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|Citizen Z |

|A2 |

|Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, |

|Peter Lewis-Jones |

Primary Education

Teaching Programme


1 Teaching Methodology

1.1 Theoretical Basis

1.2 What does Citizen Z offer?

1.3 Course Components

2 Objectives

3 Competences

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Citizen Z’'s contribution to acquiring competences

3.3 Competences in Citizen Z

3.4. Learning styles

4 Contents

4.1 Contents blocks

4.2 Core contents

5 Learning standards

6 Assessment

6.1 Presentation

6.2 Assessment criteria

6.3 Assessment in Citizen Z

6.4 Assessment tools in Citizen Z

6.5. Qualification criteria

7 Educational needs

7.1. Introduction to the concept of attention to diversity

7.2. Attention to diversity in Citizen Z

8 Development of teaching units

8.1 Contents

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

Block 2. Production of oral texts

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

Block 4. Production of written texts

¬ Linguistic knowledge

- Communication functions

- Vocabulary

- Syntactic-discursive contents

- Graphic patterns and sounds

- Classroom language

Ø Learning strategies

Ø Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

8.2 Competences: Descriptors – Activities

8.3 Social awareness

8.4 Inter-disciplinary focus

8.5 Assessment criteria

8.6 Contents - Assessment criteria - Competences


Annex - Standards – Contents – Criteria – Competences


1.1 Theoretical Basis

Citizen Z is a method for teaching English designed for Primary and Secondary Education, achieving the objectives established by the curriculum for and preparing pupils for the Cambridge Key English Test, level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It is essential to underline the practical orientation of the method's approach as this enables pupils[1] to conclude this stage of their education with enough knowledge to be able to take an exam which is recognised and of great prestige internationally, Cambridge English Language Assessment offering the most complete range of exams and qualifications in English for both teachers and pupils world-wide. In this way, a double objective is met: pupils receive training in strategies, skills and abilities which are indispensable and in practising the process of learning a second language, with the guarantee of training which has long been a success: Key English Test (KET).[2]

Citizen Z has been designed for studying for the official Cambridge exams and is aimed at young people of between 12 and 18, depending on their degree of language skill at any once time, allowing pupils to improve gradually over the six books in the series.

Citizen Z is an entertaining general English course with ample preparation from the official Cambridge exams integrally included. This flexible course includes all the tools and technology needed in order to achieve the objectives set. Citizen Z is the only official school method with exam contents for English language assessment both produced and guaranteed by Cambridge. Its unique focus is designed to innovate within linguistic research with regards to English vocabulary: English Vocabulary Profile (EVP) is an online tool which provides pupils with detailed information about words, sentences, phrasal verbs and idioms. The objective of the Cambridge Learner Corpus (CLC) is to orientate pupils with regards to the exercises which will be of greatest use to them, whether in the Student's Book or in the Workbook. So for both learning English in general and for concentrating on exams, Citizen Z prepares you and your pupils for what is to come: official Cambridge exams or real life.

Citizen Z is designed to cover both pupils' and teachers' needs in a complete, dynamic, entertaining and rigorous fashion. The aim is not just to consolidate already acquired knowledge but also to be aware of it practical use. In the same way, the method has been written in such a way that pupils can understand and accept the fact that learning a second language, in this case English, is a continual process to be carried out over time, which is one of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)'s main principles. In addition, Citizen Z helps pupils to prepare each exam strategy gradually and in depth, which allows them to develop a full, rigorous view of the linguistic characteristics of English by using the four skills.

The fact that the teaching approach focuses on getting ready for the KET exam guarantees the learning, revision and consolidation of different facets of spoken and written language with specific training using specific techniques and strategies for this type of exam. This method provides teachers with the material they need to help and direct pupils to obtain a consolidated intermediate level in line with terms established by CEFR. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). One of the objectives is to contribute to the development of pupils' language skills in general and broaden their knowledge about the English language, always taking into account the characteristics of the KET exam model. In order to do this in a dynamic, attractive way, subjects of real interest are used, connected with the pupils' surroundings by using different, interesting strategies, activities and approaches.

Thanks to the method's methodological guidance, pupils will study the curricular contents in a simple, effective and gradual way, following a clear structure and a variety of activities which will consolidate practical as well as theoretical knowledge. The four skill are developed in this method in such a way that pupils can understand and assimilate contents not only to study for KET but also to use English in a practical way in real situations.

The method's most important facets include:

• Clearly presenting objectives.

• Attractive, motivating themes for pupils.

• Practical, easy-to-use material.

• Attention to diversity in the classroom.

• Integration of skills in a natural, practical way.

• Orientation towards pupils' autonomy in the learning process.

• Practical, necessary suggestions and advice for focusing on knowledge in a brief, concise way.

• A deductive approach to grammar which helps pupils to think about it and consolidate concepts studied in previous courses.

• This method motivates, integrates and offers challenges.

• It places pupils in real Cambridge exam situations.

• It provides pupils with real life situations in stories about pupils of the same age.

• It offers provides teachers and pupils with many opportunities to personalise their work sessions.

Citizen Z consists of an initial Welcome unit and 12 short units, dealing with a widest range of topics for adolescents than is offered by other books. There is also a cultural lesson after every other unit, and these encourage pupils to learn more about the world around them. After every other unit there is a revision section for revising and consolidating the contents of the previous two units by practising key language and skills.

Citizen Z introduces new concepts in the English language in a natural, gradual way and is based on the idea of continuity, giving what is learned a practical application and a view to the future which allows pupils to see the importance of English as a second language. But it aims to do more than just consolidate concepts which have already be learned and present new facets of the English language: it also shows pupils the need to learn the language in order to be able to use it in the future in professional and personal contexts.

This method's objectives are to cover pupils' real, objective needs in terms of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) parameters. The aim is to stimulate continual, practical learning which will be useful to the pupils and enable them to take the Cambridge Key English Test. This exam – recognised internationally in both academic and professional circles – confirms practical knowledge of English at a low level. To be able to take this exam successfully, candidates must show that they can start communication using appropriate vocabulary; that they can defend a point of view; that they are able to use different styles of communication, depending on each situation; that they are aware of the linguistic conventions of the English language; and that they can distinguish between different registers.

When studying for KET , pupils are required to learn, revise and consolidate different facets of oral and written language, as well as receiving training about specific techniques for the type of exam they are going to sit. When used in Primary Education, Citizen Z guarantees ideal training for a real, functional and practical basic level, helping and orientating Spanish pupils to develop language abilities in general and increase their knowledge of English.

As well as preparing pupils to take KET, Citizen Z also teaches the material required when learning English in Primary Education. This is done by integrating the contents and objectives at each stage, in this way teaching pupils with a double objective.

1.2 What does Citizen Z offer?

The materials in Citizen Z have been put together with the attitude that the pupils are not mere language learners. The pupils are taken to be, at all times, explorers who are investigating every facet of the process of learning.

Citizen Z is a method for teaching English which is eminently practical and is based on two basic approaches in terms of method:

1. The communicative approach enables Primary Education pupils to integrate skills in a natural, progressive way.

2. Studying for the exam for obtaining KET.

To this end, the subjects have been painstakingly chosen, with a deductive approach to linguistic questions, a variety of strategies and the method's uniform structure. During the preparation of the method, the pupils' age and interests were taken into account, as can be seen in the choice of texts, pictures and design, the type of activities, tactics for enabling, improving and expanding study techniques, etc.

The objective of the texts is to develop linguistic ability in English as much as possible, taking into account the diversity of the pupils' interests, their different rhythms of learning and different aptitudes and expectations. To do this, the right choice of contents and the organisation of learning has been fundamental in order to obtain the most possible from the three class-hours of English each week. Furthermore, an atmosphere for positive learning must be encouraged between teacher and pupils. Citizen Z offers a clear, simple method with appropriate, varied contents, analysed using interesting sources which encourage a balance between learning and entertainment, taking differences between pupils into account.

The creation of a positive atmosphere for learning depends to a large degree on the understanding between the teacher and the pupils, as well as the relationships that pupils have with one another. The teacher must listen with empathy and genuine interest and have certain psychological skills. Citizen Z makes it easy for the teacher to create a positive learning experience using clearly defined tasks, a great number of carefully designed exercises, opportunities for pupils to check their own work on a regular basis, and a teaching process designed to guarantee that pupils learn to express themselves both orally and in writing.

Citizen Z offers a greater number of productive activities with which pupils can develop their competences with written and oral expression (speaking and writing competences), as the same time as they continue developing their oral and reading comprehension (reading and listening competences).

The teacher becomes a guide and facilitator for learning during work in pairs, groups and role plays. This type of communication activities give pupils the chance to work independently, without the teacher. During this type of activities, the teacher stays to one side and only supervises and intervenes as necessary.

Citizen Z also pays special attention to cultural, linguistic and ethnic diversity at schools in our country because of its importance and influence on learning English.

The method's characteristics are:

1. A focus on specific aims and progress: pupils know clearly what they can do and how they should do it.

2. Language acquisition is genuine and significant. It is a matter of pupils gradually acquiring mechanisms for learning and the necessary strategies for becoming confident in English. To do this, current issues which are closely connected with their interests have been selected. English is practised in real contexts in the most natural, realistic was possible.

3. The learning process is dynamic and responsible. Throughout the course pupils must learn and use different cognitive strategies which allow them to be independent and reinforce and strengthen their skills. So they have to deduce, connect, put in sequence and be aware of their mistakes and those of their classmates.

With regards to how to use Citizen Z, we would like to underline the direct focus of each unit, enabling pupils to make use of reason and then gradually use more specific techniques, exercises and tasks. Skills, like contents, are dealt with from various angles so that pupils can distinguish between different approaches to learning in a dynamic way which they find interesting. The units are ordered in such a way that the degree of difficulty increases until each structure, skill or competence is mastered. So if, for example, the contents of a particular unit are grammatical, they are dealt with in sequence, starting with the most basic facets, deducing how they are used by actually using them, and using different activities which finally lead to the focus which the exam places on these contents. The same is true for skill and the different techniques used. In fact, Citizen Z offers sequential, deductive comprehension of the different facets of English, continually involving pupils and making them responsible for their own learning.

This course has been specifically drawn up for Spanish pupils, paying special attention to the linguistic considerations where there is greatest interference with their mother tongue, as well as frequent mistakes made by Spanish-speaking candidates in the Key English Test. To this end, strategies for oral and written production are gradually introduced in sequence. The method also allows an approach which helps to avoid mistakes and, in this way, obtain the most positive result in both academic and functional terms.

1.3 Course Components

Citizen Z includes a Student's Book, a Workbook with downloadable recordings) and a Teacher’s Book with Teacher’s Resources online and a DVD CD.

The Pupil's Book has 160 full colour pages and is divided into 12 main units, each one having 11 pages. At the end of every other unit there is a lesson about social skills or a culture and literature page and after every two units there is a revision section.

There are also six videos with stories about adolescents which are included in the Teacher's Book and on cards that go with them and which pupils can access online.

At the end of the Pupil's Book there is a section titled Extra materials with practise for the Key English Test, pronunciation activities, various pages of grammar reference (grammar reference) in which all the grammar in the Student’s Book is revised, offering key exercises for grammar revision as well as small, attractive grammar tables, which can be used in class or individually; and, lastly, a section titled speaking activities with situations for practising in pairs.

The Activities Book with recordings has 128 pages to offer pupils more practice of new vocabulary and grammar from the Student’s book and to enable pupils to work thoroughly on developing all their skills. It can be used in class and at home. The recordings which come with the book are MP3s in downloadable files available at elt/citizenz.

The Digital Student’s Book & Workbook includes 300 interactive activities as well the photo-stories' recordings and videos.

The Teacher's Book includes:

• Teaching notes for the Pupil's Book's 12 units including:

- each unit's objectives, which are shown in the Learning outcome at the start.

- Step-by-step notes for each activity

- Information about the exam tasks which are clearly referenced and what is tested in the exam.

- A wide range of ideas for reinforcement activities with sections titled Mixed ability, Optional extension for broadening knowledge, Fast finishers for continuity, in this way taking the diversity of the activities in the Pupil's Book into account.

- Sections of Background information which provide the teacher with more extensive information about a cultural lesson or about the subject dealt with in each unit.

- The solutions for the activities.

- Transcriptions of the recordings as well as underlined texts with keys to the oral comprehension activities.

• Dictated notes for the oral expression section (Language note).

• Citizen Z also provides printable material for teachers such as literature photocopies, grammar presentations, photocopies for videos, lists of bilingual words.

• The Test Generator enables teachers to create their own evaluation material depending on the pupils' needs. They can choose specific activities in order to evaluate vocabulary and grammar at any point of the course, teachers being able to create specific or cumulative tests immediately. Tests with two levels of difficulty are available: Standard and Extension. The Test Generator also creates tests which have already been prepared about the contents of each unit and each term and final tests, including mock Cambridge English Exams.


The class audio CDs have all the listening material needed for the Student’s book and the Workbook.


Law 8/2013, 9th December, for the Improvement of Educational Quality,

defines the syllabus as a series of objectives in each subject and educational stage; competences, or the ability to activate and apply the contents of each subject and educational stage in an integrated way, competences, or all the, abilities, competences and attitudes which help achieve the objective of each subject and educational stage and the acquisition of competences; didactic methodology, which includes the description of teaching practices and the organization of teachers' work; gradable standards and learning results ; and criteria of evaluation of the degree of competence acquisition and the objectives of each subject and educational stage.

The general objectives for this level are connected with the competences which pupils will have to use in all areas[3]:

a) Learning about and appreciating the values and norms of coexistence, learning to behave accordingly, preparing to become an active citizen and respect human rights, and the plurality typical of democratic societies.

b) Developing individual and team work habits, effort and responsibility when studying, confidence in oneself, critical capacity, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity when learning, and an enterprising spirit.

c) Acquiring competences for preventing and solving conflicts which allow pupils to work independently in the family context and in other social groups.

d) Learning about, understanding and respecting cultural differences and differences between people, equal rights and opportunities for men and women and the non-discrimination of disabled people.

e) Learning about and using the Spanish language appropriately and, if there is one, the co-official language of their Autonomous Community and developing reading habits.

f) Acquiring basic communication competences in at least one foreign language, allowing pupils to express and understand simple messages and get by in every day situations.

g) Developing basic mathematical competences and starting to solve problems which require basic calculation competences, knowledge of geometry and estimations, as well as being able to apply this knowledge in daily life.

h) Understanding the basic characteristics of Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Geography, History and Culture.

i) Starting using ICT for learning, examining messages received and sent critically.

j) Using different artistic manifestations and expressions and learning to make visual and audiovisual presentations.

k) Valuing hygiene and health, accepting your own body and others', respecting differences and using physical education and sport as means of encouraging personal and social development.

l) Learning about and valuing animals closest to humans and behaving in ways that help to look after them.

m) Developing emotional competences in all personal areas and relationships with others as well as opposing violence, all types of prejudice and sexist stereotypes.

n) Encouraging road education and respect, which help to prevent traffic accidents.



3.1 Introduction

In line with the European Parliament and Council's Recommendation 2006/962/EC,

18th December 2006, about key competences for continually learning, Decree 126/2014, 28th February, establishes a basic syllabus for Primary Education based on promoting learning by competences integrated in syllabus items.

These competences are taken to be "know-how" in the context of any academic, social or professional context. Learning using competences encourages learning and motivates learning as overall procedures for learning about each subject are acquired.

Pupils have to develop key competences throughout their compulsory education, in both primary and secondary levels. These competences help them to fulfil their potential, to become active citizens, become successful in their adult lives and enable them to enjoying continual learning.

Each and every part of the syllabus encourages the acquisition and development of these competences. Because of this, working on certain areas makes it possible to reach these objectives. They are not limited to particular subjects or levels. Some of the indispensable factors for achieving success include: the way in which centres are organised and managed; the style of teaching; the way in which key parts and players in the educational community interact; the availability of extra-curricular and complementary activities.

LOMCE uses the definitions of key competences established by the European Union[4].

LC - Linguistic Communication

MSCT - Mathematical competence and basic science and technology competences.

DC - Digital competences

LL - Learning to Learn

SCS - Social and Civic Competences.

SIE - Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship

CCE - Cultural Conscience and Expressions

The relation between contents, competences and evaluation criteria are described in Order ECD/65/2015.

Citizen Z complies with the laws and instructions given by the authorities with regards to education. The general approach is based on the acquisition of practical knowledge. The objective is to enable pupils to develop thanks to continual learning.

The great variety of activities included in Citizen Z help to integrate the learning of a foreign language with other parts of the syllabus. The programme is also designed to help with the overall development of the seven competences.

3.2 Citizen Z's contribution to acquiring Competences

Learning a foreign language leads to acquiring basic competences in the same way that studying other subjects does. This acquisition process is equally intense throughout the different levels which make up the education system which pupils follow.

Citizen Z contributes efficiently and systematically to acquiring each of the competences and does so within a communicative framework which guarantees that pupils become competent in English. This communicative approach is followed throughout the six levels in primary education.

Citizen Z's teaching objectives and the choice of contents have been selected in order to guarantee the development and acquisition of these basic competences.

Linguistic communication is based on the use of English as the vehicular language for oral and written communication.

Developing this competence by studying a foreign language leads to pupils improving their competences to express themselves orally and in writing. They develop this competence by using the appropriate linguistic register and discourse in each situation that they find themselves in.

Pupils' linguistic competences improve as they recognise and gradually master the rules in the foreign language. To ask for help, they can use their own language and reflect on the process of learning the new language.

The activities in Citizen Z allow pupils to acquire and develop the four competences (oral comprehension, written comprehension, oral expression and written expression), continually reinforcing the language with the underlying grammatical rules for learning English.

Mathematical competence is connected with the ability to reason. This involves making judgements and reaching conclusions by solving problems and using logic in a coherent manner. It is also important to use mathematical concepts in everyday life.

In order to acquire this competence, pupils must know and use the numerical system and its symbols. They must be familiar with different ways of expressing and finding solutions in numerical terms, while linguistic competences enable them to reason, develop explanations, form hypotheses and make use of deductive and inductive arguments, etc.

The activities in Citizen Z are often connected with mathematical processes. Pupils are presented with tasks involving reasoning and logic, including mathematical tasks, both orally and in writing. In this way the course helps them to develop and improve this competence.

Basic competences in science and technology involve being able to understand events and phenomena. This involves making predictions based on what has been heard or read about in connection with dietary habits, health and the environment, and being responsible consumers in daily life.

Citizen Z offers a wide range of oral and written texts with clear, detailed contents about these subjects, in this way encouraging pupils to understand events and phenomena and predict their consequences. Pupils improve their competences in English at the same time as they acquire this knowledge.

To be able to deal with this information and acquire digital competences pupils must know how to read, analyse and transmit the information they extract from all types of texts in English. They must be able to choose and organise the information which they hear and read. At the same time, this competence is directly connected with the integration of multimedia resources in the learning process.

Using interactive activities online (Online Workbook) material, Citizen Z helps pupils to make better use of digital technology. There are also texts in which the handling of information plays a crucial role, without this undermining other competences.

Learning to learn concentrates pupils' attention on what is expected of them in order to learn English. Memory and self-evaluation competences are also dealt with. Both of these competences are needed in all learning processes in which pupils form hypotheses about language, using the wide variety of examples from real life which are introduced in the text.

Citizen Z challenges pupils to get involved in an active way in the learning process when dealing with linguistic contents. Linguistic roles are taught in a subtle way so that pupils make their own deductions and hypotheses in a natural way, basing themselves on the principles of "universal grammar" which are intrinsic to acquiring a language.

Additionally, there is a specific lesson every four units to revise what has been learned, the course includes a continual process of self-evaluation, which also reinforces the basic competence of Learning to Learn. Throughout the learning process, Citizen Z continually encourages pupils to take part in cooperative learning, another pillar for learning to learn and, in this way, English becomes an tool for thinking about, interpreting and representing reality.

Social and civic competences consists of discovering and becoming familiar with the different social and cultural bases which underlie English. Likewise, respect and other values are reinforced by pair and group work.

Citizen Z teaches about cultural values - always taught in English - not only from British society and customs but also from other English-speaking countries such as Australia and the States. Respect and values are encouraged in a society which is continually evolving, in which cultural diversity stands out as one of the principles for the 21st Century. The contents of Citizen Z complement work carried out in the education system to reinforce these values and, in this way, helps pupils to acquire social and civic competences.

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit means being able to approach the learning process in an autonomous way or, otherwise, in cooperation with others in order to carry out whichever task is put forward.

Citizen Z encourages pupils to study independently, praising their sense of responsibility and self-knowledge and also stimulating creativity and imagination. Furthermore, as evaluation is closely connected with being critical and value judgements which can be made individually or in groups, respect, tolerance and understanding (towards themselves and towards classmates) are also encouraged.

Pupils take part in activities which allow them to reinforce their enterprising spirit and business sense using creativity, autonomy, initiative, team work, self-confidence and critical awareness.

Self discovery and development are to be found behind Cultural consciousness and expression. This competence develops the ability to understand and evaluate cultural and artistic manifestations in a critical way. As with social and civic competences, these competences reinforce human values.

Citizen Z's methodological approach is interactive and it is not only communication in English which is crucial: English is also the vehicular language used to give information about other cultures and societies and their values. This also helps teachers to make wider educational values become effective at their centres. Throughout the course, a wide variety of cultural and artistic themes are dealt with using different activities.

In order to encourage cultural and social competences, Citizen Z offers activities connected with the English-speaking world in which culture and art play an important part.

The main objective of Citizen Z is the acquisition of English and its culture. The language is used as a tool for making coherent value judgements about anything expressed in English either orally or in writing. Thanks to the wide range of activities offered in Citizen Z, the acquisition of competences is guaranteed.

3.3 Competences in Citizen Z

Competences are comprehensively developed throughout the fourteen units and in revision. They are to be found in the Teaching units development section. (See Section 5.5).

This document specifies a series of descriptors for acquiring and evaluating each of the competences, bearing in mind pupils of the age group's cognitive development and competences and in connection with the characteristics of the material in this course.

The programme for each unit specifies the ACTIVITIES to be carried out and the enable the measurement of the level of achievement of these DESCRIPTORS.

The competence descriptors we have set for this subject and stage are:

|Linguistic communication |

|Listen |

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|Understand simple oral messages and instructions and recognise familiar words and linguistic structures. |

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|Identify the gist and specific information from a short situation from repeated visualisations of the oral text. |

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|Recognise aural items such as accent, rhythm and correct intonation in familiar and varied contexts. |

|Speak |

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|Recite poems or sing a song with correct pronunciation and intonation. |

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|Give simple oral presentations. |

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|Give personal information and information about your surroundings in daily situations. |

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|Take part in spoken interaction spontaneously. |

|Read |

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|Identify relevant information on written posters and simple maps. |

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|Understand the general idea and specific details about familiar subjects. |

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|Deduce information from diverse texts about subjects of interest. |

|Write |

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|Reproduce simple texts using previously presented models. |

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|Fill in forms or cards with personal information and data. |

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|Write short letters, e-mails or postcards with personal information and information about your immediate surroundings. |

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|Write simple stories and descriptions. |

|Mathematical competences and basic science and technology competences. |

|Solve simple problems connected with familiar subjects. |

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|Interpret and show simple statistical data on simple graphs and tables. |

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|Order and classify data using appropriate criteria. |

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|Recognise daily objects' sizes and geometrical properties. |

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|Solve puzzles and crosswords. |

|Use various techniques and items to build an object after planning the actions required to do so. |

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|Identify and differentiate objects and resources in the immediate surroundings and what human beings do with them. |

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|Respect nature and animals in the environment. |

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|Be familiar with and follow healthy living practices. |

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|Find out about responsible behaviour for taking care of the environment. |

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|Apply strategies using methods from scientific research. |

|Digital competences |

|Use ICT to reinforce and support learning English. |

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|Give short presentations and create in English using various formats and digital tools. |

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|Locate basic information on digital sources and formats. |

|Social and Civic Competences. |

|Take part in group activities with respect and interest and share opinions. |

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|Show respect for your classmates and wait for your turn to speak. |

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|Understand and value the use of English for communicating with other people and to find out about other cultures. |

|Identify habits from countries in which foreign languages are spoken. |

|Cultural awareness and expressions. |

|Use artistic techniques and items in your presentations and projects. |

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|Take an active part in preparing and carrying out artistic activities in the classroom. |

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|Show interest in and respect for the culture of English-speaking countries. |

|Learning to Learn |

|Identify, plan and apply objectives for carrying out tasks and activities. |

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|Use tools and resources, such as dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts. |

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|Show an interest in carrying out self-evaluation and correcting your own mistakes. |

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|Use basic comprehension and expression strategies to help carry out tasks. |

|Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. |

|Look for information to be able to complete your tasks individually. |

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|Have a positive, proactive attitude to reading texts by yourself. |

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|Plan and check your work to be able to present it properly. |

Each unit's programme also includes connections between the unit's CONTENTS, EVALUATION CRITERIA AND COMPETENCES .

In the annex at the end of each document there is an EVALUATION FORM ABOUT COMPETENCES which includes the different descriptors set for acquiring the competences in each subject and school year.

The teacher can use this form to evaluate the competences and descriptors for each unit or whenever appropriate throughout the school year.

3.4 Multiple Intelligences

In 1983 US psychologist Howard Gardner developed the Theory of Multiple Intelligences [5] in which he stated that all humans have eight different types of intelligence which we use throughout life. Each individual develops them to greater or lesser degrees depending on their genetics and external stimuli. During the learning process the teacher must take all of them into account in order to make sure that the pupils can acquire knowledge using their own, personal competences.

The resources used in Citizen Z allow pupils to develop their communication competences in a natural way; in all units the seven competences are worked on in order for their minds to work in a complete manner. Based on these seven competences, different types of intelligence are developed. The activities in Citizen Z have been prepared with the objective of stimulating different types of intelligence, so there is always something of interest for every pupil.

Linguistic intelligence, sensitivity towards the written and spoken word and the ability to learn languages are key parts of Citizen Z and it is combined with other forms of intelligence.

Interpersonal intelligence- efficient communication with others - is a crucial factor in learning languages. Communication activities contribute to developing interpersonal competences and encourage pupils to work together and carry on developing communication strategies.

Interpersonal intelligence, understanding oneself, intimate thoughts and feelings, is an integral part of the learning process and is developed in each unit in Citizen Z, in this way enabling pupils to be more aware of themselves and the world around them.

Citizen Z deals with Musical intelligence in every unit, appreciation for rhythm and music through songs, chants and raps. As Howard Gardner points out, this intelligence works almost in parallel with linguistic intelligence.

When working with primary education pupils it is also very important to develop the body and mind together, which means that movement (body kinaesthetic) intelligence, coordination and connection with the whole body, is also taken into account.

There is a series of activities for developing logical-mathematical intelligence. These activities help to develop logical thought and problem solving.

Spatial intelligence, expression and understanding through the visual world, is also one of the keys to learning. Pupils are highly aware of the world around them and often think in terms of drawings and pictures. The attractive presentation of pictures in Citizen Z helps pupils to be more creative and stimulates their imagination.

Lastly, Naturalist intelligence, the ability to interact with the natural world around us, is fundamental for pupils' integral learning. In Citizen Z there are many observation activities about natural surroundings and reflections about our place in the world.

The eight multiple intelligences can be identified or associated with the competences to a certain extent. With regards to technological information and competences, Citizen Z comes with interactive online activities in which pupils have access to various resources for practising what they have learned in each unit, which also helps them to develop autonomous learning.

As well the competences, in each unit in Citizen Z different social and cultural factors are examined, attitudes and cross-curricular subjects being looked at using various types of activities. As part of values education, various areas are examined throughout the book: Moral and civic education, Health education, Peace education, Equality education, Consumer education, Classroom collaborative work. In this way pupils are taught to just to learn the language but also to value and respect other cultures, which contributes to their development as human beings.

English is also connected with other syllabus areas such as mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, artistic education, music and technology. This is because all the activities are designed not just to teach language but also to achieve other objectives.

When “cooperative learning or work” is mentioned in this programme, it must be understood in two ways: working in teams or small groups and cooperative work in itself. In both cases, the teacher will organise the classroom into small groups, but different types of methods are used. With group work, normally each group will be assigned a task and the result or final production will be evaluated; depending on each tasks, roles will be defined which must be distributed amongst the group members (spokesperson, coordinator…) so that each one has something to contribute. On the other hand, cooperative work has another nuance : the participation of each member of the groups is needed for learning to take place: the contents to be studied are given out amongst the team members and each member is responsible for preparing what he/she has been given and passing the knowledge on to the others; so the better an individual works, the more others learn too and, consequently, the team will be better prepared to do the tasks or activities it will be faced with.


4.1 Contents blocks

The basis syllabus in Primary Education for First Foreign Language learning is based around four blocks of activities as set out by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:

1. Comprehension of oral texts

2. Producing oral texts (expression and interaction)

3. Understanding written texts

4. Production of written texts (expression and interaction)

These four main blocks are the basis for the evaluation criteria and gradable learning standards as well as the syllabus contents, in other words all the knowledge, abilities, competences and attitudes which contribute to reaching the objectives and acquiring competences.

This didactic programme's contents for the 6th year of Primary Education are as follows:

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

1. Comprehension strategies

- Previous presentation of information about the task and subject

- Text identification and its comprehension.

- Distinguishing types of comprehension (gist, essential information, main points).

- Making hypotheses about contents and context.

- Inference and making hypotheses about meaning using comprehension of the main points, both linguistic and paralinguistic.

- Revising hypothesis using newly understood points.

2. Socio-cultural and socio-linguistic considerations: social conventions, rules and types of social norms, habits, values, beliefs and attitudes; non-verbal language.

• Respecting classmates' opinions.

• Respecting and complying with classroom rules.

• Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own.

• Reflect on knowing how to take care of yourself physically and psychologically.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as having hobbies.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as empathy.

• Reflect on the role of fashion and tastes in clothes.

• Interest in finding out about cultures other than your own: markets around the world.

• Reflect on the importance of eating well for health.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as being happy.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as apologising.

• Reflect on types of families which appear on TV.

• Interest in learning about cultures other than your own: Children's Day in different parts of the world.

• Reflect on the importance of having a community spirit.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as feeling safe.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as not judging people by their appearance.

• Reflect on the value of friendship and loyalty.

• Interest in finding out about cultures other than your own: myths about friendship.

• Reflect on looking after people and the environment.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as complying with classroom rules.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as solving problems.

• Reflect on the importance of trying, winning and losing.

• Interest in finding out about cultural issues: positive and negative sides to the Olympic Games.

• Reflect on valuing our world.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as being brave.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as helping the community.

• Interest in and reflection on appreciating other cultures.

• Interest in finding out about cultural matters such as ghost towns in different parts of the world.

• Reflect on the importance of exercise and health.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as asking for help when needed.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as facing up to negative feelings.

• Reflect on the positive effect of travel on the mind.

• Interest in finding out about cultural issues such as other people's experiences and journeys.

3. Communicative functions

• Expressing everyday routines and activities.

• Talking about tastes and preferences.

• Expressing warnings

• Expressing prohibition

• Pupils talk about present or real events

• Expressing frequency

• Describing leisure activities.

• Requesting information / objects in shops.

• Pupils talk about current events.

• Descriptions of taste, touch, smell, hearing

• Pupils talk about current events

• Describing places (shops)

• Describing clothes

• Describing food

• Asking for food / drink

• Expressing quantity

• Talking about tastes and preferences.

• Asking permission

• Describing family relationships

• Talking about / describing past events

• Expressing feelings.

• Giving suggestions

• Pupils talk about past events.

• Describing places (parts of a house)

• Describing objects (furniture)

• Describing qualities

• Talking about tastes and preferences

• Describing friendships.

• Expressing possession

• Requesting information

• Expressing the past.

• Describing personal qualities

• Offering apologies

• Expressing agreement or disagreement

• Requesting information / clearing up information

• Giving advice

• Expressing obligation / lack of obligation

• Giving recommendations

• Describing activities (chores)

• Describing sports.

• Pupils talk about things which happened in the past

• Expressing sequences

• Giving compliments.

• Description of the climate.

• Expressing comparisons

• Expressing ability

• Describing geographical features.

• Giving invitations

• Expressing plans

• Expressing intention

• Describing places

• Describing things in the city

• Expressing manner

• Giving predictions

• Expressing future events

• Expressing condition

• Expressing temporary nature

• Describing parts of the body

• Describing experiences

• Describing means of transport.

• Describing actions (connected with means of transport).

4. Syntactic-discursive contents

• Present simple review

• like + -ing

• Adverbs of frequency

• Present continuous

• Verbs about the senses: taste, smell, look, sound

• Present simple vs. present continuous

• Countable and uncountable nouns

• a/an, some, any

• How much / many, a lot of / lots of

• too and (not) enough

• Possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) and pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs)

• whose, possessive ‘s

• was / were

• Past simple (regular verbs)

• Modifiers: quite, very, really

• Past simple (irregular verbs)

• Double genitive (a friend of mine)

• Past simple questions

• have to / don’t have to

• should / shouldn’t

• mustn’t vs. don’t have to

• Past continuous

• Past continuous vs. past simple

• when, while

• Comparative adjectives

• Superlative adjectives

• can / can’t for ability

• ‘be going to’ for intentions

• Present continuous for arrangements

• Adverbs

• ‘will / won’t’ for future predictions

• First conditional

• Time clauses with ‘when / as soon as’

• Present perfect simple

• Present perfect with ‘ever / never’

• Present perfect vs. past simple

5. Very frequent oral vocabulary (reception)

• Hobbies: play an instrument, write a blog, be in a club, take photos, collect things, keep a pet.

• Collocations with have: have fun, have a good time, have a problem, have dinner, have a rest, have a shower.

• Shops: bookshop, newsagent’s, chemist’s, clothes shop, shoe shop, department store, supermarket, sport shop.

• Clothes: dress, jumper, jacket, shirt, shoes, shorts, trainers, trousers.

• Food and drink: carrots, cake, peppers, yoghurt, omelette, chilli con carne, coffee, beans, curry, salad.

• Adjectives for describing food: roast, boiled, grilled, fried.

• Expressions with have got: a problem, an idea, a headache, time, something to do.

• Members of the family: grandma, uncle, aunt, cousin, dad, grandpa, brother, wife, son, mother, sister, daughter.

• Feelings: upset, angry, surprised, confused, proud, relieved, worried, scared.

• Parts of a house and furniture: armchair, carpet, cooker, curtains, desk, lamp, mirror, shelves, shower, sofa, toilet, wardrobe; bathroom, bedroom, living room, sitting room, dining room, kitchen.

• Adjectives with -ed / -ing: annoyed, relaxed, bored, interested, amazed; boring, exciting, amazing, interesting, annoying.

