Math 65--Elementary Algebra

MTH 111—College Algebra Fall 2019 CRN 30996 Instructor: Nurideen A. Class Time: MW 2:30pm to 4:20 & F 2:30pm to 3:20 Office: BC Office Hours: TBA Class Location: BC 234 email: Course Materials: MyOpenMath enrollment key (get it from me for free!) Precalculus: An Investigation of Functions by David Lippman and Melonie Rasmussen (free pdf for chapters 1-4) College Algebra by Carl Stitz and Jeff Zeager (free pdf for chapter 5) Graphing calculator (I will be using a TI-84, sorry but this is not free) and Desmos (free online) Course Description: Explores relations and linear, quadratic, exponential, polynomial, rational and logarithmic functions. Includes theory of equations, matrices and determinants, and may introduce sequences and series. Prerequisite: C or better in MTH 95 Intermediate Algebra. Academic Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, you will be able to: Interpret graphical information, such as identifying types of functions, translations, inverses, intercepts, and asymptotes. Solve a variety of symbolic equations and inequalities, such as rational, absolute value, exponential, radical, logarithmic, and linear systems. Construct appropriate models for real world problems, such as fitting an algebraic function model to a set of data, and system of linear equations. Grading Policy: Your grade in this class is based on the following: 3 Tests 45% ICA’s 15%Final Exam 20% Online Homework 20% Grades will be assigned as outlined in the scale below: 90 -100% 80 - 89% 70 - 79% 60 - 69% F 0 - 59% A grade of Incomplete may be assigned at the discretion of the instructor under special circumstances. The student must have completed the majority of the course, been in regular attendance and passing the course prior to the “special circumstance”. Tests: All tests (including the final) will be given in our classroom. All tests will have a time limit. I will allow a 3x5 note card on the tests that must be handwritten, front and back, and submitted with the test. On the final you may use an 8.5x11 sheet of paper with the same rules as a notecard. Tests must be taken on the scheduled day. If you miss a test you will get a score of zero. The final test grade will replace your lowest test score if you score better on the final than at least one of your other tests. The tentative test dates are listed on the course calendar. The date and time of the final will not change. Online Homework: The homework exercises will be done online via the website. This homework is open from day one. The assignments will “expire” and can only be completed after the due date by using one of five late passes. All homework can achieve partial credit based on how much you finish. Zeros will be assigned for missing assignments. The three lowest of these scores will be dropped at the end of the term. To access your homework you will need to register as a new user at . The site will ask you for two pieces of information: The course ID:?58287The enrollment key:?20289 Help: If you have questions, PLEASE come see me and ask! My office hour is after class on Fridays and I work at the math help desk all week in the learning center. Because of this I am one of the easiest teachers to find on campus. The Math Help Desk is a place where you can drop in and receive assistance with your math questions. You are welcome to come see me when I am there but keep in mind that I am obligated to keep our meetings at the help desk to just a few minutes because my job there is to provide help to all students. If you need more than that then we can try to set up an appointment to meet. There is also (free) tutoring available. Sign up at the Tutoring Center across from the Math Help Desk in the Learning Center. I will post my notes from class on my website. Sometimes I will post blank notes before class for you to print out. Finally, the homework site offers free video tutorials and a student form area. Expectations: I expect you will be involved in class. This includes being present, asking questions and participating in discussions. You should come to class prepared. I expect you will be respectful of everyone in the class, in word as well as behavior. You may bring your laptop or tablet to class and use it to work on homework. Please keep the volume on mute. Special Circumstances: Students who have any emergency medical information the instructor should know of, who need special arrangements in the event of evacuation, or students with documented disabilities who may need accommodations, should make an appointment with the instructor as early as possible, no later than the first week of the term. If additional assistance is required the student should contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) at ext. 4789. Statement from the Center for Accessibility Resources: You should meet with your instructor during the first week of class if you have a documented disability and need accommodations, your instructor needs to know medical information about you, or you need special arrangements in the event of an emergency. If you believe you may need accommodation services please contact Center for Accessibility Resources, 917-4789. If you have documented your disability, remember that you must make your request for accommodations through the Center for Accessibility Resources Online Services web page every term in order to receive accommodations. Statement of Non-Discrimination: Linn-Benton Community College is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Academic Honesty: I assume that you are ethical and honest. However, if there is an incident of academic dishonesty (cheating), you will receive a score of zero for that test/assignment and the incident will be reported to the college administration for possible further disciplinary action. If there is a second offense, you will receive a grade of F for the course and the incident will be reported to the college administration with a recommendation for disciplinary action. ................

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