Chapter 21 & Chapter 22 Vocabulary

Seminar World: Industrialization

Refer to Chapters 21 and 22 in your text. Explain the significance of each as it relates to history.

1. Industrial Revolution –

2. Enclosure Movement –

3. Factors of Production –

4. Cottage Industry –

5. Luddites –

6. Industrialization –

7. Jethro Tull –

8. Richard Arkwright –

9. James Watt –

10. Robert Fulton –

11. Samuel Slater –

12. Francis Cabot Lowell –

13. Cottage Industry -

14. Labor Union –

15. Strike –

16. Emergence of Middle Class –

17. Mass Production –

18. Interchangeable Parts –

19. Assembly Line –

20. Laissez-Faire –

21. Adam Smith –

22. Thomas Malthus –

23. Andrew Carnegie –

24. Robert Owen –

25. Karl Marx –

26. Entrepreneur –

27. Socialism –

28. Communism –

29. Standard of Living –

30. Michael Faraday –

31. Thomas Edison –

32. Bessemer Process –

33. Henry Ford –

34. Wright Brothers –

35. Samuel Morse –

36. Alexander Graham Bell –

37. Guglielmo Marconi –

38. Charles Darwin –

39. Marie and Pierre Curie –

40. Albert Einstein –

41. Louis Pasteur –

42. Crawford W. Long –

43. Ivan Pavlov –

44. Sigmund Freud –

45. Urbanization –

Short Answers

1. Defend or refute this statement: “Without the steam engine, the Industrial Revolution would not have amounted to more than a pile of rickety machines.”

2. Which family do you think faced more potential problems – a cottage industry family, or one whose members worked in a factory? Explain.

3. In what ways did industrialization give countries such as Great Britain and Germany an advantage over some of their neighbors?

4. How might the invention of the telegraph have affected global diplomacy?

5. What did Pavlov’s experiment with dogs seem to indicate about people?


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