• Phrasal verbs with look: look after, look up, look for, look at, look into.

• Expressions about the past: yesterday, yesterday morning / afternoon, last night, last week, last month, last December, an hour ago, two weeks ago, a month ago, a year ago.

• Adjectives about personality: intelligent, cheerful, jealous, helpful, confident, generous, easy-going, funny.

• Gadgets: satnav, MP3 player, torch, games console, remote control, coffee machine, calculator, docking station, hair dryer, headphones.

• Chores: vacuum the floor, tidy up, do the ironing, do the shopping, set / clear the table, do the washing-up, make the beds, do the cooking, do the washing, load / empty the dishwasher.

• Expressions with like: look like, sound like, like what.

• Sports, verbs for sports: sailing, diving, golf, gymnastics, rock-climbing, rugby, snowboarding, skiing, volleyball, windsurfing; play, go, do.

• Adverbs of sequence: at first, then, after, finally.

• Geographical features: ocean, hill, mountain, jungle, river, desert, lake, beach, island, forest.

• Climate: freezing, sunny, rainy, humid, windy, wet, cloudy, dry, warm, foggy, cold, hot.

• Expressions with : busy with, to do with me, with us.

• Places in the city: concert hall, car park, shopping mall, bus station, police station, post office, football stadium, sports centre.

• Things in the city - compound nouns: zebra crossing, youth club, speed camera, graffiti wall, cycle lane, litter bin, bill board, high street.

• Parts of the body: arm, leg, mouth, muscle, finger, foot, ear, eye, toe, hair, bone, thumb; ankle, back, elbow, knees, lips, neck, shoulder, stomach, throat, tongue.

• when / if

• Expressions with do: ice cream, homework, cooking, well.

• Transport and travel: minibus, helicopter, tram, motorbike, scooter, underground train.

• Verbs for travel: miss, fly, catch, take, ride, drive.

6. Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns

• Recognising, comparing and pronouncing plurals and 3rd person endings of present tense verbs: /s/, /z/ or /ɪz/.

• Recognising, comparing and pronouncing vowel sounds: /ɪ/ and /iː/.

• Recognising, comparing and pronouncing the ending -er: /ə/

• Recognising, comparing and pronouncing the endings of regular verbs in the past, -ed: /d/, /t/, /ɪd/.

• Recognising, comparing and pronouncing emphasis in one, two, three and four-syllable words following the Ooo, oOo, oOoo, ooOo models.

• Recognising, comparing and pronouncing vowel sounds: /ʊ/ and /uː/.

• Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation of weak and strong forms of was. /wɒz/, /wəz/ and were: /wɜː/, /wə/.

• Recognising, comparing and pronouncing vowel sounds /ɪ/ and /aɪ/.

• Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation of contracted forms of consonants: Voiced /ð/ and unvoiced /θ/.

• Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation of contracted forms of the consonant 'h': /h/, /’h/.

• Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation stress in sentences: sentence stress.

Block 2. Production of oral texts: expression and interaction

1. Production strategies


- Preparing messages systematically, distinguishing between the main idea or ideas and its basic structure.

- Write for the target reader, context and medium, using the appropriate registers and structures in each case.


- Transmit the message clearly, coherently, giving it the appropriate structure and adjusting it, when necessary, to each type of text's models and forms.

- Adjust the task or message after assessing its difficulties and the available resources.

- Take advantage of previous knowledge the maximum.

- Compensate for language deficits using paralinguistic or paratextual procedures:


o Modify words with similar meanings.

o Define or paraphrase terms and expressions.

Paralinguistics and paratexts

o Ask for help.

o Point out objects or carry out actions which clarify the meaning.

o Use culturally appropriate body language (gestures, facial expressions, postures, eye contact or body contact).

o Use extralinguistic sounds and conventional prosodic qualities.

2. Socio-cultural and socio-linguistic considerations: social conventions, rules and types of social norms, habits, values, beliefs and attitudes; non-verbal language.

• Respecting classmates' opinions.

• Respecting and complying with classroom rules.

• Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own.

• Reflect on knowing how to take care of yourself physically and psychologically.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as having hobbies.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as empathy.

• Reflect on the role of fashion and tastes in clothes.

• Interest in finding out about cultures other than your own: markets around the world.

• Reflect on the importance off eating well for health.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as being happy.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as apologising.

• Reflect on types of families which appear on TV.

• Interest in learning about cultures other than your own: Children's Day in different parts of the world.

• Reflect on the importance of having a community spirit.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as feeling safe.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as not judging people by their appearance.

• Reflect on the value of friendship and loyalty.

• Interest in finding out about cultures other than your own: myths about friendship.

• Reflect on looking after people and the environment.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as complying with classroom rules.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as solving problems.

• Reflect on the importance of trying, winning and losing.

• Interest in finding out about cultural issues: positive and negative sides to the Olympic Games.

• Reflect on valuing our world.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as being brave.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as helping the community.

• Interest in and reflection on appreciating other cultures.

• Interest in finding out about cultural matters such as ghost towns in different parts of the world.

• Reflect on the importance of exercise and health.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as asking for help when needed.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as facing up to negative feelings.

• Reflect on the positive effect of travel on the mind.

• Interest in finding out about cultural issues such as other people's experiences and journeys

3. Communicative functions

• Expressing everyday routines and activities.

• Talking about tastes and preferences.

• Expressing warnings

• Expressing prohibition

• Pupils talk about present or real events

• Expressing frequency

• Describing leisure activities.

• Requesting information / objects in shops.

• Pupils talk about current events.

• Descriptions of taste, touch, smell, hearing

• Pupils talk about current events

• Describing places (shops)

• Describing clothes

• Describing food

• Asking for food / drink

• Expressing quantity

• Talking about tastes and preferences

• Asking permission

• Describing family relationships

• Talking about / describing past events

• Expressing feelings.

• Giving suggestions

• Pupils talk about past events.

• Describing places (parts of a house)

• Describing objects (furniture)

• Describing qualities

• Talking about tastes and preferences

• Describing friendships.

• Expressing possession

• Requesting information

• Expressing the past.

• Describing personal qualities

• Offering apologies

• Expressing agreement or disagreement

• Requesting information / clearing up information

• Giving advice

• Expressing obligation / lack of obligation

• Giving recommendations

• Describing activities (chores)

• Describing sports.

• Pupils talk about things which happened in the past

• Expressing sequences

• Giving compliments.

• Description of the climate.

• Expressing comparisons

• Expressing ability

• Describing geographical features.

• Giving invitations

• Expressing plans

• Expressing intention

• Describing places

• Describing things in the city

• Expressing manner

• Giving predictions

• Expressing future events

• Expressing condition

• Expressing temporary nature

• Describing parts of the body

• Describing experiences

• Describing means of transport.

• Describing actions (connected with means of transport).

4. Syntactic-discursive contents

• Present simple review

• like + -ing

• Adverbs of frequency

• Present continuous

• Verbs about the senses: taste, smell, look, sound

• Present simple vs. present continuous

• Countable and uncountable nouns

• a/an, some, any

• How much / many, a lot of / lots of

• too and (not) enough

• Possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) and pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs)

• whose, possessive ‘s

• was / were

• Past simple (regular verbs)

• Modifiers: quite, very, really

• Past simple (irregular verbs)

• Double genitive (a friend of mine)

• Past simple questions

• have to / don’t have to

• should / shouldn’t

• mustn’t vs. don’t have to

• Past continuous

• Past continuous vs. past simple

• when, while

• Comparative adjectives

• Superlative adjectives

• can / can’t for ability

• ‘be going to’ for intentions

• Present continuous for arrangements

• Adverbs

• ‘will / won’t’ for future predictions

• First conditional

• Time clauses with ‘when / as soon as’

• Present perfect simple

• Present perfect with ‘ever / never’

• Present perfect vs. past simple

5. Very frequent oral vocabulary (production)

• Hobbies: play an instrument, write a blog, be in a club, take photos, collect things, keep a pet.

• Collocations with have: have fun, have a good time, have a problem, have dinner, have a rest, have a shower.

• Shops: bookshop, newsagent’s, chemist’s, clothes shop, shoe shop, department store, supermarket, sport shop.

• Clothes: dress, jumper, jacket, shirt, shoes, shorts, trainers, trousers.

• Food and drink: carrots, cake, peppers, yoghurt, omelette, chilli con carne, coffee, beans, curry, salad.

• Adjectives for describing food: roast, boiled, grilled, fried.

• Expressions with have got: a problem, an idea, a headache, time, something to do.

• Members of the family: grandma, uncle, aunt, cousin, dad, grandpa, brother, wife, son, mother, sister, daughter.

• Feelings: upset, angry, surprised, confused, proud, relieved, worried, scared.

• Parts of a house and furniture: armchair, carpet, cooker, curtains, desk, lamp, mirror, shelves, shower, sofa, toilet, wardrobe; bathroom, bedroom, living room, sitting room, dining room, kitchen.

• Adjectives with -ed / -ing: annoyed, relaxed, bored, interested, amazed; boring, exciting, amazing, interesting, annoying.

• Phrasal verbs with look: look after, look up, look for, look at, look into.

• Expressions about the past: yesterday, yesterday morning / afternoon, last night, last week, last month, last December, an hour ago, two weeks ago, a month ago, a year ago.

• Adjectives about personality: intelligent, cheerful, jealous, helpful, confident, generous, easy-going, funny.

• Gadgets: satnav, MP3 player, torch, games console, remote control, coffee machine, calculator, docking station, hair dryer, headphones.

• Chores: vacuum the floor, tidy up, do the ironing, do the shopping, set / clear the table, do the washing-up, make the beds, do the cooking, do the washing, load / empty the dishwasher.

• Expressions with like: look like, sound like, like what.

• Sports, verbs for sports: sailing, diving, golf, gymnastics, rock-climbing, rugby, snowboarding, skiing, volleyball, windsurfing; play, go, do.

• Adverbs of frequency: at first, then, after, finally.

• Geographical features: ocean, hill, mountain, jungle, river, desert, lake, beach, island, forest.

• Climate: freezing, sunny, rainy, humid, windy, wet, cloudy, dry, warm, foggy, cold, hot.

• Expressions with : busy with, to do with me, with us.

• Places in the city: concert hall, car park, shopping mall, bus station, police station, post office, football stadium, sports centre.

• Things in the city - compound nouns: zebra crossing, youth club, speed camera, graffiti wall, cycle lane, litter bin, bill board, high street.

• Parts of the body: arm, leg, mouth, muscle, finger, foot, ear, eye, toe, hair, bone, thumb; ankle, back, elbow, knees, lips, neck, shoulder, stomach, throat, tongue.

• when / if

• Expressions with do: ice cream, homework, cooking, well.

• Transport and travel: minibus, helicopter, tram, motorbike, scooter, underground train.

• Verbs for travel: miss, fly, catch, take, ride, drive.

6. Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns

• Recognising, comparing and pronouncing plurals and 3rd person endings of present tense verbs: /s/, /z/ or /ɪz/.

• Recognising, comparing and pronouncing vowel sounds: /ɪ/ and /iː/.

• Recognising, comparing and pronouncing the ending -er: /ə/

• Recognising, comparing and pronouncing the endings of regular verbs in the past, -ed: /d/, /t/, /ɪd/.

• Recognising, comparing and pronouncing emphasis in one, two, three and four-syllable words following the Ooo, oOo, oOoo, ooOo models.

• Recognising, comparing and pronouncing vowel sounds: /ʊ/ and /uː/.

• Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation of weak and strong forms of was. /wɒz/, /wəz/ and were: /wɜː/, /wə/.

• Recognising, comparing and pronouncing vowel sounds /ɪ/ and /aɪ/.

• Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation of contracted forms of consonants: Voiced /ð/ and unvoiced /θ/.

• Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation of contracted forms of the consonant 'h': /h/, /’h/.

• Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation stress in sentences: sentence stress.

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

1. Comprehension strategies

- Previous presentation of information about the task and subject

- Text identification and its comprehension.

- Distinguishing types of comprehension (gist, essential information, main points).

- Making hypotheses about contents and context.

- Inference and making hypotheses about meaning using comprehension of the main points, both linguistic and paralinguistic.

- Revising hypothesis using newly understood points.

2. Socio-cultural and socio-linguistic considerations: social conventions, rules and types of social norms, habits, values, beliefs and attitudes; non-verbal language.

• Respecting classmates' opinions.

• Respecting and complying with classroom rules.

• Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own.

• Reflect on knowing how to take care of yourself physically and psychologically.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as having hobbies.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as empathy.

• Reflect on the role of fashion and tastes in clothes.

• Interest in finding out about cultures other than your own: markets around the world.

• Reflect on the importance off eating well for health.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as being happy.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as apologising.

• Reflect on types of families which appear on TV.

• Interest in learning about cultures other than your own: Children's Day in different parts of the world.

• Reflect on the importance of having a community spirit.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as feeling safe.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as not judging people by their appearance.

• Reflect on the value of friendship and loyalty.

• Interest in finding out about cultures other than your own: myths about friendship.

• Reflect on looking after people and the environment.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as complying with classroom rules.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as solving problems.

• Reflect on the importance of trying, winning and losing.

• Interest in finding out about cultural issues: positive and negative sides to the Olympic Games.

• Reflect on valuing our world.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as being brave.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as helping the community.

• Interest in and reflection on appreciating other cultures.

• Interest in finding out about cultural matters such as ghost towns in different parts of the world.

• Reflect on the importance of exercise and health.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as asking for help when needed.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as facing up to negative feelings.

• Reflect on the positive effect of travel on the mind.

• Interest in finding out about cultural issues such as other people's experiences and journeys

3. Communicative functions

• Expressing everyday routines and activities.

• Talking about tastes and preferences.

• Expressing warnings

• Expressing prohibition

• Pupils talk about present or real events

• Expressing frequency

• Describing leisure activities.

• Requesting information / objects in shops.

• Pupils talk about current events.

• Descriptions of taste, touch, smell, hearing

• Pupils talk about current events

• Describing places (shops)

• Describing clothes

• Describing food

• Asking for food / drink

• Expressing quantity

• Talking about tastes and preferences

• Asking permission

• Describing family relationships

• Talking about / describing past events

• Expressing feelings.

• Giving suggestions

• Pupils talk about past events.

• Describing places (parts of a house)

• Describing objects (furniture)

• Describing qualities

• Talking about tastes and preferences

• Describing friendships.

• Expressing possession

• Requesting information

• Expressing the past.

• Describing personal qualities

• Offering apologies

• Expressing agreement or disagreement

• Requesting information / clearing up information

• Giving advice

• Expressing obligation / lack of obligation

• Giving recommendations

• Describing activities (chores)

• Describing sports.

• Pupils talk about things which happened in the past

• Expressing sequences

• Giving compliments.

• Description of the climate.

• Expressing comparisons

• Expressing ability

• Describing geographical features.

• Giving invitations

• Expressing plans

• Expressing intention

• Describing places

• Describing things in the city

• Expressing manner

• Giving predictions

• Expressing future events

• Expressing condition

• Expressing temporary nature

• Describing parts of the body

• Describing experiences

• Describing means of transport.

• Describing actions (connected with means of transport).

4. Syntactic-discursive contents

• Present simple review

• Like + ing

• Adverbs of frequency

• Present continuous

• Verbs about the senses: taste, smell, look, sound

• Present simple vs. present continuous

• Countable and uncountable nouns

• a/an, some, any

• How much / many, a lot of / lots of

• too and (not) enough

• Possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) and pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs)

• whose, possessive ‘s

• was / were

• Past simple (regular verbs)

• Modifiers: quite, very, really

• Past simple (irregular verbs)

• Double genitive (a friend of mine)

• Past simple questions

• have to / don’t have to

• should / shouldn’t

• mustn’t vs. don’t have to

• Past continuous

• Past continuous vs. past simple

• when, while

• Comparative adjectives

• Superlative adjectives

• can / can’t for ability

• ‘be going to’ for intentions

• Present continuous for arrangements

• Adverbs

• ‘will / won’t’ for future predictions

• First conditional

• Time clauses with ‘when / as soon as’

• Present perfect simple

• Present perfect with ‘ever / never’

• Present perfect vs. past simple

5. Very frequent written vocabulary (reception)

• Hobbies: play an instrument, write a blog, be in a club, take photos, collect things, keep a pet.

• Collocations with have: have fun, have a good time, have a problem, have dinner, have a rest, have a shower.

• Shops: bookshop, newsagent’s, chemist’s, clothes shop, shoe shop, department store, supermarket, sport shop.

• Clothes: dress, jumper, jacket, shirt, shoes, shorts, trainers, trousers.

• Food and drink: carrots, cake, peppers, yoghurt, omelette, chilli con carne, coffee, beans, curry, salad.

• Adjectives for describing food: roast, boiled, grilled, fried.

• Expressions with have got: a problem, an idea, a headache, time, something to do.

• Members of the family: grandma, uncle, aunt, cousin, dad, grandpa, brother, wife, son, mother, sister, daughter.

• Feelings: upset, angry, surprised, confused, proud, relieved, worried, scared.

• Parts of a house and furniture: armchair, carpet, cooker, curtains, desk, lamp, mirror, shelves, shower, sofa, toilet, wardrobe; bathroom, bedroom, living room, sitting room, dining room, kitchen.

• Adjectives with -ed / -ing: annoyed, relaxed, bored, interested, amazed; boring, exciting, amazing, interesting, annoying.

• Phrasal verbs with look: look after, look up, look for, look at, look into.

• Expressions about the past: yesterday, yesterday morning / afternoon, last night, last week, last month, last December, an hour ago, two weeks ago, a month ago, a year ago.

• Adjectives about personality: intelligent, cheerful, jealous, helpful, confident, generous, easy-going, funny.

• Gadgets: satnav, MP3 player, torch, games console, remote control, coffee machine, calculator, docking station, hair dryer, headphones.

• Chores: vacuum the floor, tidy up, do the ironing, do the shopping, set / clear the table, do the washing-up, make the beds, do the cooking, do the washing, load / empty the dishwasher.

• Expressions with like: look like, sound like, like what.

• Sports, verbs for sports: sailing, diving, golf, gymnastics, rock-climbing, rugby, snowboarding, skiing, volleyball, windsurfing; play, go, do.

• Adverbs of frequency: at first, then, after, finally.

• Geographical features: ocean, hill, mountain, jungle, river, desert, lake, beach, island, forest.

• Climate: freezing, sunny, rainy, humid, windy, wet, cloudy, dry, warm, foggy, cold, hot.

• Expressions with : busy with, to do with me, with us.

• Places in the city: concert hall, car park, shopping mall, bus station, police station, post office, football stadium, sports centre.

• Things in the city - compound nouns: zebra crossing, youth club, speed camera, graffiti wall, cycle lane, litter bin, bill board, high street.

• Parts of the body: arm, leg, mouth, muscle, finger, foot, ear, eye, toe, hair, bone, thumb; ankle, back, elbow, knees, lips, neck, shoulder, stomach, throat, tongue.

• when / if

• Expressions with do: ice cream, homework, cooking, well.

• Transport and travel: minibus, helicopter, tram, motorbike, scooter, underground train.

• Verbs for travel: miss, fly, catch, take, ride, drive.

6. Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions

• Recognising and using the main spelling norms.

• Recognising and using the correct contractions (I’m, she’s, they’re, it’s, we’re; who’s, we’ve, let’s, you’re, here’s).

Block 4. Production of written texts: expression and interaction

1. Production strategies


- Activate and coordinate general and communication competences in order to carry the task out efficiently.

- Identify and use the appropriate linguistic or subject resources.


- Communicate the message clearly using the models and patterns for each type of text.

- Adjust the task or message after assessing its difficulties and the available resources.

- Take advantage of previous knowledge the maximum.

2. Socio-cultural and socio-linguistic considerations: social conventions, rules and types of social norms, habits, values, beliefs and attitudes; non-verbal language.

• Respecting classmates' opinions.

• Respecting and complying with classroom rules.

• Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own.

• Reflect on knowing how to take care of yourself physically and psychologically.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as having hobbies.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as empathy.

• Reflect on the role of fashion and tastes in clothes.

• Interest in finding out about cultures other than your own: markets around the world.

• Reflect on the importance off eating well for health.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as being happy.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as apologising.

• Reflect on types of families which appear on TV.

• Interest in learning about cultures other than your own: Children's Day in different parts of the world.

• Reflect on the importance of having a community spirit.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as feeling safe.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as not judging people by their appearance.

• Reflect on the value of friendship and loyalty.

• Interest in finding out about cultures other than your own: myths about friendship.

• Reflect on looking after people and the environment.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as complying with classroom rules.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as solving problems.

• Reflect on the importance of trying, winning and losing.

• Interest in finding out about cultural issues: positive and negative sides to the Olympic Games.

• Reflect on valuing our world.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as being brave.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as helping the community.

• Interest in and reflection on appreciating other cultures.

• Interest in finding out about cultural matters such as ghost towns in different parts of the world.

• Reflect on the importance of exercise and health.

• Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as asking for help when needed.

• Show an interest in developing social skills such as facing up to negative feelings.

• Reflect on the positive effect of travel on the mind.

• Interest in finding out about cultural issues such as other people's experiences and journeys

3. Communicative functions

• Expressing everyday routines and activities.

• Talking about tastes and preferences.

• Expressing warnings

• Expressing prohibition

• Pupils talk about present or real events

• Expressing frequency

• Describing leisure activities.

• Requesting information / objects in shops.

• Pupils talk about current events.

• Descriptions of taste, touch, smell, hearing

• Pupils talk about current events

• Describing places (shops)

• Describing clothes

• Describing food

• Asking for food / drink

• Expressing quantity

• Talking about tastes and preferences

• Asking permission

• Describing family relationships

• Talking about / describing past events

• Expressing feelings.

• Giving suggestions

• Pupils talk about past events.

• Describing places (parts of a house)

• Describing objects (furniture)

• Describing qualities

• Talking about tastes and preferences

• Describing friendships.

• Expressing possession

• Requesting information

• Expressing the past.

• Describing personal qualities

• Offering apologies

• Expressing agreement or disagreement

• Requesting information / clearing up information

• Giving advice

• Expressing obligation / lack of obligation

• Giving recommendations

• Describing activities (chores)

• Describing sports.

• Pupils talk about things which happened in the past

• Expressing sequences

• Giving compliments.

• Description of the climate.

• Expressing comparisons

• Expressing ability

• Describing geographical features.

• Giving invitations

• Expressing plans

• Expressing intention

• Describing places

• Describing things in the city

• Expressing manner

• Giving predictions

• Expressing future events

• Expressing condition

• Expressing temporary nature

• Describing parts of the body

• Describing experiences

• Describing means of transport.

• Describing actions (connected with means of transport).

4. Syntactic-discursive contents

• Present simple review

• Like + ing

• Adverbs of frequency

• Present continuous

• Verbs about the senses: taste, smell, look, sound

• Present simple vs. present continuous

• Countable and uncountable nouns

• a/an, some, any

• How much / many, a lot of / lots of

• too and (not) enough

• Possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) and pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs)

• whose, possessive ‘s

• was / were

• Past simple (regular verbs)

• Modifiers: quite, very, really

• Past simple (irregular verbs)

• Double genitive (a friend of mine)

• Past simple questions

• have to / don’t have to

• should / shouldn’t

• mustn’t vs. don’t have to

• Past continuous

• Past continuous vs. past simple

• when, while

• Comparative adjectives

• Superlative adjectives

• can / can’t for ability

• ‘be going to’ for intentions

• Present continuous for arrangements

• Adverbs

• ‘will / won’t’ for future predictions

• First conditional

• Time clauses with ‘when / as soon as’

• Present perfect simple

• Present perfect with ‘ever / never’

• Present perfect vs. past simple

5. Very frequent written vocabulary (production)

• Hobbies: play an instrument, write a blog, be in a club, take photos, collect things, keep a pet.

• Collocations with have: have fun, have a good time, have a problem, have dinner, have a rest, have a shower.

• Shops: bookshop, newsagent’s, chemist’s, clothes shop, shoe shop, department store, supermarket, sport shop.

• Clothes: dress, jumper, jacket, shirt, shoes, shorts, trainers, trousers.

• Food and drink: carrots, cake, peppers, yoghurt, omelette, chilli con carne, coffee, beans, curry, salad.

• Adjectives for describing food: roast, boiled, grilled, fried.

• Expressions with have got: a problem, an idea, a headache, time, something to do.

• Members of the family: grandma, uncle, aunt, cousin, dad, grandpa, brother, wife, son, mother, sister, daughter.

• Feelings: upset, angry, surprised, confused, proud, relieved, worried, scared.

• Parts of a house and furniture: armchair, carpet, cooker, curtains, desk, lamp, mirror, shelves, shower, sofa, toilet, wardrobe; bathroom, bedroom, living room, sitting room, dining room, kitchen.

• Adjectives with -ed / -ing: annoyed, relaxed, bored, interested, amazed; boring, exciting, amazing, interesting, annoying.

• Phrasal verbs with look: look after, look up, look for, look at, look into.

• Expressions about the past: yesterday, yesterday morning / afternoon, last night, last week, last month, last December, an hour ago, two weeks ago, a month ago, a year ago.

• Adjectives about personality: intelligent, cheerful, jealous, helpful, confident, generous, easy-going, funny.

• Gadgets: satnav, MP3 player, torch, games console, remote control, coffee machine, calculator, docking station, hair dryer, headphones.

• Chores: vacuum the floor, tidy up, do the ironing, do the shopping, set / clear the table, do the washing-up, make the beds, do the cooking, do the washing, load / empty the dishwasher.

• Expressions with like: look like, sound like, like what.

• Sports, verbs for sports: sailing, diving, golf, gymnastics, rock-climbing, rugby, snowboarding, skiing, volleyball, windsurfing; play, go, do.

• Adverbs of frequency: at first, then, after, finally.

• Geographical features: ocean, hill, mountain, jungle, river, desert, lake, beach, island, forest.

• Climate: freezing, sunny, rainy, humid, windy, wet, cloudy, dry, warm, foggy, cold, hot.

• Expressions with : busy with, to do with me, with us.

• Places in the city: concert hall, car park, shopping mall, bus station, police station, post office, football stadium, sports centre.

• Things in the city - compound nouns: zebra crossing, youth club, speed camera, graffiti wall, cycle lane, litter bin, bill board, high street.

• Parts of the body: arm, leg, mouth, muscle, finger, foot, ear, eye, toe, hair, bone, thumb; ankle, back, elbow, knees, lips, neck, shoulder, stomach, throat, tongue.

• when / if

• Expressions with do: ice cream, homework, cooking, well.

• Transport and travel: minibus, helicopter, tram, motorbike, scooter, underground train.

• Verbs for travel: miss, fly, catch, take, ride, drive.

6. Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions

• Recognising and using the main spelling norms.

• Recognising and using the correct contractions (I’m, she’s, they’re, it’s, we’re; who’s, we’ve, let’s, you’re, here’s).

4.2 Minimum contents

When evaluating, it is essential to establish minimum contents. These contents will be a point of reference for the teacher and pupils when evaluating their progress in the process of learning and be the basis for different types of evaluation. Mastering these contents, which are backed up by different evaluation tools, confirms pupils' progress and explains their positive results (at the end of the academic year or at the end of the evaluation).

(See Section 4.1, Content blocks, in this teaching programme)


In order to grade the performance or achievement of each pupil during Primary Education the syllabus sets criteria for evaluation. These specifications are called learning standards and enable definition of the results of learning and are based on what pupils should know and know what to do in each subject.

Learning standards must be observable, measurable and possible to evaluate and, along with evaluation criteria, must be used to evaluate competences and objectives in continual evaluations and at the end of each subject. Because of this, syllabus learning standards are set for the whole of Primary Education.

As can be seen in the way learning standards are phrased, The pupils are closely connected with the development of linguistic competence, in such a way that The pupils can be used to check the specific standard of achievement or degree of realisation of objectives during each school year.

In this way the connection between evaluation standards and key competences is this subject and school year is set as follows for this programme:


|General standards for the level |5th & 6th Primary |

| | |

|Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts |LISTEN |

| | |

|Understanding the gist of adverts about products of interest. | |

| |Understand simple oral messages and instructions and recognise |

|Understanding messages and public announcements with contain |familiar words and linguistic structures. |

|instructions, warnings or other types of information. | |

| |Identify the gist and specific information from a short |

|Understanding what is said during usual transactions. |situation from repeated visualisations of the oral text. |

| | |

|Identifying the subject of a predictable daily conversation |Recognise aural items such as accent, rhythm and correct |

|which you hear. |intonation in familiar and varied contexts. |

| | |

|Understanding the gist of short, simple conversations about | |

|family matters and which you take part in. | |

| | |

|Understanding the gist of simple, well structured, clear, | |

|slowly delivered presentations about family matters or matters | |

|of interest helped by pictures and illustrations. | |

| | |

|Understanding the gist and identifying subject changes in | |

|television programmes and other audiovisual materials about | |

|matters of interest. | |

| | |

|Block 2. Producing oral texts |SPEAK |

| | |

|Make short presentations, previously prepared and practised, |Recite poems or sing a song with correct pronunciation and |

|about daily subjects or things of interest. |intonation. |

| | |

|Cope in daily situations. |Give simple oral presentations. |

| | |

|Take part in direct conversations or using technical resources |Give personal information and information about your |

|to make social contact. |surroundings in daily situations. |

| | |

|Take part in an interview and give personal information. |Take part in spoken interaction spontaneously. |

| | |

|Block 3. Understanding written texts |READING |

| | |

| | |

|Understanding instructions, explanations and basic information |Identify relevant information on written posters and simple |

|in notes, signs and posters. |maps. |

| | |

|Understanding essential information and identifying specific |Understand the general idea and specific details about familiar |

|information in simple informative texts. |subjects. |

| | |

|Understanding brief, simple correspondence about familiar |Deduce information from diverse texts about subjects of |

|subjects. |interest. |

| | |

|Understanding the gist of short pieces of news and articles | |

|about familiar subjects or subjects of interest. | |

| | |

|Understanding the gist of short, well structured stories in | |

|which pictures or actions transmit a large part of the | |

|information. | |

| | |

| | |

|Block 4. Producing written scripts |WRITING |

| | |

| | |

|Fill in a short form or card with your personal data. |Reproduce simple texts using previously presented models. |

| | |

|Write personal correspondence with short messages or talk about|Fill in forms or cards with personal information and data. |

|yourself and your immediate surroundings. | |

| |Write short letters, e-mails or postcards with personal |

| |information and information about your immediate surroundings. |

| | |

| |Write simple stories and descriptions. |


1. Presentation

The process of teaching and learning is incomplete if the process in itself is not valued and the results are not measured. Assessment is necessary in order to check to what extent the foreseen objectives have been achieved and, consequently, adapt the educational process to pupils' needs and characteristics. Assessment must provide information about what pupils have learned and how they have learned it. Thanks to evaluation, we can determine what help each pupil needs in order to guarantee progress.

Although all components of educational systems must be evaluated and can be improved, at present we will assume that the main objective of evaluation is pupils' academic progress.

As well as considering the progress of the group as a whole, it is indispensable to follow individual pupil's progress taking into account different forms and rhythms of learning in order to know exactly what teaching intervention each pupil needs.

Clearly, evaluation is usually carried out by the teacher. However, bearing in mind the fact that our approach aims to involve pupils in their own learning, it is reasonable that they, too, should be involved in the evaluation process. What the pupils say about how they see their own learning must be taken into account: the difficulties they find in the process and, especially, their tastes and preferences with regards to how to learn English.

Assessment is needed throughout the stages of learning:

• At the beginning of the process, the starting point must be evaluated (what pupils already know, what they do not and what they know imperfectly). This evaluation allows us to anticipate problems and adapt the teaching programme. This can be done at the start of the academic year, the term or even at the start of each unit.

• During the process, evaluation helps the teacher to take decisions about areas where more work is needed, about extending, removing or reinforcing contents about whether the programme should be altered in any way.

• At the end of each educational stage, evaluation allows the teacher to see if the results of the teaching-learning process match the objectives.

Assessment must consist of a diverse combination of tools which provide objective, quantitative data in order to give information about the process and make it possible to assess each pupil. Tools or assessment strategies include observation in class, correctly monitoring parameters (tasks being carried out or not, greater or lesser participation, greater or lesser interest in learning…), written tests (with questions in different formats: singular answers, short answers, multiple choice, association of ideas or concepts…), oral interaction, with the teacher or between pupils, and taking part in team work and/or cooperative work and their results. Once more, the objective is to have carefully collected data which gives a precise record of progress made with learning and possible difficulties.

In all cases, the most important thing is to always choose the tool which gives the most information about the teaching-learning process we want to find out about and deal with.

6.2 Assessment criteria

Assessment criteria can be defined as reference norms which establish the type of learning and also the extent to which each pupil can be expected to acquire knowledge and competence.

These criteria allow us to establish and evaluate pupils' progress appropriately, both individually and a group. The materials in Citizen Z are in line with the following evaluation criteria and legislation about primary education:

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

- Identifying the gist, the essential information and main points in very short oral texts with standard language, simple structures and frequently used vocabulary, enunciated with clarity and slowly, read live or using technical resources, about specific, usual subjects connected with personal experiences, needs and interests in predictable daily contexts or connected with areas of immediate need in the personal, public or educational areas, with good acoustic conditions and no distortion of the message, with the possibility of listening to the message again or asking for confirmation and with visual support or a clear visual context reference.

- Knowing and using the most appropriate basic strategies for general comprehension of the text's essential information or main points.

- Identifying basic, meaningful social and cultural features about daily life, interpersonal relationships, behaviour and social conventions andmaking use of the knowledge acquired about them to understand the text correctly.

- Distinguishing between the main communicative function or functions of the text and a limited repertoire of their most usual features, as well as basic patterns of expression.

- Recognising the most common meanings associated with basic syntax structures in oral communication.

- Recognising a limited repertoire of oral vocabulary often used in everyday situations and usual, specific subjects connected with needs and interests and using the context indicators and the information in the text to form an idea about the probable meanings of unfamiliar words and expressions.

- Distinguishing between sound patterns, accents, rhythms and basic intonation and recognising general communicative meanings and intentions connected with them.

Block 2. Production of oral texts

- Taking part in a simple, comprehensible way in short conversations which involve a direct exchange of information in areas of immediate need or about familiar subjects using a neutral, informal register, using simple phases or expressions of frequent use, which are normally used separately or linking them with basic connectors, even though the pronunciation may not always be clear, although there may be pauses and hesitations and repetition may be required, as well as paraphrasing and the interlocutor's cooperation in order to keep communication going.

- Knowing and being able to use basic strategies in order to produce oral texts about single subjects or very short, simple dialogues.

