Mrs. Willis - 3rd Grade - Home

3rd Grade Distance Learning

Week 1 starting March 30, 2020


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 137

• Spelling - Marking wkst - List 26

• Reading - Stuart Little download pdf, do Before Reading pg 50 and Who was E. B. White? pg 51

• Math - Watch video on Area and Perimeter: Dog Pen. Then do some practice problems by clicking on the blue “Start” button.

• Math cont. - Think about other ways we use perimeter and area in the real world. Can you find an example of perimeter in your house?

• Read - 20 minutes daily (don’t forget to read a biography book for your poster)


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 138

• Spelling- Complete list in cursive. Use your best handwriting.

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 1-2 by Thursday. Do Dictionary Detective wkst chapters 1 & 2.

• Math - Line Graphs: Practice making a line graph at home. You can make your graph on a white board, with markers on paper, or on loose leaf paper with a pencil.

• Do some math facts!

• Social Studies - Design your very own city! Draw a picture of what your city would look like. Is it made of crystal? Chocolate? Is everything yellow? Be creative! *Consider: businesses, streets, houses, physical features like lakes and rivers and human features like bridges.

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 139

• Spelling - ABC order wkst; 30 phonogram oral review with cards at home or download the Phonograms by Spalding app. for $3.99. Print cards at home by clicking here: To review the sounds of phonograms, click here:

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 1-2 by Thursday. Do Vocabulary Study chapters 1 & 2

• Practice your division math facts by clicking here:

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 140

• Spelling - Rules wkst; Use this week’s list to complete.

• Reading - Understanding the Story wkst for Stuart Little

• Math - Writing a Function Rule: We will see many ways to think about functions, but there are always three main parts:

1. The input

2. The relationship

3. The output

For practice, check out this link:

This is a silly, but fun song about input and output and finding rules.

• Social Studies - Draw a map of your own neighborhood. Include street names and any businesses you know of that are close by your house.

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 141

• Spelling - Write a short paragraph using 5 spelling words or more! Be creative! Highlight each spelling word you use. Use at least 2 strong verbs in your story and be sure to include a catchy title!

• Reading - Chapter Summary wkst for Stuart Little chapters 1-2

• Math - Review arrays: using pieces of cereal, legos, or other small items like coins or paper peices, make an array for the number sentence below:

• 2 x 6

• 8 x 3

• 4 x 5

• 10 x 2

• 7 x 7

• Read - 20 minutes daily

Week 2 starting April 6, 2020 - No School Friday


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 142

• Spelling - Marking wkst - List 27

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 3-4 by Thursday. Do Dictionary Detective wkst chapters 3-4.

• Math - Finding Factors of a Number Watch “Finding Factors of a Number” video and then work through the “Identify Factors” Practice.

• Read - 20 minutes daily (don’t forget to read a biography book for your poster)


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 143

• Spelling- Complete list in cursive. Use your best handwriting.

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 3-4 by Wednesday. Do Vocabulary Study chapters 3-4

• Math -Identifying the Rays and Vertex of an Angle. Complete the “Angle Basics Review.” It has some review and practice questions for you before we begin. Then, watch the video “Angles: Introduction” as well as “Naming Angles” video. Try some practice! Tomorrow we will go further with angles.

• Science - Take a field trip to Canada’s Earth Gallery Museum and explore minerals and rocks. Follow this link: Do some research and write a paragraph about your favorite mineral or rock.

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 144

• Spelling - ABC order wkst; 30 phonogram oral review with cards at home or download the Phonograms by Spalding app. for $3.99.

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 3-4 Understanding the Story wkst

• Math - Angles continued: Go back to Watch the video “Identifying an Angle” and “Acute, Right, and Obtuse Angles.” Try some of the practice questions.

• Math Continued - Can you find any examples of acute (smaller than a right angle), obtuse (larger than a right angle), or right (think of a capital “L”) angles in your home or yard?

