Chapter One Key Terms

absolute value function

base a logarithm function

boundary of an interval

boundary points

change of base formula

closed interval

common logarithm function


composite function

compounded continuously

cosecant function

cosine function

cotangent function

dependent variable


even function

exponential decay

exponential function base a

exponential growth


general linear equation

graph of a function

graph of a relation

grapher failure


half-open interval

identity function


independent variable

initial point of parametrized curve

interior of an interval

interior points of an interval

inverse cosecant function

inverse cosine function

inverse cotangent function

inverse function

inverse properties for ax and logax

inverse secant function

inverse sine function

inverse tangent function

linear regression

natural domain

naturals logarithm function

odd function

one-to-one function

open interval

parallel lines


parameter interval

parametric curve

parametric equations

parametrization of a curve


period of a function

periodic function

perpendicular lines

piecewise defined function

point-slope equation

power rule for logarithms

product rule for logarithms

quotient rule for logarithms

radian measure


regression analysis

regression curve



rules for exponents


scatter plot

secant function

sine function


sinusoidal regression


slope-intercept equation

symmetry about the origin

symmetry about the y-axis

tangent function

terminal point of a parametrized curve



AP Name ________________________________________hr 4

Review Worksheet

Chapter 1Sections 1.1-1.6 Date ____/____/____ Score:________/ = ________%

Write an equation for the specified line.

1. through (1, -6) with slope 3 2. through (-3, 6) and (1, -2)

3. through (3, 1) and parallel to 2x – y = -2. 4. through (-2, -3) and perpendicular to 3x – 5y = 1

Determine whether the graph of the function is symmetric about the y-axis, the origin, or neither.

5. [pic] 6. [pic]

symmetry?________________________ symmetry?________________________

Analytically (i.e. algebraically) determine whether the function is even, odd or neither. Explain your conclusion.

7. [pic] 8. [pic]

Find the (a) domain, (b) range, and (c) graph the function.

9. [pic] 10. [pic]

domain: _______________________ domain: ________________________

range: ________________________ range: __________________________

11. Write a piecewise formula for the function.

A parametrization is given for the following curves.

(a) Graph the curve. Identify the initial and terminal points, if any. Indicate the direction in which the curve is traced.

(b) Find a Cartesian equation for a curve that contains the parametrized curve. What portion of the graph of the Cartesian equation is traced by the parametrized curve?

12. [pic], [pic], [pic] 13. [pic], [pic], [pic]

Give a parametrization for the curve.

14. line through (-3, -2) and (4, -1) 15. [pic], [pic]

16. For[pic], find [pic]and verify that 17. Solve for x: [pic]


18. A portion of the graph of a function defined on [-3, 3] is shown. Complete the graph assuming that the function is

(a) EVEN (b) ODD

19. The number of guppies in Susan’s aquarium doubles every day. There are four guppies initially.

(a) Write the number of guppies as a function of time.

(b) How many guppies were present after 4 days?

(c) When will there be 2000 guppies?

(d) Give reasons why this might not be a good model for the growth of Susan’s guppy population?


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