- Knowing specific and meaningful basic sociocultural and sociolinguistic features, applying knowledge about them when speaking in the same context, respecting the most basic communicative conventions.

- Comply with the text's main communicative function, using a limited repertoire of its most frequent features and basic communication patterns.

- Using basic syntax structures (eg. linking words and groups of words with basic connectors such as "and", "then", "but" and "because") although still making basic mistakes habitually.

- Knowing and using a much used, limited oral repertoire in daily situations about usual, specific subjects connected with interests, experiences and needs.

- Using, in a general comprehensible manner, albeit obviously influenced by mother tongue or other languages, a very limited repertoire of basic sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns, adapting them to the communicative task desired.

- Making yourself understood in short, simple speech, although initial hesitation and faltering are apparent, as are repetitions and pauses to organise, correct and better express what you want to say.

- Interact in a very basic way, using very simple techniques, both language and non-verbal at first, to hold or conclude a conversation.

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

- Identifying the subject, the gist, the main ideas and specific information in very short, simple texts, in standard language, with often used vocabulary, in which the subject and the type of text are highly familiar, dealing with everyday subjects or matters of immediate need, with the possibility of re-reading if you have not understood it, using a dictionary and with visual and context support.

- Knowingand knowing how to use the most appropriate strategies to understand the gist, essential information or the text's main points.

- Identifying specific and meaningful sociocultural and sociolinguistic features about daily life, living conditions, personal relationships and social conventions, and apply the knowledge used to understand the text correctly.

- Distinguishing the text's communication function or functions and a limited repertoire from its most usual features, as well as basic communication patterns.

- Recognising the basic syntax structures associated with the main principles of written communication.

- Recognising a limited repertoire of frequently used vocabulary about very day situations and usual, specific subjects connected with your experiences, needs and interests, and inferring the probably meanings of words and expressions from the context and other information in the text.

- Recognising basic punctuation marks, as well as frequently used symbols, and identifying the meanings and general communicative purpose of each one.

Block 4. Production of written scripts

- Write very short, simple texts made up of simple, independent sentences, in a neutral register, in a reasonably correct way in terms of basic punctuation, to speak about yourself, your immediate surroundings and things from your daily life in predictable, familiar situations.

- Knowing and applying basic strategies for producing very simple, short written texts.

- Knowing basic, specific and meaningful sociocultural and sociolinguistic features and applying this knowledge to write a context appropriate text.

- Comply with the written text's main communicative function using a limited repertoire of the most frequently used features and communication patterns.

- Using basic syntax structures, although still making basic mistakes habitually.

- Knowing and using frequent written vocabulary about daily situations and usual, specific subjects connected with your interests, experiences and needs.

- Using chart patterns and basic punctuation conventions to write words and short sentences which are often used in speech reasonably correctly, although not necessarily completely correctly.

As we stated in the previous section, both evaluation criteria and their application - learning standards - must be items in terms of objective achievement and each stage's competences.

Furthermore, for specific evaluation of the degree of achievement in terms of these criteria in Primary, the teacher may use the descriptors listed in section 3 (Competences) and 5 (Learning Standards) and in this programme's Didactic Units Development.

6.3 Assessment in Citizen Z

It is best to use continual evaluation with pupils of this age, following their progress in the classroom and using the information obtained while teaching. Continual evaluation is based on the teacher following the pupils' progress and using the knowledge acquired in that way to direct them, which makes the pupils' role even more active: they learn the guidelines which the teacher gives them and also their own following of them.

Pupils neither develop at the same rate nor learn in the same way, so each pupil must be evaluated individually and not compared with classmates. The objective must be based on each pupil's progress and development.

As well as their progress in English, pupils' social and emotional development must be evaluated and observed. The teacher must praise pupils' progress and work in pairs and as a group as well as giving them instructions about how to make progress with their English.

The following evaluation criteria are in line with legal requirements and the teaching materials offering in Citizen Z and are taken to be important, necessary areas for evaluation.

1. Oral comprehension. The aim is to check pupils' ability to understand the gist of short oral messages, given in ideal communication conditions, in other words, direct communication situations with helpful contexts.

2. Understanding specific messages. The aim is to check the ability to understand not only the gist but also specific details, which have been previously pointed out, from simple oral and written texts which are familiar to the pupils, although they may not fully understand some other parts of the message.

3. Producing messages. The teacher evaluates pupils' ability to express themselves orally in everyday situations. The comprehensibility of the message is particularly evaluated, excusing possible pronunciation mistakes which do not affect understanding.

4. Pronunciation. The aim is to check have assimilated the English phonetic system: its phonemes' rhythm and intonations, whether they can use it in comprehension and for producing simple messages in already familiar contexts.

5. Assimilation of new vocabulary. With this criteria the aim is to evaluate the ability to understand and use vocabulary appropriately and expressions which have been learned. Vocabulary assimilation is always checked in situations with a context and close the the pupils' own experience.

6. Class participation. Observe how pupils behave to assess whether they participate in a constructive form in class communication situations, respecting the rules for the exchange of information.

7. Collaborative work. This, too, is evaluated by observing pupils' behaviour, seeing whether they take part in a constructive way in group activities, collaborating in a harmonious learning process in the classroom.

8. Individual work. By observing pupils' behaviour, their individual work is evaluated with regards to correct contents, care taken with presentations and timely completion of tasks.

9. Interest in learning. The aim is to check that pupils are interested in advancing in their learning and curious to learn new things, if they pay attention in class, ask questions and ask about their doubts.

10. Respect for others. There is an evaluation of whether pupils respect their classmates and teachers, listen to them without interrupting them, respecting turns to speak and appreciating others' ideas and opinions.

11. Interest in finding out about other cultures. There is an evaluation of whether pupils are interested in finding out about culture in English-speaking countries, if they pay attention when such subjects are talked about and if they ask questions in order to widen their knowledge.

12. Using polite forms. The aim is to observe in order to check that pupils use the polite forms in English that they learn and include them in normal class routine.

In order to have an overall appreciation of the whole of the class, the teacher may draw up a double-entry table with a vertical list of the pupils and, horizontally, the numbers for evaluation criteria. By marking the boxes using a colour code which shows to what extent objectives have been achieved (for example, green for good, blue for acceptable, red for insufficient), the group's progress can be seen at a simple glance.

Discipline also forms part of any good evaluation. By channelling pupils' innate energy in the right direction, the teacher can avoid rebelliousness and discipline problems. Many problems of this type arise when pupils get bored, when the level is beneath them or when activities are too repetitive. Citizen Z has been designed to take into account the very diverse needs and desires of different pupils and, thanks to this, it includes a wide variety of activities for them to enjoy.

However, it is important for the teacher to mark the rules with regards to discipline in the classroom, making sure that pupils know what is and what is not acceptable, and treating all pupils alike. If clear, fair discipline parameters are established, a 'safe' atmosphere will be created in the classroom and pupils will study freely and with confidence.

In order to keep the interest of the smallest pupils, the teacher must find a balance between their limitless energy and short span of concentration in order to avoid boredom, restlessness and lack of motivation, things which lead to discipline problems.

6.4 Assessment tools in Citizen Z

The Test Generator enables teachers to create their own evaluation material depending on the pupils' needs. They can choose specific activities in order to evaluate vocabulary and grammar at any point of the course, teachers being able to create specific or cumulative tests immediately. Tests with two levels of difficulty are available: Standard and Extension. The Test Generator also creates tests which have already been prepared about the contents of each unit and each term and final tests, including mock Cambridge English Exams.

Every two units in the Pupil's Book there is a section called Get it right! which includes three types of activities: additional vocabulary and grammar practice with specific activities to support learning in areas of greater difficulty for pupils and where most mistakes are made (Corpus challenge) and a pronunciation section: Say it right!

Every two units in the Pupil's Book there is also a self-assessment section called Test Yourself for pupils to revise the vocabulary, grammar and functional language concepts which they need to reinforce.

In the annex at the end of this document there is a COMPETENCES EVALUATION FORM, broken into different descriptors, which the teacher may use at the end of each unit, each quarter or whenever appropriate throughout the school year.

6.5. Qualification criteria

As mentioned in point 6.1, one of the objectives of assessment is to specify how much each pupil has learned. This information will be used to take important decisions, so the parameters used to fix them and communicate them will be used for taking important decisions. In other words, the teacher and the pupils will know where their weak points are and, consequently, which area or areas of knowledge they should focus on.

In order to proceed as explained in the previous paragraph, the best thing is to assess unit by unit, making use of the contents specifications in point 8. To do this, we include reference values table using percentage values to make them easily understood. The idea is not to fill in a table like this for each pupil but, when giving marks, teachers should take into account the importance of different things studied, how much they count towards final marks and, as appropriate, shortcomings and reinforcement tasks.

|TEACHING UNIT |% |% total |

|Block |1. Oral Comprehension |15 |60 |

| |2. Oral production |15 | |

| |3. Written comprehension |15 | |

| |4. Writing expression |15 | |

|Transversal features in the blocks|Communication functions |4 |28 |

| |Vocabulary |4 | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents |4 | |

| |Graphic patterns and sounds |4 | |

| |Classroom language |4 | |

| |Learning strategies |4 | |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects |4 | |

|3 Social awareness |12 |

| |100 |

This approximation makes it easier, to a large extent, to make the adjustments required for pupils with special needs (see point 7). Let us take a pupil with hearing problems: obviously, the percentages for blocks 1 and 2 can be reduced, as can those for pronunciation, and they can be assigned to the other blocks.

Marks can also be altered depending on what we call correction factors, affecting final marks by ± 5-10%. These factors are:

- Intention to communicate in English.

- Motivation for learning English.

- Personal work: effort, persistence…

It is also the case that any dishonest attitude (eg. copying in written tests or stealing other people's work) will lead to losing all points from that teaching unit or all the units taught until then during the term.


7.1. Introduction to the concept of attention to diversity.

Educating means doing everything possible for all the pupils to obtain maximum personal, intellectual, social and emotional development and, of course, for them to achieve the objectives set by the curriculum. This means taking great care with attention to diversity with regards to pupils. Obviously, each person is different, but we know that the pupils who need greatest attention in terms of educational adjustment are those who need specific educational help, and they fall into the following categories:

a) pupils with special educational needs dues to an inability or serious behaviour disorders;

b) pupils with high intellectual capacity;

c) pupils who have joined our educational system late;

d) pupils with specific learning difficulties;

e) pupils with special educational needs due to personal conditions or school history.

Except for the group who have joined late, and because learning English is a principle independent from the educational system, the rest of the pupils will, as we say, need adjustments to deal with their individual characteristics. We will deal briefly with each profile (taking into account the fact that the educational approach for pupils with more than one problem will be more complex).

• Pupils with educational needs due to disabilities or serious behaviour disorders.

Their disability may be physical (sensory or movement), intellectual or connected with language disability. In the first case, the most usual problems are significant sight, hearing or movement problems. This disability will lead to pupils having greater or lesser difficulties with certain linguistic abilities (eg., listening for hypo acoustic children). So, in the first place, the teacher must modify the objectives and, secondly, use methodical means to access the curriculum, which will vary depending on each disability. In other words, modify the learning process for each pupil's particular characteristics (to continue with the same example, emphasising visual access, taking into account the pupil's hearing problems), giving more emphasis to activities, materials, resources, etc, which support the learning process.

For pupils with intellectual disability and language disorder (in terms of expression and/or comprehension), the teacher faces a completely different problem as, in general, pupils will need a highly adapted version of the curriculum in terms of objectives and contents, and assessment in similar terms. Specifically for pupils with language disorder, bearing in mind that they already have problems with their mother tongue, it is easy to imagine that learning a second (or third) language will not be easy for them. For all of these pupils, decisions about their academic course must be slowly taken, in coordination with the Orientation Department, as some of them may well not achieve the objectives set in terms of competences in each stage.

Behaviour disorder is usually, though not always, related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In all cases, the teacher must use standard measures to deal with these pupils' difficulties. Briefly, we should mention: balancing the right class routine with new, motivating teaching approaches, positioning pupils carefully, reinforcing success, valuing effort more than results (taking care of self-esteem and motivation), modifying assessment tools, etc. If there is no maladjustment, these objectives should not be modified. If there is a discrepancy, the possibility of adapting the syllabus may be taken into account, always bearing in mind the competences which have to be acquired in order to go forward or obtain qualifications.

• Pupils with high intellectual capacity.

These pupils' main problem is usually lack of motivation, the result of having to perform learning activities which they are already beyond. It is the teacher's job to use appropriate teaching strategies (eg. get them to lead team work or ask them to take part in some explanations as pupil-helpers…) and offer activities which are a challenge for them (activities to widen their knowledge or increase it, voluntary or otherwise).

• Pupils with specific learning difficulties.

When learning a language, learning disorders due to reading difficulties should be taken into account (eg. dyslexia) or problems writing. In either case, the teacher must find out exactly what the difficulties are and, as above, adapt the syllabus and methods for improving the teaching-learning process.

• Pupils with special education needs due to personal conditions or school history.

This group has only recently been specified in legal terms and can be interpreted in different ways. The Department of Orientation must determine which pupils are to be included in the group (eg. pupils with epilepsy which obstructs their learning) and decide how to deal with this educationally.

7.2. Attention to diversity in Citizen Z

Bearing in mind this range of possibilities, it should be said that Citizen Z pays attention to diversity in its programme, structure and contents. As we have mentioned earlier, the Citizen Z programme is flexible. It offers specific points and general suggestions to help teachers to adapt the programme to their own context: the centre, their classroom and each pupil.

The contents of Citizen Z, which have been carefully chosen, are attractively presented in a stimulating way in order to deal with diversity. The course has a cyclical structure which allows pupils to widen their knowledge starting from what they already know and acquire more knowledge about cultural issues and new, more complex linguistic subjects. At the same time, the complex evaluation process includes general criteria which must be prepared and adapted for each group, setting specific objectives depending on the context of each centre, teacher and class. Teachers have different tools of evaluation and competences as well as specific tasks. It is also necessary to set minimum contents according to the needs, abilities and rhythm at which the pupils learn.

In fact, in able to address educational needs successfully attention must be paid to the activities, materials and resources which Citizen Z offers. The great majority of them can be used in a personalised way and are open so that each pupil can reply in a different way depending on his/her ability.

The Activities Book concentrates of each unit's key contents. These activities can be used both with pupils who need extra help and with more able pupils who finish the initial task early. Each pupil will need a different amount of time which will depend, to a greater or lesser extent, on his/her motivation. Most of the activities are designed for use in the classroom, but they can also be given as homework. As can be seen on the table further on, the same material and/or resources can be used to reinforce the class or widen knowledge; in other words, the objective can be changes as fits. For example, a simple question about a text can be reinforcement for less advanced pupils and can also serve as inspiration in an extension activity in which pupils are asked to say other words in the same semantic area.

The teacher should take advantage of pupils' abilities in every way that arises. One pupil may hate speaking but enjoying writing vocabulary on the board, while another may be good at drawing or making posters.

Another crucial factor is the methodology used by the teacher with his/her own group and, more specifically, with pupils with learning difficulties. The most important thing with all types of task is to make sure that they have been correctly prepared beforehand, pupils knowing all the words they are going to need and understanding the activity's objectives. If pupils are given the right linguistic tools in order to carry out the activity successfully, it is almost certain that they will find it sufficiently demanding and interesting. Without the necessary preparation, pupils may have an experience of negative learning, which will lead to them losing confidence and feeling frustrated with an activity which demands a degree of competence which they do not have.

As said above, assessment and stimulation are essential for pupils, and even more so for those with special needs. When doing an activity, you must guide them towards finding the right answers rather than giving them to them. This will lead to pupils feeling satisfied when they find the right answer. Whenever a pupil makes a mistake, you must emphasise that making mistakes is part of the learning process and that they should not be ashamed of making mistakes.

The extra activities in each lesson can be used whenever the teacher feels that the pupils need to practise particular vocabulary. The same activities can be used to extend more advanced pupils' knowledge, although, in some cases, it may be necessary to change the instructions a little.

It should not be forgotten that continual revision is another important part of the learning process and that it is particularly helpful for pupils with special needs, as well as for the rest of the group. Citizen Z is based on a system of continual revision, with different games and techniques for revising the vocabulary learned in each unit and each block of two units.

The Teacher's Resources, the interactive online activities and the DVD for the digital designed to help teachers deal with different, specific needs in the classroom.


As can be seen in the development of the teaching units, the contents have been grouped in four main blocks:

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

Block 2. Production of oral texts

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

Block 4. Production of written texts

In order to facilitate reading the programme, inter-disciplinary contents are specified after each block's specific contents. The pupils are the following:

Communication functions



Graphic patterns and sounds

Classroom language

Learning strategies

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects

The contents of each unit are explained on the following pages.


1 Contents

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

▪ Listening to and understanding conversations about hobbies.

▪ Listening to and understanding a questionnaire about taking care of yourself.

▪ Watching a video about a story connected with the unit theme: Olivia’s new hobby.

Block 2. Production of oral texts

▪ Oral interaction about everyday routines and activities.

▪ Exchange questions and answers.

▪ Exchange opinions.

▪ Compare answers in pairs.

▪ Do activities in pairs or groups.

▪ Pupils discuss the questions raised in pairs.

▪ Do the oral activity about the situation given.

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

▪ Reading a questionnaire about taking care of yourself.

▪ Read information in Get it right! about fun, exercise, take photos.

▪ Reading a blog about free time activities.

▪ Reading a story about a new hobby.

▪ Reading an e-mail as a model for writing your own.

Block 4. Production of written texts

▪ Pupils complete an e-mail showing empathy.

▪ Pupils complete the grammar rules about the use of the simple present, like + -ing, the position of adverbs of frequency and do exercises to practice them.

▪ Producing sentences for practising the vocabulary presented in the unit.

▪ Pupils answer the comprehension questions for the written and oral texts.

The following points are studied indirectly in the four previous blocks:

Communication functions:

▪ Expressing everyday routines and activities.

▪ Talking about tastes and preferences.

▪ Expressing warnings

▪ Expressing prohibition

▪ Pupils talk about present or real events

▪ Expressing frequency

▪ Describing leisure activities.


▪ Hobbies: play an instrument, write a blog, be in a club, take photos, collect things, keep a pet.

▪ Collocations with have: have fun, have a good time, have a problem, have dinner, have a rest, have a shower.

Syntactic-discursive contents:

▪ Present simple review

▪ Like + ing

▪ Adverbs of frequency

Graphic patterns and sounds:

▪ Recognising, comparing and pronouncing plurals and 3rd person endings of present tense verbs: /s/, /z/ or /ɪz/.

▪ Recognising and using the main spelling norms.

Classroom language:

▪ Can you explain what … is?

▪ Do you already know the meaning of …?

▪ Read the questions and think about…

▪ Compare your answers with a partner.

▪ Check your answers.

▪ Think about the information you would expect...

▪ Do this exercise in pairs.

▪ Write three more questions about….

▪ Discuss … in pairs.

▪ Check your partner’s use of …

Learning strategies:

▪ Review common mistakes and focus on the important information in the Get it right! boxes about: fun, exercise, take photos.

▪ Pupils predict the contents of a text using the pictures and titles to aid comprehension.

▪ Assimilate advice for planning and producing a written text.

▪ Assimilate common expressions for improving fluency.

▪ Explain key language in real situations using a photo-story and a video: Olivia’s new hobby.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects:

▪ Reflect on knowing how to take care of yourself physically and psychologically.

▪ Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as having hobbies.

▪ Show an interest in developing social skills such as empathy.

|Descriptors |Activities |

|Linguistic communication |


|Identify the gist and specific information from a short |Listening to conversations about hobbies. |

|situation from repeated visualisations of the oral text |Listen and watch the story: Olivia’s new hobby. |


|Give personal information and information about your |Exchange questions and answers about everyday issues. |

|surroundings in daily situations. | |

|Take part in spoken interaction spontaneously. |Take part in conversations about everyday routines and |

| |activities. |


|Understand the general idea and specific details about familiar |Reading a questionnaire. |

|subjects |Reading a blog. |

| |Reading an informal e-mail. |

|Deduce information from diverse texts about subjects of |Reading a story. |

|interest. | |


|Reproduce simple texts using previously presented models. |Read a model for producing your own text. |

|Write short letters, e-mails or postcards with personal |Producing an e-mail showing empathy. |

|information and information about your immediate surroundings. | |

|Mathematical competences and basic science and technology competences. |

|Interpret and show simple statistical data on simple graphs and |Interpreting concept maps about the vocabulary [WB]. |

|tables. | |

|Digital competences |

|Locate basic information on digital sources and formats. |Do the exercises on elt/citizenz |

|Use ICT to reinforce and support learning English. |Do the activities on elt/citizenz |

| |and access the videos and recordings using Citizen Z Augmented |

| |Reality Web App. |

|Social and Civic competences. |

|Take part in group activities with respect and interest and |Pupils compare their answers in pairs and then review them with |

|share opinions. |the whole class. |

| |Pupils discuss in pairs and in small groups, giving their ideas |

| |and opinions about the issues brought up in the activities. |

|Show respect for your classmates and wait for your turn to |Respect classmates' opinions and ideas when working on tasks. |

|speak.. | |

|Learning to Learn |

|Identify, plan and apply objectives for carrying out tasks and |Do the exercises for the unit in the Workbook by yourself. |

|activities. | |

|Use tools and resources, such as dictionaries and grammar books,|Use reference books and material as extra extra material, |

|to solve doubts |practise for the Cambridge exams, pronunciation and grammar |

| |reference at the end of the book and the Get it right! pages |

| |every two units. |

|Show an interest in carrying out self-evaluation and correcting |Test yourself every two units checking the consolidation of the |

|your own mistakes. |knowledge acquired. |

|Use basic comprehension and expression strategies to help carry |Do the activities in the extra material and in the resources |

|out tasks. |available online. |

|Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. |

|Look for information to be able to complete your tasks |Do the activities in the Workbook, in the extra material and in |

|individually. |the resources available online. |

|Have a positive, proactive attitude to reading texts by |Do the reading activities in the Workbook individually. |

|yourself. | |

3 Social awareness

Moral and civic education

▪ Show interest taking an active part in class and following the teacher's instructions correctly.

▪ Recognise the importance of being creative.

▪ Accept other people's opinions and preferences.

▪ Show interest in classmates' opinions and ideas.

Education for Equality

▪ Show respect for other people's opinions, regardless of their gender.


▪ Health: looking after yourself.

▪ Self-esteem – Sense of identity: the importance of having hobbies.

Work in pairs, as a group or cooperative work in the classroom

▪ Be able to work in pairs or groups effectively, respecting other people and being cooperative.

4 Inter-disciplinary focus

▪ At this level, themes tend to touch on other areas of the syllabus, subjects continually overlapping.

5 Assessment criteria

▪ Name, recognise and present vocabulary connected with hobbies and collocations with have.

▪ Use the simple present, adverbs of frequency and like + -ing correctly.

▪ Pronouncing plurals correctly with good intonation and 3rd person endings of present tense verbs.

▪ Finding out about and using basic Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects such as knowing how to take care of yourself, having hobbies, empathy.

▪ Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which give, request and exchange information: a conversation/role-play about routines.

▪ Write brief, simple texts and with clear structures: a text about routines.

6 Contents - Assessment criteria - Competences

|Contents |Assessment criteria |Competences |

|Name, recognise and present vocabulary connected with |Recognise and use a limited repertoire of |LC |

|hobbies and collocations with have. |frequently used oral vocabulary about leisure | |

| |orally and in writing. | |

|Practise the use and forms of simple present, adverbs of|Understanding and using functions and meanings |LC |

|frequency and like + -ing. |associated with basic syntactic structures. |SCS |

| | | |

| |Distinguish and comply with habitual communication| |

| |functions: express tastes and preferences, | |

| |warnings, prohibitions, frequency. | |

|Practise the pronunciation of plurals and the endings of|Recognise and pronounce and write correctly. |LC |

|the third person verbs in the present. | | |

| |Use correct pronunciation and intonation. | |

|Listen to everyday conversations about hobbies. |Use the subject, general meaning and main |LC |

| |information and ideas from the text in short, | |

|Reading a survey, a blog and a story. |simple texts with visual and audio support. | |

|Debate with classmates about hobbies. |Finding out about and using basic Sociocultural |LC |

| |and sociolinguistic aspects such as leisure. |SCS |

|Pupils express their opinions about hobbies. |Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which |LC |

| |give, request and exchange information. |SCS |

| | |SIE |

|Preparing a text about routines. |Write brief, simple texts and with clear |LC |

| |structures about everyday matters or subjects of |SCS |

| |interest. |SIE |


1 Contents

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

▪ Listening to and understanding dialogues in shops.

▪ Listening to and understanding a soap opera script.

▪ Listening to and understanding a cultural text: World Markets.

Block 2. Production of oral texts

▪ Oral interaction about what people are doing at that moment.

▪ Role-play about buying things in a shop.

▪ Exchange questions and answers.

▪ Exchange opinions.

▪ Compare answers in pairs.

▪ Do activities in pairs or groups.

▪ Pupils discuss the questions raised in pairs.

▪ Do the oral activity about a situation in a shop between the shop assistant and the customer.

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

▪ Read the script of a soap opera.

▪ Read information in Get it right! about: clothes shop, jeans / shorts / trousers, Dear / Love / Hello / see you soon.

▪ Reading an Internet chat about how not to spend money.

▪ Reading a cultural text about markets around the world.

▪ Reading an extract of a novel: Magic Jane.

▪ Reading an e-mail as a model for writing your own.

Block 4. Production of written texts

▪ Pupils complete an informal e-mail describing what they are doing.

▪ Pupils complete the grammar rules about the use of of the present continuous; verbs about the senses; simple present vs. present continuous and do exercises to practice them.

▪ Producing sentences for practising the vocabulary presented in the unit.

▪ Pupils answer the comprehension questions for the written and oral texts.

The following points are studied indirectly in the four previous blocks:

Communication functions:

▪ Requesting information / objects in shops.

▪ Pupils talk about current events.

▪ Descriptions of taste, touch, smell, hearing

▪ Pupils talk about current events

▪ Describing places (shops)

▪ Describing clothes


▪ Shops: bookshop, newsagent’s, chemist’s, clothes shop, shoe shop, department store, supermarket, sport shop.

▪ Clothes: dress, jumper, jacket, shirt, shoes, shorts, trainers, trousers.

Syntactic-discursive contents:

▪ Present continuous

▪ Verbs about the senses: taste, smell, look, sound

▪ Present simple vs. present continuous

Graphic patterns and sounds:

▪ Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation of the unit vocabulary and expressions.

▪ Recognising and using the correct contractions (I’m, she’s, they’re, it’s, we’re; who’s, we’ve, let’s, you’re, here’s).

Classroom language:

▪ Can you explain what … is?

▪ Do you already know the meaning of …?

▪ Read the questions and think about…

▪ Compare your answers with a partner.

▪ Check your answers.

▪ Think about the information you would expect...

▪ Do this exercise in pairs.

▪ Write three more questions about….

▪ Discuss … in pairs.

▪ Check your partner’s use of …

Learning strategies:

▪ Review common mistakes and focus on the important information in the Get it right! boxes about: clothes shop, jeans / shorts / trousers, Dear / Love / Hello / see you soon.

▪ Pupils predict the contents of a text using the pictures and titles to aid comprehension.

▪ Assimilate advice for planning and producing a written text.

▪ Assimilate common expressions for improving fluency.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects:

▪ Reflect on the role of fashion and tastes in clothes.

▪ Interest in finding out about cultures other than your own: markets around the world.

2 Basic Competences

|Descriptors |Activities |

|Linguistic communication |


|Identify the gist and specific information from a short |Listening to conversations in shops, making purchases. |

|situation from repeated visualisations of the oral text | |

| |Listening to a soap opera script. |

| |Listening to a cultural text about markets. |


|Give personal information and information about your |Take part in a situation in a shop between an assistant and a |

|surroundings in daily situations. |customer. |

| |Describing what people are doing at that moment. |

|Take part in spoken interaction spontaneously. |Role-play about buying things in a shop. |


|Understand the general idea and specific details about familiar |Reading the script of a soap opera. |

|subjects | |

| |Read an Internet chatting. |

| |Reading an e-mail. |

| |Reading a cultural text. |

| |Reading an extract of a novel. |


|Reproduce simple texts using previously presented models. |Reading an e-mail as a model for writing your own. |

|Write short letters, e-mails or postcards with personal |Producing an e-mail describing what they are doing. |

|information and information about your immediate surroundings. | |

|Mathematical competences and basic science and technology competences. |

|Interpret and show simple statistical data on simple graphs and |Interpreting concept maps about the vocabulary [WB]. |

|tables. | |

|Digital competences |

|Locate basic information on digital sources and formats. |Do the exercises on elt/citizenz |

|Use ICT to reinforce and support learning English. |Do the activities on elt/citizenz |

| |and access the videos and recordings using Citizen Z Augmented |

| |Reality Web App. |

|Social and civic competences. |

|Take part in group activities with respect and interest and |Pupils compare their answers in pairs and then review them with |

|share opinions. |the whole class. |

| |Pupils discuss in pairs and in small groups, giving their ideas |

| |and opinions about the issues brought up in the activities. |

|Show respect for your classmates and wait for your turn to |Respect classmates' opinions and ideas when working on tasks. |

|speak.. | |

|Cultural awareness and expressions. |

|Take an active part in preparing and carrying out artistic |Obtaining information from the cultural text and from the |

|activities in the classroom |extract from the novel. |

|Learning to Learn |

|Identify, plan and apply objectives for carrying out tasks and |Do the exercises for the unit in the Workbook by yourself. |

|activities. | |

|Use tools and resources, such as dictionaries and grammar books,|Use reference books and material as extra extra material, |

|to solve doubts |practise for the Cambridge exams, pronunciation and grammar |

| |reference at the end of the book and the Get it right! pages |

| |every two units. |

|Show an interest in carrying out self-evaluation and correcting |Test yourself every two units checking the consolidation of the |

|your own mistakes. |knowledge acquired. |

|Use basic comprehension and expression strategies to help carry |Do the activities in the extra material and resources available |

|out tasks. |online. |

|Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. |

|Look for information to be able to complete your tasks |Do the activities in the Workbook, in the extra material and in |

|individually. |the resources available online. |

|Have a positive, proactive attitude to reading texts by |Do the reading activities in the Workbook individually. |

|yourself. | |

3 Social awareness

Moral and civic education

▪ Show interest taking an active part in class and following the teacher's instructions correctly.

▪ Recognise the importance of being creative.

▪ Accept other people's opinions and preferences.

▪ Show interest in classmates' opinions and ideas.

Education for Equality

▪ Show respect for other people's opinions, regardless of their gender.


▪ Physical image and appearance: the role of fashion and the importance of clothes.

Work in pairs, as a group or cooperative work in the classroom

▪ Be able to work in pairs or groups effectively, respecting other people and being cooperative.

4 Inter-disciplinary focus

▪ At this level, themes tend to touch on other areas of the syllabus, subjects continually overlapping.

▪ This unit is connected with the economy. Pupils find out about numbers, prices and quantities.

5 Assessment criteria

▪ Name, recognise and present vocabulary connected with shops and clothes.

▪ Use the present continuous, verbs about the senses and simple present correctly.

▪ Use correct pronunciation and intonation.

▪ Finding out about and using basic Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects such as the role of fashion and clothes.

▪ Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which give, request and exchange information: a conversation/role-play about shopping.

▪ Write brief, simple texts and with clear structures: an informal e-mail.

6 Contents - Assessment criteria - Competences

|Contents |Assessment criteria |Competences |

|Recognising and presenting vocabulary connected with |Recognise and use a limited repertoire of |LC |

|shops and clothes. |frequently used oral vocabulary about fashion | |

| |orally and in writing. | |

|Practise the use and forms of present continuous, verbs |Understanding and using functions and meanings |LC |

|about the senses and simple present. |associated with basic syntactic structures. |SCS |

| | | |

| |Distinguish and comply with the habitual | |

| |communication function or functions: asking for | |

| |information, describing places, objects, tastes, | |

| |senses. | |

|Practice the pronunciation of the unit vocabulary. |Recognise and pronounce and write correctly. |LC |

| | | |

| |Use correct pronunciation and intonation. | |

|Listen to everyday conversations about shopping. |Use the subject, general meaning and main |LC |

| |information and ideas from the text in short, | |

|Reading a script, a chat, a cultural text and an extract|simple texts with visual and audio support. | |

|of a novel. | | |

|Debate with classmates about clothes and shopping. |Finding out about and using basic Sociocultural |LC |

| |and sociolinguistic aspects such as fashion. |SCS |

|Expressing opinions about fashion. |Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which |LC |

| |give, request and exchange information. |SCS |

| | |SIE |

|Preparing an informal e-mail. |Write brief, simple texts and with clear |LC |

| |structures about everyday matters or subjects of |SCS |

| |interest. |SIE |


1 Contents

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

▪ Listening to and understanding conversations asking for food in a café.

▪ Listening to and understanding an article about food.

▪ Watching a video about a story connected with the unit theme: The picnic.

Block 2. Production of oral texts

▪ Oral interaction about food.

▪ Exchange questions and answers.

▪ Exchange opinions.

▪ Compare answers in pairs.

▪ Do activities in pairs or groups.

▪ Pupils discuss the questions raised in pairs.

▪ Do the oral activity about the situation given.

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

▪ Reading and understanding an article about food.

▪ Read information in Get it right! about: a lot, using articles, spelling mistakes in vocabulary about food .

▪ Reading a story about a picnic.

▪ Read a food blog.

▪ Reading a paragraph as a model for writing your own.

Block 4. Production of written texts

▪ Producing a text about a situation in which apologies must be offered.

▪ Pupils complete the grammar rules about the use of countable and uncountable nouns, definite and indefinite articles, the use of much / many, too much / too many / (not) enough, too + adjectives and do exercises to practice them.

▪ Producing sentences for practising the vocabulary presented in the unit.

▪ Pupils answer the comprehension questions for the written and oral texts.

The following points are studied indirectly in the four previous blocks:

Communication functions:

▪ Offering apologies

▪ Describing food

▪ Asking for food / drink

▪ Expressing quantity

▪ Talking about tastes and preferences


▪ Food and drink: carrots, cake, peppers, yoghurt, omelette, chilli con carne, coffee, beans, curry, salad.

▪ Adjectives for describing food: roast, boiled, grilled, fried.

▪ Expressions with have got: a problem, an idea, a headache, time, something to do.

Syntactic-discursive contents:

▪ Countable and uncountable nouns

▪ a/an, some, any

▪ How much / many, a lot of / lots of

▪ too and (not) enough

Graphic patterns and sounds:

▪ Recognising, comparing and pronouncing vowel sounds: /ɪ/ and /iː/.

