Algebra I Course Syllabus

Integrated Math Readiness Course Syllabus Waterford High School 2017-2018

Mrs. Viney Room #506 School 874-9060 Ext 3506 Cell 484-4314

Course Description

This course is based on the Common Core Integrated Math 1 Standards. Integrated Math Readiness is a combination of algebra, geometry, and statistics and probability. The goal of this class is to prepare students for Integrated Math 1. We will be using the Mathematics Vision Project curriculum, and it will be supplemented with appropriate materials and textbooks to aid in mastery of the standards. This course will involve group work, along with independent work, and will strive to make each student a better “problem solver.”The curriculum for this course is Mathematics Vision Project.

Student Responsibilities

1. Enter the classroom quietly; be seated and ready to work before the bell rings.

2. Bring all materials to class (paper, pencil, homework log, math folder, module packet, etc.)

3. Complete all homework assignments.

4. Always show work or explain answers. No credit will be given if only answers are provided.

5. After an absence, get missed notes and make-up all work missed.

6. Perform work in pencil only, showing all steps involved in solving the problems.

7. Students will work on assignments until the bell rings or permission is given to “pack-up”.

8. Be on task, listen to the teacher or person in charge, and follow directions.

9. Show respect for each other, all staff members, and school property.

10. Participate in creating a pleasant and supportive environment by being courteous and polite.


Grading Policy

Tests and Quizzes 65% Participation 10%

Homework/Assignments 10% Benchmark/Final 15%

Homework Policy

Homework is designed to review the day’s work and help students retain concepts; it also reviews past lessons and gets students ready for the coming lesson. Completion of homework is vital to each student’s performance.

• Homework is assigned daily and due the beginning of the following class session.

• Students will have a homework log. Each class period while students are doing the warm up, the homework log will be stamped by the teacher. You will receive 2 points if you completed the homework. (You must have made an effort. If random numbers are written you will not receive credit.) You will receive 1 point if at least half of the assignment is completed and 0 points if less than half is completed. When we finish the module, students will turn in their homework log and homework points will be put in the gradebook.

• If you have a zero or a one on an assignment, you may finish it completely and one point will be added to your score. So a zero will go to a one and a one will go to a 2. Missing assignments will only be accepted quarterly. One week before the end of the quarter I will put a note on the board stating the date that all missing assignments are due. After that date no missing assignments will be accepted for that quarter.


Cheating/Plagiarism will not be accepted at WHS. This is a serious issue. Students need to understand that this is the same as stealing. Consequences of cheating or copying include but are not limited to a zero on the test or assignment and a referral. Consequences will be applied to all parties involved, so make sure your work remains your own.

1. Turning in someone else’s work, in whole or in part, as your own (with or without their knowledge)

2. Allowing another student to turn in work as his/her own.

3. Several students writing one assignment and turning in multiple copies all represented as individual work.

4. Turning in an assignment where two or more have at least one part that is word-for-word the same. This is not “working together”.

5. Giving answer(s) to another student. This is not “helping” the other student.

6. When a student is absent, he/she will need to get the notes from another student. Copying a student’s notes when absent is not cheating, copying homework for any reason IS cheating.

7. Copying even one problem/answer is cheating.


Discipline will be in accordance with school policy.

What to do when you are struggling

1. Study your notes and the tasks/homework assignments you have completed. Our curriculum spirals and a task or assignment you completed earlier will help you on the current assignment.

2. Come and see me. Tutoring is offered Mon-Thurs 7:30 – 8:00 am. Except when the math department is on morning duty. This occurs approximately every six weeks.

NOTE: A student may be asked to leave tutoring if they are not working or if they misbehaved or didn’t work during class time.

3. My phone number is 484-4314. Please call me before 10:00 p.m. and never on Sunday unless there is an emergency.

4. Call a friend in class.

5. Mrs. Viney’s Website/Google/Youtube/Kahn Academy, etc.

Grades and Mrs. Viney’s Website

Parents and students can check grades at for grades

go to Infinite Campus and log in.

For my website go to the Waterford High School website (click the link above), select staff/teachers and then find Mrs. Viney.

Feel Free to email me at or call me at 484-4314 if you have any questions.

Thank you for your support of your child’s efforts this new school year.

All Items are Subject to Change at the Discretion of the Instructor

Mrs. Judy Viney


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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