Unit 5-Linear Functions Algebra I Essential Questions

Unit 5-Linear Functions Algebra I

6 Weeks

Essential Questions

What does the slope of a line indicate about the line? What information does the equation of a line give you? How are equations and graphs related?

Enduring Understandings

1. Ratios can be used to show a relationship between changing quantities, such as vertical and horizontal change.

2. A line on a graph can be represented by a linear equation. 3. The relationship between two lines can be determined by comparing their slopes and


Topics (Pearson):

(5-1) Rate of Change and Slope (5-3) Slope-Intercept Form (5-4) Point-Slope Form (5-5) Standard Form (5-6) Parallel and Perpendicular Lines


Students will know...

Slope Rate of Change Slope-Intercept Form Vertical and Horizontal Lines Writing Equations of Lines Point-Slope Form Slope-Intercept Form Standard Form Parallel Lines Perpendicular Lines


Unit 5-Linear Functions Algebra I

6 Weeks

21st Learning Expectations

Students will be able to... Employ mathematical problem solving skills effectively. Make decisions and solve problems in independent and collaborative settings.

21st Century Learning Skills

Students will be able to... ML #1 ? Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. ML #2 ? Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

Connecticut State Standards

CCSS F-IF 6. Calculate and interpret the average rate of change of a function over a specified interval. Estimate the rate of change from a graph. F-IF 7. Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph, by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases. F-IF 8. Write a function defined by an expression in different but equivalent forms to reveal and explain different properties of the function. F-LE 1. Distinguish between situations that can be modeled with linear functions. F-LE 2. Construct linear functions, including arithmetic sequences, given a graph, a description of a relationship, or two input-output pairs. F-LE 5. Interpret the parameters in a linear function in terms of a context.

Connecticut Framework 1.2 Represent functions and relations on the coordinate Plane 1.2 Identify an appropriate symbolic representation for a function or relation displayed graphically or verbally. 1.2 Recognize and explain the meaning of slope and x-and y-intercepts as they relate to a context, graph, table or equation. 1.2 Evaluate and interpret the graphs of linear, exponential and polynomial functions. 1.1 Make and justify predictions based on patterns.


Unit 5-Linear Functions Algebra I

6 Weeks


Students will be able to... Use point-slope form to graph an equation. Use standard form to compare two unrelated quantities. Identify the x-and y-intercepts of a graph. Identify parallel and perpendicular lines in the coordinate plane by their slopes.


Quiz EU1 ? Slope and Rate of Change Quiz EU2 ? Equations of a Line Quiz EU3 ? Linear Equations in the Coordinate Plane Unit Test ? Linear Functions

Algebra I Textbook




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