▪ Recognising and using the main spelling norms.

Classroom language:

▪ Can you explain what … is?

▪ Do you already know the meaning of …?

▪ Read the questions and think about…

▪ Compare your answers with a partner.

▪ Check your answers.

▪ Think about the information you would expect...

▪ Do this exercise in pairs.

▪ Write three more questions about….

▪ Discuss … in pairs.

▪ Check your partner’s use of …

Learning strategies:

▪ Review common mistakes and focus on the important information in the Get it right! boxes about: a lot, using articles, spelling mistakes in vocabulary about food .

▪ Pupils predict the contents of a text using the pictures and titles to aid comprehension.

▪ Assimilate advice for planning and producing a written text.

▪ Assimilate common expressions for improving fluency.

▪ Explain key language in real situations using a photo-story and a video: The picnic.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects:

▪ Reflect on the importance off eating well for health.

▪ Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as being happy.

▪ Show an interest in developing social skills such as apologising.

2 Basic Competences

|Descriptors |Activities |

|Linguistic communication |


|Identify the gist and specific information from a short |Listening to and understanding conversations asking for food in |

|situation from repeated visualisations of the oral text |a café. |

| |Listening to and watching a story. |

| |Listening to an article about food. |


|Give personal information and information about your |Conversations asking for food in a café. |

|surroundings in daily situations. | |

|Take part in spoken interaction spontaneously. |Take part in conversations about food. |


|Understand the general idea and specific details about familiar |Read a food blog. |

|subjects | |

|Deduce information from diverse texts about subjects of interest|Reading a paragraph to offer an apology. |

| |Reading and understanding an article about food. |

| |Reading a story. |


|Reproduce simple texts using previously presented models. |Reading a paragraph as a model for writing your own. |

|Write simple stories and descriptions. |Producing a text offering an apology. |

|Mathematical competences and basic science and technology competences. |

|Interpret and show simple statistical data on simple graphs and |Interpreting concept maps about the vocabulary [WB]. |

|tables. | |

|Solve simple problems connected with familiar subjects. |Do a crossword [WB]. |

|Be familiar with and follow healthy living practices. |Pupils take an interest in and identify healthy living habits |

| |with regards to eating. |

|Digital competences |

|Locate basic information on digital sources and formats. |Do the exercises on elt/citizenz |

|Use ICT to reinforce and support learning English. |Do the activities on elt/citizenz |

| |and access the videos and recordings using Citizen Z Augmented |

| |Reality Web App. |

|Social and Civic competences. |

|Take part in group activities with respect and interest and |Pupils compare their answers in pairs and then review them with |

|share opinions. |the whole class. |

| |Pupils discuss in pairs and in small groups, giving their ideas |

| |and opinions about the issues brought up in the activities. |

|Show respect for your classmates and wait for your turn to |Respect classmates' opinions and ideas when working on tasks. |

|speak.. | |

|Learning to Learn |

|Identify, plan and apply objectives for carrying out tasks and |Do the exercises for the unit in the Workbook by yourself. |

|activities. | |

|Use tools and resources, such as dictionaries and grammar books,|Use reference books and material as extra extra material, |

|to solve doubts |practise for the Cambridge exams, pronunciation and grammar |

| |reference at the end of the book and the Get it right! pages |

| |every two units. |

|Show an interest in carrying out self-evaluation and correcting |Test yourself every two units checking the consolidation of the |

|your own mistakes. |knowledge acquired. |

|Use basic comprehension and expression strategies to help carry |Do the activities in the extra material and resources available |

|out tasks. |online. |

|Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. |

|Look for information to be able to complete your tasks |Do the activities in the Workbook, in the extra material and in |

|individually. |the resources available online. |

|Have a positive, proactive attitude to reading texts by |Do the reading activities in the Workbook individually. |

|yourself. | |

3 Social awareness

Moral and civic education

▪ Show interest taking an active part in class and following the teacher's instructions correctly.

▪ Recognise the importance of being creative.

▪ Accept other people's opinions and preferences.

▪ Show interest in classmates' opinions and ideas.

Education for Equality

▪ Show respect for other people's opinions, regardless of their gender.


▪ Health: food as medicine.

▪ Sense of identity: being happy.

Work in pairs, as a group or cooperative work in the classroom

▪ Be able to work in pairs or groups effectively, respecting other people and being cooperative.

4 Inter-disciplinary focus

▪ At this level, themes tend to touch on other areas of the syllabus, subjects continually overlapping.

5 Assessment criteria

▪ Name, recognise and present vocabulary connected with food and drink, expressions with have.

▪ Use countable and uncountable nouns correctly.

▪ Use correct pronunciation and intonation of vowel sounds: /ɪ/ and /iː/.

▪ Be familiar with and use basic Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects such as the importance of food for health, being happy, offering an apology.

▪ Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which give, request and exchange information: a conversation/role-play about asking for food in a restaurant.

▪ Write short, simple, well-structured texts: a description of your favourite food.

6 Contents - Assessment criteria - Competences

|Contents |Assessment criteria |Competences |

|Name, recognise and present vocabulary connected with |Recognise and use a limited repertoire of |LC |

|food and drink, expressions with have. |frequently used oral vocabulary about food orally | |

| |and in writing. | |

|Practise the use of countable and uncountable nouns. |Understanding and using functions and meanings |LC |

| |associated with basic syntactic structures. |SCS |

| | | |

| |Distinguish and comply with the habitual | |

| |communication function or functions offering | |

| |apologies, describing food, asking for food, | |

| |expressing quantities and tastes. | |

|Practise pronouncing vowel sounds. |Recognise and pronounce and write correctly. |LC |

| | | |

| |Use correct pronunciation and intonation. | |

|Listen to everyday conversations about food. |Use the subject, general meaning and main |LC |

| |information and ideas from the text in short, | |

|Reading an article, a blog and a story. |simple texts with visual and audio support. | |

|Debate with classmates about food. |Finding out about and using basic Sociocultural |LC |

| |and sociolinguistic aspects such as creativity. |SCS |

|Pupils express their opinions about their tastes in |Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which |LC |

|food. |give, request and exchange information. |SCS |

| | |SIE |

|Preparing a text about their favourite food. |Write brief, simple texts and with clear |LC |

| |structures about everyday matters or subjects of |SCS |

| |interest. |SIE |


1 Contents

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

▪ Listening to and understanding conversations about the family.

▪ Listening to and understanding an article about TV families.

▪ Listening to and understanding a cultural article about Children's Day.

Block 2. Production of oral texts

▪ Oral interaction about the family and family relationships.

▪ Exchange questions and answers.

▪ Exchange opinions.

▪ Compare answers in pairs.

▪ Do activities in pairs or groups.

▪ Pupils discuss the questions raised in pairs.

▪ Do the oral activity about the situation given.

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

▪ Reading an article about TV families.

▪ Reading an article about some little heroines.

▪ Read information in Get it right! about: the possessive, surprised.

▪ Reading a cultural text about Children's Day.

▪ Reading an extract of a novel: Holes.

▪ Reading two e-mails as a model for writing your own.

Block 4. Production of written texts

▪ Producing an e-mail to give an invitation.

▪ Pupils complete the grammar rules about adjectives / possessive pronouns and expressing possession, and do exercises to practice them.

▪ Producing sentences for practising the vocabulary presented in the unit.

▪ Pupils answer the comprehension questions for the written and oral texts.

The following points are studied indirectly in the four previous blocks:

Communication functions:

▪ Asking permission

▪ Describing family relationships

▪ Expressing possession

▪ Talking about / describing past events

▪ Expressing feelings.


▪ Members of the family: grandma, uncle, aunt, cousin, dad, grandpa, brother, wife, son, mother, sister, daughter.

▪ Feelings: upset, angry, surprised, confused, proud, relieved, worried, scared.

Syntactic-discursive contents:

▪ Possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) and pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs)

▪ whose, possessive ‘s

▪ was / were

Graphic patterns and sounds:

▪ Recognising, comparing and pronouncing the ending -er: /ə/.

▪ Recognising and using the main spelling norms.

Classroom language:

▪ Can you explain what … is?

▪ Do you already know the meaning of …?

▪ Read the questions and think about…

▪ Compare your answers with a partner.

▪ Check your answers.

▪ Think about the information you would expect...

▪ Do this exercise in pairs.

▪ Write three more questions about….

▪ Discuss … in pairs.

▪ Check your partner’s use of …

Learning strategies:

▪ Review common mistakes and focus on the important information in the Get it right! boxes about: the possessive, surprised

▪ Pupils predict the contents of a text using the pictures and titles to aid comprehension.

▪ Assimilate advice for planning and producing a written text.

▪ Assimilate common expressions for improving fluency.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects:

▪ Reflect on types of families which appear on TV.

▪ Interest in learning about cultures other than your own: Children's Day in different parts of the world.

2 Basic Competences

|Descriptors |Activities |

|Linguistic communication |


|Identify the gist and specific information from a short |Listening to conversations about family relationships. |

|situation from repeated visualisations of the oral text | |

| |Listening to an article about TV families. |


|Take part in spoken interaction spontaneously. |Listening to conversations about family relationships. |


|Understand the general idea and specific details about familiar |Reading two e-mails. |

|subjects. | |

|Deduce information from diverse texts about subjects of |Reading an article about TV families and an article about little|

|interest. |heroines. |

| |Reading a cultural text about Children's Day in different |

| |countries. |

| |Reading an extract of a novel. |


|Write short letters, e-mails or postcards with personal |Giving an invitation. |

|information and information about your immediate surroundings. | |

|Mathematical competences and basic science and technology competences. |

|Interpret and show simple statistical data on simple graphs and |Interpreting a family tree [WB]. |

|tables. | |

|Solve simple problems connected with familiar subjects. |Do a crossword [WB]. |

|Digital competences |

|Locate basic information on digital sources and formats. |Do the exercises on elt/citizenz |

|Use ICT to reinforce and support learning English. |Do the activities on elt/citizenz |

| |and access the videos and recordings using Citizen Z Augmented |

| |Reality Web App. |

|Social and Civic competences. |

|Take part in group activities with respect and interest and |Pupils compare their answers in pairs and then review them with |

|share opinions. |the whole class. |

| |Pupils discuss in pairs and in small groups, giving their ideas |

| |and opinions about the issues brought up in the activities. |

|Show respect for your classmates and wait for your turn to |Respect classmates' opinions and ideas when working on tasks. |

|speak.. | |

|Cultural awareness and expressions. |

|Take an active part in preparing and carrying out artistic |Obtaining information from the cultural text about the |

|activities in the classroom |Children's Day; taking an interest in reading an extract of a |

| |novel. |

|Learning to Learn |

|Identify, plan and apply objectives for carrying out tasks and |Do the exercises for the unit in the Workbook by yourself. |

|activities. | |

|Use tools and resources, such as dictionaries and grammar books,|Use reference books and material as extra extra material, |

|to solve doubts |practise for the Cambridge exams, pronunciation and grammar |

| |reference at the end of the book and the Get it right! pages |

| |every two units. |

|Show an interest in carrying out self-evaluation and correcting |Test yourself every two units checking the consolidation of the |

|your own mistakes. |knowledge acquired. |

|Use basic comprehension and expression strategies to help carry |Do the activities in the extra material and resources available |

|out tasks. |online. |

|Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. |

|Look for information to be able to complete your tasks |Do the activities in the Workbook, in the extra material and in |

|individually. |the resources available online. |

|Have a positive, proactive attitude to reading texts by |Do the reading activities in the Workbook individually. |

|yourself. | |

3 Social awareness

Moral and civic education

▪ Show interest taking an active part in class and following the teacher's instructions correctly.

▪ Recognise the importance of being creative.

▪ Accept other people's opinions and preferences.

▪ Show interest in classmates' opinions and ideas.

Education for Equality

▪ Show respect for other people's opinions, regardless of their gender.


▪ The importance of social systems: family models shown on TV.

Work in pairs, as a group or cooperative work in the classroom

▪ Be able to work in pairs or groups effectively, respecting other people and being cooperative.

4 Inter-disciplinary focus

▪ At this level, themes tend to touch on other areas of the syllabus, subjects continually overlapping.

5 Assessment criteria

▪ Naming, recognising and presenting vocabulary connected with members of a family and feelings.

▪ Use adjectives and possessive pronouns and was/were correctly.

▪ Use correct pronunciation and intonation in words ending in -er.

▪ Finding out about and using basic Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects such as types of families.

▪ Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which give, request and exchange information: a conversation/role-play about the family.

▪ Write brief, simple texts and with clear structures: an invitation.

6 Contents - Assessment criteria - Competences

|Contents |Assessment criteria |Competences |

|Naming, recognising and presenting vocabulary connected |Recognise and use a limited repertoire of |LC |

|with members of a family and feelings. |frequently used oral vocabulary about the family | |

| |and feelings orally and in writing. | |

|Practise the use and forms of adjectives and possessive |Understanding and using functions and meanings |LC |

|pronouns, was/were. |associated with basic syntactic structures. |SCS |

| | | |

| |Distinguish and comply with habitual communication| |

| |functions: asking for permission, expressing | |

| |possession, talking about past events. | |

|Practise the pronunciation of words which end in –er |Recognise and pronounce and write correctly. |LC |

| | | |

| |Use correct pronunciation and intonation. | |

|Listening to everyday conversations about family |Use the subject, general meaning and main |LC |

|relationships. |information and ideas from the text in short, | |

| |simple texts with visual and audio support. | |

|Reading two articles, a cultural text and a literary | | |

|extract. | | |

|Debate with classmates about the family. |Finding out about and using basic Sociocultural |LC |

| |and sociolinguistic aspects such as the family. |SCS |

|Expressing opinions about the family. |Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which |LC |

| |give, request and exchange information. |SCS |

| | |SIE |

|Preparing an invitation. |Write brief, simple texts and with clear |LC |

| |structures about everyday matters or subjects of |SCS |

| |interest. |SIE |


1 Contents

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

▪ Listening to and understanding the description different people give of their homes.

▪ Listening to and understanding a magazine article about a LEGO house.

▪ Watching a video about a story connected with the unit theme: Hey, look at that guy!

Block 2. Production of oral texts

▪ Oral interaction about events in the past.

▪ Role-play about buying furniture for the club.

▪ Exchange questions and answers.

▪ Exchange opinions.

▪ Compare answers in pairs.

▪ Do activities in pairs or groups.

▪ Pupils discuss the questions raised in pairs.

▪ Do the oral activity about the situation given in a flea-market.

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

▪ Reading an article about a LEGO house.

▪ Reading a blog about some holidays in Italy.

▪ Read information in Get it right! about: spelling mistakes in the simple past of regular verbs, interesting / exciting.

▪ Reading a story about a homeless person.

▪ Reading different people's opinions about adolescents.

Block 4. Production of written texts

▪ Producing a post on a blog about some holidays.

▪ Pupils complete the grammar rules about the use of the simple past, modifiers and do exercises to practice them.

▪ Producing sentences for practising the vocabulary presented in the unit.

▪ Pupils answer the comprehension questions for the written and oral texts.

The following points are studied indirectly in the four previous blocks:

Communication functions:

▪ Giving suggestions

▪ Pupils talk about past events.

▪ Describing places (parts of a house)

▪ Describing objects (furniture)

▪ Describing qualities


▪ Parts of a house and furniture: armchair, carpet, cooker, curtains, desk, lamp, mirror, shelves, shower, sofa, toilet, wardrobe; bathroom, bedroom, living room, sitting room, dining room, kitchen.

▪ Adjectives with -ed / -ing: annoyed, relaxed, bored, interested, amazed; boring, exciting, amazing, interesting, annoying.

▪ Phrasal verbs with look: look after, look up, look for, look at, look into.

Syntactic-discursive contents:

▪ Past simple (regular verbs)

▪ Modifiers: quite, very, really

Graphic patterns and sounds:

▪ Recognising, comparing and pronouncing the endings of regular verbs in the past, -ed: /d/, /t/, /ɪd/.

▪ Recognising and using the main spelling norms.

Classroom language:

▪ Can you explain what … is?

▪ Do you already know the meaning of …?

▪ Read the questions and think about…

▪ Compare your answers with a partner.

▪ Check your answers.

▪ Think about the information you would expect...

▪ Do this exercise in pairs.

▪ Write three more questions about….

▪ Discuss … in pairs.

▪ Check your partner’s use of …

Learning strategies:

▪ Review common mistakes and focus on the important information in the Get it right! boxes about spelling mistakes in the simple past of regular verbs, interesting / exciting.

▪ Pupils predict the contents of a text using the pictures and titles to aid comprehension.

▪ Assimilate advice for planning and producing a written text.

▪ Assimilate common expressions for improving fluency.

▪ Explain key language in real situations using a photo-story and a video: Look at that guy!

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects:

▪ Reflect on the importance of having a community spirit.

▪ Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as feeling safe.

▪ Develop social skills such as not judging people by their appearance.

2 Basic Competences

|Descriptors |Activities |

|Linguistic communication |


|Identify the gist and specific information from a short |Listening to and watching a story about a homeless person. |

|situation from repeated visualisations of the oral text | |

| |Listening to the description which various people give of their |

| |home. |

| |Listening to an article about building a house out of LEGO. |


|Give personal information and information about your |Take part in the situation given about shopping at a |

|surroundings in daily situations. |flea-market. |

| |Take part in conversations about events in the past. |

|Take part in spoken interaction spontaneously. |Role-play about buying furniture. |


|Understand the general idea and specific details about familiar |Reading a text with different people's opinions about |

|subjects |adolescents. |

| |Reading a blog about some holidays in Italy. |

|Deduce information from diverse texts about subjects of |Listening to an article about building a house out of LEGO. |

|interest. | |

| |Reading a story about a homeless person. |


|Write short letters, e-mails or postcards with personal |Producing a post on a blog about some holidays. |

|information and information about your immediate surroundings. | |

|Mathematical competences and basic science and technology competences. |

|Interpret and show simple statistical data on simple graphs and |Interpreting concept maps about the vocabulary [WB]. |

|tables. | |

|Solve simple problems connected with familiar subjects. |Doing a letter soup and a crossword [WB]. |

|Digital competences |

|Locate basic information on digital sources and formats. |Do the exercises on elt/citizenz |

|Use ICT to reinforce and support learning English. |Do the activities on elt/citizenz |

| |and access the videos and recordings using Citizen Z Augmented |

| |Reality Web App. |

|Social and Civic competences. |

|Take part in group activities with respect and interest and |Pupils compare their answers in pairs and then review them with |

|share opinions. |the whole class. |

| |Pupils discuss in pairs and in small groups, giving their ideas |

| |and opinions about the issues brought up in the activities. |

|Show respect for your classmates and wait for your turn to |Respect classmates' opinions and ideas when working on tasks. |

|speak.. | |

|Learning to Learn |

|Identify, plan and apply objectives for carrying out tasks and |Do the exercises for the unit in the Workbook by yourself. |

|activities. | |

|Use tools and resources, such as dictionaries and grammar books,|Use reference books and material as extra extra material, |

|to solve doubts |practise for the Cambridge exams, pronunciation and grammar |

| |reference at the end of the book and the Get it right! pages |

| |every two units. |

|Show an interest in carrying out self-evaluation and correcting |Test yourself every two units checking the consolidation of the |

|your own mistakes. |knowledge acquired. |

|Use basic comprehension and expression strategies to help carry |Do the activities in the extra material and resources available |

|out tasks. |online. |

|Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. |

|Look for information to be able to complete your tasks |Do the activities in the Workbook, in the extra material and in |

|individually. |the resources available online. |

|Have a positive, proactive attitude to reading texts by |Do the reading activities in the Workbook individually. |

|yourself. | |

3 Social awareness

Moral and civic education

▪ Show interest taking an active part in class and following the teacher's instructions correctly.

▪ Recognise the importance of being creative.

▪ Accept other people's opinions and preferences.

▪ Show interest in classmates' opinions and ideas.

Education for Equality

▪ Show respect for other people's opinions, regardless of their gender.


▪ Community spirit.

▪ Sense of security: feeling safe.

Work in pairs, as a group or cooperative work in the classroom

▪ Be able to work in pairs or groups effectively, respecting other people and being cooperative.

4 Inter-disciplinary focus

▪ At this level, themes tend to touch on other areas of the syllabus, subjects continually overlapping.

5 Assessment criteria

▪ Name, recognise and present vocabulary connected with parts of a house, furniture, adjectives -ed / -ing, phrasal verbs with look.

▪ Use the simple past (regular verbs) and the modifiers quite, very, really correctly.

▪ Use correct pronunciation and intonation of regular verbs in the past with the ending -ed.

▪ Be familiar with and use basic Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects such as the communicative spirit, feeling safe, not judging people by their appearance.

▪ Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which give, request and exchange information: a conversation/role-play about buying furniture at a market.

▪ Write brief, simple texts and with clear structures: a post on a blog.

6 Contents - Assessment criteria - Competences

|Contents |Assessment criteria |Competences |

|Name, recognise and present vocabulary connected with |Recognise and use a limited repertoire of |LC |

|parts of a house, furniture, adjectives -ed /-ing, |frequently used oral vocabulary about housing | |

|phrasal verbs with look. |orally and in writing. | |

|Practise the use and forms of the simple past, |Understanding and using functions and meanings |LC |

|modifiers. |associated with basic syntactic structures. |SCS |

| | | |

| |Distinguish and comply with habitual communication| |

| |functions: making suggestions, talking about past | |

| |events, describing places, objects and qualities. | |

|Practice the pronunciation of the simple past of regular|Recognise and pronounce and write correctly. |LC |

|verbs (-ed). | | |

| |Use correct pronunciation and intonation. | |

|Listen to everyday conversations about events in the |Use the subject, general meaning and main |LC |

|past. |information and ideas from the text in short, | |

| |simple texts with visual and audio support. | |

|Reading an article, a blog and a story. | | |

|Debate with classmates about suggestions. |Finding out about and using basic Sociocultural |LC |

| |and sociolinguistic aspects such as creativity. |SCS |

|Expressing opinions about furniture. |Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which |LC |

| |give, request and exchange information. |SCS |

| | |SIE |

|Preparing a post on a blog. |Write brief, simple texts and with clear |LC |

| |structures about everyday matters or subjects of |SCS |

| |interest. |SIE |


1 Contents

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

▪ Listening to and understanding a story about Cristiano Ronaldo.

▪ Listening to and understanding an article about a TV competition.

▪ Listening to and understanding a website about myths about friendship.

Block 2. Production of oral texts

▪ Oral interaction about friendship.

▪ Describing activities they like doing alone or with other people.

▪ Conversations about events in the past.

▪ Exchange questions and answers.

▪ Exchange opinions.

▪ Compare answers in pairs.

▪ Do activities in pairs or groups.

▪ Pupils discuss the questions raised in pairs.

▪ Do the oral activity about the situation given.

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

▪ Reading an article about a TV competition.

▪ Read information in Get it right! about: yesterday morning / afternoon, the genitive, I did my homework.

▪ Reading an article with an interview about how two people met.

▪ Reading a cultural text about myths about friendship.

▪ Reading an extract of a novel by Charles Dickens, Great Expectations.

▪ Reading various e-mails as a model for writing your own.

Block 4. Production of written texts

▪ Producing an e-mail offering an apology.

▪ Pupils complete grammar rules about forming the double genitive and do exercises to practise it.

▪ Producing sentences for practising the vocabulary presented in the unit.

▪ Pupils answer the comprehension questions for the written and oral texts.

The following points are studied indirectly in the four previous blocks:

Communication functions:

▪ Pupils talk about past events.

▪ Talking about tastes and preferences

▪ Describing friendships.

▪ Expressing possession

▪ Requesting information

▪ Expressing the past.

▪ Describing personal qualities

▪ Offering apologies

▪ Expressing agreement or disagreement


▪ Expressions about the past: yesterday, yesterday morning / afternoon, last night, last week, last month, last December, an hour ago, two weeks ago, a month ago, a year ago.

▪ Adjectives about personality: intelligent, cheerful, jealous, helpful, confident, generous, easy-going, funny.

Syntactic-discursive contents:

▪ Past simple (irregular verbs)

▪ Double genitive (a friend of mine)

▪ Past simple questions

Graphic patterns and sounds:

▪ Recognising, comparing and pronouncing emphasis in one, two, three and four-syllable words following the Ooo, oOo, oOoo, ooOo models.

▪ Recognising and using the main spelling norms.

Classroom language:

▪ Can you explain what … is?

▪ Do you already know the meaning of …?

▪ Read the questions and think about…

▪ Compare your answers with a partner.

▪ Check your answers.

▪ Think about the information you would expect...

▪ Do this exercise in pairs.

▪ Write three more questions about….

▪ Discuss … in pairs.

▪ Check your partner’s use of …

Learning strategies:

▪ Review common mistakes and focus on the important information in the Get it right! boxes about yesterday morning / afternoon, the genitive, I did my homework.

▪ Pupils predict the contents of a text using the pictures and titles to aid comprehension.

▪ Assimilate advice for planning and producing a written text.

▪ Assimilate common expressions for improving fluency.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects:

▪ Reflect on the value of friendship and loyalty.

▪ Interest in finding out about cultures other than your own: myths about friendship.

2 Basic Competences

|Descriptors |Activities |

|Linguistic communication |


|Identify the gist and specific information from a short |Listening to a story about Cristiano Ronaldo. |

|situation from repeated visualisations of the oral text |Listening to an article about a TV competition. |

| |Listening to a website myths about friendship. |


|Give personal information and information about your |Describing activities they like doing alone or with other |

|surroundings in daily situations. |people. |

|Take part in spoken interaction spontaneously. |Take part in conversations about events in the past, talk about |

| |friendship. |


|Understand the general idea and specific details about familiar |Reading various informal e-mails. |

|subjects. | |

|Deduce information from diverse texts about subjects of |Reading an article about a TV competition: an article with an |

|interest. |interview. |

| |Reading a cultural text about myths about friendship. |

| |Reading an extract of a novel. |


|Reproduce simple texts using previously presented models. |Reading various e-mails as a model for writing your own. |

|Write short letters, e-mails or postcards with personal |Producing an e-mail offering an apology. |

|information and information about your immediate surroundings. | |

|Mathematical competences and basic science and technology competences. |

|Interpret and show simple statistical data on simple graphs and |Interpreting concept maps about the vocabulary [WB]. |

|tables. | |

|Solve simple problems connected with familiar subjects. |Do various crosswords [WB]. |

|Digital competences |

|Locate basic information on digital sources and formats. |Do the exercises on elt/citizenz |

|Use ICT to reinforce and support learning English. |Do the activities on elt/citizenz |

| |and access the videos and recordings using Citizen Z Augmented |

| |Reality Web App. |

|Social and Civic competences. |

|Take part in group activities with respect and interest and |Pupils compare their answers in pairs and then review them with |

|share opinions. |the whole class. |

| |Pupils discuss in pairs and in small groups, giving their ideas |

| |and opinions about the issues brought up in the activities. |

|Show respect for your classmates and wait for your turn to |Respect classmates' opinions and ideas when working on tasks. |

|speak.. | |

|Cultural awareness and expressions. |

|Take an active part in preparing and carrying out artistic |Obtaining information from the cultural text about myths about |

|activities in the classroom |friendship and about an extract of a novel. |

|Learning to Learn |

|Identify, plan and apply objectives for carrying out tasks and |Do the exercises for the unit in the Workbook by yourself. |

|activities. | |

|Use tools and resources, such as dictionaries and grammar books,|Use reference books and material as extra extra material, |

|to solve doubts |practise for the Cambridge exams, pronunciation and grammar |

| |reference at the end of the book and the Get it right! pages |

| |every two units. |

|Show an interest in carrying out self-evaluation and correcting |Test yourself every two units checking the consolidation of the |

|your own mistakes. |knowledge acquired. |

|Use basic comprehension and expression strategies to help carry |Do the activities in the extra material and resources available |

|out tasks. |online. |

|Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. |

|Look for information to be able to complete your tasks |Do the activities in the Workbook, in the extra material and in |

|individually. |the resources available online. |

|Have a positive, proactive attitude to reading texts by |Do the reading activities in the Workbook individually. |

|yourself. | |

3 Social awareness

Moral and civic education

▪ Show interest taking an active part in class and following the teacher's instructions correctly.

▪ Recognise the importance of being creative.

▪ Accept other people's opinions and preferences.

▪ Show interest in classmates' opinions and ideas.

Education for Equality

▪ Show respect for other people's opinions, regardless of their gender.


▪ Friendship and loyalty: knowing how to value friendship and loyalty.

Work in pairs, as a group or cooperative work in the classroom

▪ Be able to work in pairs or groups effectively, respecting other people and being cooperative.

4 Inter-disciplinary focus

▪ At this level, themes tend to touch on other areas of the syllabus, subjects continually overlapping.

5 Assessment criteria

▪ Name, recognise and present vocabulary connected with expressions about the past, personality.

▪ Use the simple past and the genitive correctly.

▪ Use correct pronunciation and intonation paying attention to intonation in one, two, three and four-syllable words.

▪ Finding out about and using basic Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects such as friendship and loyalty.

▪ Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which give, request and exchange information: a conversation/role-play about friendship.

▪ Write brief, simple texts and with clear structures: an apology.

6 Contents - Assessment criteria - Competences

|Contents |Assessment criteria |Competences |

|Recognise and present vocabulary connected with |Recognise and use a limited repertoire of |LC |

|expressions about the past, personality. |frequently used oral vocabulary about personality | |

| |orally and in writing. | |

|Practise the use and forms of the simple past and the |Understanding and using functions and meanings |LC |

|genitive. |associated with basic syntactic structures. |SCS |

| | | |

| |Distinguish and comply with habitual communication| |

| |functions: expressing possession, talking about | |

| |past events, offering apologies, expressing | |

| |agreement and disagreement. | |

|Practise intonation in one, two, three and four-syllable|Recognise and pronounce and write correctly. |LC |

|words. | | |

| |Use correct pronunciation and intonation. | |

|Listen to everyday conversations about friendship. |Use the subject, general meaning and main |LC |

| |information and ideas from the text in short, | |

|Reading two articles, a cultural text and an extract |simple texts with visual and audio support. | |

|from a novel. | | |

|Debate with classmates about friendship. |Finding out about and using basic Sociocultural |LC |

| |and sociolinguistic aspects such as friendship and|SCS |

| |loyalty. | |

|Expressing opinions about friendship. |Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which |LC |

| |give, request and exchange information. |SCS |

| | |SIE |

|Preparing an apology. |Write brief, simple texts and with clear |LC |

| |structures about everyday matters or subjects of |SCS |

| |interest. |SIE |


1 Contents

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

▪ Listening to and understanding a radio programme giving advice to your inventors.

▪ Listening to and understanding an article about a young inventor.

▪ Watching a video about a story connected with the unit theme: The treasure hunt.

Block 2. Production of oral texts

▪ Oral interaction about rules.

▪ Conversations giving and taking advice.

▪ Practise dialogues asking for repetition and for information to be clarified.

▪ Exchange questions and answers.

▪ Exchange opinions.

▪ Compare answers in pairs.

▪ Do activities in pairs or groups.

▪ Role-play about a telephone call.

▪ Pupils discuss the questions raised in pairs.

▪ Do the oral activity about the situation given asking parents for permission to go out.

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

▪ Pupils read an article about a young inventor.

▪ Reading a web page with information about products.

▪ Read information in Get it right! about: people, should do, shopping.

▪ Reading a story about looking for treasure.

▪ Reading a conversation about a problem.

Block 4. Production of written texts

▪ Producing a paragraph about domestic chores.

▪ Pupils complete the grammar rules about the use of have to / don’t have to, should / shouldn’t, mustn’t / don’t have to and do exercises to practice them.

▪ Producing sentences for practising the vocabulary presented in the unit.

▪ Pupils answer the comprehension questions for the written and oral texts.

The following points are studied indirectly in the four previous blocks:

Communication functions:

▪ Requesting information / clearing up information

▪ Giving advice

▪ Expressing obligation / lack of obligation

▪ Giving recommendations

▪ Describing activities (chores)


▪ Gadgets: satnav, MP3 player, torch, games console, remote control, coffee machine, calculator, docking station, hair dryer, headphones.

▪ Chores: vacuum the floor, tidy up, do the ironing, do the shopping, set / clear the table, do the washing-up, make the beds, do the cooking, do the washing, load / empty the dishwasher.

▪ Expressions with like: look like, sound like, like what.

Syntactic-discursive contents:

▪ have to / don’t have to

▪ should / shouldn’t

▪ mustn’t vs. don’t have to

Graphic patterns and sounds:

▪ Recognising, comparing and pronouncing vowel sounds: /ʊ/ and /uː/.

▪ Recognising and using the main spelling norms.

Classroom language:

▪ Can you explain what … is?

▪ Do you already know the meaning of …?

▪ Read the questions and think about…

▪ Compare your answers with a partner.

▪ Check your answers.

▪ Think about the information you would expect...

▪ Do this exercise in pairs.

▪ Write three more questions about….

▪ Discuss … in pairs.

▪ Check your partner’s use of …

Learning strategies:

▪ Review common mistakes and focus on the important information in the Get it right! boxes about: people, should do, shopping.

▪ Pupils predict the contents of a text using the pictures and titles to aid comprehension.

▪ Assimilate advice for planning and producing a written text.

▪ Assimilate common expressions for improving fluency.

▪ Explain key language in real situations using a photo-story and a video: The treasure hunt.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects:

▪ Reflect on looking after people and the environment.

▪ Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as complying with classroom rules.

▪ Show an interest in developing social skills such as solving problems.

