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Date: _________________________________________________

Mr. Alka-Seltzer Plus Brochure

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Attractiveness & |The brochure has |The brochure has |The brochure has |The brochure\'s formatting|

|Organization |exceptionally attractive |attractive formatting and|well-organized |and organization of |

| |formatting and |well-organized |information. |material are confusing to |

| |well-organized |information. | |the reader. |

| |information. | | | |

|Graphics/Pictures |Graphics go well with the|Graphics go well with the|Graphics go well with the|Graphics do not go with |

| |text and there is a good |text, but there are so |text, but there are too |the accompanying text or |

| |mix of text and graphics.|many that they distract |few and the brochure |appear to be randomly |

| | |from the text. |seems \"text-heavy\". |chosen. |

|Content - Accuracy |All facts in the brochure|99-90% of the facts in |89-80% of the facts in |Fewer than 80% of the |

| |are accurate. |the brochure are |the brochure are |facts in the brochure are |

| | |accurate. |accurate. |accurate. |

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