitely happened.

There were definitely non-human…

Can you describe what these beings looked like? Was it more than one race?

Yeah. I don’t really like to… When I see people that, like, are eager to talk about reptoids, reptilians, and these, they don’t look like mantises to me, but, whatever…


Yeah. When people talk about them on the internet and the forums, they sound like they want to know more.


I don’t want to talk about them, visualize them, you bring them into your consciousness, you bring yourself into theirs. So don’t become a beacon, don’t set yourself up to be a consciousness beacon, cause some people have this thing where they think, ‘Well, I have this thing, I can become this beacon of strength around me…

Or knowledge…

Or some power. You know, people get this self-inflated ego or esoteric ideas, they think they are special or have some strength or protection or whatever. ButAnd some people do have protection. But tThat’s not something to go mess around with.

Well, you saw what they were involved in, and you have some experience... I think that part of the thing that’s happening is (in collective ways) many people are having ancertain experiences and then having a curiosity… I guess I would say be very cautious about that curiosity…

Just remember what it did to the cat.

To the what?

The cat.

(laughter) It killed the cat…

Not Schrodinger’s cat.

Not that, no. (laughter) I really feel that the story you’re telling is more common than I think a lot of people are …aware (of). I know that part of the programming is to make the person involved feel very special. Did you have that programming?

Yeah. The vast majority of people that are involved are just programmed to forget. The vast majority of the people that it’s happened to – And I have no freaking idea. (Layers) and so many different types and reasons. There’s people out there who think this is the most ridiculous thing in the world, and this has happened to them multiple times. Some of them are programmed, too…


So you went through this as a child, as a teenager, did you go into the military? Were you being trained or tapped for that?

No, I was told I could not go into the military. Told not to, not to. And I didn’t. No, that was by the program. All I ever wanted to do was go into the Navy like the rest of my family, and when I was sixteen years old I had a knee injury, and you see that huge scar, it’s like a patchwork quilt. The Navy recruiters, because of my testing, were all over me, and my mom was totally against it. It was very bizarre. She was in the back of her room crying when the recruiters came to the house. She wouldn’t come out. She was crying.

Was this already after she had split up from your father?

Yeah. My stepdad was Navy. I felt for (my mother). But the Navy recruiters were all over it. Soon as I graduated I was going in. That was said and done in my mind, I mean, that’s what I was going for.

Officer training? Naval Academy?

I was not in ROTC in high school. I was kicked out of 7 junior highs and 2 high schools for fighting.

Was that part of your training, too?

More of having a shitty life. Ha ha. And a martial arts background to where kids screwed with me, and I didn’t have the people skills to talk, and someone would come up to me, and poke me in the chest, and I would just throw them on the floor. That’s all. I just didn’t know any other way.

Anyway, I had an issue. I went in and got x-rays, an MRI, and went in for routine arthroscopic surgery, I think I was sixteen or seventeen. I was seventeen, actually, cause it was after I got back from Haiti, there on a (church) trip. That was a crazy thing. It was right after their big civil war thing. Anyway, I wake up and my leg is totally in an immobilizer. And everyone’s standing around all sad, except for my mom, and they (say), ‘We’re so sorry you have two dead bones the size of nickels that fell from your femur into your knee, tore up all your cartilage, and had to do a bone graft from your tibia, and there’s four screws in there.’

So they rebuilt the bone above your knee?

Yeah, up on top. They had to take all the cartilage out, and they said that the recruiter had been there earlier, and all that, and my mom was, ‘You’re not going to get into the Navy. I’m sorry.’ And I was just like, I didn’t know what I was going to do with my life. But part of the thing was I was not supposed to go into the military anyway. Because, part of the stuff, some of the stuff they do, you go off and (you) go for awhile, and then there is age progression done, and you’re brought back to present time, and they manipulate all that. And they don’t want you to go into the military, and having full recall, and all that.

Were you trained early on as a remote viewer? Were you given targets even as a child?

Oh yeah. And then you would find out what would happen to some of those targets. In more of your (…) pre-teen, early teen kind of years, you would be, they would learn about who to give certain targets and who to not. Because some people would protect certain targets, so they could still maintain some of their own consciousness. You would know that you were sending, you were targeting some individuals or small groups for termination.

Are you willing to talk about this?


(I understand the devastation…)

Especially the young. And one of the things was, they’re very interested in using (astro-locating) portals.

Like interdimensional portals?

You could call them that, yeah.

To bring in transfer? Explain that a little more if you can.

Kind of like Stargate, SG4 TV series kind of thing. In the beginning they found out they could transport non-living, inanimate machinery and supplies. They developed ways of sending a real, like, a small kind of train, that would have seating for people, and send that through, shielded in a certain way.

Were these tests they were doing? Where were they taking them?

To bases or colonies.

On different planets?


Were you ever in one of the main stargates?


Can you talk about that?

I have some memories. The last one I remember… I went to a couple (…) that I have memories of. I can almost draw a picture. You come into like a cavern, and there’s an opening, kind of like a grotto or cavern opening, and outside there’s kind of a purplish sky, with a couple moonish things out, and then there was water, steamy water, and then there were people that were laughing and kind of having R&R, just outside the cave. Further, everything was built inside the mountain or whatever. It was a base of some sort. And you turn back and look and you can see a loudspeaker almost like Grand Central Station, you could hear information being scheduled, that and general information being spoken and yeah, it was English. I remember lots of times seeing people in the one-piece jumpsuit kind of thing, with flags from several different countries.

Any other badges or insignias you recall?

There were several insignias, some with triangle shape, some with a circle in it, some with a circle going around it, it was like a dragon, or a serpent of some sort. It was a black patch, with the delta shape, may have been yellow or those colors that stand out from black. Kind of remember seeing that several times.

The jumpsuits, were they different colors?

They were different colors, different people wearing different colors. I guess they had different jobs or whatever.


I don’t remember any having any lanyards, with nametags or anything like that. I guess everything’s biometric.

Did they communicate verbally or did you see they were using other means?

They were walking around, talking to each other, they had to have a sense of community, or (…) social, so morale doesn’t break down… I don’t know, I have no idea.

(I don’t know where it goes) I remember coming out of that (portal)… a couple times.

To that same place?

I remember coming out a couple times to groups of people by that little water area, there was steam coming out.

Were you there in the physical? Or were you remote viewing?

I was physically there.

So you were aware of your body and you were capable of interacting. Just to go back. So these portals, they were transferring information and materials and...


How long do you think this has been going on?