2 Basic Competences

|Descriptors |Activities |

|Linguistic communication |


|Understand simple oral messages and instructions and recognise |Listening to a radio programme. |

|familiar words and linguistic structures. | |

|Identify the gist and specific information from a short |Listening to and watching a story about treasure hunting. |

|situation from repeated visualisations of the oral text | |

| |Pupils read an article about a young inventor. |


|Give personal information and information about your |Role-play about a telephone call. |

|surroundings in daily situations. | |

| |Take part in conversations about rules. |

|Take part in spoken interaction spontaneously. |Producing conversations giving and taking advice. |

| |Practise dialogues asking for repetition and for information to |

| |be clarified. |

| |Acting out a conversation asking for permission to go out. |


|Understand the general idea and specific details about familiar |Reading a web page with information about products. |

|subjects |Reading a conversation about a problem. |

|Deduce information from diverse texts about subjects of |Pupils read an article about a young inventor. |

|interest. | |

| |Reading a story about looking for treasure. |


|Write simple stories and descriptions. |Producing a paragraph about domestic chores. |

|Mathematical competences and basic science and technology competences. |

|Interpret and show simple statistical data on simple graphs and |Interpreting concept maps about the vocabulary [WB]. |

|tables. | |

|Solve simple problems connected with familiar subjects. |Do a crossword [WB]. |

|Find out about responsible behaviour for taking care of the |Pupils take an interest in looking after the environment. |

|environment. | |

|Digital competences |

|Locate basic information on digital sources and formats. |Do the exercises on elt/citizenz |

|Use ICT to reinforce and support learning English. |Do the activities on elt/citizenz |

| |and access the videos and recordings using Citizen Z Augmented |

| |Reality Web App. |

|Social and Civic competences. |

|Take part in group activities with respect and interest and |Pupils compare their answers in pairs and then review them with |

|share opinions. |the whole class. |

| |Pupils discuss in pairs and in small groups, giving their ideas |

| |and opinions about the issues brought up in the activities. |

|Show respect for your classmates and wait for your turn to |Respect classmates' opinions and ideas when working on tasks. |

|speak.. | |

|Learning to Learn |

|Identify, plan and apply objectives for carrying out tasks and |Do the exercises for the unit in the Workbook by yourself. |

|activities. | |

|Use tools and resources, such as dictionaries and grammar books,|Use reference books and material as extra extra material, |

|to solve doubts |practise for the Cambridge exams, pronunciation and grammar |

| |reference at the end of the book and the Get it right! pages |

| |every two units. |

|Show an interest in carrying out self-evaluation and correcting |Test yourself every two units checking the consolidation of the |

|your own mistakes. |knowledge acquired. |

|Use basic comprehension and expression strategies to help carry |Do the activities in the extra material and resources available |

|out tasks. |online. |

|Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. |

|Look for information to be able to complete your tasks |Do the activities in the Workbook, in the extra material and in |

|individually. |the resources available online. |

|Have a positive, proactive attitude to reading texts by |Do the reading activities in the Workbook individually. |

|yourself. | |

3 Social awareness

Moral and civic education

▪ Show interest taking an active part in class and following the teacher's instructions correctly.

▪ Recognise the importance of being creative.

▪ Accept other people's opinions and preferences.

▪ Show interest in classmates' opinions and ideas.

Education for Equality

▪ Show respect for other people's opinions, regardless of their gender.


▪ Environmental values: the importance of looking after the environment.

▪ Sense of property: respecting the class rules.

Work in pairs, as a group or cooperative work in the classroom

▪ Be able to work in pairs or groups effectively, respecting other people and being cooperative.

4 Inter-disciplinary focus

▪ At this level, themes tend to touch on other areas of the syllabus, subjects continually overlapping.

5 Assessment criteria

▪ Name, recognise and present vocabulary connected with gadgets, domestic chores, expressions with like.

▪ Use have to / don’t have to, should/ shouldn’t, mustn’t / don’t have to correctly.

▪ Use correct pronunciation and intonation of vowel sounds.

▪ Finding out about and using basic Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects such as looking after people and the environment, complying with rules, solving problems.

▪ Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which give, request and exchange information: a conversation/role-play about a telephone call.

▪ Write short, simple, well-structured texts: a paragraph about chores.

6 Contents - Assessment criteria - Competences

|Contents |Assessment criteria |Competences |

|Name, recognise and present vocabulary connected with |Recognise and use a limited repertoire of |LC |

|gadgets, domestic chores, expressions with like. |frequently used oral vocabulary about chores | |

| |orally and in writing. | |

|Practise the use of have to / don’t have to, should/ |Understanding and using functions and meanings |LC |

|shouldn’t, mustn’t / don’t have to. |associated with basic syntactic structures. |SCS |

| | | |

| |Distinguish and comply with the habitual | |

| |communication function or functions: asking for | |

| |information, giving advice, expressing obligation | |

| |/ lack of obligation, recommendations. | |

|Practise pronouncing vowel sounds. |Recognise and pronounce and write correctly. |LC |

| | | |

| |Use correct pronunciation and intonation. | |

|Listen to everyday conversations about advice. |Use the subject, general meaning and main |LC |

| |information and ideas from the text in short, | |

|Reading an article, a website and a story. |simple texts with visual and audio support. | |

|Pupils discuss classroom rules. |Finding out about and using basic Sociocultural |LC |

| |and sociolinguistic aspects such as complying with|SCS |

| |rules. | |

|Make a telephone call. |Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which |LC |

| |give, request and exchange information. |SCS |

| | |SIE |

|Preparing a paragraph about chores. |Write brief, simple texts and with clear |LC |

| |structures about everyday matters or subjects of |SCS |

| |interest. |SIE |


1 Contents

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

▪ Listening to and understanding conversations between adolescents talking about sport.

▪ Listen to and understand an article about elite sports players.

▪ Listening to and understanding a cultural article about the Olympic Games.

Block 2. Production of oral texts

▪ Oral interaction about sports.

▪ Conversations expressing feelings.

▪ Exchange questions and answers.

▪ Exchange opinions.

▪ Compare answers in pairs.

▪ Do activities in pairs or groups.

▪ Pupils discuss the questions raised in pairs.

▪ Do the oral activity about the situation given.

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

▪ Reading an article about elite sports players.

▪ Read information in Get it right! about: We were all waiting, running / jogging.

▪ Reading a cultural text about the Olympic Games.

▪ Reading an extract of a novel: The Bone Cage.

▪ Reading an article as a model for writing your own article.

Block 4. Production of written texts

▪ Reading an article about a sports event.

▪ Pupils complete the grammar rules about the use of the past continuous, the verbs used to talk about each sport, the use of the past continuous vs. simple past, the use of when / while and do exercises to practice.

▪ Producing sentences for practising the vocabulary presented in the unit.

▪ Pupils answer the comprehension questions for the written and oral texts.

The following points are studied indirectly in the four previous blocks:

Communication functions:

▪ Expressing feelings.

▪ Describing sports.

▪ Pupils talk about things which happened in the past

▪ Pupils talk about past events.

▪ Expressing sequences


▪ Sports, verbs for sports: sailing, diving, golf, gymnastics, rock-climbing, rugby, snowboarding, skiing, volleyball, windsurfing; play, go, do.

▪ Adverbs of sequence: at first, then, after, finally.

Syntactic-discursive contents:

▪ Past continuous

▪ Past continuous vs. past simple

▪ when, while

Graphic patterns and sounds:

▪ Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation of weak and strong forms of was. /wɒz/, /wəz/ and were: /wɜː/, /wə/.

▪ Recognising and using the main spelling norms.

Classroom language:

▪ Can you explain what … is?

▪ Do you already know the meaning of …?

▪ Read the questions and think about…

▪ Compare your answers with a partner.

▪ Check your answers.

▪ Think about the information you would expect...

▪ Do this exercise in pairs.

▪ Write three more questions about….

▪ Discuss … in pairs.

▪ Check your partner’s use of …

Learning strategies:

▪ Review common mistakes and focus on the important information in the Get it right! boxes about: We were all waiting, running / jogging.

▪ Pupils predict the contents of a text using the pictures and titles to aid comprehension.

▪ Assimilate advice for planning and producing a written text.

▪ Assimilate common expressions for improving fluency.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects:

▪ Reflect on the importance of trying, winning and losing.

▪ Interest in finding out about cultural issues: positive and negative sides to the Olympic Games.

2 Basic Competences

|Descriptors |Activities |

|Linguistic communication |


|Identify the gist and specific information from a short |Listening to conversations between adolescents about sport. |

|situation from repeated visualisations of the oral text | |

| |Listening to an article about elite sports players: an article |

| |about the Olympic Games. |


|Give personal information and information about your |Take part in conversations about sport. |

|surroundings in daily situations. | |

|Take part in spoken interaction spontaneously. |Producing conversations expressing feelings. |


|Deduce information from diverse texts about subjects of |Reading an article about elite sports players. |

|interest. |Reading an article about a sports event. |

|Valuing reading as a source of pleasure and |Reading a cultural text about the Olympic Games. |

| |Reading an extract of a novel. |


|Reproduce simple texts using previously presented models. |Reading an article as a model for writing your own. |

|Write simple stories and descriptions. |Reading an article about a sports event. |

|Mathematical competences and basic science and technology competences. |

|Interpret and show simple statistical data on simple graphs and |Interpreting concept maps about the vocabulary [WB]. |

|tables. | |

|Solve simple problems connected with familiar subjects. |Do a crossword [WB]. |

|Digital competences |

|Locate basic information on digital sources and formats. |Do the exercises on elt/citizenz |

|Use ICT to reinforce and support learning English. |Do the activities on elt/citizenz |

| |and access the videos and recordings using Citizen Z Augmented |

| |Reality Web App. |

|Social and Civic competences. |

|Take part in group activities with respect and interest and |Pupils compare their answers in pairs and then review them with |

|share opinions. |the whole class. |

| |Pupils discuss in pairs and in small groups, giving their ideas |

| |and opinions about the issues brought up in the activities. |

|Show respect for your classmates and wait for your turn to |Respect classmates' opinions and ideas when working on tasks. |

|speak.. | |

|Cultural awareness and expressions. |

|Take an active part in preparing and carrying out artistic |Obtaining information from the cultural text about the Olympic |

|activities in the classroom |Games and from the extract from the novel. |

|Learning to Learn |

|Identify, plan and apply objectives for carrying out tasks and |Do the exercises for the unit in the Workbook by yourself. |

|activities. | |

|Use tools and resources, such as dictionaries and grammar books,|Use reference books and material as extra extra material, |

|to solve doubts |practise for the Cambridge exams, pronunciation and grammar |

| |reference at the end of the book and the Get it right! pages |

| |every two units. |

|Show an interest in carrying out self-evaluation and correcting |Test yourself every two units checking the consolidation of the |

|your own mistakes. |knowledge acquired. |

|Use basic comprehension and expression strategies to help carry |Do the activities in the extra material and resources available |

|out tasks. |online. |

|Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. |

|Look for information to be able to complete your tasks |Do the activities in the Workbook, in the extra material and in |

|individually. |the resources available online. |

|Have a positive, proactive attitude to reading texts by |Do the reading activities in the Workbook individually. |

|yourself. | |

3 Social awareness

Moral and civic education

▪ Show interest taking an active part in class and following the teacher's instructions correctly.

▪ Recognise the importance of being creative.

▪ Accept other people's opinions and preferences.

▪ Show interest in classmates' opinions and ideas.

Education for Equality

▪ Show respect for other people's opinions, regardless of their gender.


▪ Knowing how to win and lose. the importance of trying.

Work in pairs, as a group or cooperative work in the classroom

▪ Be able to work in pairs or groups effectively, respecting other people and being cooperative.

4 Inter-disciplinary focus

▪ At this level, themes tend to touch on other areas of the syllabus, subjects continually overlapping.

5 Assessment criteria

▪ Naming, recognising and presenting vocabulary in connection with sports and adverbs of sequence.

▪ Use the past continuous and simple past and when/while correctly.

▪ Using correct pronunciation and intonation: weak and strong forms of was and were.

▪ Finding out about and using basic Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects such as persistence in sports.

▪ Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which give, request and exchange information: a conversation/role-play about sports.

▪ Pupils write short, simple, well-structured texts: an article about a sports event.

6 Contents - Assessment criteria - Competences

|Contents |Assessment criteria |Competences |

|Naming, recognising and presenting vocabulary in |Recognise and use a limited repertoire of |LC |

|connection with sports and adverbs of sequence. |frequently used oral vocabulary about sports | |

| |orally and in writing. | |

|Practise the use and forms of simple present and |Understanding and using functions and meanings |LC |

|continuous and the use of when/while. |associated with basic syntactic structures. |SCS |

| | | |

| |Distinguish and comply with habitual communication| |

| |functions: expressing feelings, describing | |

| |actions, talking about past events, expressing | |

| |sequences. | |

|Practise pronouncing the weak and strong forms ofwas y |Recognise and pronounce and write correctly. |LC |

|were. | | |

| |Use correct pronunciation and intonation. | |

|Listen to everyday conversations about sports. |Use the subject, general meaning and main |LC |

| |information and ideas from the text in short, | |

|Reading an article, an Internet forum, a cultural text |simple texts with visual and audio support. | |

|and an extract from a novel. | | |

|Pupils discuss sports and feelings. |Finding out about and using basic Sociocultural |LC |

| |and sociolinguistic aspects such as persistence in|SCS |

| |sports. | |

|Expressing opinions about sports. |Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which |LC |

| |give, request and exchange information. |SCS |

| | |SIE |

|Preparing an article about a sports event. |Write brief, simple texts and with clear |LC |

| |structures about everyday matters or subjects of |SCS |

| |interest. |SIE |


1 Contents

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

▪ Listening to and understanding an interview with a Bushman.

▪ Listen to and understand an article about the San in the Kalahari desert.

▪ Watching a video about a story connected with the unit theme: The competition.

Block 2. Production of oral texts

▪ Oral interaction about the weather.

▪ Conversations paying compliments.

▪ Exchange questions and answers.

▪ Exchange opinions.

▪ Compare answers in pairs.

▪ Do activities in pairs or groups.

▪ Pupils discuss the questions raised in pairs.

▪ Do the oral activity about the situation given.

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

▪ Reading an article about the Kalahari desert and the people who live there.

▪ Read information in Get it right! about: touristy, than.

▪ Reading a story about a competition.

▪ Reading an article about places with extreme climates.

▪ Reading and understanding a text about helping the community.

Block 4. Production of written texts

▪ Producing an e-mail describing an interesting place with extreme climate.

▪ Doing exercises for practising the grammar studied in the unit..

▪ Producing sentences for practising the vocabulary presented in the unit.

▪ Pupils answer the comprehension questions for the written and oral texts.

The following points are studied indirectly in the four previous blocks:

Communication functions:

▪ Giving compliments.

▪ Description of the climate.

▪ Expressing comparisons

▪ Expressing ability

▪ Describing geographical features.


▪ Geographical features: ocean, hill, mountain, jungle, river, desert, lake, beach, island, forest.

▪ Climate: freezing, sunny, rainy, humid, windy, wet, cloudy, dry, warm, foggy, cold, hot.

▪ Expressions with : busy with, to do with me, with us.

Syntactic-discursive contents:

▪ Comparative adjectives

▪ Superlative adjectives

▪ can / can’t for ability

Graphic patterns and sounds:

▪ Recognising, comparing and pronouncing vowel sounds /ɪ/ and /aɪ/.

▪ Recognising and using the main spelling norms.

Classroom language:

▪ Can you explain what … is?

▪ Do you already know the meaning of …?

▪ Read the questions and think about…

▪ Compare your answers with a partner.

▪ Check your answers.

▪ Think about the information you would expect...

▪ Do this exercise in pairs.

▪ Write three more questions about….

▪ Discuss … in pairs.

▪ Check your partner’s use of …

Learning strategies:

▪ Review common mistakes and focus on the important information in the Get it right! boxes about: touristy, than

▪ Pupils predict the contents of a text using the pictures and titles to aid comprehension.

▪ Assimilate advice for planning and producing a written text.

▪ Assimilate common expressions for improving fluency.

▪ Explain key language in real situations using a photo-story and a video: The competition.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects:

▪ Reflect on valuing our world.

▪ Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as being brave.

▪ Show an interest in developing social skills such as helping the community.

2 Basic Competences

|Descriptors |Activities |

|Linguistic communication |


|Identify the gist and specific information from a short |Listening to an interview with a Bushman. |

|situation from repeated visualisations of the oral text |Listening to and watching a story about a competition. |

| |Listening to an article about the Kalahari desert. |


|Give personal information and information about your |Take part in communicative exchanges about the weather |

|surroundings in daily situations. | |

|Take part in spoken interaction spontaneously. |Producing conversations giving compliments. |


|Understand the general idea and specific details about familiar |Reading and understanding a text about helping the community. |

|subjects | |

|Deduce information from diverse texts about subjects of |Reading an article about the Kalahari desert, an article about |

|interest. |places with extreme climates. |

| |Reading a story about a competition. |


|Write short letters, e-mails or postcards with personal |Producing an e-mail describing an interesting place. |

|information and information about your immediate surroundings. | |

|Mathematical competences and basic science and technology competences. |

|Interpret and show simple statistical data on simple graphs and |Interpreting concept maps about the vocabulary [WB]. |

|tables. | |

|Find out about responsible behaviour for taking care of the |Pupils take an interest in looking after the environment. |

|environment. | |

|Digital competences |

|Locate basic information on digital sources and formats. |Do the exercises on elt/citizenz |

|Use ICT to reinforce and support learning English. |Do the activities on elt/citizenz |

| |and access the videos and recordings using Citizen Z Augmented |

| |Reality Web App. |

|Social and Civic competences. |

|Take part in group activities with respect and interest and |Pupils compare their answers in pairs and then review them with |

|share opinions. |the whole class. |

| |Pupils discuss in pairs and in small groups, giving their ideas |

| |and opinions about the issues brought up in the activities. |

|Show respect for your classmates and wait for your turn to |Respect classmates' opinions and ideas when working on tasks. |

|speak.. | |

|Cultural awareness and expressions. |

|Take an active part in preparing and carrying out artistic |Obtaining information from the article about the Kalahari desert|

|activities in the classroom |and about the interview with the Bushman. |

|Learning to Learn |

|Identify, plan and apply objectives for carrying out tasks and |Do the exercises for the unit in the Workbook by yourself. |

|activities. | |

|Use tools and resources, such as dictionaries and grammar books,|Use reference books and material as extra extra material, |

|to solve doubts |practise for the Cambridge exams, pronunciation and grammar |

| |reference at the end of the book and the Get it right! pages |

| |every two units. |

|Show an interest in carrying out self-evaluation and correcting |Test yourself every two units checking the consolidation of the |

|your own mistakes. |knowledge acquired. |

|Use basic comprehension and expression strategies to help carry |Do the activities in the extra material and resources available |

|out tasks. |online. |

|Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. |

|Look for information to be able to complete your tasks |Do the activities in the Workbook, in the extra material and in |

|individually. |the resources available online. |

|Have a positive, proactive attitude to reading texts by |Do the reading activities in the Workbook individually. |

|yourself. | |

3 Social awareness

Moral and civic education

▪ Show interest taking an active part in class and following the teacher's instructions correctly.

▪ Recognise the importance of being creative.

▪ Accept other people's opinions and preferences.

▪ Show interest in classmates' opinions and ideas.

Education for Equality

▪ Show respect for other people's opinions, regardless of their gender.


▪ Environmental values: value our world and take care of it.

▪ Sense of identity: being brave.

Work in pairs, as a group or cooperative work in the classroom

▪ Be able to work in pairs or groups effectively, respecting other people and being cooperative.

4 Inter-disciplinary focus

▪ At this level, themes tend to touch on other areas of the syllabus, subjects continually overlapping.

5 Assessment criteria

▪ Name, recognise and present vocabulary connected with geographical features, the climate and expressions which use with.

▪ Use comparative and superlative adjectives and can / can’t correctly.

▪ Use correct pronunciation and intonation of vowel sounds.

▪ Be familiar with and use basic Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects such as valuing our world, being brave and helping the community.

▪ Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which give, request and exchange information: a conversation/role-play about plans.

▪ Write brief, simple texts and with clear structures: an informal e-mail.

6 Contents - Assessment criteria - Competences

|Contents |Assessment criteria |Competences |

|Recognise and present vocabulary connected with |Recognise and use a limited repertoire of |LC |

|geographical features, the climate and expression which |frequently used oral vocabulary about geography | |

|use with. |and the climate. | |

|Practise the use and form of comparatives and |Understanding and using functions and meanings |LC |

|superlatives |associated with basic syntactic structures. |SCS |

| | | |

| |Distinguish and comply with the habitual | |

| |communication function or functions: giving | |

| |compliments, describing the climate, making | |

| |comparisons, expressing ability and describing | |

| |geographical features. | |

|Practise pronouncing vowel sounds. |Recognise and pronounce and write correctly. |LC |

| | | |

| |Use correct pronunciation and intonation. | |

|Listen to everyday conversations about the climate. |Use the subject, general meaning and main |LC |

| |information and ideas from the text in short, | |

|Reading two articles and a story. |simple texts with visual and audio support. | |

|Debate with classmates about compliments. |Be familiar with and use basic Sociocultural and |LC |

| |sociolinguistic aspects such as valuing our world,|SCS |

| |being brave and helping the community. | |

|Giving compliments. |Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which |LC |

| |give, request and exchange information. |SCS |

| | |SIE |

|Preparing an informal e-mail. |Write brief, simple texts and with clear |LC |

| |structures about everyday matters or subjects of |SCS |

| |interest. |SIE |


1 Contents

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

▪ Listening to and understanding a conversation making plans to meet.

▪ Listening to and understanding two blogs about people who are moving to another city.

▪ Listening to and understanding a cultural text about ghost towns.

Block 2. Production of oral texts

▪ Oral interaction about plans.

▪ Conversations giving invitations and answering invitations.

▪ Exchange questions and answers.

▪ Exchange opinions.

▪ Compare answers in pairs.

▪ Do activities in pairs or groups.

▪ Pupils discuss the questions raised in pairs.

▪ Do the oral activity about the situation given.

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

▪ Reading two blogs by adolescents who are moving to another city.

▪ Read information in Get it right! about: centre, good / bad.

▪ Reading a cultural text about ghost towns.

▪ Reading an extract from a novel by Gaston Leroux, The Phantom of the Opera.

▪ Reading an e-mail as a model for writing your own.

Block 4. Production of written texts

▪ Producing an informal e-mail about holidays in a famous city.

▪ Pupils complete the grammar rules about the use of be going to, the present continuous and do exercises to practice.

▪ Producing sentences for practising the vocabulary presented in the unit.

▪ Pupils answer the comprehension questions for the written and oral texts.

The following points are studied indirectly in the four previous blocks:

Communication functions:

▪ Giving invitations

▪ Expressing plans

▪ Expressing intention

▪ Describing places

▪ Describing things in the city

▪ Expressing manner


▪ Places in the city: concert hall, car park, shopping mall, bus station, police station, post office, football stadium, sports centre.

▪ Things in the city - compound nouns: zebra crossing, youth club, speed camera, graffiti wall, cycle lane, litter bin, bill board, high street.

Syntactic-discursive contents:

▪ ‘be going to’ for intentions

▪ Present continuous for arrangements

▪ Adverbs

Graphic patterns and sounds:

▪ Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation of contracted forms of consonants: Voiced /ð/ and unvoiced /θ/.

▪ Recognising and using the main spelling norms.

Classroom language:

▪ Can you explain what … is?

▪ Do you already know the meaning of …?

▪ Read the questions and think about…

▪ Compare your answers with a partner.

▪ Check your answers.

▪ Think about the information you would expect...

▪ Do this exercise in pairs.

▪ Write three more questions about….

▪ Discuss … in pairs.

▪ Check your partner’s use of …

Learning strategies:

▪ Review common mistakes and focus on the important information in the Get it right! boxes about: centre, good / bad.

▪ Pupils predict the contents of a text using the pictures and titles to aid comprehension.

▪ Assimilate advice for planning and producing a written text.

▪ Assimilate common expressions for improving fluency.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects:

▪ Interest in and reflection on appreciating other cultures.

▪ Interest in finding out about cultural matters such as ghost towns in different parts of the world.

2 Basic Competences

|Descriptors |Activities |

|Linguistic communication |


|Identify the gist and specific information from a short |Listening to a conversation making plans about going out. |

|situation from repeated visualisations of the oral text | |

| |Listening to two blogs about people who are moving to another |

| |city. |


|Take part in spoken interaction spontaneously. |Producing conversations with plans about going out; giving |

| |invitations and accepting or refusing invitations. |


|Understand the general idea and specific details about familiar |Listening to two blogs about people who are moving to another |

|subjects. |city. |

| |Reading a blog about some holidays. |

| |Reading a cultural text about ghost towns. |

| |Reading an extract of a novel. |


|Reproduce simple texts using previously presented models. |Reading an e-mail as a model for writing your own. |

|Write short letters, e-mails or postcards with personal |Producing an informal e-mail about holidays in a famous city. |

|information and information about your immediate surroundings. | |

|Mathematical competences and basic science and technology competences. |

|Interpret and show simple statistical data on simple graphs and |Interpreting concept maps about the vocabulary [WB]. |

|tables. | |

|Be familiar with and follow healthy living practices. |Pupils take an interest in and identify healthy living habits. |

|Digital competences |

|Locate basic information on digital sources and formats. |Do the exercises on elt/citizenz |

|Use ICT to reinforce and support learning English. |Do the activities on elt/citizenz |

| |and access the videos and recordings using Citizen Z Augmented |

| |Reality Web App. |

|Social and Civic competences. |

|Take part in group activities with respect and interest and |Pupils compare their answers in pairs and then review them with |

|share opinions. |the whole class. |

| |Pupils discuss in pairs and in small groups, giving their ideas |

| |and opinions about the issues brought up in the activities. |

|Show respect for your classmates and wait for your turn to |Respect classmates' opinions and ideas when working on tasks. |

|speak.. | |

|Cultural awareness and expressions. |

|Take an active part in preparing and carrying out artistic |Obtaining information from the cultural text about ghost towns |

|activities in the classroom |and from the extract from the novel. |

|Learning to Learn |

|Identify, plan and apply objectives for carrying out tasks and |Do the exercises for the unit in the Workbook by yourself. |

|activities. | |

|Use tools and resources, such as dictionaries and grammar books,|Use reference books and material as extra extra material, |

|to solve doubts |practise for the Cambridge exams, pronunciation and grammar |

| |reference at the end of the book and the Get it right! pages |

| |every two units. |

|Show an interest in carrying out self-evaluation and correcting |Test yourself every two units checking the consolidation of the |

|your own mistakes. |knowledge acquired. |

|Use basic comprehension and expression strategies to help carry |Do the activities in the extra material and resources available |

|out tasks. |online. |

|Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. |

|Look for information to be able to complete your tasks |Do the activities in the Workbook, in the extra material and in |

|individually. |the resources available online. |

|Have a positive, proactive attitude to reading texts by |Do the reading activities in the Workbook individually. |

|yourself. | |

3 Social awareness

Moral and civic education

▪ Show interest taking an active part in class and following the teacher's instructions correctly.

▪ Recognise the importance of being creative.

▪ Accept other people's opinions and preferences.

▪ Show interest in classmates' opinions and ideas.

Education for Equality

▪ Show respect for other people's opinions, regardless of their gender.


▪ Multicultural education: knowing how to appreciate other cultures.

Work in pairs, as a group or cooperative work in the classroom

▪ Be able to work in pairs or groups effectively, respecting other people and being cooperative.

4 Inter-disciplinary focus

▪ At this level, themes tend to touch on other areas of the syllabus, subjects continually overlapping.

▪ At this level, subjects connected with citizenship education are dealt with: pupils learn to value other cultures.

5 Assessment criteria

▪ Name, recognise and present vocabulary connected with places and things in the city.

▪ Use be going to, the present continuous and adverbs correctly.

▪ Use correct pronunciation and intonation. Voiced /ð/ and unvoiced /θ.

▪ Finding out about and using basic Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects such as appreciating other cultures.

▪ Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which give, request and exchange information: a conversation/role-play about plans.

▪ Write brief, simple texts and with clear structures: an informal e-mail.

6 Contents - Assessment criteria - Competences

|Contents |Assessment criteria |Competences |

|Recognising and presenting vocabulary connected with |Recognise and use a limited repertoire of |LC |

|places and things in the city. |frequently used oral vocabulary about the city | |

| |orally and in writing. | |

|Practise the use of be going to, present continuous and |Understanding and using functions and meanings |LC |

|adverbs. |associated with basic syntactic structures. |SCS |

| | | |

| |Distinguish and carry out habitual communication | |

| |functions: expressing invitations, plans, | |

| |intentions, describing places, expressing ways of | |

| |doing things. | |

|Practise the pronunciation of Voiced /ð/ and unvoiced |Recognise and pronounce and write correctly. |LC |

|/θ. | | |

| |Use correct pronunciation and intonation. | |

|Listen to everyday conversations about plans. |Use the subject, general meaning and main |LC |

| |information and ideas from the text in short, | |

|Reading a blog, a website with letters, a cultural text |simple texts with visual and audio support. | |

|and an extract from a novel. | | |

|Pupils discuss an imaginary film. |Finding out about and using basic Sociocultural |LC |

| |and sociolinguistic aspects such as appreciating |SCS |

| |other cultures. | |

|Describing and agreeing on plans. |Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which |LC |

| |give, request and exchange information. |SCS |

| | |SIE |

|Preparing an informal e-mail. |Write brief, simple texts and with clear |LC |

| |structures about everyday matters or subjects of |SCS |

| |interest. |SIE |


1 Contents

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

▪ Listening to and understanding de four conversations about physical problems.

▪ Listening to and understanding a changes in the body over the years.

▪ Listening to and understanding a telephone conversation.

▪ Watching a video about a story connected with the unit theme: The phone call.

Block 2. Production of oral texts

▪ Oral interaction about making predictions.

▪ A role-play about a health problem.

▪ Conversations showing empathy.

▪ Exchange questions and answers.

▪ Exchange opinions.

▪ Compare answers in pairs.

▪ Do activities in pairs or groups.

▪ Pupils discuss the questions raised in pairs.

▪ Do the oral activity about the situation given and talking about climatic conditions.

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

▪ Reading an article about changes in the human body over the years.

▪ Read information in Get it right! about: thing, my head hurts.

▪ Reading a story about a telephone call.

▪ Reading a story about facing up to negative feelings.

Block 4. Production of written texts

▪ Producing a message about a telephone call.

▪ Pupils complete the grammar rules about the use of will / won’t, form and use of the first conditional, time clauses, and do exercises to practice them.

▪ Producing sentences for practising the vocabulary presented in the unit.

▪ Pupils answer the comprehension questions for the written and oral texts.

The following points are studied indirectly in the four previous blocks:

Communication functions:

▪ Giving predictions

▪ Expressing future events

▪ Expressing condition

▪ Expressing temporary nature

▪ Describing parts of the body


▪ Parts of the body: arm, leg, mouth, muscle, finger, foot, ear, eye, toe, hair, bone, thumb; ankle, back, elbow, knees, lips, neck, shoulder, stomach, throat, tongue.

▪ when / if

▪ Expressions with do: ice cream, homework, cooking, well.

Syntactic-discursive contents:

▪ ‘will / won’t’ for future predictions

▪ First conditional

▪ Time clauses with ‘when / as soon as’

Graphic patterns and sounds:

▪ Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation of contracted forms of the consonant 'h': /h/, /’h/.

▪ Recognising and using the main spelling norms.

Classroom language:

▪ Can you explain what … is?

▪ Do you already know the meaning of …?

▪ Read the questions and think about…

▪ Compare your answers with a partner.

▪ Check your answers.

▪ Think about the information you would expect...

▪ Do this exercise in pairs.

▪ Write three more questions about….

▪ Discuss … in pairs.

▪ Check your partner’s use of …

Learning strategies:

▪ Review common mistakes and focus on the important information in the Get it right! boxes about: thing, my head hurts

▪ Pupils predict the contents of a text using the pictures and titles to aid comprehension.

▪ Assimilate advice for planning and producing a written text.

▪ Assimilate common expressions for improving fluency.

▪ Explain key language in real situations using a photo-story and a video: The phone call.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects:

▪ Reflect on the importance of exercise and health.

▪ Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as asking for help when needed.

▪ Show an interest in developing social skills such as facing up to negative feelings.

2 Basic Competences

|Descriptors |Activities |

|Linguistic communication |


|Identify the gist and specific information from a short |Listening to conversations about physical problems. |

|situation from repeated visualisations of the oral text |Listening to a telephone conversation. |

| |Listening to and watching a story about a telephone call. |

| |Listening to an article about how the body has changed over the |

| |years. |


|Give personal information and information about your |Communicative exchanges making predictions. |

|surroundings in daily situations. | |

|Take part in spoken interaction spontaneously. |A role-play about a health problem. |

| |Producing conversations showing empathy: talking about the |

| |climate. |


|Understand the general idea and specific details about familiar |Reading a story about facing up to negative feelings. |

|subjects | |

|Deduce information from diverse texts about subjects of |Reading an article about changes in the human body over the |

|interest. |years. |

| |Reading a story about a telephone call. |


|Write short letters, e-mails or postcards with personal |Producing a message about a telephone call. |

|information and information about your immediate surroundings. | |

|Mathematical competences and basic science and technology competences. |

|Be familiar with and follow healthy living practices. |Pupils take an interest in and identify healthy living habits |

| |through exercise. |

|Digital competences |

|Locate basic information on digital sources and formats. |Do the exercises on elt/citizenz |

|Use ICT to reinforce and support learning English. |Do the activities on elt/citizenz |

| |and access the videos and recordings using Citizen Z Augmented |

| |Reality Web App. |

|Social and Civic competences. |

|Take part in group activities with respect and interest and |Pupils compare their answers in pairs and then review them with |

|share opinions. |the whole class. |

| |Pupils discuss in pairs and in small groups, giving their ideas |

| |and opinions about the issues brought up in the activities. |

|Show respect for your classmates and wait for your turn to |Respect classmates' opinions and ideas when working on tasks. |

|speak.. | |

|Learning to Learn |

|Identify, plan and apply objectives for carrying out tasks and |Do the exercises for the unit in the Workbook by yourself. |

|activities. | |

|Use tools and resources, such as dictionaries and grammar books,|Use reference books and material as extra extra material, |

|to solve doubts |practise for the Cambridge exams, pronunciation and grammar |

| |reference at the end of the book and the Get it right! pages |

| |every two units. |

|Show an interest in carrying out self-evaluation and correcting |Test yourself every two units checking the consolidation of the |

|your own mistakes. |knowledge acquired. |

|Use basic comprehension and expression strategies to help carry |Do the activities in the extra material and resources available |

|out tasks. |online. |

|Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. |

|Look for information to be able to complete your tasks |Do the activities in the Workbook, in the extra material and in |

|individually. |the resources available online. |

|Have a positive, proactive attitude to reading texts by |Do the reading activities in the Workbook individually. |

|yourself. | |

3 Social awareness

Moral and civic education

▪ Show interest taking an active part in class and following the teacher's instructions correctly.

▪ Recognise the importance of being creative.

▪ Accept other people's opinions and preferences.

▪ Show interest in classmates' opinions and ideas.

Education for Equality

▪ Show respect for other people's opinions, regardless of their gender.


▪ Health: taking exercise for a healthy life.

▪ Sense of security: supporting and helping others.

▪ Sense of identity: asking for help when needed.

Work in pairs, as a group or cooperative work in the classroom

▪ Be able to work in pairs or groups effectively, respecting other people and being cooperative.

4 Inter-disciplinary focus

▪ At this level, themes tend to touch on other areas of the syllabus, subjects continually overlapping.

5 Assessment criteria

▪ Name, recognise and present vocabulary connected with parts of the body, when/if, expressions with do.