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 145

• Spelling - Rules wkst; Use this week’s list to complete. Use the rules sheet:

• Reading - Chapter Summary wkst for Stuart Little chapters 3-4

• Math - Practice Multiplication Facts at:

• Science - Watch this video following the link about 3 different types of rocks. This song is fun to learn the 3 types of rocks too!

• Read - 20 minutes daily- Don’t forget to record your books you finish on your book log!

Friday - NO SCHOOL! Enjoy your day!

Week 3 starting April 13, 2020


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 146 (see end of packet week 2)

• Spelling - Marking wkst - List 28

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 5-6 by Thursday. Do Dictionary Detective wkst chapters 5-6.

• Math - Geometric Solids: This one is fun! You have so many examples of geometric solids right there in your very own home! Watch the video “Recognizing common 3D shapes” at the link below, then try it out on your own by practicing!

• Math cont. - One of the best places to find geometric solids is in the kitchen! Do you see any geometric solids there or anywhere else in your home? See if you can find at least 10 different geometric solids.

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 147

• Spelling- Complete list in cursive. Use your best handwriting.

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 5-6 by Thursday. Do Vocabulary Study chapters 5-6

• Math - Identifying Faces, Edges, and Vertices of Polyhedrons: We are back to Khan Academy to watch the video on “Counting Faces and Edges of 3D shapes.” Once you have done this, try the practice on your own.

• Science - Explore this web page about minerals and rocks. This is a fun review of the information you learned in last week’s videos. Don’t forget to do the interactive activity about rocks in your home and take the fun quiz at the end to test how much you are learning about minerals and rocks!

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 148

• Spelling - ABC order wkst; 30 phonogram oral review with cards or the app. Then do a written review.

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 5-6 catch up day

• Math - Practice Math Facts at:

• Math cont. - Watch this video for step-by-step instructions on how to draw a cube and give it your best shot!

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 149

• Spelling - Rules wkst; Use this week’s list to complete.

• Reading - Understanding the Story wkst for Stuart Little

• Math - Probability: Do you remember how we made a spinner in class?? If you can, find a paper clip, pencil, crayons/markers/colored pencils, and sheet of paper. Then, draw a circle on your paper using a cup. Divide your circle into 8 equal parts (If you do a + and then an x, it will give you 8 equal parts). Then, color 3 pieces red, color 1 piece yellow, and color 4 pieces blue. Now, it’s time for the experiment! Spin your spinner 50 times by using your pencil to hold the paper clip at the center of the circle. Mark, or tally, each time it lands on yellow, red, or blue. Then write a fraction for each color. For example, if your spinner lands on red 9 times, your fraction would be 9/50. Which color do you expect the spinner to land on most?

• Math cont. - Do some math facts!

• Science - With your family, take a walk around your neighborhood, go for a hike or go into your yard. On your nature walk, find a rock you can bring home. Once home, get a piece of paper and divide it into six equal spaces. In the first square draw and color your rock, second square draw or tell me with words what happens when you put some vinegar on your rock, third square draw or tell me with words what happens when you put a magnet near your rock, fourth square show or tell me with words if your rock sinks or floats in water, fifth square show or tell me with words if you can scratch your rock and leave a mark, finally in the sixth square show or tell me with words if your rock is shiny or dull. Do you know what kind of rock you found?

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 150

• Spelling - Write a short paragraph using 5 spelling words or more! Be creative! Highlight each spelling word you use. Be sure to include a catchy title!

• Reading - Chapter Summary wkst for Stuart Little chapters 5-6

• Math - Using your spinner from yesterday, can you create a game board to go along with it? Color random spots on your game board either red, yellow, or blue so that when you spin, you can move to the next spot. What would your game be about? Are you racing to hidden treasure? Have fun!

• Math - Extra Challenge: Write down rules for your game and see if a family member can figure it out!

• Read - 20 minutes daily - Don’t forget to record your books you finish on your book log!