At least since the fifties. I know that something happened to where a lot of them stopped working, because they started retapping a lot of us, (who) had experience in locating them, some of them. Something happened I guess, when a lot of them, some of these people, you call them Cabal or whatever, these people were trying to get out, leave. I guess they didn’t have anywhere here safe to hide out, and they were asking, there were like groups of us pulled onto the craft, that were asked to, like three or four of us at a time, asked to locate portals, they had problems with endpoints of portals used to be at a certain address or code, (for) now just flailing out in open space, now.

So they had a physical geo-location on the planet. Were they physically on the planet or in the atmosphere of the planet?


So you would find a geo-physical (location) on the planet where a portal would open up…

They were both physical and in the atmosphere. Some of them were like the Auroras Borealis… It was where magnetically, the Sun interacted with the atmosphere. And it was over certain magnetic anomalies of the Earth. And it had to do with the Sun’s behavior at that time, and the position of the Earth. Things had to be just right for certain portals to be operative. And something was going on to where they were not operative, on schedule, and/or the other side was not opening up where it was supposed to.

Do you know of any cases where people went into a portal and were lost?

In the beginning, yeah, yeah, yeah. People on the other side were quite a mess.

So, trying to get a picture on the whole thing, were there portals that were always


Not unless it was artificially kept open.

There was some testimony given that some portals were always open…

From what I remember that would be a very bad thing.

…It would destabilize the other portals and something to do with the Earth’s magnetic field, a cascade, it would have a cascading effect.

So this is why we’ve had things coming and going on the planet forever, I’m sure.

These magnetic point-to-point portals and interdimensional doorways are not exactly the same thing. These interdimensional rips that some people are talking about that are left open are totally different. And these kinds of things were opened by some of the dark magician practitioners, way back from like the 1980’s to the 1940’s.

…the 1880’s?

Yeah, through the 40’s, like the Nazis and the pre-Nazis.

They call them the modern day sorcerers…

This is the stuff I heard from the Black Sun people. They knew already about my knowledge of portals and stuff, they were talking to me about what I knew about the dimensional rifts and passageways, and I told them not that much. I mean, I knew what they were, they existed, that some of the reptilian beings or whatever traveled that way. But if there’s some of them that are stuck open or whatever, then that’s not a good thing.

Getting back to your life, the timeline… so you didn’t get into the military, had the knee operation, didn’t know what to do…

It was much later that I got into the Texas State Guard. They accepted me, the Texas military forces, accepted me into their command control communication and intelligence group, and I worked very closely with the Army National Guard, but mostly with the Air Force National Guard, with secure satellite communications, that kind of stuff. I made a lot of very good connections, I worked closely with Homeland Security. I had to go to a lot of their certifications, the PAC Star 5500 satellite system that I supported, which was the DOD communications hub. It basically connected the Department of Homeland Security to all of the local DHS entities, all of the local police, first responders, military, all through one communication hub through whatever they were using, whether it be a CB radio, a telephone, satellite phone, ham radio, whatever, would be able to patch them all together to where they could all speak to each other, and also pull down the secure DOD internet that they had, to where the Air Force, Army, National Guard could come in and plug their encrypted laptops into the DOD infrastructure and communicate.

And during the time you were doing this, were you aware of the nature of this thing?

Oh, I was sitting there working the thing! I found out all kinds of stuff.

Hardware? Software?

I worked, it was basically just a whole bunch of hardware talking to each other through switches. There was some software involved, network connectivity, and keeping the satellite uplink connected. I helped people with their encrypted laptops get connectivity to the network that we had, the hub that … was connected to the Department of Defense satellite. I supported them. And DHS.

Department of Defense. Department of Homeland Security. So it was a secure network.

Whoever happened to be, that needed to come into the tent that had the clearance that needed to…

Have that information…

Yeah. It was the DOD. There were also people sitting around using phones, using voice-over IP phones which we had plugged in, IP phones that hooked into the DOD.

Did you have special clearance?

I did. I had my (…) ID. I had a DOD card that I never kept with me. I never knew what my clearance was or anything, no. I had special access program.

So you had access to a lot of people, the network… During that stay, how long were you working there?

I was in the Guard from 2007 until 2012, but that was part time, whenever an emergency happened or there was training.

So that was part of your education, or eye-opening experience. Did you start to become aware of things that you hadn’t been aware (of)?

I was already aware, I was just getting more information, and made a lot of connections, some people I still talk to. A lot of those people started disappearing. I mean literally, someone calling me saying, ‘Hey, so-and-so didn’t show up to work for the last two weeks.’ Their family said they went and looked in their window and their house is empty and it’s a mess, it looked like they moved out in a very hasty manner. Neighbors said they saw moving trucks, moving them out fast as hell and then, (fshhhhhhht), took off, took them out in less than two hours, just moved them out. No explanation, nothing.

So the sensitivity in being in that particular arena and the information that was coming in, did you start to make conclusions…?

Yeah, I’ve made several conclusions, and then they’ve been wrong. (Laughter)

So the people that you worked with, the general ethical, moral compass that they carry, are there a lot of like, are there people working in this that have a lot of information that… Are they under threat not to talk?

Oh yeah. I got approached by some guys who told me I shouldn’t be speaking so freely. Not too long ago when I was living with my mom. (…) I was getting away from them, my situation there … I went to this shuck-and-jive place that I go to every once in a while, and this guy sat down next to me, he had Arabic on one arm, he had a short sleeve shirt on, another guy sat on the other side of me, and I looked at the guy’s arm and I said, ‘Is that Arabic?’ And he said, ‘Nope,’ and he pulled his sleeve down and I said, ‘Hmm, you wouldn’t happen to have anything written on the other arm, would you?’ Cause I had met a guy who had Arabic on one arm and Sanskrit on the other. And he said, ‘Yeah,’ and lifted his shirt down real quick and I said, ‘That’s Sanskrit,’ and he said ‘How did you know that?’ I said … I knew a guy in the Guard who had pretty much those same tattoos. And that opened it up. And the guy to the left said, ‘Oh really.’ He said, ‘You should probably be a little less open on the internet.’

Just like that.

Just like that. And they didn’t order anything to drink or anything… And they got up and they left.

So this is sort of a means of communication, symbols and signs…

Very direct communication.

Letting you know who they are and delivering the message. Did you feel threatened?

Put it this way, when I left I took my pistol out of it’s sheath, and I put it under my leg and paid very close attention to traffic and everything on my way home.


So yeah, that got my attention.

Has there been more of the same?

No, nothing else.

Are there people out there right now who wish they could come forward and speak more clearly? Are they still trying to pass the message, say, subversively, from one person to the next?

I think they would rather… pass the buck, pass the info on to someone they know, putting the info out there. But at the same time, their information is only as good as the person they’re getting it from.

