The Empire of Alexander the Great - Duplin County Schools

The Empire of Alexander the Great

Develop a key: cities, rivers, seas and regions.

Locate and label the following physical and cultural features on the blank map provided.

Cities Rivers Seas Regions

Alexandria Danube Arabian Sea Asia Minor & the Levant

Babylon Euphrates Aral Sea Egypt

Athens Indus Black Sea India

Persepolis/Susa Nile Caspian Sea Macedonia & Greece

Tyre Oxus Mediterranean Persia

Sparta Tigris Persian Gulf Mesopotamia

Finally, lightly colour the extent of area conquered by Alexander and construct a legend (key) in the blank box located in the lower right-hand corner of the map.

When you have completed the above, answer the following questions.

1. What key cities of the Persian Empire did Alexander conquer? (Why did he conquer these cities?)

2. How did Alexander help to spread Greek culture?

3. Why did conflict develop in Alexander's empire after his death? Could they have been resolved peacefully? Why or why not?

4. How did Alexander's Empire influence subsequent events in the lands of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East?


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