Week 4 starting April 20, 2020


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 151

• Spelling - Marking wkst - List 29

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 7-8 by Thursday. Do Dictionary Detective wkst chapters 7-8.

• Math - Identifying Perfect Squares and Square Roots: This lesson is a challenging one but hang in there. Try it and see how you do! Watch the videos via the link below and test out your knowledge in the practice area. Just watch the first 3 videos on “Intro. to Square Roots”, “Understanding Square Roots”, and “Square Roots of Perfect Squares.”

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 152

• Spelling- Complete list in cursive. Use your best handwriting.

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 7-8 by Thursday. Do Vocabulary Study chapters 7-8

• Math - Using the Order of Operations: Watch the videos “Intro. to Order of Operations” and “Order of Operations Example” and then try the Practice: Order of Operations.

• Math cont. - Challenge: Write a math problem with multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction and see if a family member can solve it by following the order of operations.

• Science - Learn about the rock cycle by visiting this link to Khan Academy. If your parents will help you, you could try making your own rocks as demonstrated in the video.

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 153

• Spelling - ABC order wkst; 30 phonogram oral review with cards or the app. Then do a written review.

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 7-8 catch up day

• Math - Practice Math Facts at:

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 154

• Spelling - Rules wkst; Use this week’s list to complete.

• Reading - Understanding the Story wkst for Stuart Little

• Math - Reading and following a Recipe: Read through this awesome article on how cooking really is Math and Science combined.

• Do some math facts!

• Science - Field trip to the Petrified Forest! What is petrified wood? Scroll down to find the video. Learn about this cool park righ here in Arizona. While on this website, take some time to view the slide show of our state and learn some fun facts.

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 155

• Spelling - Write a short paragraph using 5 spelling words or more! Try some prepositional openers. Be creative! Highlight each spelling word you use. Be sure to include a catchy title!

• Reading - Chapter Summary wkst for Stuart Little chapters 7-8

• Math - With your parents permission and help, try following this recipe for home-dame play dough.

• Read - 20 minutes daily - Don’t forget to record your books you finish on your book log!

Week 5 starting April 27, 2020


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 156

• Spelling - Marking wkst - List 30

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 9-10 by Thursday. Do Dictionary Detective wkst chapters 9-10.

• Math - Simplifying Fractions Using the Greatest Common Factor (GCF): Head over to this link to watch and learn about GCF or GCD (Divisor). Then, try out the practice problems!

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 157

• Spelling- Complete list in cursive. Use your best handwriting.

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 9-10 by Thursday. Do Vocabulary Study chapters 9-10

• Math - Stem-and-Leaf Plots: Watch the videos “Stem-and-leaf Plots” and “Reading stem-and-leaf plots” on the link below, then try practicing on your own!

• Social Studies - Watch this fun video about Arizona. Teach someone in your family about the things you learned about Arizona. Make a quiz and have them take it after you have taught them. For example: Does Arizona have a nickname? What is the state bird? What region is Arizona in? Etc.

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 158

• Spelling - ABC order wkst; 30 phonogram oral review with cards or the app. Then do a written review.

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 9-10 catch up day

• Math - Practice Division Facts:

• Math cont. - Do some math facts timed test.

• Read - 20 minutes daily - Biography poster due next week!


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 159

• Spelling - Rules wkst; Use this week’s list to complete.

• Reading - Understanding the Story wkst for Stuart Little

• Math - Rounding Whole Numbers: By following the link, watch the videos on rounding whole numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand. This is review for us but practice makes perfect! Try the practice after the videos.

• Social Studies - Create the Arizona flag. You may draw, paint, use play dough,etc. Be creative, but realistic. Show your flag to someone and tell them what each thing on the flag represents.

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 160

• Spelling - Write a short paragraph using 5 spelling words or more! Be creative! Highlight each spelling word you use. Use some -ly openers. Be sure to include a catchy title!