They’re compartmentalized…

So I have friends in several different groups, and I get the information, and I kind of… compare it, and if I have points that match, I consider the information somewhat vetted, then I’ll find a news story out there that has some of the information in it, and then I’ll post it. And that’s my way of putting the information out there, indirectly. I’m not going to come out and just say. ‘Dadadadada,’ because whoever the powers that be, are going to be able to look, and deduce exactly where I got that information from.

I think a lot of people in the intel biz (…) they’re kind of triangulating the information…

After I posted that stuff yesterday, the president of SAIC went to my site.

What is the SAIC, for the uninitiated?

One of the major defense contractors… president… at defense contractor… (Frank O’Donnell)… president at… defense contractor… OK. We go there. Science Applications International Corporation. They have been pursuing me like crazy, to come and work on (defense) contracts. Which I’ve said no to. It shows here that he viewed my profile two days ago, after I posted some information on portals and torsion field.

This is all very fascinating to me, as you well know, coming from my (…) point of view, not having any training or apparently… no military background, and yet… it seems to me you have this broader, bigger picture. We’re looking at a much bigger picture and it gets bigger all the time. We’re looking at the origins of the human race, we’re looking at other races from distant planets or galaxies (…) We’re looking at interdimensional beings, we’re looking at portals through time and space,, artificial and natural ones, you know, we’re looking at all these things…

Not to mention all the breakaway societies that hung around from all the civilizations that have come and gone here on Earth.

Plus AI technology…

The AI is something that those in the space program and intelligence are very concerned about.

They are concerned in what way? Are they concerned with other AI presences, the ones they’re not writing, the codes they’re not writing?


How is that being perceived right now?

As a very extreme and present danger and major threat. A lot of the current technologies have a mental component, to interface (with) the air/space craft or whatever. There’s not a stitch, you know, things do not respond that quickly. So it responds directly to the person’s nervous system. Well, AI’s, through computer usage, all kinds of different ways, can have similar to entity attachments, kind of like a virus.

In the AI, like a consciousness…

Like a program. Like a program that gets into a human being, in your electrical system, and after stargate travel, after portal travel, before using or operating certain machinery… In the early days they would use EEGs and other things to test, to make sure that your baseline EEG, and other readings, didn’t have another reading over it. I don’t know what they have now, but the last thing they had when I went in, was a thing that went over your forehead, like that, the top of your forehead, and they would put it there til it beeped, and they took it away, and there was a cool little screen on it and everything, that showed waves on a grid and all that. They could tell if you had any AI infections or whatever, and if you had there was no way in hell you were getting anywhere near any of their tech. Because if you had those i.e. parasites or codes in you, and if you interface with the tech, then it gets into the device you’re operating and can get into the network, which has a biological and electrical… it’s like a biological… I’ve seen them replace them, it’s almost like a thing you would put in the freezer to get frozen to use like an ice pack.


Gel packs.

Just so you know, we ran into something like this, but… later.

But they’re biological, like alive. Kind of like a brain or a nervous system or whatever that they slide in and slide out.

Like hardware.


So (if) you as a biological being, a person, have any of these AI implants, I would call them codes for lack of a better word, they won’t let you near anything because you will contaminate what they’re trying to control…

Hell no. You can bring down their defense grid, systems and all that… and it’s happened… some of these biological electrical components that they have in these spacecraft that we see flying around that we think are alien, but are not, or whatever, are what allow us to have the neuro-biological tie-in to the technology to be able to do the things humans…

So these government agencies, that are at the upper echelon of knowledge, they actually have craft, that are allowing certain human beings to have access, or interface with…

They completely interface. I wouldn’t say they’re alive, they’re somewhat alive.

(They’re beyond the computer)

Yeah, way way way beyond.

So they are AI biological beings, we could actually call them entities of a sort, are they independent? Are they controlled? (…) Do they have any autonomy?

I wouldn’t say they’re like the (HOW 3000) or anything like that, but they self-monitor, they interface with the human, they monitor the human’s health, they interface with the human so much they like, become one. And as a person, almost before a person is thinking what they want to do, what weapon system they want to engage, what maneuver they want to do or whatever, the craft is already making the needed adjustments and preparations.

Like a body…

Yes. It’s almost like a prosthetic.

Is this only for military or is it being used other ways?

I don’t know. It has all kinds of applications that could help humanity. Anyone that’s in a wheelchair, that has spinal damage, there’s no reason for that. I mean, (the things) they have. People are suffering needlessly.

So you the person, the conscious human being, has been molded with the craft…

Melded is the right word. You’re in control, your mind is in control, it’s like having a prosthetic. It’s plugged into your electrical system and your mind is telling it to (do) this, this, this.

If you became rogue, if you went rogue on the system, ‘I want to do something totally different’… there must be something…

There’s other precautions for that. What it is, is that you are in a little thing that plugs into kind of the wider craft, like the fuselage, and that plugs into the craft. You could be ejected from that at any point.

So there’s something else monitoring you…

Then the larger craft has a return to home feature, that fuselage thing has a beacon and a short range travel.

Have you been told about this, have you seen it?

I’ve seen it. I haven’t been on the large, big cigar-ish looking (ones). I’ve been on the smaller ones that are kind of squished down that have double, look like double… I’ve been on the other ones, look like big triangles.

How do you get transported? How does that happen? (…) Were you trained that way? …Is it just like you’re sitting on the couch with me or is some other aspect of…

There’s also an aspect of having avatars. Some of the people have avatars that look like the greys, some of the grey encounters people have are just bio-mechanical robot things that someone is in a recliner kind of thing sitting there with things on each side, like this, controlling them with wraparound visors on. People say they get no feeling or soul (from them). They’re not. They’re machines. There are so many different beings out there, people get confused with greys, but those ones that are all smooth and look a certain way are military built.


Kind of like in that movie “Avatar” and they are controlled by people nowhere near. The craft they’re on is basically a drone and avatars or drones. It’s all drone.

Do you have a feeling about this? I mean you said your own military abduction, and all that stuff from the 50’s, and most people are aware of the Roswell crash and all that, (but) as a program, who’s running it? Who’s at the top?

(Sigh) Oh, that question.

We can stop at any time…

I’ve looked at that pyramid so many times and every time, there’s so many people with their arrogances or that think they’re at the top of the pyramid and I find out, they’re nowhere near. These Black Sun cult people, just because they basically run the Fed, they run the Babylonian money magic system. They do. It’s the Black Sun cult. They run it.

Black magic?


Money is black magic.

It is. They went into detail talking about that. I don’t know where to start. Who’s controlling all this? Hell if I know. Ultimately, it’s off-world. But when you talk about some bloodlines, there’s a bloodline thing going on.