▪ Use will/won’t, the first conditional, time syntagmas with when/as soon as correctly.

▪ Use the correct pronunciation and intonation of words with the consonant h.

▪ Be familiar with and use basic Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects such as health and exercise, asking for help, facing up to negative feelings.

▪ Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which give, request and exchange information: a conversation/role-play about a health problem.

▪ Write brief, simple texts and with clear structures: a telephone message.

6 Contents - Assessment criteria - Competences

|Contents |Assessment criteria |Competences |

|Name, recognise and present vocabulary connected with |Recognise and use a limited repertoire of |LC |

|parts of the body, when/if, expressions with do. |frequently used oral vocabulary about | |

| |communication and creativity orally and in | |

| |writing. | |

|Use will/won’t, the first conditional, time syntagmas |Understanding and using functions and meanings |LC |

|with when/as soon as correctly. |associated with basic syntactic structures. |SCS |

| | | |

| |Distinguishing between and using usual | |

| |communication functions: future events making | |

| |predictions, expressing conditions, time and | |

| |future events. | |

|Practise the pronunciation of words with h. |Recognise and pronounce and write correctly. |LC |

| | | |

| |Use correct pronunciation and intonation. | |

|Listening to and understanding de everyday conversations|Use the subject, general meaning and main |LC |

|about physical problems. |information and ideas from the text in short, | |

| |simple texts with visual and audio support. | |

|Reading an article, a website and a story. | | |

|Pupils discuss health problems. |Be familiar with and use basic Sociocultural and |LC |

| |sociolinguistic aspects such as health and |SCS |

| |exercise, asking for help, facing up to negative | |

| |feelings. | |

|A role-play about a health problem. |Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which |LC |

| |give, request and exchange information. |SCS |

| | |SIE |

|Preparing a telephone message. |Write brief, simple texts and with clear |LC |

| |structures about everyday matters or subjects of |SCS |

| |interest. |SIE |


1 Contents

Block 1. Comprehension of oral texts

▪ Listening to and understanding a chat about journeys.

▪ Listening to and understanding an interview with a former pupil of a school about his/her travel and experiences.

▪ Listening to and understanding a blog about journeys.

Block 2. Production of oral texts

▪ Oral interaction about travel and means of transport.

▪ Conversations about personal experiences.

▪ Role-play about the life of a bus driver / flight assistant.

▪ Exchange questions and answers.

▪ Exchange opinions.

▪ Compare answers in pairs.

▪ Do activities in pairs or groups.

▪ Pupils discuss the questions raised in pairs.

▪ Do the oral activity about the situation given.

Block 3. Comprehension of written texts

▪ Read a travel blog.

▪ Read information in Get it right! about plans for the future, She has gone / been, never.

▪ Reading an interview with a taxi driver.

▪ Reading a cultural text about difficult journeys for children to get to school.

▪ Reading a poem. From a railway carriage.

▪ Reading an essay as a model for writing your own.

Block 4. Production of written texts

▪ Producing an essay about a person they admire.

▪ Pupils complete the grammar rules about the use of the present perfect and do exercises to practice.

▪ Producing sentences for practising the vocabulary presented in the unit.

▪ Pupils answer the comprehension questions for the written and oral texts.

The following points are studied indirectly in the four previous blocks:

Communication functions:

▪ Describing experiences

▪ Pupils talk about past events.

▪ Describing means of transport.

▪ Describing actions (connected with means of transport).


▪ Transport and travel: minibus, helicopter, tram, motorbike, scooter, underground train.

▪ Verbs for travel: miss, fly, catch, take, ride, drive.

Syntactic-discursive contents:

▪ Present perfect simple

▪ Present perfect with ‘ever / never’

▪ Present perfect vs. past simple

Graphic patterns and sounds:

▪ Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation stress in sentences: sentence stress.

▪ Recognising and using the main spelling norms.

Classroom language:

▪ Can you explain what … is?

▪ Do you already know the meaning of …?

▪ Read the questions and think about…

▪ Compare your answers with a partner.

▪ Check your answers.

▪ Think about the information you would expect...

▪ Do this exercise in pairs.

▪ Write three more questions about….

▪ Discuss … in pairs.

▪ Check your partner’s use of …

Learning strategies:

▪ Review common mistakes and focus on the important information in the Get it right! boxes about: plans for the future, She has gone / been, never.

▪ Pupils predict the contents of a text using the pictures and titles to aid comprehension.

▪ Assimilate advice for planning and producing a written text.

▪ Assimilate common expressions for improving fluency.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects:

▪ Reflect on the positive effect of travel on the mind.

▪ Interest in finding out about cultural issues such as other people's experiences and journeys

2 Basic Competences

|Descriptors |Activities |

|Linguistic communication |


|Identify the gist and specific information from a short |Listening to an interview about trips and personal experiences. |

|situation from repeated visualisations of the oral text | |

| |Listening to a talk about trips. |

| |Listening to a blog about trips. |


|Give personal information and information about your |Communicative exchanges about trips and means of transport. |

|surroundings in daily situations. | |

|Take part in spoken interaction spontaneously. |Producing conversations about personal experiences. |

| |Role-play about the life of a bus driver / flight assistant. |


|Understand the general idea and specific details about familiar |Reading an essay. |

|subjects | |

| |Read a travel blog. |

|Deduce information from diverse texts about subjects of |Reading an interview with a taxi driver. |

|interest. | |

| |Reading a cultural text about difficult journeys for children to|

| |get to school. |

| |Reading a poem. |


|Reproduce simple texts using previously presented models. |Reading an essay as a model for writing your own. |

|Write simple stories and descriptions. |Producing an essay about a person they admire. |

|Mathematical competences and basic science and technology competences. |

|Interpret and show simple statistical data on simple graphs and |Interpreting concept maps about the vocabulary [WB]. |

|tables. | |

|Solve simple problems connected with familiar subjects. |Doing a letter soup and a crossword [WB]. |

|Digital competences |

|Locate basic information on digital sources and formats. |Do the exercises on elt/citizenz |

|Use ICT to reinforce and support learning English. |Do the activities on elt/citizenz |

| |and access the videos and recordings using Citizen Z Augmented |

| |Reality Web App. |

|Social and Civic competences. |

|Take part in group activities with respect and interest and |Pupils compare their answers in pairs and then review them with |

|share opinions. |the whole class. |

| |Pupils discuss in pairs and in small groups, giving their ideas |

| |and opinions about the issues brought up in the activities. |

|Show respect for your classmates and wait for your turn to |Respect classmates' opinions and ideas when working on tasks. |

|speak.. | |

|Cultural awareness and expressions. |

|Take an active part in preparing and carrying out artistic |Obtaining information from the cultural text about the journey |

|activities in the classroom |to school for some children in different parts of the world. |

| |Pupils take an interest in reading a poem. |

|Learning to Learn |

|Identify, plan and apply objectives for carrying out tasks and |Do the exercises for the unit in the Workbook by yourself. |

|activities. | |

|Use tools and resources, such as dictionaries and grammar books,|Use reference books and material as extra extra material, |

|to solve doubts |practise for the Cambridge exams, pronunciation and grammar |

| |reference at the end of the book and the Get it right! pages |

| |every two units. |

|Show an interest in carrying out self-evaluation and correcting |Test yourself every two units checking the consolidation of the |

|your own mistakes. |knowledge acquired. |

|Use basic comprehension and expression strategies to help carry |Do the activities in the extra material and resources available |

|out tasks. |online. |

|Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. |

|Look for information to be able to complete your tasks |Do the activities in the Workbook, in the extra material and in |

|individually. |the resources available online. |

|Have a positive, proactive attitude to reading texts by |Do the reading activities in the Workbook individually. |

|yourself. | |

3 Social awareness

Moral and civic education

▪ Show interest taking an active part in class and following the teacher's instructions correctly.

▪ Recognise the importance of being creative.

▪ Accept other people's opinions and preferences.

▪ Show interest in classmates' opinions and ideas.

Education for Equality

▪ Show respect for other people's opinions, regardless of their gender.


▪ Respecting other cultures, other individuals, tolerating differences: travelling opens the mind.

Work in pairs, as a group or cooperative work in the classroom

▪ Be able to work in pairs or groups effectively, respecting other people and being cooperative.

4 Inter-disciplinary focus

▪ At this level, themes tend to touch on other areas of the syllabus, subjects continually overlapping.

5 Assessment criteria

▪ Name, recognise and present vocabulary connected with transport and travel.

▪ Use the present perfect and the simple past correctly.

▪ Use correct pronunciation and intonation in the sentence.

▪ Finding out about and using basic Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects such as the advantages of travel.

▪ Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which give, request and exchange information: a conversation/role-play about travel and experiences.

▪ Pupils write short, simple, well-structured texts: an essay about somebody they admire.

6 Contents - Assessment criteria - Competences

|Contents |Assessment criteria |Competences |

|Recognise and present vocabulary connected with |Recognise and use a limited repertoire of |LC |

|transport and travel. |frequently used oral vocabulary about travel | |

| |orally and in writing. | |

|Practise the use and forms of present perfect simple and|Understanding and using functions and meanings |LC |

|simple past. |associated with basic syntactic structures. |SCS |

| | | |

| |Distinguish and comply with habitual communication| |

| |functions: talk about events in the past, describe| |

| |experiences. | |

|Practise pronunciation and intonation in sentences. |Recognise and pronounce and write correctly. |LC |

| | | |

| |Use correct pronunciation and intonation. | |

|Listening to everyday conversations about travel and |Use the subject, general meaning and main |LC |

|experiences. |information and ideas from the text in short, | |

| |simple texts with visual and audio support. | |

|Reading a blog, an interview, a cultural text and a | | |

|poem. | | |

|Debate with classmates about experiences. |Finding out about and using basic Sociocultural |LC |

| |and sociolinguistic aspects such as creativity. |SCS |

|Role-play about the life of a bus driver / flight |Producing short, comprehensible oral texts which |LC |

|assistant. |give, request and exchange information. |SCS |

| | |SIE |

|Producing an essay about a person they admire. |Write brief, simple texts and with clear |LC |

| |structures about everyday matters or subjects of |SCS |

| |interest. |SIE |

| |


| |Excell|Very |Good |Averag|Not |

| |ent |good | |e |good |

|Linguistic communication | | | | | |

|Listen | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Understand simple oral messages and instructions and recognise familiar words and linguistic | | | | | |

|structures. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Identify the gist and specific information from a short situation from repeated visualisations| | | | | |

|of the oral text. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Recognise aural items such as accent, rhythm and correct intonation in familiar and varied | | | | | |

|contexts. | | | | | |

|Block 2. Producing oral texts | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Recite poems or sing a song with correct pronunciation and intonation. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Give simple oral presentations | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Give personal information and information about your surroundings in daily situations. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Take part in spoken interaction spontaneously. | | | | | |

|Read | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Identify relevant information on written posters and simple maps. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Understand the general idea and specific details about familiar subjects. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Deduce information from diverse texts about subjects of interest. | | | | | |

|Write | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Reproduce simple texts using previously presented models. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Fill in forms or cards with personal information and data. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Write simple stories and descriptions. | | | | | |

| |Excell|Very |Good |Averag|Not |

| |ent |good | |e |good |

|Mathematical competences and basic science and technology competences. | | | | | |

|Solve simple problems connected with familiar subjects. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Interpret and show simple statistical data on simple graphs and tables. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Order and classify data using appropriate criteria. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Recognise daily objects' sizes and geometrical properties. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Solve puzzles and crosswords. | | | | | |

|Use various techniques and items to build an object after planning the actions required to do | | | | | |

|so. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Identify and differentiate objects and resources in the immediate surroundings and what human | | | | | |

|beings do with them. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Respect nature and animals in the environment. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Be familiar with and follow healthy living practices. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Find out about responsible behaviour for taking care of the environment. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Apply strategies using methods from scientific research. | | | | | |

|Digital competences | | | | | |

|Use ICT to reinforce and support learning English. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Give short presentations and create in English using various formats and digital tools. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Locate basic information on digital sources and formats. | | | | | |

|Social and Civic competences. | | | | | |

|Take part in group activities with respect and interest and share opinions. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Show respect for your classmates and wait for your turn to speak. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Understand and value the use of English for communicating with other people and to find out | | | | | |

|about other cultures. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Identify habits from countries in which foreign languages are spoken. | | | | | |

|Cultural awareness and expressions. | | | | | |

|Use artistic techniques and items in your presentations and projects. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Take an active part in preparing and carrying out artistic activities in the classroom. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Show interest in and respect for the culture of English-speaking countries. | | | | | |

| |Excell|Very |Good |Averag|Not |

| |ent |good | |e |good |

|Learning to Learn | | | | | |

|Identify, plan and apply objectives for carrying out tasks and activities. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Use tools and resources, such as dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Show an interest in carrying out self-evaluation and correcting your own mistakes. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Use basic comprehension and expression strategies to help carry out tasks. | | | | | |

|Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. | | | | | |

|Look for information to be able to complete your tasks individually. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Have a positive, proactive attitude to reading texts by yourself. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Plan and check your work to be able to present it properly. | | | | | |

ANNEX – Learning Standards – Contents – Evaluation Criteria – Competences





|Understanding the gist of adverts about |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the gist, the essential information |LC |LC- Understand simple oral messages and |

|products of interest. |Understand the general idea, sentences and expressions connected|and main points in very short oral texts with |MSCT |instructions and recognise familiar words and |

|Understanding messages and public |with leisure activities. |standard language, simple structures and |DC |linguistic structures. |

|announcements with contain instructions, |Understand interaction in conversations about leisure |frequently used vocabulary, enunciated with |SCS | |

|warnings or other types of information. |activities. |clarity and slowly, read live or using technical |CCE |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding what is said during usual |Understand and extract the main information from recordings |resources, about specific, usual subjects |LL |from a short situation from repeated |

|transactions. |(listening, photo story, video). |connected with personal experiences, needs and |SIE |visualisations of the oral text |

|Identifying the subject of a predictable | |interests in predictable daily contexts or | | |

|daily conversation which you hear. |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |connected with areas of immediate need in the | |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding the gist of short, simple |Respecting classmates' opinions. |personal, public or educational areas, with good | |from a short situation from repeated |

|conversations about family matters and |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |acoustic conditions and no distortion of the | |visualisations of the oral text |

|which you take part in. |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |message, with the possibility of listening to the | | |

|Understanding the gist of simple, well |Reflect on knowing how to take care of yourself physically and |message again or asking for confirmation and with | |LC- Recognise aural items such as accent, rhythm|

|structured, clear, slowly delivered |psychologically. |visual support or a clear visual context | |and correct intonation in familiar and varied |

|presentations about family matters or |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as having hobbies. |reference. | |contexts. |

|matters of interest helped by pictures |Show an interest in developing social skills such as empathy. |Knowing and using the most appropriate basic | | |

|and illustrations. | |strategies for general comprehension of the text's| |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate |

|Understanding the gist and identifying |Communication functions: |essential information or main points. | |criteria. |

|subject changes in television programmes |Expressing everyday routines and activities. |Identifying basic, meaningful social and cultural | | |

|and other audio visual materials about |Talking about tastes and preferences. |features about daily life, interpersonal | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources |

|matters of interest. |Expressing warnings |relationships, behaviour and social conventions | |and formats. |

| |Expressing prohibition |andmaking use of the knowledge acquired about them| | |

| |Pupils talk about present or real events |to understand the text correctly. | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Expressing frequency |Distinguishing between the main communicative | |English using various formats and digital tools.|

| |Describing leisure activities. |function or functions of the text and a limited | | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |repertoire of their most usual features, as well | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect |

| |Present simple review |as basic patterns of expression. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Like + ing |Recognising the most common meanings associated | | |

| |Adverbs of frequency |with basic syntax structures in oral | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Vocabulary: |communication. | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Hobbies: play an instrument, write a blog, be in a club, take |Recognising a limited repertoire of oral | | |

| |photos, collect things, keep a pet. |vocabulary often used in everyday situations and | | |

| |Collocations with have: have fun, have a good time, have a |usual, specific subjects connected with needs and | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |problem, have dinner, have a rest, have a shower. |interests and using the context indicators and the| |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |information in the text to form an idea about the | | |

| |Recognising, comparing and pronouncing plurals and 3rd person |probable meanings of unfamiliar words and | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |endings of present tense verbs: /s/, /z/ or /ɪz/. |expressions. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| | |Distinguishing between sound patterns, accents, | |classroom |

| | |rhythms and basic intonation and recognising | | |

| | |general communicative meanings and intentions | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| | |connected with them. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to complete|

| | | | |your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


|Make short presentations, previously |Production strategies: |Taking part in a simple, comprehensible way in |LC |LC- Give simple oral presentations. |

|prepared and practised, about daily |Taking part in short conversations in everyday contexts about |short conversations which involve a direct |MSCT | |

|subjects or things of interest. |leisure activities. |exchange of information in areas of immediate need|DC |LC- Give personal information and information |

|Cope in daily situations. |Pupils discuss practical issues connected with the unit. |or about familiar subjects using a neutral, |SCS |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in direct conversations or |Expressing agreement or disagreement with classmates' opinions. |informal register, using simple phases or |CCE | |

|using technical resources to make social |Asking for and giving personal information. |expressions of frequent use, which are normally |LL |LC- Give personal information and information |

|contact. |Giving / following instructions / directions. |used separately or linking them with basic |SIE |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in an interview and give |Exchanging limited information about issues connected with |connectors, even though the pronunciation may not | | |

|personal information.. |leisure activities. |always be clear, although there may be pauses and | |LC- Take part in spoken interaction |

| |Basic description of activities and experiences. |hesitations and repetition may be required, as | |spontaneously. |

| |Using descriptive language to make short statements. |well as paraphrasing and the interlocutor's | | |

| |Explaining what they like and what they do not like. |cooperation in order to keep communication going. | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| | |Knowing and being able to use basic strategies in | |criteria. |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |order to produce oral texts about single subjects | | |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |or very short, simple dialogues. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |Knowing specific and meaningful basic | |and formats. |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features, | | |

| |Reflect on knowing how to take care of yourself physically and |applying knowledge about them when speaking in the| |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |psychologically. |same context, respecting the most basic | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as having hobbies. |communicative conventions. | |tools. |

| |Show an interest in developing social skills such as empathy. |Comply with the text's main communicative | | |

| | |function, using a limited repertoire of its most | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Communication functions: |frequent features and basic communication | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Expressing everyday routines and activities. |patterns. | | |

| |Talking about tastes and preferences. |Using basic syntax structures (eg. linking words | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Expressing warnings |and groups of words with basic connectors such as | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Expressing prohibition |"and", "then", "but" and "because") although still| | |

| |Pupils talk about present or real events |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |Expressing frequency |Knowing and using a much used, limited oral | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Describing leisure activities. |repertoire in daily situations about usual, | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |specific subjects connected with interests, | | |

| |Present simple review |experiences and needs. | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Like + ing |Using, in a general comprehensible manner, albeit | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Adverbs of frequency |obviously influenced by mother tongue or other | |classroom |

| |Vocabulary: |languages, a very limited repertoire of basic | | |

| |Hobbies: play an instrument, write a blog, be in a club, take |sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns, | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |photos, collect things, keep a pet. |adapting them to the communicative task desired. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |Collocations with have: have fun, have a good time, have a |Making yourself understood in short, simple | | |

| |problem, have dinner, have a rest, have a shower. |speech, although initial hesitation and faltering | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |are apparent, as are repetitions and pauses to | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |Recognising, comparing and pronouncing plurals and 3rd person |organise, correct and better express what you want| | |

| |endings of present tense verbs: /s/, /z/ or /ɪz/. |to say. | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | |Interact in a very basic way, using very simple | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | |techniques, both language and non-verbal at first,| |mistakes. |

| | |to hold or conclude a conversation. | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Understanding instructions, explanations |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the subject, the gist, the main ideas |LC |LC- Identify relevant information on written |

|and basic information in notes, signs and|Identifying specific information in simple material such as a |and specific information in very short, simple |MSCT |posters and simple maps.. |

|posters. |questionnaire, a blog, a photo-story, a story. |texts, in standard language, with often used |DC | |

|Understanding essential information and |Identifying the type of text. |vocabulary, in which the subject and the type of |CCE |LC- Understand the general idea and specific |

|identifying specific information in |Predict the contents of the text by its title or pictures. |text are highly familiar, dealing with everyday |LL |details about familiar subjects. |

|simple informative texts. |Deduce the meaning of unknown words by their context. |subjects or matters of immediate need, with the |SIE | |

|Understanding brief, simple |Identifying the subject and contents of each paragraph. |possibility of re-reading if you have not | |LC- Deduce information from diverse texts about|

|correspondence about familiar subjects. | |understood it, using a dictionary and with visual | |subjects of interest. |

|Understanding the gist of short pieces of|Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |and context support. | | |

|news and articles about familiar subjects|Respecting classmates' opinions. |Knowing and knowing how to use the most | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

|or subjects of interest. |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |appropriate strategies to understand the gist, | |criteria. |

|Understanding the gist of short, well |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |essential information or the text's main points. | | |

|structured stories in which pictures or |Reflect on knowing how to take care of yourself physically and |Identifying specific and meaningful sociocultural | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

|actions transmit a large part of the |psychologically. |and sociolinguistic features about daily life, | |and formats. |

|information. |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as having hobbies. |living conditions, personal relationships and | | |

| |Show an interest in developing social skills such as empathy. |social conventions, and apply the knowledge used | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| | |to understand the text correctly. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Communication functions: |Distinguishing the text's communication function | |tools. |

| |Expressing everyday routines and activities. |or functions and a limited repertoire from its | | |

| |Talking about tastes and preferences. |most usual features, as well as basic | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Expressing warnings |communication patterns. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Expressing prohibition |Recognising the basic syntax structures associated| | |

| |Pupils talk about present or real events |with the main principles of written communication.| |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Expressing frequency |Recognising a limited repertoire of frequently | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Describing leisure activities. |used vocabulary about very day situations and | | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |usual, specific subjects connected with your | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Present simple review |experiences, needs and interests, and inferring | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Like + ing |the probably meanings of words and expressions | | |

| |Adverbs of frequency |from the context and other information in the | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Vocabulary: |text. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Hobbies: play an instrument, write a blog, be in a club, take |Recognising basic punctuation marks, as well as | |classroom |

| |photos, collect things, keep a pet. |frequently used symbols, and identifying the | | |

| |Collocations with have: have fun, have a good time, have a |meanings and general communicative purpose of each| |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |problem, have dinner, have a rest, have a shower. |one. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation| | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Fill in a short form or card with your |Production strategies: |Write very short, simple texts made up of simple, |LC |LC- Reproduce simple texts using previously |

|personal data. |Write notes with key information about the text they are going |independent sentences, in a neutral register, in a|MSCT |presented models. |

|Write personal correspondence with short |to write. |reasonably correct way in terms of basic |DC | |

|messages or talk about yourself and your |Use their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to write short |punctuation, to speak about yourself, your |SCS |LC- Fill in forms or cards with personal |

|immediate surroundings.. |descriptions, stories, experiences. |immediate surroundings and things from your daily |CCE |information and data. |

| |Use connectors to link simple sentences and expressions to tell |life in predictable, familiar situations. |LL | |

| |a story or describe an event. |Knowing and applying basic strategies for |SIE |LC- Write simple stories and descriptions. |

| |Read and analyse a text to use it as a model when writing your |producing very simple, short written texts. | | |

| |own work: a routines- |Knowing basic, specific and meaningful | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| | |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features and | |criteria. |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |applying this knowledge to write a context | | |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |appropriate text. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |Comply with the written text's main communicative | |and formats. |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |function using a limited repertoire of the most | | |

| |Reflect on knowing how to take care of yourself physically and |frequently used features and communication | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |psychologically. |patterns. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as having hobbies. |Using basic syntax structures, although still | |tools. |

| |Show an interest in developing social skills such as empathy. |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| | |Knowing and using frequent written vocabulary | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Communication functions: |about daily situations and usual, specific | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Expressing everyday routines and activities. |subjects connected with your interests, | | |

| |Talking about tastes and preferences. |experiences and needs. | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Expressing warnings |Using chart patterns and basic punctuation | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Expressing prohibition |conventions to write words and short sentences | | |

| |Pupils talk about present or real events |which are often used in speech reasonably | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Expressing frequency |correctly, although not necessarily completely | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Describing leisure activities. |correctly. | | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: | | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Present simple review | | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Like + ing | | |classroom |

| |Adverbs of frequency | | | |

| |Vocabulary: | | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Hobbies: play an instrument, write a blog, be in a club, take | | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |photos, collect things, keep a pet. | | | |

| |Collocations with have: have fun, have a good time, have a | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |problem, have dinner, have a rest, have a shower. | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| | | | | |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation| | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |





|Understanding the gist of adverts about |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the gist, the essential information |LC |LC- Understand simple oral messages and |

|products of interest. |Understand the general idea, sentences and expressions connected |and main points in very short oral texts with |MSCT |instructions and recognise familiar words and |

|Understanding messages and public |with home. |standard language, simple structures and |DC |linguistic structures. |

|announcements with contain instructions, |Understand interaction in conversations about shopping. |frequently used vocabulary, enunciated with |SCS | |

|warnings or other types of information. |Understand and extract the main information from recordings |clarity and slowly, read live or using technical |CCE |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding what is said during usual |(listening). |resources, about specific, usual subjects |LL |from a short situation from repeated |

|transactions. | |connected with personal experiences, needs and |SIE |visualisations of the oral text |

|Identifying the subject of a predictable |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |interests in predictable daily contexts or | | |

|daily conversation which you hear. |Respecting classmates' opinions. |connected with areas of immediate need in the | |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding the gist of short, simple |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |personal, public or educational areas, with good | |from a short situation from repeated |

|conversations about family matters and |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |acoustic conditions and no distortion of the | |visualisations of the oral text |

|which you take part in. |Reflect on the role of fashion and tastes in clothes. |message, with the possibility of listening to the | | |

|Understanding the gist of simple, well |Interest in finding out about cultures other than your own: |message again or asking for confirmation and with | |LC- Recognise aural items such as accent, rhythm|

|structured, clear, slowly delivered |markets around the world. |visual support or a clear visual context | |and correct intonation in familiar and varied |

|presentations about family matters or | |reference. | |contexts. |

|matters of interest helped by pictures |Communication functions: |Knowing and using the most appropriate basic | | |

|and illustrations. |Requesting information / objects in shops. |strategies for general comprehension of the text's| |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate |

|Understanding the gist and identifying |Pupils talk about current events. |essential information or main points. | |criteria. |

|subject changes in television programmes |Descriptions of taste, touch, smell, hearing |Identifying basic, meaningful social and cultural | | |

|and other audio visual materials about |Pupils talk about current events |features about daily life, interpersonal | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources |

|matters of interest. |Describing places (shops) |relationships, behaviour and social conventions | |and formats. |

| |Describing clothes |andmaking use of the knowledge acquired about them| | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |to understand the text correctly. | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Present continuous |Distinguishing between the main communicative | |English using various formats and digital tools.|

| |Verbs about the senses: taste, smell, look, sound |function or functions of the text and a limited | | |

| |Present simple vs. present continuous |repertoire of their most usual features, as well | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect |

| |Vocabulary: |as basic patterns of expression. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Shops: bookshop, newsagent’s, chemist’s, clothes shop, shoe shop,|Recognising the most common meanings associated | | |

| |department store, supermarket, sport shop. |with basic syntax structures in oral | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Clothes: dress, jumper, jacket, shirt, shoes, shorts, trainers, |communication. | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |trousers. |Recognising a limited repertoire of oral | | |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |vocabulary often used in everyday situations and | | |

| |Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation of the |usual, specific subjects connected with needs and | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |unit vocabulary and expressions. |interests and using the context indicators and the| |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| | |information in the text to form an idea about the | | |

| | |probable meanings of unfamiliar words and | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| | |expressions. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| | |Distinguishing between sound patterns, accents, | |classroom |

| | |rhythms and basic intonation and recognising | | |

| | |general communicative meanings and intentions | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| | |connected with them. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to complete|

| | | | |your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


|Make short presentations, previously |Production strategies: |Taking part in a simple, comprehensible way in |LC |LC- Give simple oral presentations. |

|prepared and practised, about daily |Take part in short conversations in everyday contexts about |short conversations which involve a direct |MSCT | |

|subjects or things of interest. |shopping. |exchange of information in areas of immediate need|DC |LC- Give personal information and information |

|Cope in daily situations. |Pupils discuss practical issues connected with the unit. |or about familiar subjects using a neutral, |SCS |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in direct conversations or |Expressing agreement or disagreement with classmates' opinions. |informal register, using simple phases or |CCE | |

|using technical resources to make social |Asking for and giving personal information. |expressions of frequent use, which are normally |LL |LC- Give personal information and information |

|contact. |Giving / following instructions / directions. |used separately or linking them with basic |SIE |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in an interview and give |Exchanging limited information about issues connected with |connectors, even though the pronunciation may not | | |

|personal information.. |shopping. |always be clear, although there may be pauses and | |LC- Take part in spoken interaction |

| |Basic description of activities and experiences. |hesitations and repetition may be required, as | |spontaneously. |

| |Using descriptive language to make short statements. |well as paraphrasing and the interlocutor's | | |

| |Explaining what they like and what they do not like. |cooperation in order to keep communication going. | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| |Role-play a situation in a shop, buying things. |Knowing and being able to use basic strategies in | |criteria. |

| | |order to produce oral texts about single subjects | | |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |or very short, simple dialogues. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |Knowing specific and meaningful basic | |and formats. |

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features, | | |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |applying knowledge about them when speaking in the| |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Reflect on the role of fashion and tastes in clothes. |same context, respecting the most basic | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Interest in finding out about cultures other than your own: |communicative conventions. | |tools. |

| |markets around the world. |Comply with the text's main communicative | | |

| | |function, using a limited repertoire of its most | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Communication functions: |frequent features and basic communication | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Requesting information / objects in shops. |patterns. | | |

| |Pupils talk about current events. |Using basic syntax structures (eg. linking words | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Descriptions of taste, touch, smell, hearing |and groups of words with basic connectors such as | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Pupils talk about current events |"and", "then", "but" and "because") although still| | |

| |Describing places (shops) |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |Describing clothes |Knowing and using a much used, limited oral | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |repertoire in daily situations about usual, | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Present continuous |specific subjects connected with interests, | | |

| |Verbs about the senses: taste, smell, look, sound |experiences and needs. | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Present simple vs. present continuous |Using, in a general comprehensible manner, albeit | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Vocabulary: |obviously influenced by mother tongue or other | |classroom |

| |Shops: bookshop, newsagent’s, chemist’s, clothes shop, shoe shop,|languages, a very limited repertoire of basic | | |

| |department store, supermarket, sport shop. |sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns, | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Clothes: dress, jumper, jacket, shirt, shoes, shorts, trainers, |adapting them to the communicative task desired. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |trousers. |Making yourself understood in short, simple | | |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |speech, although initial hesitation and faltering | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation of the |are apparent, as are repetitions and pauses to | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |unit vocabulary and expressions. |organise, correct and better express what you want| | |

| | |to say. | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | |Interact in a very basic way, using very simple | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | |techniques, both language and non-verbal at first,| |mistakes. |

| | |to hold or conclude a conversation. | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Understanding instructions, explanations |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the subject, the gist, the main ideas |LC |LC- Identify relevant information on written |

|and basic information in notes, signs and|Identifying specific information in simple material such as the |and specific information in very short, simple |MSCT |posters and simple maps.. |

|posters. |script of a soap opera, a chat on a website, a cultural text, a |texts, in standard language, with often used |DC | |

|Understanding essential information and |literary extract. |vocabulary, in which the subject and the type of |CCE |LC- Understand the general idea and specific |

|identifying specific information in |Identifying the type of text. |text are highly familiar, dealing with everyday |LL |details about familiar subjects. |

|simple informative texts. |Predict the contents of the text by its title or pictures. |subjects or matters of immediate need, with the |SIE | |

|Understanding brief, simple |Deduce the meaning of unknown words by their context. |possibility of re-reading if you have not | |LC- Deduce information from diverse texts about|

|correspondence about familiar subjects. |Identifying the subject and contents of each paragraph. |understood it, using a dictionary and with visual | |subjects of interest. |

|Understanding the gist of short pieces of| |and context support. | | |

|news and articles about familiar subjects|Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |Knowing and knowing how to use the most | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

|or subjects of interest. |Respecting classmates' opinions. |appropriate strategies to understand the gist, | |criteria. |

|Understanding the gist of short, well |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |essential information or the text's main points. | | |

|structured stories in which pictures or |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |Identifying specific and meaningful sociocultural | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

|actions transmit a large part of the |Reflect on the role of fashion and tastes in clothes. |and sociolinguistic features about daily life, | |and formats. |

|information. |Interest in finding out about cultures other than your own: |living conditions, personal relationships and | | |

| |markets around the world. |social conventions, and apply the knowledge used | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| | |to understand the text correctly. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Communication functions: |Distinguishing the text's communication function | |tools. |

| |Requesting information / objects in shops. |or functions and a limited repertoire from its | | |

| |Pupils talk about current events. |most usual features, as well as basic | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Descriptions of taste, touch, smell, hearing |communication patterns. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Pupils talk about current events |Recognising the basic syntax structures associated| | |

| |Describing places (shops) |with the main principles of written communication.| |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Describing clothes |Recognising a limited repertoire of frequently | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |used vocabulary about very day situations and | | |

| |Present continuous |usual, specific subjects connected with your | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Verbs about the senses: taste, smell, look, sound |experiences, needs and interests, and inferring | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Present simple vs. present continuous |the probably meanings of words and expressions | | |

| |Vocabulary: |from the context and other information in the | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Shops: bookshop, newsagent’s, chemist’s, clothes shop, shoe shop,|text. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |department store, supermarket, sport shop. |Recognising basic punctuation marks, as well as | |classroom |

| |Clothes: dress, jumper, jacket, shirt, shoes, shorts, trainers, |frequently used symbols, and identifying the | | |

| |trousers. |meanings and general communicative purpose of each| |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| | |one. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | | |

| |Recognising and using the correct contractions (I’m, she’s, | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |they’re, it’s, we’re; who’s, we’ve, let’s, you’re, here’s). | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Fill in a short form or card with your |Production strategies: |Write very short, simple texts made up of simple, |LC |LC- Reproduce simple texts using previously |

|personal data. |Write notes with key information about the text they are going to|independent sentences, in a neutral register, in a|MSCT |presented models. |

|Write personal correspondence with short |write. |reasonably correct way in terms of basic |DC | |

|messages or talk about yourself and your |Use their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to write short |punctuation, to speak about yourself, your |SCS |LC- Fill in forms or cards with personal |

|immediate surroundings.. |descriptions, stories, experiences. |immediate surroundings and things from your daily |CCE |information and data. |

| |Use connectors to link simple sentences and expressions to tell a|life in predictable, familiar situations. |LL | |

| |story or describe an event. |Knowing and applying basic strategies for |SIE |LC- Write short letters, e-mails or postcards |

| |Read and analyse a text to use it as a model when writing your |producing very simple, short written texts. | |with personal information and information about|

| |own work: an informal e-mail describing what they are doing. |Knowing basic, specific and meaningful | |your immediate surroundings. |

| | |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features and | | |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |applying this knowledge to write a context | |LC- Writing texts of different genres using |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |appropriate text. | |appropriate vocabulary, spelling, punctuation |

