Earthquake Safety Pamphlet - 8th Grade Earth Science


Climate Change

Chapter 25

Thousands of aliens (the kind from outer space) are visiting earth. Their very ancient planet has never had a livable atmosphere). Consequently, they have been forced to wear these big scary suits their entire lives. These aliens are friendly, but are confused by the atmosphere and climate on Earth. They are especially sensitive to (and terrified by) the idea of taking off their life suits. Your boss at the Michigan State Climatologist’s Office has asked you to create informative and reassuring information for the aliens in regard to the atmosphere and changing climate here on Earth.

Presentation methods include: Google document, Prezi, brochure, pamphlet, or poster. Include the following information with pictures or drawing when appropriate:

1. What is an atmosphere? Composition (pg. 33,547)

2. What is the Greenhouse effect? (558)

2. What is climate? (pg.631)

3. What are some causes of climate change? (643,644)

4. Possible impacts of climate change. (558, 644,645)

5. How to mitigate the effects of climate change. (646)

Use your textbook and other reference sources to research and gather your information. Remember your target audience and make your pamphlet interesting. Include illustrations on the brochure. Use your imagination. Text must be in your own words. No plagiarism.

Grading Rubric

Information (accuracy and relevance) 10 pts. _____

Visual Appeal 5 pts _____

Overall Effort 10 pts. _____

TOTAL pts. __________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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