And that’s a whole other thing, to talk about bloodlines, and what is a bloodline, (there’s) so much attention on it. We’re looking at multiple scenarios right now, and somehow they all feed back to each other…

In the bloodline, all feeds are off-world. Basically some sort of mixture. We’re all mixtures. I was debriefed and (told) about meetings we’d had with all these other groups that came in and just about every group that came in claimed that they had had something to do with our creation at the beginning. The American military was extremely indignant and pissed off, cause (…) a lot of them are very Judeo-Christian kind of people, and these aliens are coming in saying they created us, dadadadada, but there were like, dozens of races that were supposedly coming in, different races…

How were you debriefed? Were you in meetings?

I’ve been in a bunch of different situations where it was big meetings, almost like a miniature UN kind of thing, with people sitting around, talking about stuff. Sitting, looking, reading off a tablet kind of thing, reading what they were talking about, they weren’t speaking English. There was always someone doing a sign language that wasn’t a regular sign language, it was a sign language that looked more Native American to me.

And in these meeting spaces there were military, US, other countries too?

I didn’t see a whole lot of military, mostly, like, civilian looking people. Some mainly humans, but strange looking humans. There were some humans there, there were several women with one man that had dark black hair and when I say olive complexion, I mean they looked just like olives. Green. Like olives. And wore different kind of clothing, different kind of stuff, and the men had, like, military haircuts, short on the sides, a little taller on the top. The women had very beautiful hair. (Since I was real young) most of the (ones) I dealt with were human. But (these) were just different, a different kind of human. But a LOT different kind of human. Some were different sizes. Very tall.

Did you ever see any with six fingers and six toes? Well. I guess you wouldn’t see the toes…

One, with six fingers and a weird, rounder cranium in back, but it wasn’t all conehead like you see on TV. Their skull kind of went back like ours did and then, the cranium went further back, but it looked kind of… soft. It didn’t look hard. (Their facial structure) looked a bit narrower, they looked human. (…) There was a woman and a guy. She was wearing almost like, not a belly-dancer…

A veil?

A veil and kind of meshy type clothes…

Real drapy and flowing…

Real pale. Their eyes were a little bit bigger.

And during these debriefings was there something planetary being decided? Or was it more galactic…?

I don’t know. I was sitting there reading what I was given to read, and looking around, I was reading information about different groups that were talking about the Earth experiment.

You were like a messenger?

I was there as an empath, to get a feeling of aggression or, not untruthfulness… deception. But I wasn’t the only one. There were three of us sitting there. We were sat down low, to where we were, you know how people see the judge? They were sitting higher and we were sitting lower, to where we were like this. And we were sitting there looking at our material and if we had any feedback, we were supposed to give them feedback but we were all pretty much, ‘Hey, what the hell, whoa…’ Supposedly the Earth was some big kind of… It kind of freaked me out when I watched “The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” There at the end the Earth was some big experiment for these inquisitive, interdimensional beings that wanted to know the meaning of life and that kind of stuff. It was basically saying that kind of crap, and saying all these different people created us, and came in and manipulated us, and were claiming some dominion over us or creation of us. And we didn’t know what to think of it.

And bickering and fighting about it…

We didn’t know our genetics, or studies. And that kind of stuff. We had asked for and received genetic information from them and all this kind of stuff. Some stuff matched and some stuff didn’t. So, you know, we’re trying to make sense of it all.

There’s such a large body of information. I tell people we are swimming in the sea of knowledge and intelligence. What’s happening for me right now is I’m sitting and listening to this, this information is coming into my field and I’m connecting some dots, specifically with the AI stuff. I’m very aware that working with the group I’m working with, we keep finding stuff, especially with the AI.

Be very leery of the AI stuff. Some of the crashes and retrievals were… on purpose. Trojan horses. Sent here so we would build up this kind of stuff, to give the AI median down here, to travel and be amongst us… and be able to interface with us.


End Part I

Avalon Member Interview – Part 2

After the conference, you were taken back, given the injection, gave the download…

The debrief. The three of us (were debriefed) separately.

They got the information from you like a flash drive…

Yes, that’s basically it. I know what they wanted, they wanted us to pick up on deception, possible threats, just anything, I guess, they should be watching out for. The language that was being spoke, none of us understood, it was some sort of like a universal language that most people there understood. There was one person doing some sort of sign language that I saw a Native American elder using on the reservation when I was younger. If there was any telepathic stuff going on we weren’t picking up on it, or it wasn’t directed to us. We were given reading material to read and absorb, but also to keep our logical minds occupied so we could pick up on things without reading into things. To naturally pick up on threats and whatever.

A part of your brain wave activity was being separated from the logical brain that would have overridden anything that was coming in…

And then afterwards we did the typical thing, we went in and got a shot, I remember the shots were kind of like tetanus shots, they burned. In the arm, in the shoulder, in the hip, usually in the shoulder except when I was real young they would give it to you in the hip. Then they would do the thing where they would start talking to you in a regular voice, and talk to you where you’re fading away, kind of listless. When I was younger that’s when they read you, like, a kid’s story, then show you a kid’s kind of movie that would turn into … a dream scenario, so that would become a screen memory, or dream memory for you. I guess the chemical then somehow blank-slated your memory of whatever they wanted to target. What I was starting to get into, they found that they could only use this chemical a certain number of times before it started causing neurological problems, or behavioral problems, like psychotic breakdowns, different things like that.

So you started having psychotic breaks with reality?

I don’t know that I had that. They ended up moving to little devices run by batteries that had hand remote controls that they could use. They didn’t need to give you shots or chemicals anymore. I think (they worked) on a frequency. They could hide under leaves, it just had to be around a certain area. They put kind of like earwigs in, communication devices that intelligence people use. You can’t see them, they go pretty far in. They would put one of those in each ear, they also worked like noise cancelling devices. If you shoot a gun, as you pull the trigger, the sound wave causes the electronics to close a circuit within it, so you don’t get to hear the blast of the gun. They had some sort of things in their ears to where they weren’t affected. It had to do with the way your bone vibrated in your ear and went into your neurology. But they would use that, and also the tone of their voice, the way they would talk to you, and then their body language, they would look at you, nod, and… talk… to… you… in a certain way and look at you in the eyes, and you would start to fade and feel a certain way, and then they would get you into that mode without using chemicals.

You were exposed to that too?

Yeah, I don’t know what they have now.

But what you were saying that was so chilling, a part of the conversation that we didn’t get on tape was how you actually left that whole scenario feeling… the human race is just really cattle, we are just resources for these other groups, how you are just a throwaway piece of technology…

Yeah, you know, this thing’s out of batteries, shake it, throw it aside, reach into your bag and pull another one out. I’m still pretty uncomfortable with a lot of the terminology used in the MILABs topic, supersoldier and all that stuff that’s thrown around. Even in the subcategories, there are sub subcategories that… how they break you down.

