Inorganic Chemistry - Fordham

CHEM 4422

Fall 2015

Inorganic Chemistry

Instructor: Dr. Robert Beer

Office: JMH 642

Phone: 718-817-4711/4430


Office Hours: MWR 11:30-12:30 – may be changed if necessary or by arrangement

Location/Time: JMH 626/TF11:30-12:45 AM

Course Requirements: General and Organic Chemistry. Physical Chemistry (concurrent).

Required Text: Inorganic Chemistry (5th Ed.) by Miessler, Fischer and Tarr

2014, Pearson Education Inc.

Recommended: Solutions Manual (5th Ed.) by Miessler, Fischer and Tarr

2014, Pearson Pearson Education Inc.

(solutions to all end of chapter problems in the text)

Course Description: An introductory course to modern inorganic chemistry. Both conceptual and descriptive aspects of the bonding, structure, compounds, synthesis and reactivity of main group (s/p block) and transition metal (d block) elements are presented. Other topics may include: acid/base and reaction mechanisms of d-metal complexes, spectroscopy and organometallic chemistry.

Assessments: Homework will consist of a weekly assignment with problems selected from the text. The following week, the homework assignment will be due and a brief quiz based on the homework will be given at the beginning of the lecture. The quiz will be graded and the homework will be checked for completeness. Closed book mid-term exams and a comprehensive final exam. The material will be based on the lectures, reading, homework and quizzes covered since the preceding exam.

No late assignments or make-up quizzes or exams will be allowed. Greater than 6 absences from the course will affect your letter grade. Please inform the instructor in advance of any disability accommodations approved by ODS. Violations of the University academic integrity will affect your letter grade.

Grade Distribution (%): Homework 5% Quizzes 10%

Mid-Terms (3) 60% Final Exam 25%

Abbreviated Course Outline

I. Concepts

Atomic Structure Ch. 2

Periodic Trends Ch. 2

Simple Bonding Theory Ch. 3

Symmetry and Group Theory (selected portions) Ch. 4

Molecular Orbitals Ch. 5

Acids and Bases Ch. 6

II. Main Group Chemistry

Hydrogen Ch. 8

Main Group Elements Ch. 8

III. Chemistry of the Transition Metal Elements

Coordination Chemistry: Isomers and Structures Ch. 9

Coordination Chemistry: Bonding Ch. 10

Coordination Chemistry: Electronic Spectra Ch. 11

Coordination Chemistry: Reactions and Mechanisms Ch. 12

Organometallic Chemistry (if time allows) Ch. 13

CHEM 4422

Fall 2015

Inorganic Chemistry

Tentative Lecture Schedule

|Date(s) |Topic |Notes |

|9/4, 9/8 |Introduction, Atomic Electronic Structure, The Periodic Table,|Chapter 1, 2 |

| |Atomic Parameters | |

|9/11, 9/15 |Simple Bonding Theory – Lewis and VSEPR Theory |Chapter 3 |

| | |9/11 : QUIZ 1 – Chapter 1/2 |

|9/18, 9/22 |Symmetry and Group Theory |Chapter 4 (selected portions) |

| | |9/18: QUIZ 2 – Chapter 3 |

|9/25, 9/28 |Molecular Orbitals |Chapter 5 |

| |Review |9/25: QUIZ 3 – Chapter 4 |

| | |9/28: QUIZ 4 – Chapter 5 |

|10/2 |EXAM I – Chapter 1-5 | |

|10/6, 10/9 |Acid/Base Chemistry |Chapter 6 |

|10/13, 10/16 |Hydrogen |Chapter 8 |

| | |10/13: QUIZ 5 – Chapter 6 |

|10/20, 10/23, |Main Group Elements |Chapter 8 |

|10/27, 10/30, 11/3 |Coordination Chemistry: Structure |Chapter 9 |

| | |10/27: QUIZ 6 – Chapter 8 |

| | |11/3: QUIZ 7 – Chapter 9 |

|11/6 |EXAM II – Chapter 6, 8, 9 | |

|11/10, 11/13, 11/17 |Coordination Chemistry: Bonding |Chapter 10 |

|11/20, 11/24 |Coordination Chemistry: Spectroscopy |Chapter 11 |

| | |11/20: QUIZ 7– Chapter 11 |

|12/1, 12/4 |Coordination Chemistry: Reaction Mechanisms |12/1: QUIZ 8 – Chapter 12 |

|12/8 |EXAM III - Chapters 10-12 | |

|12/12 |Review – Reading Day | |

|TBA |FINAL – Comprehensive | |


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