• Reading - Chapter Summary wkst for Stuart Little chapters 9-10

• Math - Using what you remember about Perimeter, imagine that you were designing a fenced in yard for an imaginary pet. Draw your yard with staight lines using a ruler. Your yard does not have to be square or rectangle. It can be any other polygon you want! Once you have drawn all of the sides of your yard, give each side a length and write down the total perimarter. How many feet of fencing will you need for your new yard?

• Read - 20 minutes daily - Don’t forget to record your books you finish on your book log!

Week 6 starting May 4, 2020


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 161

• Spelling - Marking wkst - List 31

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 11-12 by Thursday. Do Dictionary Detective wkst chapters 11-12.

• Complete Biography Poster and email a picture of it to your teacher! GREAT JOB!

• Math - Using a ruler, practice drawing line segments using fourths, sixteenths, and eighths of an inch. Draw at least 5 line segments at different lengths and see if a family member can measure them correctly. Then, see if they can draw some line segments to you to measure.

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 162

• Spelling- Complete list in cursive. Use your best handwriting.

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 11-12 by Thursday. Do Vocabulary Study chapters 11-12.

• Math - Adding and Subtracting Fractions with unlike Denominators: Watch the video “Comparing Fractions with Unlike Denominators” at the link below and then try the practice. Scroll down to find correct video.

• Social Studies - Visit the Office of the Governor website: There are many things to explore and learn. There is also a word search and coloring pages to print off and do.

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 163

• Spelling - ABC order wkst; 30 phonogram oral review with cards or the app. Then do a written review.

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 11-12 catch up day

• Math - Practice Multiplication facts:

• Math cont. - Do some math facts timed tests.

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 164

• Spelling - Rules wkst; Use this week’s list to complete.

• Reading - Understanding the Story wkst for Stuart Little

• Math - Finding the Volume of a Cube: Watch the videos “Volume Intro.” and “Measuring Volume with Unit Cubes” and then try the practice: volume with unit cubes at the site below:

• Social Studies - Research the 5 C’s of Arizona. Explain the 5 C’s of Arizona in a paragraph. Don’t forget a topic and concluding sentence.

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 165

• Spelling - Write a short paragraph using 5 spelling words or more! Be creative! Highlight each spelling word you use. Use some -ly openers. Be sure to include a catchy title!

• Reading - Chapter Summary wkst for Stuart Little chapters 11-12

• Math - Try creating geometric solids like cubes, rectangular prisms, triangular prisms, cylinders, and pyramids using clay, play doh, or another type of medium.

• Math cont.- Using chalk or a cup of water and a paintbrush, can you draw a number line outside that goes all the way from -15 to 15?? If you aren’t able to do this outside, use a marker or colored pencil/crayon and a piece of paper to try it!

• Read - 20 minutes daily - Don’t forget to record your books you finish on your book log!

Week 7 starting May 11, 2020


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 166

• Spelling - Marking wkst - List 32

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 13-15 by Thursday. Do Dictionary Detective wkst chapters 13-15.

• Math - Recognizing Math Patterns: In Math, there are many time when patterns come up and it is out job to find them. Watch the 3 “Math Patterns” videos at this link and try to two practices.

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 167

• Spelling- Complete list in cursive. Use your best handwriting.

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 13-15 by Thursday. Do Vocabulary Study chapters 13-15.

• Math - Classifying Triangles: Think back to a few weeks ago when you watched the videos on angles. Do you remember when you learned about acute, right, and obtuse angles? Did you know that we can classify, or group, triangles using these terms? Watch the videos on Classifying Triangles and practice to see if you can do it too!

• Science - Watch this video to learn about 6 simple machines.

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 168

• Spelling - ABC order wkst; 30 phonogram oral review with cards or the app. Then do a written review.

• Reading - Read Stuart Little chapters 13-15 catch up day

• Math - Practice your math facts:

• Math cont. - Do some math facts timed tests.