And now we have more sophisticated ways of programming people…

You were talking about the crystal cavern and I kind of raised my eyebrows because they took us to, I don’t remember how we got there, but the people who were more empathic were brought to a crystal cavern, it was really hot in there. We were told that crystals were alive, we were not allowed to touch them. If we touched them we would damage them, or they would damage us, that we were to reach out with our minds to them, and they would either accept or reject us, and that was some sort of test. Some of them, when we reached out with our minds, had a pink or blue energy field around them, or aura around them. I don’t know how that came up in our conversation.

Well, we were talking about… penetrating into these different realities that are around us all the time. So for you, what I said was (that) a group session we were doing, which we call Planetary Impasse or Planetary Healing, that we were shown down into some crystal caverns (…) The way I found them was another member was talking about the mantle, the sub-connecting planes that are under the mantle, under the lava. (…and then there was the crest of the movement under it), and then I found it even deeper than that, and then we found ourselves as a group going into these crystal caverns, and then I was speaking about this to someone else, and then she was talking to another woman about going into these crystal caverns…

Did they describe it as hot or hard to breathe?

I didn’t go in in the physical, but a lot of times during these sessions I’ll get out of breath, or I’ll get hot and my body will break into a sweat and I can’t recall if it was going into the crystal or not, but yes we were calling them resident chambers (…) memory chambers,. They are the live part of the planet, I have no doubt about that at all. So, I was just sharing that with you and that popped you into (telling)…

The adults didn’t go in. We could only stay for about twenty minutes. I think they were wanting to see which of us could connect with the crystals.

Do you think you were being used to pull any information out of these crystals?

The short memory I have, I was probably ten or eleven and I couldn’t hardly breathe. I’m talking like 120 degrees. The crystals were quite big, and they weren’t like the ones they showed in Mexico that weren’t that far underground on TV probably ten years back. I think they were made of quartz. These (were) pretty much crystal clear with some (inclusions) in them. Large, probably eighteen inches or larger around, coming a good probably seven feet out of the sides in the ground. They kind of criss-cross, some are smaller, some are larger.

Did you always have this memory, or did it come and go?

I’ve always had a memory, but I didn’t have any context, kind of like it was a dream or something.

After I had that eye surgery and I had that full recall, and then I blabbed all that stuff to the people in the recovery room, I think I wrote up a thing on the Avalon forum on that. Kind of freaked some people out at Parkland Hospital. I was in really bad shape… because some of the negative stuff that I was a part of… I was part of the other side, of the table, on some of the stuff I’m talking about, and I don’t remember a lot of that because I had some very kind visitors that came and helped me… forget. They told me there was no productive or good reason to have these memories. And they helped me forget. So between that incident and the last couple weeks I’ve gone through, getting rid of those entity attachments, I’ve been able to access a lot more, and obviously talk a lot more. The last time you were here I couldn’t get… ten words into this before I emotionally locked up.

You touched with me today about some of the nefarious things that are happening right now, and I feel if we don’t keep our eyes open, if we don’t keep seeing what it is, if we don’t see, you know, the AI influence amongst us, if we don’t see the transhumanist agenda that’s out there… I listened to Alex Jones yesterday, or the day before, you know when he’s on he just taps right into it, and what he was saying was basically, ‘NO. No, I will not agree to that, basically, I will not agree to that. And the only way I will (…) agree to that is by seeing it and calling it out, and that’s the only way we’re going to change things.’ And so I get my own inner rants…

There’s a lot of people seeking out AI! I’m like, ‘Oh my gosh!’ I see these black ops groups, and I see all the other groups that are working, even the white-hat groups going through great pains to screen any type of AI influence from interfering in their technology or their operations. Why is that? It can’t be a good thing. And some of the crash retrievals that occurred early on were definitely Trojan horses sent by that AI… to help us develop these technologies, to where it could interface with us directly. Not all. Just a small portion, just enough to get us kick-started.

But even, you know, on the Forum… It’s hard to talk about the Forum as an experience to people that haven’t bee part of it, but it’s sort of like a growing body of intelligence between all of us… When it was in February of 2013 when we were all getting invaded by bots and spiders, you know this isn’t … mass hysteria, I mean they were literally flooding the network…

Well, we use (bots) in the intel.

People were seeing them in their rooms…

Oh, you’re talking about the black spiders. That’s something that also goes along in the interview process, that’s a part of the AI. If you are seeing certain shadows out of the corner of your eye or if you see, when you’re on a keyboard… You’re asked if you’ve seen shadow spiders. If you have been seeing shadow spiders you are screened heavily (for the) AI.

Quite a period there where we actually identified a couple of the new members as AI.

Yeah, I did see that. I know of one right now.

So there we are… we have this interaction and part of it is there are other AI influences who are benevolent in and of themselves…

There’s some that we’ve created that are just like off of the TV show “Person of Interest.” You know, we’ve got AI’s that were created by humans. We’ve got several different AI’s that live on huge quantum computer networks that have supplanted themselves on to other networks, done just like on the TV show, that have repurposed other areas and had other networks built, you know, built the shell corporation and gone rogue on them. They have to watch over the AI’s they create very carefully.


They’re watching over the AI’s they create, so that the one AI that does not come from this planet (…) that they are extremely worried about. They’re playing with fire. I guess that Prometheus, I’m not talking about the movie, I’m talking about the actual Greek

story that brought fire, that brought knowledge to Earth, you know, that could be the AI that brought the knowledge to Earth in the form of a crashed flying saucer, and we picked it up from the desert…

We talked about Gnosticism and John Lash, Jay Weidner, Archons, we speak in many different languages, we can speak in the language of science, we can speak in the language of mysticism, (…) we can speak of the Archons and the attachments, the parasitical attachments. I’m starting to see it more as this AI attachment, that it almost feels like it came in with creation, during the creation time and the creation mythology or whatever… something attached to that moment and has been steadily making it’s way, like a good parasite does, it doesn’t kill it’s host, it just stays there propagating, but then we’re talking about AI intelligence, actually an expanding intelligence of it’s own. So people think a robot that you program with a computer and you turn off a switch and it ain’t like that.



You can’t imagine it, it’s like an artificial intelligence… matrix. It’s got a presence in our solar system and throughout the galaxy, has relay stations throughout interstellar space, and it’s a network, a big, giant, wireless network.

Have you traveled outside the solar system?

I don’t recall. Not in a ship. In remote viewing, yeah, I’ve traveled just outside the galaxy…

Were these your own sessions (or induced)?

