Alice in Wonderland, part III

Alice in Wonderland, part III

You probably remember that in Wonderland some creatures always tell the truth and the others always lie. However, now the strange disease Liaria is going round. Those who contract this disease sometimes lie and sometimes tell the truth. Alice has to find the ill so that they can be cured:

Case 1: Alice finds out that in the Mad Tea Party one is sane, one is mad and one has got the disease. When she questions the three this is what they say:

March Hare: The Mad Hatter is mad.

Dormouse: The March Hare always tells the truth.

Mad Hatter: I have got Liaria.

Can you find out who is sane, who is mad and who is ill?

Case 2: The disease has also reached the Royal circles. Alice finds out that out of the King of Hearts, the Queen of Hearts and the Duchess one is mad, one is sane and one has caught Liaria. This is what they say:

Queen: I am ill.

King: That’s true.

Duchess: No, no, I am the one who is ill.

Who is who this time?

Case 3: Also among the playing card soldiers there is one of each kind and Alice has to find out who is who.

(-Soldier: I am ill.

(-Soldier: He is right.

(-Soldier: I am absolutely fit.


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