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 169

• Spelling - Rules wkst; Use this week’s list to complete.

• Reading - Understanding the Story wkst for Stuart Little

• Math - Review: Division with Remaiders: It’s been a little while, so let’s do some review with dividing with remainders videos for a refresher then practice. Try the quiz at the end of the lesson to see if you can recall this important concept!

• Science - Use this website for some interactive demos on simple machines. There are two demos. One is called “Label It” and the other is called “Work Smarter.” Do both demos and have fun testing your knowledge about simple machines.

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 170

• Spelling - Write a short paragraph using 5 spelling words or more! Be creative! Highlight each spelling word you use. Use some quality adjectives. Be sure to include a catchy title!

• Reading - Chapter Summary wkst for Stuart Little chapters 13-15

• Math - Illustrate/ draw a picture to show this math word problem: You and 3 of your very best friends are going to share 45 pieces of delicious candy. How many pieces will each of you get? Don’t forget to count yourself!

• Read - 20 minutes daily - Don’t forget to record your books you finish on your book log!

Week 8 starting May 18, 2020


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 171

• Spelling - Marking wkst - List 33

• Reading - Plot Mountain wkst pg 55 and Story Timeline pg 56 in Stuart Little packet

• Math - Estimate and Adding Large Number Amounts: Watch this review video on estimating or rounding large numbers and then try again on your own.

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 172

• Spelling- Complete list in cursive. Use your best handwriting.

• Reading - TEST on Stuart Little pg 32-33

• Math - Elapsed Time: Knowing how much happens between two or more events is very important. It allows us to plan our day and make sure we are on time for things like appointments, games, and school. Review what you know on elapsed time via the videos at the link and then try the practice.

• Science - Use your knowledge about the 6 simple machines to build one of your own. Choose 1 simple machine to build. Maybe you want to build your own car out of legos or draw one. Maybe you want to build a lever or a pullet to left a basket of heavy books. Think about it and get permission. Then, go to work. Have fun!

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 173

• Spelling - ABC order wkst; 30 phonogram oral review with cards or the app. Then do a written review.

• Reading - My Life Making Connections pg 69 wkst

• Math - Practice your math facts at:

• Math cont. - Picture Graphs: Representing data and information is very important in Math. we can do this using line plots, stem-and-leaf plots, bar graphs, and picture graphs. Watch the videos and Creating, Reading, and Interpreting Picture Graphs at the link below and see if you can get 100% on the practice!

• Math cont - Do some math facts!

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 174

• Spelling - Rules wkst; Use this week’s list to complete.

• Reading - Take a picture of reading log and send it to your teacher.

• Math - Two-step Word Problems: Sometimes in Math we have to complete more than one step before we find the final answer. The videos at the link on 2-step Word Problems will help break down the techniques and strategies for you. When you are ready practice it on your own.

• Science - Watch this video to learn about Rube Goldberg machines. Now watch this video for an example of a kid making his own Rube Goldberg machine using the 6 simple machines. Now you get to create your own Rube Goldberg machine! Decide on an easy task that you want done, make a plan, get permission and then go to work! Try to incorporate as many of the simple machines that you can. I would love to see your Rube Goldberg machine!

• Read - 20 minutes daily


• Grammar - Daily Gram - day 175

• Spelling - Write a short paragraph using 5 spelling words or more! Be creative! Highlight each spelling word you use. Be sure to include a catchy title! Tell us what you are most looking forward to in the fall! Have a safe summer!

• Reading - Tell your teacher via email about your favorite book you read this quarter. Great job! Now start your Summer Reading log to turn into your 4th grade teacher in the fall! Have a great summer!

• Math - Write a short paragraph telling me your very favorite thing you learned this year in Math. It can be from before Spring Break or during our Distance Learning at home. It can even just be your very favorite activity we did.

• Have a wonderful summer! Stay in touch and be safe.



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