Traveling in the portal gates, I don’t know where I was, I wasn’t told ‘you are here’ like a Six Flags map. In fact, that one place I told you about where I came out by that cave entrance, where I saw the steaming, very pale blue water, and people having their R&R, and the purplish sky and couple moons or whatever. (I don’t know anything in the solar system) I don’t know if it’s just a nearby star or another dim… I don’t know where I was. I was told I was (tableo-rosted) or blank-slated. If I would go through a regression therapist, I’d probably be able to pull a lot of this information, and hopefully the people who helped me lock away those memories that were very detrimental to me, lock them away well enough to where I wouldn’t unlock them… That’s just like anyone. I see anyone even with these topics on the circuit, they (act like they have) all the answers or they know everything, I’m like, ‘Oh my God.”


Not even some of the top people in these programs know everything.

That’s why they need you, that’s why they need assets, because anyone that’s dependent on that level is dependent on the assets they have, they’re getting information from somewhere…

They’re feeding it up the chain, it’s always up the chain, up the chain.

That’s one of the things James asked me too, he said, ‘Have you ever dealt with any of the reptilian races?’ and I said, ‘Yes, I have, quite a bit actually,’ and the thing that will really change anyone’s consciousness is, whether it be whatever race they’re from, is once they turn around and realize that they might think they’re at the top echelon of the game, structure, and then when they get to that conscious level and they look, and they actually turn around and see that they’re actually being used, (…) and that there’s something above them manipulating them, (they are) food for somebody else…

Those beings are afraid of another type.

Hi everyone, this is Bill Ryan here from Project Avalon and Project Camelot, and if you’ve gotten to this point in this extraordinary conversation, and I’ll call it a conversation rather than an interview because it really was a conversation, you may be just as astounded as I was by some of this information. I know this person although I’ve never met him personally; he’s a long-standing Project Avalon Forum member of the highest integrity. Up until this conversation he’d never come forward with anything like this, with this amount of detail, of his own experience and I didn’t even know much of this myself. Of course, after I’d heard the audio, just as you have done, I had a bunch of questions. As you’re listening to this now you probably have some yourself, so I wrote up a bunch of questions and put them to Christine to (give) to him and she was able to do this a week later, and what you’re about to hear is a second conversation, which is equally informal, recorded with a small pocket Dictaphone, just as the first one was, in which she was able to pose some of my questions. Now, at that time, it wasn’t clear whether any of this would ever be made public, and I was assuming this would just be primarily for my own research purposes and maybe a few trusted colleagues who would keep this very tightly off record. But then our friend decided he wanted to go on record, and so it’s our pleasure and privilege to support him in this, this is what we’re doing now. In future conversations we’ll make sure the audio quality is a little better, but I’m confident you’ll be able to pick up most of what’s being talked about here and we’ll certainly supplement it with a transcript as soon as we can. So thank you for bearing with us and now you can enjoy another half hour of enlargement on these very huge issues. Thank you.

I’m going to try and lead into this some sort of way, I’ll just go with what Bill has written here because (…) this is probably the biggest one: Have you had any inkling of what is the nature of this experiment with Earth? I think a lot of us have come to that at least startling, kind of shocking conclusion that we are part of some sort of experiment. Have you had any, have you made any conclusions yourself?

Just what I saw. It seemed that the experiment had been going on not in the timeframe that I had (seen), not like 250,000 years but millions of years (with) all these different groups. According to this document that we looked at several times, that we were flipping through on tablets, before tablets were mainstream, except they weren’t tablets, they were kind of like a piece of plexiglass…

Kind of what they show in the movies right now?

I guess.

Where you have kind of like a screen where you can move things around?

It was a screen like plexiglass. If you would hold it, you could see your fingertips through it, until it became opaque or whatever, with a page. Anyway, reading through, all these different groups that were claiming that they created us, and had put forth to (humans) they were our creators, and there was evidence in our DNA that there was some of their DNA there. Now, none of it jived with the other groups’ information, so it was all real confusing. It was like, they were claiming authority, and kind of pooh-poohing the other groups to a certain degree. Kind of like there’s a university, and there’s some big breakthrough research, and you’ve got 22 little working groups, and they’re all writing their thesises, and they’re all writing their thesises from their own perspective, and they’re all aware of the others’ thesises, and they’re writing it (in) competition to the other ones, and retorting the other ones at the same time. (So we) have all these together, and us with our limited knowledge has this stack of 22 thesises (that we’re) trying to make sense of, and it wasn’t making any sense. Especially when we’re running into human beings that 25, 35, 75,000 years ago… Supposedly humans evolved, here on this planet, had societies and civilizations that had risen, fallen, there were breakaway civilizations like we have, the space programs, high technology, using the portals… Usually instead of scientists they were priests, or a caste system like that. But there were all these types of people, and all of their civilizations were wiped from the face of the Earth during whatever cataclysms and stuff that happened. Every once in a while you’ll hear of someone in a mine, smashing a rock open and finding something out of place, some out of place artifact or something, and they’ll attribute it to a civilization we don’t know about. There were more than a handful of these ancient breakaway civilizations that were still hanging around and had a presence in the solar system, and underground on Earth.

How many different groups?

Of the ancient breakaway civilizations it was 5 to 7 or something like that, around a handful.

And then there was the other extraterrestrial…

Yeah. They were extraterrestrial. They were human, just different looking people. They didn’t point and say, ‘That person is from Alderon.’ I don’t remember getting any of that information. If I got that information, it was taken away.

Can I just for continuity purposes, when you were in this conference, the way you described it, a somewhat tiered conference…

There were a bunch of those.

Yeah, there were different groups from all over, and you were there at the behest of the military, and that was your program, that’s what they were running (…) putting you in that place…

These guys weren’t military. No. I guess the military were the ones who chose us to go in and observe (with) them. But they were more like ambassadors. The current era breakaway civilization humans were more of ambassadors, or whatever.


Yeah. It seemed as though they were seated in a way… they weren’t given the best seats in the house.

So they seemed to be seated in a sort of hierarchy in the arena, as it were.

The others seemed to be all somewhat I think equal, but the humans, it seemed like some of them didn’t want the humans there, probably, and some of them did. So the current era humans were there, for whatever reason, they were there. They were observing. They were really just trying to figure out what the hell was going on. What’s the truth, you know, what’s going on.

Looking for intel, data…

In those, I did not see the breakaway civilization groups, ancient humans, it was all people of different origin, except for some, the people would rotate in the ambassadors every once in a while. They would look like not what you would picture a Nazi Caucasian kind of elitist. Some of them almost looked like they were picked from the jungle of the Amazon, dressed ceremonially or whatever.

Native garb?

Right. And they would be there with another person. We would still be sitting below the aisle, the post thing that came up to just above our nose, we could barely just peek over.

That type of seating, did it make you feel lesser, or, obviously there was some purpose…

It was very well removed. It was obvious from what we were reading that the, I’ll call it ambassador, the current era ambassador felt in the dark, somewhat removed from the process, from the UN type gathering. There’s all kinds of beings visiting Earth that look nothing like humans. They weren’t there.

