
Page 90 Proofreading(2) Alexander Graham Bell was born in Scotland in 1847. His fater was a techer of profoundly(1) deaf people, and Alexander himself showid a great interest in this work.(2) Alexander’s scientific training led him to investigate ways in wich human speech could bee (0) sent by wire. (2) Tuberculosis was a incurable disease at that time which often prooved fatal. The Bell family, (0) unfortunately, were not to escape. Two of Alexander’s brothers died as a result of tuberculosis, (3) and Alexander also suffired from the dissease. His father, hoping that a change of climite would(0) help his son, decided in 1870 to move to Canada.(0) One year later, Alexander’s father was invited to go to Boston, to train teachers of the deaf.(2) He felt he was to old to accept the post, and sent his son along insted. Within two years of (3) taking up the apointment, Alexander Graham Bell became a profesor at Boston Universite.372618025781000(1) Here, with the help of a man naimed Thomas Watson, Alexander(3) experimented with electircel transmision of telegraph messiges.(1) Their discoveries led them to exsplore the possibilities of (3) transmiting human speach. JP Reis, a german scientist, had(2) in 1861, invented a mashine which could transmitt music (1) and noise. He called his invention the tellephone. (1) Alexander experimented with the vibrations of(1) wyres and how they could be used to transmit the(1) humen voice. One day while working on an(1) experiment he nocked over some battery acid.(1) He calld out to Thomas Watson, “Mr Watson,(1) com here. I want you!” Thomas, working(1) in the next room, heerd Alexander’s voice(1) through the wire. The first telophone(0) call had been made.(1) Alexander Graham Bell donatted (0) the money he made from his(0) invention to the deaf, in who he(1) remained interested all his life.(0) In 1877, he married one of his students,(1) Mabel Hubbard, who was deaf from the age off(0) four. Alexander Graham Bell died on the 2nd August (1) 1922, having conntirbuted much to the world of science. ................

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