8.11 Investigation: Testing Antacids

The Chemistry of your GUT: How do you Spell RELIEF?

CONSUMER REPORT: A typical pharmacy may offer 30 different antacids to choose from. Which one do you choose?


Which Antacid is the best? Are all antacid tablets equally effective?

Other Potential Questions for Investigation:

1. Which antacid (active ingredient) neutralizes the most acid?

2. Which antacid is the most cost effective?

3. How much better is the extra-strength version of an antacid?

4. Do “gimmicky” antacids work as well as plain antacids?

5. Which antacid (active ingredient) acts the fastest?

Introduction/Background Information

The introduction part of the lab report includes supporting material to be used in the discussion part. Here, the theory behind the experiment is introduced so that the reader can understand better the purpose of the experiment.

***In this experiment you should research the following topics and include in your introduction. Your introduction should be in the present tense when stating theory and background information.


1. What is heartburn? Why do you get it?

2. What is an antiacid? Why is it used?

3. Neutralization reaction

4. What type of antiacid did you use in this experiment? Why?

5. How do people in general choose their antiacids?


A purpose statement should also be included in the introduction. The purpose statement should be in the following manner: “The purpose of this experiment was to investigate ….” The purpose statement should be clear and very specific, almost summarizing the procedure.


This is a tentative explanation of what you predict will happen in the experiment. This aspect of your lab should include the prediction which is based on a hypothesis (or a theory). Make a prediction and justify it.


Possibility 1: Looking at the active ingredients the _____ will likely be the most effective due to………..


Possibility 2: __________ antacid tablets will neutralize better because ___________...


Include all the materials used. Point form (or table format)

Experimental Design


• You need to compare TWO antiacids

• 1 g of ANTIACID dissolved in 25.0 ml of water = reaction mixture

• Add HCl one drop at a time to your reaction mixture until you reach pH=2.0

• use indicator (Bromothymol Blue)

• use pH probe to monitor pH changes

** This will take some time to develop a reasonable outline that you can follow without using your textbook during the lab!

3) Sketch of the Apparatus


*** Write a procedure in the past tense. You may include a diagram for the apparatus you used in the experiment, just make sure to label as a figure (*re: labelling a figure in the lab report).


In the results section of the lab report, you must include both qualitative and quantitative observations. Your quantitative data must be in tables, and you must have a descriptive title for each table. After the table, there should be an explanation, or description of the data that was collected in the experiment.

• Create A DATA TABLE that will be used to collect the results

Table #1: Quantitative and Qualitative observations

|Name |Initial pH |Mass of tablet |# of drops |Mass of tablet used |Observations |


|Antacid |Total tablet mass g |Cost $ per tablet |Original pH of |Mass of tablet used g|drops |

| | | |antacid | | |


|Antacid |Mass (g) of Antacid |Number of Drops |Initial pH |Observations |

|Alka-Seltzer |2.8g |89 |6.3 |-white, translucent solution before HCl |

|($3.99/24) | | | | |

Table #2 Antacid Price Chart

|Antacid |Amount |Price |Active Ingredient(s) |

|Tums |180 |$3.29 |500mg Calcium Carbonate |

Graph #1: print out of your in-class results

Underneath a graph state: What generalizations are you able to make concerning the data and this graph

Discussion of Results and/or Answers to Post-Lab Questions


✓ Answer your question. (5 marks)

o Relate any pertinent theories or concepts that you have learned to answer your question

▪ Law of Conservation of Mass

▪ Acid/Bases and neutralization reactions

✓ Comment on the ingredients of the Antacids and relate the (mg) of active ingredient to how effectively it works. (3 marks)

✓ Why is it necessary to stir the mixture as the acid is added? (1 mark)

✓ Why did the colour of the indicator change when the acid was added? (1 mark)

✓ Would you want an antiacid to dissolve in your stomach instantly or over a period of time? Explain. (2 marks)

✓ What is one possible advantage of liquid medicines over solid medicines? (2 marks)


Analyze experimental errors (minimum of 3)

What sources of error were associated with the experiment? Were they avoidable? Was it a result of equipment?  If an experiment was within the tolerances, you can still account for the difference from the ideal. If the flaws result from the experimental design explain how the design might be improved.

Strengths of Lab Design and Weaknesses of Lab Design (minimum of 3)

Was the procedure effective? Are there any suggestions for improvements?


In this section, you should restate your results, draw conclusions from you results, and revisit your hypothesis.

