2012-2013 Full-time Monographs

and Calendar Program Pages

Prepared by

Timelines Working Group

Curriculum Review Committee

Revised Decemcber 6, 2011

1. Importance of Accurate Data Entry

The information that is entered in the Program Narrative Tables on GeneSIS is used in a variety of College publications. The following chart shows where each table is used and illustrates the importance of accuracy.

|Category |Owner |Monograph |onCourse |College |Viewbook |For |Course Loading/ |

| | |(Print and Web) |Catalogue |Calendar | |Internal Use|Scheduling/ |

| | | |(Print and Web)| | | |Registration |

|Field Placement/ |Academics | | | | |X | |

|Clinical Experience| | | | | | | |

|Employment |Academics |X |X |X |X | | |

|Opportunities | | | | | | | |

|Employment |Employment | | | |X | | |

|Stats |Services | | | | | | |

|College Eligibility|Registrar’s |X |X |X |X | |X |

| |Office | | | | | | |

|Program Eligibility|Academics & |X |X |X |X | |X |

| |Registrar’s | | | | | | |

| |Office* | | | | | | |

|Fees |Registrar’s |X | |X | | |X |

| |Office | | | | | | |

|Expenses |Academics |X | |X | | | |

|Additional |Academics |X |X |X | | | |

|Information | | | | | | | |

|Application |Registrar’s |X | | | | | |

|Information |Office | | | | | | |

|Program Contact |Academics |X |X | | |X | |

|Name | | | | | | | |

|Program of Study |Academics |X |X |X | | |X |

|(includes Grading | | | | | | | |

|System) | | | | | | | |

|Course Descriptions|Academics |X |X |X | | |X |

|(includes | | | | | | | |

|Prequisites, | | | | | | | |

|Corequesites and | | | | | | | |

|Equivalencies) | | | | | | | |

2. Specific Guidelines

Note: For spelling and word usage guidelines, see the Algonquin College Data Entry Spelling Guidelines document and the Canadian Press Stylebook.*

2.1 Program Description

• The program description should be two or three paragraphs in length and should provide the reader with an overview of the program. It may be the first information that potential students see about a program, so it should be positive and easily understood. The program description in a program proposal is used in all relevant publications.

• Include the following information in the program description:

• The rationale for the program.

• The focus of the learning in the program.

• An overview of key learning and abilities that graduates will have developed.

• Employment opportunities for graduates (sectors).

• Any key distinguishing attributes of the program.

• Some editorial tips to use when writing a program description:

• Use present tense and active voice. Do not use ‘will’.

• Use simple sentence structure and concise language.

• Use inclusive, gender neutral language.

• Avoid including information that can become quickly dated. Program hours, delivery modes*, and other similar information can be found elsewhere and should not be included in the program description.

*Note that fully online or primarily online program delivery should be mentioned in the program description. For example: This online one-year Ontario College Graduate Certificate….

Example: A Program Description

Zoo Management

|This one-year Ontario College Certificate program prepares students for entry into the segment of the|Context |

|entertainment industry that provides the general public with educational opportunities to experience |Set the stage. |

|animals of various kinds in as close to their natural habitat as possible. |Program Rationale |

| |Some definition of terms, as required.|

|Using a dual-stream approach, this unique program allows students to explore both management concepts|Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes |

|and fundamental concepts of animal care and maintenance at the same time. Students develop a sense of|From a holistic point of view, what is|

|sustainability in its most inclusive terms possible as they are encouraged to draw connections |the substance of the new skill set? |

|between all aspects of the functional and successful zoo or theme park. |Skills and knowledge students gain |

| | |

|Supplemented with additional knowledge and skills in health, safety and security, graduates may seek |Employment Opportunities |

|employment the full spectrum of animal-related theme parks. |In broad terms, Industries/sectors |

| |rather then specific job titles or |

| |careers |

| | |

Success Factors

For the time being Success Factors comes under the Program Description until a Narrative Information section is made functional in GeneSIS. Success Factors are the key characteristics or personal skills students require to succeed in the program.

Success Factors:

This program is well-suited for students who:

• Enjoy concise and precise communication.

• Think logically and objectively about issues.

• Are interested in the interaction between people, animals and the environment.

• Believe that learning can be fun.

• Find value in collaborating with others to solve problems.

• Confront challenges with a balance of creativity and common sense.

2.2 Employment Opportunities

Students may find employment as attendants, interpreters, exhibit officers, project leaders, team leaders, supervisors, or junior managers across the full spectrum of animal-related theme parks, including zoos, aquariums, theme parks or hobby farms. Initial employment in the field may be seasonal with opportunities for full-time employment emerging with progressive levels of responsibility.

• Do not capitalize job titles in this section. Unless a title belongs to a specific person or a

specific organization, job titles should be all lowercase.

Examples: John Doe, Principal Architect; Principal Architect at Greystone Interior Design Studio; Susan Jones, Vice President, Academic.

• Do not capitalize names of industry sectors or fields.

Examples: The transportation sector; aeronautics sector; nursing field.

