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Created by Kerry Moody

|Week Beginning: 23.1.2012 |PLC: What can I see at night? Space |Week: PLC 4 |

Key Question: What would it be like to visit the moon?

CLL focus: Language for Thinking; Language for Communication; Reading; Writing PSRN focus: Shape, Space and Measures – revisit for assessment

|Time |Monday |Tuesday – DW OUT |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | |Children: |Children: |Children: |Children: |

|10:00 |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |

| |Obj: Use familiar objects/ shapes to |Obj: Use language such as |Obj: Use language such as |Obj: Use language such as |Obj: |

| |build models. (40-60 mths) |‘circle’ or ‘bigger’ to describe the |‘circle’ or ‘bigger’ to describe the |‘circle’ or ‘bigger’ to describe the | |

| |Children use small balloons and cover |shape and size of solids and flat |shape and size of solids and flat |shape and size of solids and flat | |

| |them with several layers of papier-mâché |shapes. |shapes. |shapes. Children create moon phases using| |

| |to make moons, with craters and moon |Use playdough and variety of cutters to |Use playdough and variety of cutters to |white circles, cut to the appropriate | |

| |mountains. They use newspaper for the |create the shapes of the phases of the |create the shapes of the phases of the |shape and stuck onto black paper. |CT/HLTA Observations/ Identified Focus |

| |first layers, then cover their moons with|moon. |moon. |Encourage children to stick the moon |Groups from AFL |

| |one layer of white paper so that they |Encourage children to discuss these |Encourage children to discuss these |phases in order. Can they | |

| |will be easy to paint. |shapes, using phrases like most of a |shapes, using phrases like most of a |say what we call the whole circle and the| |

| |Ass Focus: Can chn describe a |circle and half a circle. |circle and half a circle. |crescent (full moon/crescent moon)? A.F | |

| |solid shape and distinguish it from a |Ass Focus: Use appropriate |Ass Focus: Use appropriate |Order and name the phases of the moon. | |

| |flat shape? |language and names to describe flat |language and names to describe flat |Recognise and name 2D shapes. | |

| | |shapes. |shapes. | | |

| |Children: |

|10:35 |Carpet session 2: L&S Phase 2/3 |Carpet session 2: L&S Phase 2/3 |Carpet session 2: L&S Phase 2/3 |Carpet session 2: L&S Phase 2/3 |Carpet session 2: L&S Phase 2/3 |

| |See separate planning sheet |See separate planning sheet |See separate planning sheet |See separate planning sheet |See separate planning sheet |

|11:20 |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA |

| |Obj: Use talk to organise, sequence and |Obj: |Obj: |Obj: |Obj: |

| |clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and | | | | |

| |events. | | | | |

| |Ask chn to recall events of the |Guided Reading – See Separate planning |Guided Reading – See Separate planning |Guided Reading – See Separate planning | |

| |spaceman’s day modelling a guided walk |and session notes |and session notes |and session notes |CT/HLTA Observations/ Identified Focus |

| |through of text using pictures. | | | |Groups from AFL |

| |Ask chn to talk about and and draw a |Book Band – Red/ Yellow |Book Band – Red/ Yellow |Book Band – Blue | |

| |sequence of events from their own day. | | | |Guided Reading Groups/ |

| |They discuss what comes first, second, | | | |Spelling and letter Formation Focus |

| |etc. as they go. | | | | |

| |EXT: Write a simple word/ caption to | | | | |

| |match their picture focusing on learned | | | | |

| |HFW. | | | | |

| |AF: Can chn sequence events in a story | | | | |

| |and in their own day? | | | | |

| |Children: |

|1:00 |Carpet Session 4: Register and |Carpet Session 5: Register and |

| |Wake & Shake – Take 10 |Wake & Shake – Take 10 |

|2:20 |PLAYTIME |

| |Links to Apollo 11 and the first moon landing |

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|2:30 |

|Malleable Act: |Model using the Space themed playdough mats. | | | |

| |Creative art 3D: Provide brightly coloured play dough and ‘wobbly eyes’. Children | | | |

| |can make model aliens. | | | |

| |CLL opportunities: What sort of alien are you making? What planet is he or she | | | |

| |from? What is it like there? PSRN opportunities: How many eyes has your alien got? | | | |

| |How many legs? What shape is its body? | | | |

|Sand Act: |Using moulds to explore shape and space: Use moulds which are mathematical shapes, |What shape have you made? What is it | | |

| |talk about the shapes using mathematical terms. Compare shapes. Compare effect |like? Does it remind you of something | | |

| |when using dry/ wet sand. |else? Can you find a cylinder etc…? | | |

| |Resources: Var of moulds, diff shaped containers, scoops | | | |

|Water Act: |Investigating water wheels – free play with water wheels, scoops and jugs. Talk |Explore what happens to ping pong balls/ |What is happening to the water wheel? |

| |about what makes the water wheel go round/ how it works. |corks on the surface of the water near |What makes the wheel go round? |

