Algebra 2 -

Algebra 2

Unit 3 Systems

|Day |I can… |Lesson Activities and Assessments|Assignment |

|1: graphing and substitution |I can solve a linear system by |Notes: examples and vocabulary |Pg. 139 |

| |using graphing or substitution |Guided practice |#’s 10-12, 17-21 |

| |methods. | |Pg. 146 |

| | | |#’s 14-18 |

|2: elimination |I can solve a linear system by |Notes: examples and vocabulary |Pg. 146 |

| |using the method of elimination.|Guided practice |#’s 29,30, 31-41odd |

|3: inequalities |I can graph linear and absolute |Notes: calculator use and |Pg. 118 |

| |value inequalities. |examples |#’s 9-15odd, 19-29 odd |

| | |Guided practice | |

|4: system of inequalities |I can solve a system of linear |Notes: calculator use and |Pg. 153 |

| |inequalities. |examples |#’s 11-19 odd, 23-29 odd |

| | |Guided practice | |

|5: linear programming |I can solve problems using |Quiz: Inequalities |Pg. 160 |

| |linear programming. |Notes: calculator use and |# 10, 12, 17, 18, 21, 22 |

| | |examples | |

| | |Guided practice | |

|6: linear programming |I can apply my understanding of |Groups work together to solve |Linear programming word |

| |linear programming to real world|real world problems |problem worksheet |

| |problems | | |

|7: linear programming |I can apply my understanding of |Individual practice of apply |Quality core Linear |

| |linear programming to real world|linear programming strategies to |programming word problem |

| |problems |real world problems |worksheet |

|8: system of three variables |I can solve a system of three |Examples, Examples, Examples |Pg. 171 |

| |variables using substitution and| |#’s 9-13 |

| |elimination. | | |

|9: system of three variables |I can solve a system of three |Quality core examples |Quality core practice |

| |variables. | | |

|10: system of equations and |I can solve all types of systems|Unit 3 review of concepts |Unit 3 review |

|inequalities |of equations and inequalities. | | |

|11: system of equations and |I can solve all types of systems|Unit 3 review of concepts |Unit 3 review |

|inequalities |of equations and inequalities. | | |

|12: system of equations and |I can solve all types of systems|Unit 3 assessment |Unit 3 TEST |

|inequalities |of equations and inequalities. | | |


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