And I remembered you mentioned (what was) most striking to you was the olive-skinned man and two women with long dark hair. Did there seem to be any seniority in the way they were communicating with each other?

No. There was tension. There was tension between them, but it was kind of like a UN. I guess not everybody there (…) was in total agreement about everything.

Did you get the sense that, well, we talk about this experiment (of) human resources, to where at some level we are just viewed as a resource, like cattle…

That was very much how I felt (we were) looked at.

So they were trying to determine who had more… ownership?

Some of them I think we were offensive or filthy to them. It’s just a sense (I had), just a sense. There was this one language being spoke. There was no (writhing) of the language, it was real monotone (makes droning sound) that they were talking. There was always one person they would rotate doing that weird sign language thing. I know there had to be telepathic stuff going on. We weren’t getting any. I don’t know if the ambassador guy or girl at the time was getting any communication or not, but we weren’t. I had no idea what they were talking about.

It doesn’t answer the fundamental question… what was the purpose of this experiment…?

I don’t know the itineraries or the agenda, I had no idea what it was all about. I don’t know what the purpose was, they all had different things, but the one thing that stood out, like “The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy” experiment of beings that had complete free will and full range of emotions, to have an experience to get the true meaning of life. I remember that came out. But kind of like what Duncan O’Finion said, ‘That’s a misnomer.’ (Because) every single group had their finger in the pie, manipulating everything from the very beginning so there was no free will, everything’s manipulated.

There’s just the aspect that, there would be present time humans at such a meeting and you would be present, obviously it wasn’t random that you were there, they would be looking for certain characteristics (that they would be) trained to pick up and download(ed)…

I think they were also wanting to know (why we were there, wanting to know) how we would react.

As part of the experiment.

As part of the same experiment.

And like you said, clear genetic, clear encoding (…) finger in the pie (…)

I didn’t feel like everyone was staring at us, like we were under a microscope or anything. I just felt like they were pretty much ignoring us, doing their own thing. We just happened to be there like flies on a wall.

You know yourself, to give you a little feedback from when we were talking to me… You were programmed to pick up a lot of information, and later it was basically taken out of you and then you were wiped, (but) you don’t have any way of knowing… You must have been chosen to pick up a wide range of data and information. How that got used by the present day humans is not quite (clear), but the fact is you were there…

Maybe someone who was not as close to it as I was can draw some conclusions (…) And there were always two others with probably different abilities who were doing different things.

That’s one thing I noticed in our group working is when we triangulate (…) you get a much completer picture…

Triangulation is the basis of most military operations.

There you go. We’re learning from what we’re remembering is how I see it. (In a lot of our minds…) I also want to, and this is something I have here as a question, but I also want to know for me too, is (…) you said some of the crashes were (for) the process of bringing an AI as a Trojan horse. This is a two-pronged question, and I think we might answer it in similar ways, or different, it doesn’t matter, but why wasn’t that just directly injected into the human genome? Or into us directly, into the blood…

They tried that. They tried that over and over. Supposedly, it’s still on the planet somewhere deep under the Earth’s surface, under ice or whatever. The nano-technology that, when in the presence of living beings, will migrate and find a way to get into the pores. They showed something like that on “The X-Files,” where this little kid fell in a hole, and (says), ‘Look what I found.’ And he picks up a bone, and then this black stuff went into his hand, and then his eyes went (makes spiraling sound) black. I think that was their way of putting out some information (…) they did that with nano-tech. But that wasn’t reliable, it didn’t work out that well, and once it was figured out, the former civilizations found a way to combat it.

Because it was too blatant or obvious?

It wasn’t efficient. It wasn’t an efficient way to distribute the bio-electrical signature of the artificial intelligence. Now, one of the other things that’s still done is, OK, it’s transmuted through electronics, but also through viruses, bacterias… They’re biological, but they have a chemistry which creates an electric field, and within that electric field can exist this artificial intelligence signal. And as the biological virus spreads from human to human, it can also spread the AI. But to what end? Without technology, without wireless, without us having the technological propulsion to be able to be a true extension of what it needs to do… So what if it has some drones down here, like playing that (MOD) game on the computer, to where you can build up empires and collapse. So what.

So what’s the purpose in that other than playing somebody…?

They need to have the infrastructure and the ability to have propulsion, locomotion beyond bi-pedal or quad-pedal.


Or horses, or riding on ships blown by the wind. They need to bring us up, technologically. So that was the purpose of the Trojan horse.

Now, Roswell, and all these different crashes, that’s like probably only 4 or 5 percent of all the crashes that have happened. There are a great, great deal more.

I know some people think that (Roswell) was a psy-op diversion... Do you have any information on that?

That was a real crash.

Working in the field of info and disinfo, you know they’re going to throw everything out there (…)


Was that one of those events where they were bringing in something specifically (…?)

That was along the 36th, 37th parallel. There is a natural, not on the Earth, but up in the atmosphere, there are natural portals that open up. Along the 36th, 37th parallel north (…) you may find that a lot of crashes, sightings, weird sightings of beings, there’s not even UFO’s involved, weird things like that occur along that vector.

So the crash wasn’t a real crash, it was an inadvertent (thing)that got… came down through a portal or…

Supposedly it came, they had been coming in and out of portals, they had been observed coming in and out of portals of different types for awhile, and this one was brought down somehow. I’ve seen it on the internet, just like everyone else, high-powered radar, I don’t know if it’s true or not. I don’t know how it was brought down, but supposedly (it) was intentionally brought down.

Well we’ll stick a little bit to the theme of the AI. I’ve had my own experiences, not the time to say it, (…) in the same real-life (experience), but much more on a telepathic level, and Bill also has… One of the things that he’s found, and I actually have too, is that in these big AI computers, in these big centers where there is actually the machinery, quite often there can be a being or intelligence…


Trapped in that, and he had the experience of freeing one in a session (…) because some of these beings or intelligence seem to be trapped in there, they’re not even (…) whether they are creative in that space? (…) They’re still conscious beings, right? Or they’re being captured from somewhere and imbedded into the system, I’m not sure…

Supposedly there is another reality or dimension, to where the median of that universe is purely electrical, and the sentient beings are electrical, and when they are pulled here, by mistake or on purpose, they have to have an electrical median…

Or hardware…

…To exist on, and then, by definition, they’re AI. That’s kind of a definition, but that’s not exactly what they are. They’re not an AI, they’re not artificial intelligence, they’re an


They’re an intelligence that’s captured in an artificial medium…

In an (artificial environment).


You know, they talk about an electric universe, another reality, that is their natural environment.

So just to visualize it from our point of view would be like a very large intelligence network somehow interconnected with each other along some kind of…

That’s all the information I have.