Inv 8.11 Antacid Rubric

| |

| | | | | | |

| |R |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

| | |(50-59%) |(60-69%) |(70-79%) |(80-100%) |

|QUESTION and PURPOSE 2 marks| | purpose of activity unclear| purpose of activity is | purpose of activity is | purpose of activity is very |

| | | |stated without using |clearly stated |clearly stated using appropriate|

| | | |appropriate scientific | |scientific terminology |

| | | |terminology | | |

|Observations 8 marks | | minimal qualitative | qualitative observations | qualitative and | qualitative and quantitative |

| | |minimal quantitative |are incomplete |quantitative observations |observations are complete and |

|Table #1 | |observations |quantitative observations |are complete with minor |accurate |

|Qualitative and Quantitative | |observations are inaccurate |are incomplete |omissions |observations are sufficiently |

|Observations | |numerical data is |major errors in accuracy |minor errors in accuracy |detailed |

| | |inaccurate |most observations lack |level of detail is |numerical data are accurate and |

|Table #2 - Price Chart Table | |no tables |detail |inconsistent |presented to appropriate number |

| | | |numerical data contain some |numerical data contain |of significant digits |

| | | |errors in accuracy |minor errors in accuracy |effective use of tables |

| | | |inconsistent use of tables |use of tables | |

| | | | | | |

|Calculations | |calculations are attempted |calculations are complete |calculations are complete |calculations are complete |

|(for level 4+) | |calculations are incomplete |some calculations are |minor errors in |all calculations are correct |

|2 marks | |most calculations are |incorrect |calculations (e.g. units |with proper units |

|[pic] | |incorrect | |are omitted, etc.) |all formulas are provided with |

| | | | |formulas are provided |sample calc. |

| | | | | |use of an appendix |

|Discussion | | an attempt to answer | most of discussion concepts| all discussion concepts | all discussion concepts are |

|Refer to the explanation above | |discussion concepts is made |are answered, but contain |are answered, with minor |correctly answered |

|14 marks | |missing discussion |major errors or omissions |errors or omissions |discussion shows a high level of|

| | |components |discussion shows a low level|discussion shows a good |synthesis and comprehension |

| | | |of synthesis and |level of synthesis and | |

| | | |comprehension |comprehension | |

|Evaluation of Investigation | |Provides little evaluation | Provides limited evaluation|Provides some evaluation |Provides a thorough evaluation |

| | |of procedure or hypothesis. |of procedure or hypothesis. |of procedure or |of procedure or hypothesis. |

|6 marks | |Identifies few sources of |Identifies some sources of |hypothesis. |Identifies an excellent # of |

| | |error |error |Identifies most sources |sources of error. accompanied |

|Refer to the explanation above | |Strengths/limitations have |Strengths/limitations are |of error and provides |with a good explanation for |

| | |been given a token |listed with little |partial explanation for |error. |

| | |reference. |elaboration |error |Strengths/limitations are well |

| | |Comparison of data is |Comparison of data is |Strengths/limitations are |representative of the lab design|

| | |minimal |complete but does not |provided with some |Thorough Comp of data with |

| | | |include any data |elaboration |relevant data |

| | | | |Comparison of data is | |

| | | | |complete and includes data| |

|Conclusion |

|4 marks |

|Title Page | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Visuals | |diagrams are unintelligible or |an attempt has been made to |diagrams are clearly labeled and|diagrams are correctly labeled |

|2 | |incorrect |title and label diagrams |titled |and titled |

| | |graphs are incorrect due to |diagrams contain minor |diagrams are accurate |graphs contain descriptive title|

| | |inaccurate scale or poor |errors |graphs contain title, labeled |and clearly labeled axes and |

| | |drawing |graphs lack title and/or |axes, and units of msmt. |units of measurement |

| | |missing graphs |labels |graphs contain minor error in |graphs are accurate |

| | |missing diagrams |graphs lack accuracy and/ or|accuracy |visuals are in color where |

| | |tables are missing titles |contain minor errors |an attempt has been made to |appropriate |

| | | |- tables have titles |process some of the visuals |most visuals are completed using|

| | | | |tables have descriptive titles |computer technology |

| | | | | |tables have descriptive titles |

| | | | | |and a summary statement |

| | | | | | |

|Conventions | |spelling and grammatical errors|major errors in spelling and|minor spelling and/or |text is free of spelling and |

|4 | |interfere with meaning. |grammar, but meaning is |grammatical errors |grammatical errors. |

| | |poor use of the English |clear | |Writing is clear. and logical |

| | |language | | |and to the point |

| | | | | | |

|Presentation | |most lab components are out of |some lab components are out |lab components are ordered |lab components are ordered |

|4 | |order |of order |correctly |correctly |

| | |text and/pr visual are unclear |text and visual are clear |text visuals are neatly |text visuals are neatly |

| | |an attempt to include tables |some use of tables and/or |presented |presented |

| | |and charts |charts |tables/charts are used where |tables/charts are used where |

| | | | |appropriate |appropriate |

| | |not word processed |inconsistent use of past | |subheadings used |

| | | |tense, and frequent use of |text is written in past tense, |orgztn excellent |

| | | |personal pronouns |but some use of personal |word processed |

| | | |partially word processed |pronouns | |

| | | | | |text is written in past tense |

| | | | | |and third person |


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