• Use of “may” i.e. students may find employment in name of industry or private and public


• Identification of accreditation specific information that must be successfully completed so

that the student may find employment in the field. Examples …” to practise in the field you

need to write or complete the following exam” or “once you are accredited, you may find

employment in”….

• Include any relevant information required to ensure that students make an informed decision

about their employment possibilities.

• All information pertaining to employment opportunities needs to be transparent and accurate

in line with the revised Ministry Binding Directive for Marketing.

3. Program Eligibility

• Include the specific eligibility criteria for the program beyond the College Eligibility requirements.

• Do not capitalize the words “college” and “university” unless they are referencing a specific institution.

Examples: In Algonquin College…; In the College. In Carleton University…; In the University.

• Police Records Check. Always use the plural of ‘records’. Use initial caps. When adding a Police Records Check requirement to a program, contact the Office of the Vice President, Academic, for guidance on selecting the appropriate standardized statement.

Examples: Police Records Check; Police Records Check for the Vulnerable Population.

• Do not capitalize the name of “mathematics”, “biology”, “physics”, etc. unless they pertain to a specific math requirement.

Examples: Grade 12 Mathematics; Grade 11 Biology.

• If you are using a generic term in reference to a form, do not capitalize. If you are using the specific name of the form, capitalize. Do not capitalize the word ‘form’.

Examples: An immunization form; the Academic Appeal form.

• When you are considering changing or adding a program eligibility requirement, you must contact Norma Haddad, Associate Registrar, to ensure that the Ministry requirements are met.

4. Expenses:


To include:

• Cost of books and supplies (approximate)

• Tests/Exams for accreditation or for accreditation bodies

• Placement expenses i.e. travel, babysitting expenses

• Any other additional supports

• Does not include Incidental Fees. DEFINITION: Tuition fee revenues are understood to support the general costs of program delivery (in-class and field placement), as well as the general operating costs of College administration and capital expenditures. Incidental fees are linked to individual courses and are non-tuition related in nature. Examples of course-related incidental fees include CD’s and DVD’s used in specific courses and retained by the student, supplies for arts and crafts that are retained by the student, tools for use in specific courses (i.e. dental tools, screw drivers for computer systems technicians) that are retained by the student. Consumable supplies (i.e. hairspray, gas for welding) are considered tuition related and are not to be considered as an incidental fee.

5. Additional Information/Program Contact Name

• Write contact information as follows:

For more information, please contact John Doe, Program Coordinator, at

613-727-4723 ext. 0000 or doej@.

• Do not add the sentence “This program is offered at the Woodroffe Campus.” in the Additional Information table unless the program is offered at more than one Campus location.

• Indicate if there is one or more offering i.e. This program has flexible delivery options.

2.5 Guidelines for Writing Course Descriptions

According to the draft version of Directive E33 - Course Outlines, Section 2.1.2, the course description is depicted as follows:

The one-paragraph course description orients students to the course and includes the following information:

• The general purpose/rationale for the course.

• The type of course (such as lab, theory, survey, etc.) where relevant.

• An overview of the key knowledge and skills to be learned.

• An overview of the major learning experiences planned.

The following are tips for writing the course description:

• Use present tense and active voice.

• Use simple sentence structure and concise language.

• Use gender neutral language; plurals will help.

• Use lay terms that will be understood by potential students and novice learners.

• If possible, avoid the use of technical terms and acronyms.

• Write from the learner’s perspective.

• Ensure that the information is current.

• If possible, avoid including information that is likely to change with each offering. For example, refer to more generic terms such as “word processing” rather than “Microsoft Word software”. Only use “Microsoft Word software” if it is specifically required for the course delivery.

• Avoid the use of course names and numbers because this information is provided elsewhere.

• Avoid identifying the level in which the course is offered because this information is found in the program of study.

• The course description is not to exceed 16 lines as per GeneSIS Guidelines.

• Prerequisites and corequisites are not part of the course description; GeneSIS has functionality for accommodating these.

• For consistency, the College uses Canadian spelling. For more information, see the Algonquin College Data Entry Spelling Guidelines document for specific examples or the Canadian Press Stylebook.

The course description is typically the first piece of information that that Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) candidates consult when considering their eligibility for prior learning assessments. Therefore, the description should be written with a student reader in mind.

It is recommended that the intended course delivery mode not be included in a course description.

Example: A Course Description Written for a Program Leading to an Ontario College Credential

ZOO2000 Animal Husbandry I

Animals held in captivity depend on caregivers to meet basic needs and remain healthy. Students learn important principles and concepts that are essential for ensuring the proper care and maintenance of animals being held in captivity. Case studies, in-class discussions and learning activities focus on the needs of land-based animals. Special attention is paid to the nutritional requirements of ruminants and the social interactions of herd and pack animals.

* Canadian Press Stylebook A Guide for Writing and Editing/Patti Tasko, editor. 14th edition.

Toronto, 2006.

** The Canadian Press CAPS and Spelling/Patti Tasko, editor. 18th edition. Toronto, 2007.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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