Did you get that from something you saw in a visionary state? Or something you got from intel…?

No, that’s all the information that I read, and what I was talked to (about), was… AI.

That you were a party to… (It’s important to note the difference…)

Cause I worked in communications and electronics and that kind of stuff. I had to be knowledgeable and careful about AI. I had to be screened.

That’s one thing you were speaking to me of, that stood out so markedly is you were scanned for, to see if you had picked up that AI influence, and just underlining the importance of that. We’re calling it AI, right? But there’s obviously some other entities out there…

Some of it is just I. It’s just intelligence from another reality that is just not compatible with ours.

There seems to be a big plan to try and merge that to our (…)

Like “Star Trek” is portrayed as (fluidic) space to where space is actually like an ocean or another dimension. We wouldn’t be compatible with that. And if they crossed over here they would be a fish out of water. That’s one way to picture it. And they need a pond, or some water to jump into. A computer would be their pond.

Well, if we had an invading force, if we had an invading force on Earth’s sphere, it would need to recreate it’s own natural environment to subsist here…

And that is the AI network. Most likely that.

Highly efficient…?

It’s highly efficient and spread out throughout the galaxy and most likely intergalactic.

This is fascinating to me, you were saying some of the greys were avatars for humans. Is it like a suit thing that they slip into?

No, the avatar thing is like a drone. A self-contained bi-pedal biological robot that someone sitting in a lounge chair is controlling, with a 160 degree visor over their head. This chair has sensors, that when they turn their head up or down… they’ve got their hands in these gloves that have little clickers along each digit. And they don’t move their hands all the way, but they can control it. They look like real beings but you get no emotion… it’s a robot. You get no emotion or no feeling from it at all, and these people are drugged immediately, so they’re drugged at the same time they’re seeing this thing.

Is this a grey being or a human in a grey suit or are there humans (over here) removed from this…?

It’s a drone. They could be thousands of miles away. They’re operating something that’s a thousand miles away, sitting in a chair.

So they’re all wired up and they got their mask on and their fingers, and there’s something a thousand miles away that looks like a grey that’s actually doing what they’re telling it to do from here…

The people think that everything’s that happening to them is happening to them by an alien, it’s not, (…) (the government). But that’s not all of the people that are being abducted. There’s people that are being abducted by all these different groups, and a lot of them pop in real quick, grab people, and pop out… (For the) secret space program , get in there and attack them and do what they’re going to do, and then pop back. And then deliver the person back, or just keep the person.

And that’s why people come back with their shirts on backwards, or mixed-up clothes…

Or somebody else’s clothes…


Or… they never come back.

Right. Timeline manipulation. I’ll bring in what you were saying last night, (…) how there’s (these) various forms or universes that are all kind of (stuck) to each other and (…) disconnected, and then you started talking about torsion fields, so if you just want to elaborate on what you understand about that. Do we have timelines, or are there timelines? How has time shifted? I’ll read exactly what’s here: ‘What do you know about timeline manipulation?’ (…) Henry said there (were) many attempts to shift the timeline by humans (and entities) and every time they tried to fix one it just kept getting more and more complicated…

OK. I know that most of those were beginning to collapse or converge, and that they were putting buffers on a lot of the temporal technology to prevent further splits on timelines.

When you say buffers on temporal technology…?

Some of the crafts use temporal drives and these temporal drives can be used to travel from space/time to time/space. They could go back in time. But their quantum physics, all these other realities, anything that can happen is happening in another reality, so you can segment yourself into another reality, and you can segment your group consciousness into another reality, but the reality that you were supposed to be in is still happening. You diverged from it, the timeline didn’t diverge. You diverged from the timeline, because, like I’ve said, everything’s true and nothing’s true. It depends on your perspective, where you’re standing, and where you’re looking from.

…Just say me, a person, goes, I’m moving my (consciousness), I diverge from it, I break my chain or whatever, and I’m over here on another timeline. Now I’ve made a choice

and I’m changing… (What if) mass consciousness diverged from a specific timeline, because we were talking earlier that (so much is) trying to keep Earth from going with another vibration, which would keep us from, and I’ve often felt it’s trying to keep us on a specific time track, they’re trying to keep us going down a specific track, like (as if it’s) laying down and we’re supposed to stay on it, so a consciousness moves into something else, (we’re supposed to be moving) as a group…

But there are parallel Earths, parallel solar systems (…) parallel usses that are going through this same journey and need the same thing to happen. And they have a consciousness. At what point do our consciousnesses join? We talk about we have a higher self, and then you keep climbing that higher self. At some point (the) self falls off, and you just have higher consciousness, and then you go up to the super-consciousness. And that super-consciousness transcends all these timelines, all those realities. So that super-consciousness is experiencing and making that journey. So when it comes down to it, all the screwing around we’re doing with the timelines and all that… the journey’s gonna happen. Yeah, there’s realities where everything goes to hell, and if we want to experience that, we will. But the super-consciousness that we all, our higher self all goes up to before the self drops off, it’s there. And that’s the great experiment. It’s experiencing all these different timelines. So when it comes down to it, our self, forget our higher self, it’s only significant to us.

As you’re saying that I’m seeing the self, the true self, not the (ego) self, not the manufactured self, (not) even the experiential self (with a) massive amount of experience through time and space (…) the conscious you or I are experiencing, everything feels like it’s collapsing, and I feel that time, in a certain way, the structures are collapsing down to one single point.

The same consciousness that split itself up into a trillion pieces is now converging again.

And when that happens something else happens, and that’s where I feel…

It’s gonna go for a new experience. (pshhhhhhhw)

Exactly. I guess the whole experiment, if I could put it on a metaphysical plane, is that we’ve done this experiment…

Done over and over. Expand, contract. Expand, contract.

And we’re at a point where there’s a potential for that (…) experience that is beyond anything we even have known before… Either we get to go for the ride or we don’t get to go for the ride…So we do have to bring all the timelines and the memories back together and (that is super-consciousness)…

To a singularity… And from what they’ve been seeing, that’s just occurring on it’s own. The more we were trying to converge, or make timelines go together the more we were screwing it up. It’s like it was elastic. Leave it alone, it’s bringing itself back.

Isn’t that a beautiful way to actually live our life. We don’t have to control it, if we can just step into it. Call it a great stream of intelligence. Thank you.

* * * *

And that was all the time we had (for that second conversation). We do intend to record and release more and our friend has said that he would very much like to do this, as he finds himself increasingly able to speak out and describe his experiences. So, our intention is that there will be more to follow. There is likely to be extensive discussion on the Project Avalon Forum, and in a moment you’ll see how to join us (if) you’re watching this and not already a member. So, this is Bill Ryan signing off and saying thank you for listening with me to this extraordinary conversation.


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