| |Explore whether they can make the wheel turn in a different direction/ go |too the wheel. Can they make the balls |Which way will the wheel turn when you pour the water? |

| |faster/slower. model and enc use of questions to discuss what they have to do to |move to the end of the water trough |Is the wheel turning slowly? Can you make the wheel go faster? Can you make the |

| |make these changes. |without touching. |wheel turn in a different direction? How can you make the wheel go faster/slower? |

|Role Play |Rocket role play: Chn are astronauts getting ready for a trip into space. They open|Children imagine they have a job working |Chn use ICT resources to explore the moon landing and discuss the absence of |

| |the door, get into their rocket, use controls & check off a list that they have |on the moon and act out a day in their |atmosphere (air and weather) on the moon, which allows footprints to stay intact. |

| |everything they need. |life in the style of Man on the Moon. |Describe the first walk on the Moon. Explain that the astronauts placed a flag on |

| | |What will you do? How can you act out |the Moon to celebrate. Provide materials from which chn can select items to make |

| | |doing it? Can the others tell what their |own flags as an enhancement in the role play area. Chn make footprints in sand, |

| | |job is by watching them act? |then erase prints by blowing and by dripping water (K5) |

|Writing Act: |Ask questions such as ‘How would you get into space?’, ‘What would you like to see or discover?’, ‘How would you get home?’, | |

| |‘Who would you miss on Earth?’ and so on. Suggest that the children write a letter/post card home, telling friends or | |

| |relatives about their experiences of travelling in space. Alternatively, help them to draw and label pictures showing details| |

| |of their imaginary space explorations. Encourage the children to imagine how they could send the letter home. Would they scan| |

| |it in and email it using an on-board computer, or would they use a space post service? Display the letters in the role-play | |

| |area. | |

|Construction Act:|Creative art 2D: Provide children with paper plates, paint and lengths of thin | |Work with the chn to begin to develop the construction and work bench area in |

| |elastic or lolly sticks so that they can make alien masks. | |relation to outcomes of ECERS Audit. |

| |CLL opportunities: What sort of alien will you be when you wear this mask? What | | |

| |sounds will you make? Which planet are you from? | | |

| |PSRN opportunities: What shape will your mask be? Will it be bigger or smaller than| | |

| |your own face? | | |

|Creative Act: |Provide pictures of rockets from the Internet or non-fiction books. Children can | |Children make papier machemodels of the surface of the moon using newspaper, junk|

| |make realistic models using bricks and other construction toys. | |modelling and clay. Children describe their moons, using descriptive phrases, which|

| |CLL opportunities: Which spaceship are you making? What is its name? Where in the | |an adult helps them to write down. Display the descriptions around the finished |

| |world does it come from? | |moon surface models. |

| |PSRN opportunities: What shapes can you see on this rocket? Are they flat shapes or| |A.F: Chn can describe the moon using appropriate words and phrases/ extend their |

| |solid shapes? | |vocabulary? |

|ICT Act: |Developing Mouse/Keyboard Skills |Set up ITR 22 screen 8. Children can act out buying or selling items in a souvenir shop on the moon. CLL opportunities: Which|

| |Chn explore the different Space Pirates games |things are you buying? If aliens visited a souvenir shop on Earth, what could they buy? PSRN opportunities: Do you know how |

| | |much that costs? How many 1p coin would you need to pay for it? |

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|Sml World/ Tuff |Continue to develop the space themed small world and model using available |Use the tuff spot for Moon role-play to practise using positional language. AIA: Invite a small grp of chn to visit the moon.|

|spot Act: |resources to tell imaginative stories. |Show them the craters and the mountains. Ask a child to land the rocket on top of a mountain. Ask a second child to drive the|

| |What can we use to build our own ‘Lunar Rovers’ for the Small World area? |moon buggy in front of the rocket. Enc the chn to play and use positional language as they move the rocket, astronauts and |

| | |space buggy. Finish the activity by using a countdown to take the rocket back to Earth. (N12) |

|Outdoor Act: |See also Daily plans. |Outside: Chalk a rocket hopscotch onto |Outside: Provide chalk so that children can draw the phases of the moon on the playground. They |

| |Allow free play and exploration of new |playground. Chn take turns to throw their|can then label the different shapes. |

| |resources and equipment alongside daily |beanbag to see who gets to top of rocket |CLL opportunities: Why do you think the moon seems to change shape in the sky? Does it really change shape? |

| |outdoor play plans. What act. would the |first. |PSRN opportunities: What shapes have you drawn? How long does it take the moon to go from this shape (crescent) to this |

| |chn like to see and do? | |shape (full moon)? |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Adult led with: |Adult led with: |Adult led with: |Adult led with: |Adult led with: |

|Obj: |Obj: |Obj: |Obj: |Obj: |

|Children: |Children: |Children: |Children: |Children: |

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|Notes: |Notes: |Notes: |Notes: |Notes: |

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|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Adult led with: |Adult led with: |Adult led with: |Adult led with: |Adult led with: |

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|Children: |Children: |Children: |Children: |Children: |

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