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |Comply with the written text's main communicative | |and correct formats and correct structures. |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |function using a limited repertoire of the most | | |

| |Reflect on the role of fashion and tastes in clothes. |frequently used features and communication | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| |Interest in finding out about cultures other than your own: |patterns. | |criteria. |

| |markets around the world. |Using basic syntax structures, although still | | |

| | |making basic mistakes habitually. | |MSCT- Locate basic information on digital |

| |Communication functions: |Knowing and using frequent written vocabulary | |sources and formats. |

| |Requesting information / objects in shops. |about daily situations and usual, specific | | |

| |Pupils talk about current events. |subjects connected with your interests, | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Descriptions of taste, touch, smell, hearing |experiences and needs. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Pupils talk about current events |Using chart patterns and basic punctuation | |tools. |

| |Describing places (shops) |conventions to write words and short sentences | | |

| |Describing clothes |which are often used in speech reasonably | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |correctly, although not necessarily completely | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Present continuous |correctly. | | |

| |Verbs about the senses: taste, smell, look, sound | | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Present simple vs. present continuous | | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Vocabulary: | | | |

| |Shops: bookshop, newsagent’s, chemist’s, clothes shop, shoe shop,| | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |department store, supermarket, sport shop. | | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Clothes: dress, jumper, jacket, shirt, shoes, shorts, trainers, | | | |

| |trousers. | | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| | | | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | |classroom |

| |Recognising and using the correct contractions (I’m, she’s, | | | |

| |they’re, it’s, we’re; who’s, we’ve, let’s, you’re, here’s). | | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| | | | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |





|Understanding the gist of adverts about |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the gist, the essential information |LC |LC- Understand simple oral messages and |

|products of interest. |Understand the general idea, sentences and expressions connected |and main points in very short oral texts with |MSCT |instructions and recognise familiar words and |

|Understanding messages and public |with asking for food. |standard language, simple structures and |DC |linguistic structures. |

|announcements with contain instructions, |Understanding interaction in conversations about asking for food |frequently used vocabulary, enunciated with |SCS | |

|warnings or other types of information. |or drink in a café / restaurant. |clarity and slowly, read live or using technical |CCE |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding what is said during usual |Understand and extract the main information from recordings |resources, about specific, usual subjects |LL |from a short situation from repeated |

|transactions. |(listening, photo story, video). |connected with personal experiences, needs and |SIE |visualisations of the oral text |

|Identifying the subject of a predictable | |interests in predictable daily contexts or | | |

|daily conversation which you hear. |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |connected with areas of immediate need in the | |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding the gist of short, simple |Respecting classmates' opinions. |personal, public or educational areas, with good | |from a short situation from repeated |

|conversations about family matters and |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |acoustic conditions and no distortion of the | |visualisations of the oral text |

|which you take part in. |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |message, with the possibility of listening to the | | |

|Understanding the gist of simple, well |Reflect on the importance off eating well for health. |message again or asking for confirmation and with | |LC- Recognise aural items such as accent, rhythm|

|structured, clear, slowly delivered |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as being happy. |visual support or a clear visual context | |and correct intonation in familiar and varied |

|presentations about family matters or |Show an interest in developing social skills such as apologising.|reference. | |contexts. |

|matters of interest helped by pictures | |Knowing and using the most appropriate basic | | |

|and illustrations. |Communication functions: |strategies for general comprehension of the text's| |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate |

|Understanding the gist and identifying |Offering apologies |essential information or main points. | |criteria. |

|subject changes in television programmes |Describing food |Identifying basic, meaningful social and cultural | | |

|and other audio visual materials about |Asking for food / drink |features about daily life, interpersonal | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources |

|matters of interest. |Expressing quantity |relationships, behaviour and social conventions | |and formats. |

| |Talking about tastes and preferences |andmaking use of the knowledge acquired about them| | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |to understand the text correctly. | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Countable and uncountable nouns |Distinguishing between the main communicative | |English using various formats and digital tools.|

| |a/an, some, any |function or functions of the text and a limited | | |

| |How much / many, a lot of / lots of |repertoire of their most usual features, as well | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect |

| |too and (not) enough |as basic patterns of expression. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Vocabulary: |Recognising the most common meanings associated | | |

| |Food and drink: carrots, cake, peppers, yoghurt, omelette, chilli|with basic syntax structures in oral | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |con carne, coffee, beans, curry, salad. |communication. | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Adjectives for describing food: roast, boiled, grilled, fried. |Recognising a limited repertoire of oral | | |

| |Expressions with have got: a problem, an idea, a headache, time, |vocabulary often used in everyday situations and | | |

| |something to do. |usual, specific subjects connected with needs and | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |interests and using the context indicators and the| |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Recognising, comparing and pronouncing vowel sounds: /ɪ/ and |information in the text to form an idea about the | | |

| |/iː/. |probable meanings of unfamiliar words and | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| | |expressions. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| | |Distinguishing between sound patterns, accents, | |classroom |

| | |rhythms and basic intonation and recognising | | |

| | |general communicative meanings and intentions | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| | |connected with them. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to complete|

| | | | |your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


|Make short presentations, previously |Production strategies: |Taking part in a simple, comprehensible way in |LC |LC- Give simple oral presentations. |

|prepared and practised, about daily |Take part in short conversations in everyday contexts about food.|short conversations which involve a direct |MSCT | |

|subjects or things of interest. |Pupils discuss practical issues connected with the unit. |exchange of information in areas of immediate need|DC |LC- Give personal information and information |

|Cope in daily situations. |Expressing agreement or disagreement with classmates' opinions. |or about familiar subjects using a neutral, |SCS |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in direct conversations or |Asking for and giving personal information. |informal register, using simple phases or |CCE | |

|using technical resources to make social |Giving / following instructions / directions. |expressions of frequent use, which are normally |LL |LC- Give personal information and information |

|contact. |Exchanging limited information about issues connected with food. |used separately or linking them with basic |SIE |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in an interview and give |Basic description of activities and experiences. |connectors, even though the pronunciation may not | | |

|personal information.. |Using descriptive language to make short statements. |always be clear, although there may be pauses and | |LC- Take part in spoken interaction |

| |Explaining what they like and what they do not like. |hesitations and repetition may be required, as | |spontaneously. |

| |Assimilating expressions for asking for food in a restaurant / |well as paraphrasing and the interlocutor's | | |

| |café. |cooperation in order to keep communication going. | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| | |Knowing and being able to use basic strategies in | |criteria. |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |order to produce oral texts about single subjects | | |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |or very short, simple dialogues. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |Knowing specific and meaningful basic | |and formats. |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features, | | |

| |Reflect on the importance off eating well for health. |applying knowledge about them when speaking in the| |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as being happy. |same context, respecting the most basic | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Show an interest in developing social skills such as apologising.|communicative conventions. | |tools. |

| | |Comply with the text's main communicative | | |

| |Communication functions: |function, using a limited repertoire of its most | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Offering apologies |frequent features and basic communication | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Describing food |patterns. | | |

| |Asking for food / drink |Using basic syntax structures (eg. linking words | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Expressing quantity |and groups of words with basic connectors such as | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Talking about tastes and preferences |"and", "then", "but" and "because") although still| | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |Countable and uncountable nouns |Knowing and using a much used, limited oral | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |a/an, some, any |repertoire in daily situations about usual, | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |How much / many, a lot of / lots of |specific subjects connected with interests, | | |

| |too and (not) enough |experiences and needs. | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Vocabulary: |Using, in a general comprehensible manner, albeit | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Food and drink: carrots, cake, peppers, yoghurt, omelette, chilli|obviously influenced by mother tongue or other | |classroom |

| |con carne, coffee, beans, curry, salad. |languages, a very limited repertoire of basic | | |

| |Adjectives for describing food: roast, boiled, grilled, fried. |sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns, | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Expressions with have got: a problem, an idea, a headache, time, |adapting them to the communicative task desired. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |something to do. |Making yourself understood in short, simple | | |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |speech, although initial hesitation and faltering | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |Recognising, comparing and pronouncing vowel sounds: /ɪ/ and |are apparent, as are repetitions and pauses to | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |/iː/. |organise, correct and better express what you want| | |

| | |to say. | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | |Interact in a very basic way, using very simple | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | |techniques, both language and non-verbal at first,| |mistakes. |

| | |to hold or conclude a conversation. | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Understanding instructions, explanations |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the subject, the gist, the main ideas |LC |LC- Identify relevant information on written |

|and basic information in notes, signs and|Identifying specific information in simple material such as an |and specific information in very short, simple |MSCT |posters and simple maps.. |

|posters. |article, a blog, a photo-story, a story. |texts, in standard language, with often used |DC | |

|Understanding essential information and |Identifying the type of text. |vocabulary, in which the subject and the type of |CCE |LC- Understand the general idea and specific |

|identifying specific information in |Predict the contents of the text by its title or pictures. |text are highly familiar, dealing with everyday |LL |details about familiar subjects. |

|simple informative texts. |Deduce the meaning of unknown words by their context. |subjects or matters of immediate need, with the |SIE | |

|Understanding brief, simple |Identifying the subject and contents of each paragraph. |possibility of re-reading if you have not | |LC- Deduce information from diverse texts about|

|correspondence about familiar subjects. | |understood it, using a dictionary and with visual | |subjects of interest. |

|Understanding the gist of short pieces of|Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |and context support. | | |

|news and articles about familiar subjects|Respecting classmates' opinions. |Knowing and knowing how to use the most | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

|or subjects of interest. |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |appropriate strategies to understand the gist, | |criteria. |

|Understanding the gist of short, well |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |essential information or the text's main points. | | |

|structured stories in which pictures or |Reflect on the importance of eating well for health. |Identifying specific and meaningful sociocultural | |MSCT- Locate basic information on digital |

|actions transmit a large part of the |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as being happy. |and sociolinguistic features about daily life, | |sources and formats. |

|information. |Show an interest in developing social skills such as apologising.|living conditions, personal relationships and | | |

| | |social conventions, and apply the knowledge used | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| | |to understand the text correctly. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Communication functions: |Distinguishing the text's communication function | |tools. |

| |Offering apologies |or functions and a limited repertoire from its | | |

| |Describing food |most usual features, as well as basic | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Asking for food / drink |communication patterns. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Expressing quantity |Recognising the basic syntax structures associated| | |

| |Talking about tastes and preferences |with the main principles of written communication.| |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |Recognising a limited repertoire of frequently | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Countable and uncountable nouns |used vocabulary about very day situations and | | |

| |a/an, some, any |usual, specific subjects connected with your | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |How much / many, a lot of / lots of |experiences, needs and interests, and inferring | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |too and (not) enough |the probably meanings of words and expressions | | |

| |Vocabulary: |from the context and other information in the | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Food and drink: carrots, cake, peppers, yoghurt, omelette, chilli|text. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |con carne, coffee, beans, curry, salad. |Recognising basic punctuation marks, as well as | |classroom |

| |Adjectives for describing food: roast, boiled, grilled, fried. |frequently used symbols, and identifying the | | |

| |Expressions with have got: a problem, an idea, a headache, time, |meanings and general communicative purpose of each| |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |something to do. |one. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Fill in a short form or card with your |Production strategies: |Write very short, simple texts made up of simple, |LC |LC- Reproduce simple texts using previously |

|personal data. |Write notes with key information about the text they are going to|independent sentences, in a neutral register, in a|MSCT |presented models. |

|Write personal correspondence with short |write. |reasonably correct way in terms of basic |DC | |

|messages or talk about yourself and your |Use their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to write short |punctuation, to speak about yourself, your |SCS |LC- Fill in forms or cards with personal |

|immediate surroundings.. |descriptions, stories, experiences. |immediate surroundings and things from your daily |CCE |information and data. |

| |Use connectors to link simple sentences and expressions to tell a|life in predictable, familiar situations. |LL | |

| |story or describe an event. |Knowing and applying basic strategies for |SIE |LC- Write simple stories and descriptions |

| |Read and analyse a text to use it as a model when writing your |producing very simple, short written texts. | | |

| |own work: a text about your favourite food. |Knowing basic, specific and meaningful | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| | |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features and | |criteria. |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |applying this knowledge to write a context | | |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |appropriate text. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |Comply with the written text's main communicative | |and formats. |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |function using a limited repertoire of the most | | |

| |Reflect on the importance off eating well for health. |frequently used features and communication | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as being happy. |patterns. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Show an interest in developing social skills such as apologising.|Using basic syntax structures, although still | |tools. |

| | |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |Communication functions: |Knowing and using frequent written vocabulary | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Offering apologies |about daily situations and usual, specific | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Describing food |subjects connected with your interests, | | |

| |Asking for food / drink |experiences and needs. | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Expressing quantity |Using chart patterns and basic punctuation | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Talking about tastes and preferences |conventions to write words and short sentences | | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |which are often used in speech reasonably | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Countable and uncountable nouns |correctly, although not necessarily completely | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |a/an, some, any |correctly. | | |

| |How much / many, a lot of / lots of | | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |too and (not) enough | | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Vocabulary: | | |classroom |

| |Food and drink: carrots, cake, peppers, yoghurt, omelette, chilli| | | |

| |con carne, coffee, beans, curry, salad. | | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Adjectives for describing food: roast, boiled, grilled, fried. | | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |Expressions with have got: a problem, an idea, a headache, time, | | | |

| |something to do. | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | | |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |





|Understanding the gist of adverts about |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the gist, the essential information |LC |LC- Understand simple oral messages and |

|products of interest. |Understand the general idea, sentences and expressions connected |and main points in very short oral texts with |MSCT |instructions and recognise familiar words and |

|Understanding messages and public |with the family. |standard language, simple structures and |DC |linguistic structures. |

|announcements with contain instructions, |Understand interaction in conversations about family |frequently used vocabulary, enunciated with |SCS | |

|warnings or other types of information. |relationships. |clarity and slowly, read live or using technical |CCE |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding what is said during usual |Understand and extract the main information from recordings |resources, about specific, usual subjects |LL |from a short situation from repeated |

|transactions. |(listening). |connected with personal experiences, needs and |SIE |visualisations of the oral text |

|Identifying the subject of a predictable | |interests in predictable daily contexts or | | |

|daily conversation which you hear. |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |connected with areas of immediate need in the | |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding the gist of short, simple |Respecting classmates' opinions. |personal, public or educational areas, with good | |from a short situation from repeated |

|conversations about family matters and |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |acoustic conditions and no distortion of the | |visualisations of the oral text |

|which you take part in. |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |message, with the possibility of listening to the | | |

|Understanding the gist of simple, well |Reflect on types of families which appear on TV. |message again or asking for confirmation and with | |LC- Recognise aural items such as accent, rhythm|

|structured, clear, slowly delivered |Interest in learning about cultures other than your own: |visual support or a clear visual context | |and correct intonation in familiar and varied |

|presentations about family matters or |Children's Day in different parts of the world. |reference. | |contexts. |

|matters of interest helped by pictures | |Knowing and using the most appropriate basic | | |

|and illustrations. |Communication functions: |strategies for general comprehension of the text's| |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate |

|Understanding the gist and identifying |Asking permission |essential information or main points. | |criteria. |

|subject changes in television programmes |Describing family relationships |Identifying basic, meaningful social and cultural | | |

|and other audio visual materials about |Expressing possession |features about daily life, interpersonal | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources |

|matters of interest. |Talking about / describing past events |relationships, behaviour and social conventions | |and formats. |

| |Expressing feelings. |andmaking use of the knowledge acquired about them| | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |to understand the text correctly. | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) and |Distinguishing between the main communicative | |English using various formats and digital tools.|

| |pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs) |function or functions of the text and a limited | | |

| |whose, possessive ‘s |repertoire of their most usual features, as well | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect |

| |was / were |as basic patterns of expression. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Vocabulary: |Recognising the most common meanings associated | | |

| |Members of the family: grandma, uncle, aunt, cousin, dad, |with basic syntax structures in oral | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |grandpa, brother, wife, son, mother, sister, daughter. |communication. | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Feelings: upset, angry, surprised, confused, proud, relieved, |Recognising a limited repertoire of oral | | |

| |worried, scared. |vocabulary often used in everyday situations and | | |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |usual, specific subjects connected with needs and | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Recognising, comparing and pronouncing the ending -er: /ə/ |interests and using the context indicators and the| |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| | |information in the text to form an idea about the | | |

| | |probable meanings of unfamiliar words and | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| | |expressions. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| | |Distinguishing between sound patterns, accents, | |classroom |

| | |rhythms and basic intonation and recognising | | |

| | |general communicative meanings and intentions | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| | |connected with them. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to complete|

| | | | |your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


|Make short presentations, previously |Production strategies: |Taking part in a simple, comprehensible way in |LC |LC- Give simple oral presentations. |

|prepared and practised, about daily |Take part in short conversations in everyday contexts about the |short conversations which involve a direct |MSCT | |

|subjects or things of interest. |family. |exchange of information in areas of immediate need|DC |LC- Give personal information and information |

|Cope in daily situations. |Pupils discuss practical issues connected with the unit. |or about familiar subjects using a neutral, |SCS |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in direct conversations or |Expressing agreement or disagreement with classmates' opinions. |informal register, using simple phases or |CCE | |

|using technical resources to make social |Asking for and giving personal information. |expressions of frequent use, which are normally |LL |LC- Give personal information and information |

|contact. |Giving / following instructions / directions. |used separately or linking them with basic |SIE |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in an interview and give |Pupils exchange limited information about issues connected with |connectors, even though the pronunciation may not | | |

|personal information.. |the family. |always be clear, although there may be pauses and | |LC- Take part in spoken interaction |

| |Basic description of activities and experiences. |hesitations and repetition may be required, as | |spontaneously. |

| |Using descriptive language to make short statements. |well as paraphrasing and the interlocutor's | | |

| |Explaining what they like and what they do not like. |cooperation in order to keep communication going. | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| |Assimilating expressions for asking for permission. |Knowing and being able to use basic strategies in | |criteria. |

| | |order to produce oral texts about single subjects | | |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |or very short, simple dialogues. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |Knowing specific and meaningful basic | |and formats. |

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features, | | |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |applying knowledge about them when speaking in the| |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Reflect on types of families which appear on TV. |same context, respecting the most basic | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Interest in learning about cultures other than your own: |communicative conventions. | |tools. |

| |Children's Day in different parts of the world. |Comply with the text's main communicative | | |

| | |function, using a limited repertoire of its most | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Communication functions: |frequent features and basic communication | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Asking permission |patterns. | | |

| |Describing family relationships |Using basic syntax structures (eg. linking words | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Expressing possession |and groups of words with basic connectors such as | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Talking about / describing past events |"and", "then", "but" and "because") although still| | |

| |Expressing feelings. |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |Knowing and using a much used, limited oral | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) and |repertoire in daily situations about usual, | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs) |specific subjects connected with interests, | | |

| |whose, possessive ‘s |experiences and needs. | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |was / were |Using, in a general comprehensible manner, albeit | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Vocabulary: |obviously influenced by mother tongue or other | |classroom |

| |Members of the family: grandma, uncle, aunt, cousin, dad, |languages, a very limited repertoire of basic | | |

| |grandpa, brother, wife, son, mother, sister, daughter. |sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns, | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Feelings: upset, angry, surprised, confused, proud, relieved, |adapting them to the communicative task desired. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |worried, scared. |Making yourself understood in short, simple | | |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |speech, although initial hesitation and faltering | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |Recognising, comparing and pronouncing the ending -er: /ə/ |are apparent, as are repetitions and pauses to | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| | |organise, correct and better express what you want| | |

| | |to say. | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | |Interact in a very basic way, using very simple | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | |techniques, both language and non-verbal at first,| |mistakes. |

| | |to hold or conclude a conversation. | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Understanding instructions, explanations |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the subject, the gist, the main ideas |LC |LC- Identify relevant information on written |

|and basic information in notes, signs and|Identifying specific information in simple material such as a |and specific information in very short, simple |MSCT |posters and simple maps.. |

|posters. |cultural text, a literary extract. |texts, in standard language, with often used |DC | |

|Understanding essential information and |Identifying the type of text. |vocabulary, in which the subject and the type of |CCE |LC- Understand the general idea and specific |

|identifying specific information in |Predict the contents of the text by its title or pictures. |text are highly familiar, dealing with everyday |LL |details about familiar subjects. |

|simple informative texts. |Deduce the meaning of unknown words by their context. |subjects or matters of immediate need, with the |SIE |LC- Deduce information from diverse texts about|

|Understanding brief, simple |Identifying the subject and contents of each paragraph. |possibility of re-reading if you have not | |subjects of interest. |

|correspondence about familiar subjects. | |understood it, using a dictionary and with visual | | |

|Understanding the gist of short pieces of|Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |and context support. | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

|news and articles about familiar subjects|Respecting classmates' opinions. |Knowing and knowing how to use the most | |criteria. |

|or subjects of interest. |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |appropriate strategies to understand the gist, | | |

|Understanding the gist of short, well |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |essential information or the text's main points. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

|structured stories in which pictures or |Reflect on types of families which appear on TV. |Identifying specific and meaningful sociocultural | |and formats. |

|actions transmit a large part of the |Interest in learning about cultures other than your own: |and sociolinguistic features about daily life, | | |

|information. |Children's Day in different parts of the world. |living conditions, personal relationships and | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| | |social conventions, and apply the knowledge used | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Communication functions: |to understand the text correctly. | |tools. |

| |Asking permission |Distinguishing the text's communication function | | |

| |Describing family relationships |or functions and a limited repertoire from its | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Expressing possession |most usual features, as well as basic | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Talking about / describing past events |communication patterns. | | |

| |Expressing feelings. |Recognising the basic syntax structures associated| |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |with the main principles of written communication.| |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) and |Recognising a limited repertoire of frequently | | |

| |pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs) |used vocabulary about very day situations and | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |whose, possessive ‘s |usual, specific subjects connected with your | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |was / were |experiences, needs and interests, and inferring | | |

| |Vocabulary: |the probably meanings of words and expressions | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Members of the family: grandma, uncle, aunt, cousin, dad, |from the context and other information in the | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |grandpa, brother, wife, son, mother, sister, daughter. |text. | |classroom |

| |Feelings: upset, angry, surprised, confused, proud, relieved, |Recognising basic punctuation marks, as well as | | |

| |worried, scared. |frequently used symbols, and identifying the | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| | |meanings and general communicative purpose of each| |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: |one. | | |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Fill in a short form or card with your |Production strategies: |Write very short, simple texts made up of simple, |LC |LC- Reproduce simple texts using previously |

|personal data. |Write notes with key information about the text they are going to|independent sentences, in a neutral register, in a|MSCT |presented models. |

|Write personal correspondence with short |write. |reasonably correct way in terms of basic |DC | |

|messages or talk about yourself and your |Use their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to write short |punctuation, to speak about yourself, your |SCS |LC- Fill in forms or cards with personal |

|immediate surroundings.. |descriptions, stories, experiences. |immediate surroundings and things from your daily |CCE |information and data. |

| |Use connectors to link simple sentences and expressions to tell a|life in predictable, familiar situations. |LL | |

| |story or describe an event. |Knowing and applying basic strategies for |SIE |LC- Write simple stories and descriptions |

| |Read and analyse a text to use it as a model when writing your |producing very simple, short written texts. | | |

| |own work: an invitation. |Knowing basic, specific and meaningful | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| | |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features and | |criteria. |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |applying this knowledge to write a context | | |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |appropriate text. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |Comply with the written text's main communicative | |and formats. |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |function using a limited repertoire of the most | | |

| |Reflect on types of families which appear on TV. |frequently used features and communication | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Interest in learning about cultures other than your own: |patterns. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Children's Day in different parts of the world. |Using basic syntax structures, although still | |tools. |

| | |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |Communication functions: |Knowing and using frequent written vocabulary | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Asking permission |about daily situations and usual, specific | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Describing family relationships |subjects connected with your interests, | | |

| |Expressing possession |experiences and needs. | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Talking about / describing past events |Using chart patterns and basic punctuation | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Expressing feelings. |conventions to write words and short sentences | | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |which are often used in speech reasonably | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) and |correctly, although not necessarily completely | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs) |correctly. | | |

| |whose, possessive ‘s | | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |was / were | | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Vocabulary: | | |classroom |

| |Members of the family: grandma, uncle, aunt, cousin, dad, | | | |

| |grandpa, brother, wife, son, mother, sister, daughter. | | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Feelings: upset, angry, surprised, confused, proud, relieved, | | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |worried, scared. | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation | | | |

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |





|Understanding the gist of adverts about |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the gist, the essential information |LC |LC- Understand simple oral messages and |

|products of interest. |Understand the general idea, sentences and expressions connected |and main points in very short oral texts with |MSCT |instructions and recognise familiar words and |

|Understanding messages and public |with home. |standard language, simple structures and |DC |linguistic structures. |

|announcements with contain instructions, |Understand interaction in conversations about home. |frequently used vocabulary, enunciated with |SCS | |

|warnings or other types of information. |Understand and extract the main information from recordings |clarity and slowly, read live or using technical |CCE |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding what is said during usual |(listening, photo story, video). |resources, about specific, usual subjects |LL |from a short situation from repeated |

|transactions. | |connected with personal experiences, needs and |SIE |visualisations of the oral text |

|Identifying the subject of a predictable |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |interests in predictable daily contexts or | | |

|daily conversation which you hear. |Respecting classmates' opinions. |connected with areas of immediate need in the | |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding the gist of short, simple |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |personal, public or educational areas, with good | |from a short situation from repeated |

|conversations about family matters and |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |acoustic conditions and no distortion of the | |visualisations of the oral text |

|which you take part in. |Reflect on the importance of having a community spirit. |message, with the possibility of listening to the | | |

|Understanding the gist of simple, well |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as feeling safe. |message again or asking for confirmation and with | |LC- Recognise aural items such as accent, rhythm|

|structured, clear, slowly delivered |Develop social skills such as not judging people by their |visual support or a clear visual context | |and correct intonation in familiar and varied |

|presentations about family matters or |appearance. |reference. | |contexts. |

|matters of interest helped by pictures | |Knowing and using the most appropriate basic | | |

|and illustrations. |Communication functions: |strategies for general comprehension of the text's| |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate |

|Understanding the gist and identifying |Giving suggestions |essential information or main points. | |criteria. |

|subject changes in television programmes |Pupils talk about past events. |Identifying basic, meaningful social and cultural | | |

|and other audio visual materials about |Describing places (parts of a house) |features about daily life, interpersonal | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources |

|matters of interest. |Describing objects (furniture) |relationships, behaviour and social conventions | |and formats. |

| |Describing qualities |andmaking use of the knowledge acquired about them| | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |to understand the text correctly. | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Past simple (regular verbs) |Distinguishing between the main communicative | |English using various formats and digital tools.|

| |Modifiers: quite, very, really |function or functions of the text and a limited | | |

| |Vocabulary: |repertoire of their most usual features, as well | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect |

| |Parts of a house and furniture: armchair, carpet, cooker, |as basic patterns of expression. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |curtains, desk, lamp, mirror, shelves, shower, sofa, toilet, |Recognising the most common meanings associated | | |

| |wardrobe; bathroom, bedroom, living room, sitting room, dining |with basic syntax structures in oral | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |room, kitchen. |communication. | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Adjectives with -ed / -ing: annoyed, relaxed, bored, interested, |Recognising a limited repertoire of oral | | |

| |amazed; boring, exciting, amazing, interesting, annoying. |vocabulary often used in everyday situations and | | |

| |Phrasal verbs with look: look after, look up, look for, look at, |usual, specific subjects connected with needs and | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |look into. |interests and using the context indicators and the| |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |information in the text to form an idea about the | | |

| |Recognising, comparing and pronouncing the endings of regular |probable meanings of unfamiliar words and | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |verbs in the past, -ed: /d/, /t/, /ɪd/. |expressions. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| | |Distinguishing between sound patterns, accents, | |classroom |

| | |rhythms and basic intonation and recognising | | |

| | |general communicative meanings and intentions | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| | |connected with them. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to complete|

| | | | |your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


|Make short presentations, previously |Production strategies: |Taking part in a simple, comprehensible way in |LC |LC- Give simple oral presentations. |

|prepared and practised, about daily |Take part in short conversations in everyday contexts about the |short conversations which involve a direct |MSCT | |

|subjects or things of interest. |home. |exchange of information in areas of immediate need|DC |LC- Give personal information and information |

|Cope in daily situations. |Pupils discuss practical issues connected with the unit. |or about familiar subjects using a neutral, |SCS |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in direct conversations or |Expressing agreement or disagreement with classmates' opinions. |informal register, using simple phases or |CCE | |

|using technical resources to make social |Asking for and giving personal information. |expressions of frequent use, which are normally |LL |LC- Give personal information and information |

|contact. |Giving / following instructions / directions. |used separately or linking them with basic |SIE |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in an interview and give |Exchanging limited information about issues connected with the |connectors, even though the pronunciation may not | | |

|personal information.. |home. |always be clear, although there may be pauses and | |LC- Take part in spoken interaction |

| |Basic description of activities and experiences. |hesitations and repetition may be required, as | |spontaneously. |

| |Using descriptive language to make short statements. |well as paraphrasing and the interlocutor's | | |

| |Explaining what they like and what they do not like. |cooperation in order to keep communication going. | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| |Assimilating expressions for making suggestions. |Knowing and being able to use basic strategies in | |criteria. |

| | |order to produce oral texts about single subjects | | |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |or very short, simple dialogues. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |Knowing specific and meaningful basic | |and formats. |

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features, | | |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |applying knowledge about them when speaking in the| |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Reflect on the importance of having a community spirit. |same context, respecting the most basic | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as feeling safe. |communicative conventions. | |tools. |

| |Develop social skills such as not judging people by their |Comply with the text's main communicative | | |

| |appearance. |function, using a limited repertoire of its most | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| | |frequent features and basic communication | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Communication functions: |patterns. | | |

| |Giving suggestions |Using basic syntax structures (eg. linking words | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Pupils talk about past events. |and groups of words with basic connectors such as | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Describing places (parts of a house) |"and", "then", "but" and "because") although still| | |

| |Describing objects (furniture) |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |Describing qualities |Knowing and using a much used, limited oral | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |repertoire in daily situations about usual, | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Past simple (regular verbs) |specific subjects connected with interests, | | |

| |Modifiers: quite, very, really |experiences and needs. | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Vocabulary: |Using, in a general comprehensible manner, albeit | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Parts of a house and furniture: armchair, carpet, cooker, |obviously influenced by mother tongue or other | |classroom |

| |curtains, desk, lamp, mirror, shelves, shower, sofa, toilet, |languages, a very limited repertoire of basic | | |

| |wardrobe; bathroom, bedroom, living room, sitting room, dining |sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns, | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |room, kitchen. |adapting them to the communicative task desired. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |Adjectives with -ed / -ing: annoyed, relaxed, bored, interested, |Making yourself understood in short, simple | | |

| |amazed; boring, exciting, amazing, interesting, annoying. |speech, although initial hesitation and faltering | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |Phrasal verbs with look: look after, look up, look for, look at, |are apparent, as are repetitions and pauses to | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |look into. |organise, correct and better express what you want| | |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |to say. | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| |Recognising, comparing and pronouncing the endings of regular |Interact in a very basic way, using very simple | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| |verbs in the past, -ed: /d/, /t/, /ɪd/. |techniques, both language and non-verbal at first,| |mistakes. |

| | |to hold or conclude a conversation. | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Understanding instructions, explanations |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the subject, the gist, the main ideas |LC |LC- Identify relevant information on written |

|and basic information in notes, signs and|Identifying specific information in simple material such as an |and specific information in very short, simple |MSCT |posters and simple maps.. |

|posters. |article, a blog, a photo-story, a story. |texts, in standard language, with often used |DC | |

|Understanding essential information and |Identifying the type of text. |vocabulary, in which the subject and the type of |CCE |LC- Understand the general idea and specific |

|identifying specific information in |Predict the contents of the text by its title or pictures. |text are highly familiar, dealing with everyday |LL |details about familiar subjects. |

|simple informative texts. |Deduce the meaning of unknown words by their context. |subjects or matters of immediate need, with the |SIE | |

|Understanding brief, simple |Identifying the subject and contents of each paragraph. |possibility of re-reading if you have not | |LC- Deduce information from diverse texts about|

|correspondence about familiar subjects. | |understood it, using a dictionary and with visual | |subjects of interest. |

|Understanding the gist of short pieces of|Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |and context support. | | |

|news and articles about familiar subjects|Respecting classmates' opinions. |Knowing and knowing how to use the most | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

|or subjects of interest. |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |appropriate strategies to understand the gist, | |criteria. |

|Understanding the gist of short, well |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |essential information or the text's main points. | | |

|structured stories in which pictures or |Reflect on the importance of having a community spirit. |Identifying specific and meaningful sociocultural | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

|actions transmit a large part of the |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as feeling safe. |and sociolinguistic features about daily life, | |and formats. |

|information. |Develop social skills such as not judging people by their |living conditions, personal relationships and | | |

| |appearance. |social conventions, and apply the knowledge used | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| | |to understand the text correctly. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Communication functions: |Distinguishing the text's communication function | |tools. |

| |Giving suggestions |or functions and a limited repertoire from its | | |

| |Pupils talk about past events. |most usual features, as well as basic | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Describing places (parts of a house) |communication patterns. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Describing objects (furniture) |Recognising the basic syntax structures associated| | |

| |Describing qualities |with the main principles of written communication.| |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |Recognising a limited repertoire of frequently | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Past simple (regular verbs) |used vocabulary about very day situations and | | |

| |Modifiers: quite, very, really |usual, specific subjects connected with your | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Vocabulary: |experiences, needs and interests, and inferring | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Parts of a house and furniture: armchair, carpet, cooker, |the probably meanings of words and expressions | | |

| |curtains, desk, lamp, mirror, shelves, shower, sofa, toilet, |from the context and other information in the | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |wardrobe; bathroom, bedroom, living room, sitting room, dining |text. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |room, kitchen. |Recognising basic punctuation marks, as well as | |classroom |

| |Adjectives with -ed / -ing: annoyed, relaxed, bored, interested, |frequently used symbols, and identifying the | | |

| |amazed; boring, exciting, amazing, interesting, annoying. |meanings and general communicative purpose of each| |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Phrasal verbs with look: look after, look up, look for, look at, |one. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |look into. | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation | | | |

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Fill in a short form or card with your |Production strategies: |Write very short, simple texts made up of simple, |LC |LC- Reproduce simple texts using previously |

|personal data. |Write notes with key information about the text they are going to|independent sentences, in a neutral register, in a|MSCT |presented models. |

|Write personal correspondence with short |write. |reasonably correct way in terms of basic |DC | |

|messages or talk about yourself and your |Use their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to write short |punctuation, to speak about yourself, your |SCS |LC- Fill in forms or cards with personal |

|immediate surroundings.. |descriptions, stories, experiences. |immediate surroundings and things from your daily |CCE |information and data. |

| |Use connectors to link simple sentences and expressions to tell a|life in predictable, familiar situations. |LL | |

| |story or describe an event. |Knowing and applying basic strategies for |SIE |LC- Write simple stories and descriptions |

| |Read and analyse a text to use it as a model when writing your |producing very simple, short written texts. | | |

| |own work: a blog and a summary of a text. |Knowing basic, specific and meaningful | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| | |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features and | |criteria. |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |applying this knowledge to write a context | | |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |appropriate text. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |Comply with the written text's main communicative | |and formats. |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |function using a limited repertoire of the most | | |

| |Reflect on the importance of having a community spirit. |frequently used features and communication | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as feeling safe. |patterns. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Develop social skills such as not judging people by their |Using basic syntax structures, although still | |tools. |

| |appearance. |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| | |Knowing and using frequent written vocabulary | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Communication functions: |about daily situations and usual, specific | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Giving suggestions |subjects connected with your interests, | | |

| |Pupils talk about past events. |experiences and needs. | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Describing places (parts of a house) |Using chart patterns and basic punctuation | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Describing objects (furniture) |conventions to write words and short sentences | | |

| |Describing qualities |which are often used in speech reasonably | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |correctly, although not necessarily completely | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Past simple (regular verbs) |correctly. | | |

| |Modifiers: quite, very, really | | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Vocabulary: | | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Parts of a house and furniture: armchair, carpet, cooker, | | |classroom |

| |curtains, desk, lamp, mirror, shelves, shower, sofa, toilet, | | | |

| |wardrobe; bathroom, bedroom, living room, sitting room, dining | | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |room, kitchen. | | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |Adjectives with -ed / -ing: annoyed, relaxed, bored, interested, | | | |

| |amazed; boring, exciting, amazing, interesting, annoying. | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |Phrasal verbs with look: look after, look up, look for, look at, | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |look into. | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation | | |mistakes. |

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |





|Understanding the gist of adverts about |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the gist, the essential information |LC |LC- Understand simple oral messages and |

|products of interest. |Understand the general idea, sentences and expressions connected |and main points in very short oral texts with |MSCT |instructions and recognise familiar words and |

|Understanding messages and public |with friendship. |standard language, simple structures and |DC |linguistic structures. |

|announcements with contain instructions, |Understand interaction in conversations about friendship and |frequently used vocabulary, enunciated with |SCS | |

|warnings or other types of information. |loyalty. |clarity and slowly, read live or using technical |CCE |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding what is said during usual |Understand and extract the main information from recordings |resources, about specific, usual subjects |LL |from a short situation from repeated |

|transactions. |(listening). |connected with personal experiences, needs and |SIE |visualisations of the oral text |

|Identifying the subject of a predictable | |interests in predictable daily contexts or | | |

|daily conversation which you hear. |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |connected with areas of immediate need in the | |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding the gist of short, simple |Respecting classmates' opinions. |personal, public or educational areas, with good | |from a short situation from repeated |

|conversations about family matters and |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |acoustic conditions and no distortion of the | |visualisations of the oral text |

|which you take part in. |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |message, with the possibility of listening to the | | |

|Understanding the gist of simple, well |Reflect on the value of friendship and loyalty. |message again or asking for confirmation and with | |LC- Recognise aural items such as accent, rhythm|

|structured, clear, slowly delivered |Interest in finding out about cultures other than your own: myths|visual support or a clear visual context | |and correct intonation in familiar and varied |

|presentations about family matters or |about friendship. |reference. | |contexts. |

|matters of interest helped by pictures | |Knowing and using the most appropriate basic | | |

|and illustrations. |Communication functions: |strategies for general comprehension of the text's| |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate |

|Understanding the gist and identifying |Pupils talk about past events. |essential information or main points. | |criteria. |

|subject changes in television programmes |Talking about tastes and preferences |Identifying basic, meaningful social and cultural | | |

|and other audio visual materials about |Describing friendships. |features about daily life, interpersonal | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources |

|matters of interest. |Expressing possession |relationships, behaviour and social conventions | |and formats. |

| |Requesting information |andmaking use of the knowledge acquired about them| | |

| |Expressing the past. |to understand the text correctly. | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Describing personal qualities |Distinguishing between the main communicative | |English using various formats and digital tools.|

| |Offering apologies |function or functions of the text and a limited | | |

| |Expressing agreement or disagreement |repertoire of their most usual features, as well | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |as basic patterns of expression. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Past simple (irregular verbs) |Recognising the most common meanings associated | | |

| |Double genitive (a friend of mine) |with basic syntax structures in oral | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Past simple questions |communication. | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Vocabulary: |Recognising a limited repertoire of oral | | |

| |Expressions about the past: yesterday, yesterday morning / |vocabulary often used in everyday situations and | | |

| |afternoon, last night, last week, last month, last December, an |usual, specific subjects connected with needs and | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |hour ago, two weeks ago, a month ago, a year ago. |interests and using the context indicators and the| |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Adjectives about personality: intelligent, cheerful, jealous, |information in the text to form an idea about the | | |

| |helpful, confident, generous, easy-going, funny. |probable meanings of unfamiliar words and | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |expressions. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Recognising, comparing and pronouncing emphasis in one, two, |Distinguishing between sound patterns, accents, | |classroom |

| |three and four-syllable words following the Ooo, oOo, oOoo, ooOo |rhythms and basic intonation and recognising | | |

| |models. |general communicative meanings and intentions | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| | |connected with them. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to complete|

| | | | |your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


|Make short presentations, previously |Production strategies: |Taking part in a simple, comprehensible way in |LC |LC- Give simple oral presentations. |

|prepared and practised, about daily |Take part in short conversations in everyday contexts about |short conversations which involve a direct |MSCT | |

|subjects or things of interest. |friendship. |exchange of information in areas of immediate need|DC |LC- Give personal information and information |

|Cope in daily situations. |Pupils discuss practical issues connected with the unit. |or about familiar subjects using a neutral, |SCS |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in direct conversations or |Expressing agreement or disagreement with classmates' opinions. |informal register, using simple phases or |CCE | |

|using technical resources to make social |Asking for and giving personal information. |expressions of frequent use, which are normally |LL |LC- Give personal information and information |

|contact. |Giving / following instructions / directions. |used separately or linking them with basic |SIE |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in an interview and give |Exchanging limited information about issues connected with |connectors, even though the pronunciation may not | | |

|personal information.. |friendship. |always be clear, although there may be pauses and | |LC- Take part in spoken interaction |

| |Basic description of activities and experiences. |hesitations and repetition may be required, as | |spontaneously. |

| |Using descriptive language to make short statements. |well as paraphrasing and the interlocutor's | | |

| |Explaining what they like and what they do not like. |cooperation in order to keep communication going. | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| | |Knowing and being able to use basic strategies in | |criteria. |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |order to produce oral texts about single subjects | | |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |or very short, simple dialogues. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |Knowing specific and meaningful basic | |and formats. |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features, | | |

| |Reflect on the value of friendship and loyalty. |applying knowledge about them when speaking in the| |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Interest in finding out about cultures other than your own: myths|same context, respecting the most basic | |English using various formats and digital |

| |about friendship. |communicative conventions. | |tools. |

| | |Comply with the text's main communicative | | |

| |Communication functions: |function, using a limited repertoire of its most | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Pupils talk about past events. |frequent features and basic communication | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Talking about tastes and preferences |patterns. | | |

| |Describing friendships. |Using basic syntax structures (eg. linking words | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Expressing possession |and groups of words with basic connectors such as | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Requesting information |"and", "then", "but" and "because") although still| | |

| |Expressing the past. |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |Describing personal qualities |Knowing and using a much used, limited oral | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Offering apologies |repertoire in daily situations about usual, | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Expressing agreement or disagreement |specific subjects connected with interests, | | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |experiences and needs. | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Past simple (irregular verbs) |Using, in a general comprehensible manner, albeit | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Double genitive (a friend of mine) |obviously influenced by mother tongue or other | |classroom |

| |Past simple questions |languages, a very limited repertoire of basic | | |

| |Vocabulary: |sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns, | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Expressions about the past: yesterday, yesterday morning / |adapting them to the communicative task desired. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |afternoon, last night, last week, last month, last December, an |Making yourself understood in short, simple | | |

| |hour ago, two weeks ago, a month ago, a year ago. |speech, although initial hesitation and faltering | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |Adjectives about personality: intelligent, cheerful, jealous, |are apparent, as are repetitions and pauses to | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |helpful, confident, generous, easy-going, funny. |organise, correct and better express what you want| | |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |to say. | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| |Recognising, comparing and pronouncing emphasis in one, two, |Interact in a very basic way, using very simple | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| |three and four-syllable words following the Ooo, oOo, oOoo, ooOo |techniques, both language and non-verbal at first,| |mistakes. |

| |models. |to hold or conclude a conversation. | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Understanding instructions, explanations |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the subject, the gist, the main ideas |LC |LC- Identify relevant information on written |

|and basic information in notes, signs and|Identifying specific information in simple material such as a |and specific information in very short, simple |MSCT |posters and simple maps.. |

|posters. |cultural text, a literary extract. |texts, in standard language, with often used |DC | |

|Understanding essential information and |Identifying the type of text. |vocabulary, in which the subject and the type of |CCE |LC- Understand the general idea and specific |

|identifying specific information in |Predict the contents of the text by its title or pictures. |text are highly familiar, dealing with everyday |LL |details about familiar subjects. |

|simple informative texts. |Deduce the meaning of unknown words by their context. |subjects or matters of immediate need, with the |SIE | |

|Understanding brief, simple |Identifying the subject and contents of each paragraph. |possibility of re-reading if you have not | |LC- Deduce information from diverse texts about|

|correspondence about familiar subjects. | |understood it, using a dictionary and with visual | |subjects of interest. |

|Understanding the gist of short pieces of|Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |and context support. | | |

|news and articles about familiar subjects|Respecting classmates' opinions. |Knowing and knowing how to use the most | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

|or subjects of interest. |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |appropriate strategies to understand the gist, | |criteria. |

|Understanding the gist of short, well |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |essential information or the text's main points. | | |

|structured stories in which pictures or |Reflect on the value of friendship and loyalty. |Identifying specific and meaningful sociocultural | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

|actions transmit a large part of the |Interest in finding out about cultures other than your own: myths|and sociolinguistic features about daily life, | |and formats. |

|information. |about friendship. |living conditions, personal relationships and | | |

| | |social conventions, and apply the knowledge used | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Communication functions: |to understand the text correctly. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Pupils talk about past events. |Distinguishing the text's communication function | |tools. |

| |Talking about tastes and preferences |or functions and a limited repertoire from its | | |

| |Describing friendships. |most usual features, as well as basic | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Expressing possession |communication patterns. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Requesting information |Recognising the basic syntax structures associated| | |

| |Expressing the past. |with the main principles of written communication.| |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Describing personal qualities |Recognising a limited repertoire of frequently | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Offering apologies |used vocabulary about very day situations and | | |

| |Expressing agreement or disagreement |usual, specific subjects connected with your | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |experiences, needs and interests, and inferring | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Past simple (irregular verbs) |the probably meanings of words and expressions | | |

| |Double genitive (a friend of mine) |from the context and other information in the | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Past simple questions |text. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Vocabulary: |Recognising basic punctuation marks, as well as | |classroom |

| |Expressions about the past: yesterday, yesterday morning / |frequently used symbols, and identifying the | | |

| |afternoon, last night, last week, last month, last December, an |meanings and general communicative purpose of each| |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |hour ago, two weeks ago, a month ago, a year ago. |one. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |Adjectives about personality: intelligent, cheerful, jealous, | | | |

| |helpful, confident, generous, easy-going, funny. | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | | |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Fill in a short form or card with your |Production strategies: |Write very short, simple texts made up of simple, |LC |LC- Reproduce simple texts using previously |

|personal data. |Write notes with key information about the text they are going to|independent sentences, in a neutral register, in a|MSCT |presented models. |

|Write personal correspondence with short |write. |reasonably correct way in terms of basic |DC | |

|messages or talk about yourself and your |Use their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to write short |punctuation, to speak about yourself, your |SCS |LC- Fill in forms or cards with personal |

|immediate surroundings.. |descriptions, stories, experiences. |immediate surroundings and things from your daily |CCE |information and data. |

| |Use connectors to link simple sentences and expressions to tell a|life in predictable, familiar situations. |LL | |

| |story or describe an event. |Knowing and applying basic strategies for |SIE |LC- Write simple stories and descriptions |

| |Read and analyse a text to use it as a model when writing your |producing very simple, short written texts. | | |

| |own work: a note of apology. |Knowing basic, specific and meaningful | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| | |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features and | |criteria. |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |applying this knowledge to write a context | | |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |appropriate text. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |Comply with the written text's main communicative | |and formats. |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |function using a limited repertoire of the most | | |

| |Reflect on the value of friendship and loyalty. |frequently used features and communication | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Interest in finding out about cultures other than your own: myths|patterns. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |about friendship. |Using basic syntax structures, although still | |tools. |

| | |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |Communication functions: |Knowing and using frequent written vocabulary | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Pupils talk about past events. |about daily situations and usual, specific | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Talking about tastes and preferences |subjects connected with your interests, | | |

| |Describing friendships. |experiences and needs. | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Expressing possession |Using chart patterns and basic punctuation | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Requesting information |conventions to write words and short sentences | | |

| |Expressing the past. |which are often used in speech reasonably | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Describing personal qualities |correctly, although not necessarily completely | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Offering apologies |correctly. | | |

| |Expressing agreement or disagreement | | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: | | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Past simple (irregular verbs) | | |classroom |

| |Double genitive (a friend of mine) | | | |

| |Past simple questions | | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Vocabulary: | | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |Expressions about the past: yesterday, yesterday morning / | | | |

| |afternoon, last night, last week, last month, last December, an | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |hour ago, two weeks ago, a month ago, a year ago. | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |Adjectives about personality: intelligent, cheerful, jealous, | | | |

| |helpful, confident, generous, easy-going, funny. | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | |mistakes. |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation | | | |

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |





|Understanding the gist of adverts about |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the gist, the essential information |LC |LC- Understand simple oral messages and |

|products of interest. |Understand the general idea, sentences and expressions connected |and main points in very short oral texts with |MSCT |instructions and recognise familiar words and |

|Understanding messages and public |with advice. |standard language, simple structures and |DC |linguistic structures. |

|announcements with contain instructions, |Understanding interaction in conversations about giving advice to|frequently used vocabulary, enunciated with |SCS | |

|warnings or other types of information. |young inventors. |clarity and slowly, read live or using technical |CCE |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding what is said during usual |Understand and extract the main information from recordings |resources, about specific, usual subjects |LL |from a short situation from repeated |

|transactions. |(listening, photo story, video). |connected with personal experiences, needs and |SIE |visualisations of the oral text |

|Identifying the subject of a predictable | |interests in predictable daily contexts or | | |

|daily conversation which you hear. |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |connected with areas of immediate need in the | |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding the gist of short, simple |Respecting classmates' opinions. |personal, public or educational areas, with good | |from a short situation from repeated |

|conversations about family matters and |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |acoustic conditions and no distortion of the | |visualisations of the oral text |

|which you take part in. |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |message, with the possibility of listening to the | | |

|Understanding the gist of simple, well |Reflect on looking after people and the environment. |message again or asking for confirmation and with | |LC- Recognise aural items such as accent, rhythm|

|structured, clear, slowly delivered |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as complying with |visual support or a clear visual context | |and correct intonation in familiar and varied |

|presentations about family matters or |classroom rules. |reference. | |contexts. |

|matters of interest helped by pictures |Show an interest in developing social skills such as solving |Knowing and using the most appropriate basic | | |

|and illustrations. |problems. |strategies for general comprehension of the text's| |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate |

|Understanding the gist and identifying | |essential information or main points. | |criteria. |

|subject changes in television programmes |Communication functions: |Identifying basic, meaningful social and cultural | | |

|and other audio visual materials about |Requesting information / clearing up information |features about daily life, interpersonal | |MSCT- Locate basic information on digital |

|matters of interest. |Giving advice |relationships, behaviour and social conventions | |sources and formats. |

| |Expressing obligation / lack of obligation |andmaking use of the knowledge acquired about them| | |

| |Giving recommendations |to understand the text correctly. | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Describing activities (chores) |Distinguishing between the main communicative | |English using various formats and digital tools.|

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |function or functions of the text and a limited | | |

| |have to / don’t have to |repertoire of their most usual features, as well | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect |

| |should / shouldn’t |as basic patterns of expression. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |mustn’t vs. don’t have to |Recognising the most common meanings associated | | |

| |Vocabulary: |with basic syntax structures in oral | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Gadgets: satnav, MP3 player, torch, games console, remote |communication. | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |control, coffee machine, calculator, docking station, hair dryer,|Recognising a limited repertoire of oral | | |

| |headphones. |vocabulary often used in everyday situations and | | |

| |Chores: vacuum the floor, tidy up, do the ironing, do the |usual, specific subjects connected with needs and | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |shopping, set / clear the table, do the washing-up, make the |interests and using the context indicators and the| |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |beds, do the cooking, do the washing, load / empty the |information in the text to form an idea about the | | |

| |dishwasher. |probable meanings of unfamiliar words and | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Expressions with like: look like, sound like, like what. |expressions. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |Distinguishing between sound patterns, accents, | |classroom |

| |Recognising, comparing and pronouncing vowel sounds: /ʊ/ and |rhythms and basic intonation and recognising | | |

| |/uː/. |general communicative meanings and intentions | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| | |connected with them. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to complete|

| | | | |your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


|Make short presentations, previously |Production strategies: |Taking part in a simple, comprehensible way in |LC |LC- Give simple oral presentations. |

|prepared and practised, about daily |Take part in short conversations in everyday contexts about |short conversations which involve a direct |MSCT | |

|subjects or things of interest. |rules. |exchange of information in areas of immediate need|DC |LC- Give personal information and information |

|Cope in daily situations. |Pupils discuss practical issues connected with the unit. |or about familiar subjects using a neutral, |SCS |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in direct conversations or |Expressing agreement or disagreement with classmates' opinions. |informal register, using simple phases or |CCE | |

|using technical resources to make social |Asking for and giving personal information. |expressions of frequent use, which are normally |LL |LC- Give personal information and information |

|contact. |Giving / following instructions / directions. |used separately or linking them with basic |SIE |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in an interview and give |Exchanging limited information. |connectors, even though the pronunciation may not | | |

|personal information.. |Basic description of activities and experiences. |always be clear, although there may be pauses and | |LC- Take part in spoken interaction |

| |Using descriptive language to make short statements. |hesitations and repetition may be required, as | |spontaneously. |

| |Explaining what they like and what they do not like. |well as paraphrasing and the interlocutor's | | |

| |Assimilating expressions for giving advice, talking about rules |cooperation in order to keep communication going. | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| |and asking people to repeat or clarify information. |Knowing and being able to use basic strategies in | |criteria. |

| |Role-play about a telephone conversation. |order to produce oral texts about single subjects | | |

| | |or very short, simple dialogues. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |Knowing specific and meaningful basic | |and formats. |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features, | | |

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |applying knowledge about them when speaking in the| |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |same context, respecting the most basic | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Reflect on looking after people and the environment. |communicative conventions. | |tools. |

| |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as complying with |Comply with the text's main communicative | | |

| |classroom rules. |function, using a limited repertoire of its most | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Show an interest in developing social skills such as solving |frequent features and basic communication | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |problems. |patterns. | | |

| | |Using basic syntax structures (eg. linking words | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Communication functions: |and groups of words with basic connectors such as | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Requesting information / clearing up information |"and", "then", "but" and "because") although still| | |

| |Giving advice |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |Expressing obligation / lack of obligation |Knowing and using a much used, limited oral | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Giving recommendations |repertoire in daily situations about usual, | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Describing activities (chores) |specific subjects connected with interests, | | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |experiences and needs. | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |have to / don’t have to |Using, in a general comprehensible manner, albeit | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |should / shouldn’t |obviously influenced by mother tongue or other | |classroom |

| |mustn’t vs. don’t have to |languages, a very limited repertoire of basic | | |

| |Vocabulary: |sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns, | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Gadgets: satnav, MP3 player, torch, games console, remote |adapting them to the communicative task desired. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |control, coffee machine, calculator, docking station, hair dryer,|Making yourself understood in short, simple | | |

| |headphones. |speech, although initial hesitation and faltering | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |Chores: vacuum the floor, tidy up, do the ironing, do the |are apparent, as are repetitions and pauses to | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |shopping, set / clear the table, do the washing-up, make the |organise, correct and better express what you want| | |

| |beds, do the cooking, do the washing, load / empty the |to say. | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| |dishwasher. |Interact in a very basic way, using very simple | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| |Expressions with like: look like, sound like, like what. |techniques, both language and non-verbal at first,| |mistakes. |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |to hold or conclude a conversation. | | |

| |Recognising, comparing and pronouncing vowel sounds: /ʊ/ and | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| |/uː/. | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Understanding instructions, explanations |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the subject, the gist, the main ideas |LC |LC- Identify relevant information on written |

|and basic information in notes, signs and|Identifying specific information in simple material such as an |and specific information in very short, simple |MSCT |posters and simple maps.. |

|posters. |article, a website, a photo-story, a story. |texts, in standard language, with often used |DC | |

|Understanding essential information and |Identifying the type of text. |vocabulary, in which the subject and the type of |CCE |LC- Understand the general idea and specific |

|identifying specific information in |Predict the contents of the text by its title or pictures. |text are highly familiar, dealing with everyday |LL |details about familiar subjects. |

|simple informative texts. |Deduce the meaning of unknown words by their context. |subjects or matters of immediate need, with the |SIE | |

|Understanding brief, simple |Identifying the subject and contents of each paragraph. |possibility of re-reading if you have not | |LC- Deduce information from diverse texts about|

|correspondence about familiar subjects. | |understood it, using a dictionary and with visual | |subjects of interest. |

|Understanding the gist of short pieces of|Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |and context support. | | |

|news and articles about familiar subjects|Respecting classmates' opinions. |Knowing and knowing how to use the most | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

|or subjects of interest. |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |appropriate strategies to understand the gist, | |criteria. |

|Understanding the gist of short, well |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |essential information or the text's main points. | | |

|structured stories in which pictures or |Reflect on looking after people and the environment. |Identifying specific and meaningful sociocultural | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

|actions transmit a large part of the |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as complying with |and sociolinguistic features about daily life, | |and formats. |

|information. |classroom rules. |living conditions, personal relationships and | | |

| |Show an interest in developing social skills such as solving |social conventions, and apply the knowledge used | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |problems. |to understand the text correctly. | |English using various formats and digital |

| | |Distinguishing the text's communication function | |tools. |

| |Communication functions: |or functions and a limited repertoire from its | | |

| |Requesting information / clearing up information |most usual features, as well as basic | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Giving advice |communication patterns. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Expressing obligation / lack of obligation |Recognising the basic syntax structures associated| | |

| |Giving recommendations |with the main principles of written communication.| |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Describing activities (chores) |Recognising a limited repertoire of frequently | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |used vocabulary about very day situations and | | |

| |have to / don’t have to |usual, specific subjects connected with your | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |should / shouldn’t |experiences, needs and interests, and inferring | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |mustn’t vs. don’t have to |the probably meanings of words and expressions | | |

| |Vocabulary: |from the context and other information in the | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Gadgets: satnav, MP3 player, torch, games console, remote |text. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |control, coffee machine, calculator, docking station, hair dryer,|Recognising basic punctuation marks, as well as | |classroom |

| |headphones. |frequently used symbols, and identifying the | | |

| |Chores: vacuum the floor, tidy up, do the ironing, do the |meanings and general communicative purpose of each| |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |shopping, set / clear the table, do the washing-up, make the |one. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |beds, do the cooking, do the washing, load / empty the | | | |

| |dishwasher. | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |Expressions with like: look like, sound like, like what. | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| | | | | |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Fill in a short form or card with your |Production strategies: |Write very short, simple texts made up of simple, |LC |LC- Reproduce simple texts using previously |

|personal data. |Write notes with key information about the text they are going to|independent sentences, in a neutral register, in a|MSCT |presented models. |

|Write personal correspondence with short |write. |reasonably correct way in terms of basic |DC | |

|messages or talk about yourself and your |Use their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to write short |punctuation, to speak about yourself, your |SCS |LC- Fill in forms or cards with personal |

|immediate surroundings.. |descriptions, stories, experiences. |immediate surroundings and things from your daily |CCE |information and data. |

| |Use connectors to link simple sentences and expressions to tell a|life in predictable, familiar situations. |LL | |

| |story or describe an event. |Knowing and applying basic strategies for |SIE |LC- Write simple stories and descriptions |

| |Read and analyse a text to use it as a model when writing your |producing very simple, short written texts. | | |

| |own work: a paragraph about chores. |Knowing basic, specific and meaningful | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| | |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features and | |criteria. |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |applying this knowledge to write a context | | |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |appropriate text. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |Comply with the written text's main communicative | |and formats. |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |function using a limited repertoire of the most | | |

| |Reflect on looking after people and the environment. |frequently used features and communication | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as complying with |patterns. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |classroom rules. |Using basic syntax structures, although still | |tools. |

| |Show an interest in developing social skills such as solving |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |problems. |Knowing and using frequent written vocabulary | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| | |about daily situations and usual, specific | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Communication functions: |subjects connected with your interests, | | |

| |Requesting information / clearing up information |experiences and needs. | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Giving advice |Using chart patterns and basic punctuation | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Expressing obligation / lack of obligation |conventions to write words and short sentences | | |

| |Giving recommendations |which are often used in speech reasonably | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Describing activities (chores) |correctly, although not necessarily completely | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |correctly. | | |

| |have to / don’t have to | | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |should / shouldn’t | | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |mustn’t vs. don’t have to | | |classroom |

| |Vocabulary: | | | |

| |Gadgets: satnav, MP3 player, torch, games console, remote | | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |control, coffee machine, calculator, docking station, hair dryer,| | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |headphones. | | | |

| |Chores: vacuum the floor, tidy up, do the ironing, do the | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |shopping, set / clear the table, do the washing-up, make the | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |beds, do the cooking, do the washing, load / empty the | | | |

| |dishwasher. | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| |Expressions with like: look like, sound like, like what. | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | | |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |





|Understanding the gist of adverts about |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the gist, the essential information |LC |LC- Understand simple oral messages and |

|products of interest. |Understand the general idea, sentences and expressions connected |and main points in very short oral texts with |MSCT |instructions and recognise familiar words and |

|Understanding messages and public |with sport. |standard language, simple structures and |DC |linguistic structures. |

|announcements with contain instructions, |Understand interaction in conversations about sport. |frequently used vocabulary, enunciated with |SCS | |

|warnings or other types of information. |Understand and extract the main information from recordings |clarity and slowly, read live or using technical |CCE |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding what is said during usual |(listening). |resources, about specific, usual subjects |LL |from a short situation from repeated |

|transactions. | |connected with personal experiences, needs and |SIE |visualisations of the oral text |

|Identifying the subject of a predictable |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |interests in predictable daily contexts or | | |

|daily conversation which you hear. |Respecting classmates' opinions. |connected with areas of immediate need in the | |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding the gist of short, simple |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |personal, public or educational areas, with good | |from a short situation from repeated |

|conversations about family matters and |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |acoustic conditions and no distortion of the | |visualisations of the oral text |

|which you take part in. |Reflect on the importance of trying, winning and losing. |message, with the possibility of listening to the | | |

|Understanding the gist of simple, well |Interest in finding out about cultural issues: positive and |message again or asking for confirmation and with | |LC- Recognise aural items such as accent, rhythm|

|structured, clear, slowly delivered |negative sides to the Olympic Games. |visual support or a clear visual context | |and correct intonation in familiar and varied |

|presentations about family matters or | |reference. | |contexts. |

|matters of interest helped by pictures |Communication functions: |Knowing and using the most appropriate basic | | |

|and illustrations. |Expressing feelings. |strategies for general comprehension of the text's| |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate |

|Understanding the gist and identifying |Describing sports. |essential information or main points. | |criteria. |

|subject changes in television programmes |Pupils talk about things which happened in the past |Identifying basic, meaningful social and cultural | | |

|and other audio visual materials about |Pupils talk about past events. |features about daily life, interpersonal | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources |

|matters of interest. |Expressing sequences |relationships, behaviour and social conventions | |and formats. |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |andmaking use of the knowledge acquired about them| | |

| |Past continuous |to understand the text correctly. | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Past continuous vs. past simple |Distinguishing between the main communicative | |English using various formats and digital tools.|

| |when, while |function or functions of the text and a limited | | |

| |Vocabulary: |repertoire of their most usual features, as well | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect |

| |Sports, verbs for sports: sailing, diving, golf, gymnastics, |as basic patterns of expression. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |rock-climbing, rugby, snowboarding, skiing, volleyball, |Recognising the most common meanings associated | | |

| |windsurfing; play, go, do. |with basic syntax structures in oral | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Adverbs of frequency: at first, then, after, finally. |communication. | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |Recognising a limited repertoire of oral | | |

| |Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation of weak |vocabulary often used in everyday situations and | | |

| |and strong forms of was. /wɒz/, /wəz/ and were: /wɜː/, /wə/. |usual, specific subjects connected with needs and | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| | |interests and using the context indicators and the| |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| | |information in the text to form an idea about the | | |

| | |probable meanings of unfamiliar words and | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| | |expressions. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| | |Distinguishing between sound patterns, accents, | |classroom |

| | |rhythms and basic intonation and recognising | | |

| | |general communicative meanings and intentions | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| | |connected with them. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to complete|

| | | | |your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


|Make short presentations, previously |Production strategies: |Taking part in a simple, comprehensible way in |LC |LC- Give simple oral presentations. |

|prepared and practised, about daily |Take part in short conversations in everyday contexts about |short conversations which involve a direct |MSCT | |

|subjects or things of interest. |sports and feelings. |exchange of information in areas of immediate need|DC |LC- Give personal information and information |

|Cope in daily situations. |Pupils discuss practical issues connected with the unit. |or about familiar subjects using a neutral, |SCS |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in direct conversations or |Expressing agreement or disagreement with classmates' opinions. |informal register, using simple phases or |CCE | |

|using technical resources to make social |Asking for and giving personal information. |expressions of frequent use, which are normally |LL |LC- Give personal information and information |

|contact. |Giving / following instructions / directions. |used separately or linking them with basic |SIE |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in an interview and give |Exchanging limited information about issues connected with sports|connectors, even though the pronunciation may not | | |

|personal information.. |and feelings. |always be clear, although there may be pauses and | |LC- Take part in spoken interaction |

| |Basic description of activities and experiences. |hesitations and repetition may be required, as | |spontaneously. |

| |Using descriptive language to make short statements. |well as paraphrasing and the interlocutor's | | |

| |Explaining what they like and what they do not like. |cooperation in order to keep communication going. | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| | |Knowing and being able to use basic strategies in | |criteria. |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |order to produce oral texts about single subjects | | |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |or very short, simple dialogues. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |Knowing specific and meaningful basic | |and formats. |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features, | | |

| |Reflect on the importance of trying, winning and losing. |applying knowledge about them when speaking in the| |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Interest in finding out about cultural issues: positive and |same context, respecting the most basic | |English using various formats and digital |

| |negative sides to the Olympic Games. |communicative conventions. | |tools. |

| | |Comply with the text's main communicative | | |

| |Communication functions: |function, using a limited repertoire of its most | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Expressing feelings. |frequent features and basic communication | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Describing sports. |patterns. | | |

| |Pupils talk about things which happened in the past |Using basic syntax structures (eg. linking words | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Pupils talk about past events. |and groups of words with basic connectors such as | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Expressing sequences |"and", "then", "but" and "because") although still| | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |Past continuous |Knowing and using a much used, limited oral | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Past continuous vs. past simple |repertoire in daily situations about usual, | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |when, while |specific subjects connected with interests, | | |

| |Vocabulary: |experiences and needs. | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Sports, verbs for sports: sailing, diving, golf, gymnastics, |Using, in a general comprehensible manner, albeit | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |rock-climbing, rugby, snowboarding, skiing, volleyball, |obviously influenced by mother tongue or other | |classroom |

| |windsurfing; play, go, do. |languages, a very limited repertoire of basic | | |

| |Adverbs of frequency: at first, then, after, finally. |sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns, | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |adapting them to the communicative task desired. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation of weak |Making yourself understood in short, simple | | |

| |and strong forms of was. /wɒz/, /wəz/ and were: /wɜː/, /wə/. |speech, although initial hesitation and faltering | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | |are apparent, as are repetitions and pauses to | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| | |organise, correct and better express what you want| | |

| | |to say. | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | |Interact in a very basic way, using very simple | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | |techniques, both language and non-verbal at first,| |mistakes. |

| | |to hold or conclude a conversation. | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Understanding instructions, explanations |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the subject, the gist, the main ideas |LC |LC- Identify relevant information on written |

|and basic information in notes, signs and|Identifying specific information in simple material such as an |and specific information in very short, simple |MSCT |posters and simple maps.. |

|posters. |article, an Internet forum, a literary extract. |texts, in standard language, with often used |DC | |

|Understanding essential information and |Identifying the type of text. |vocabulary, in which the subject and the type of |CCE |LC- Understand the general idea and specific |

|identifying specific information in |Predict the contents of the text by its title or pictures. |text are highly familiar, dealing with everyday |LL |details about familiar subjects. |

|simple informative texts. |Deduce the meaning of unknown words by their context. |subjects or matters of immediate need, with the |SIE | |

|Understanding brief, simple |Identifying the subject and contents of each paragraph. |possibility of re-reading if you have not | |LC- Deduce information from diverse texts about|

|correspondence about familiar subjects. | |understood it, using a dictionary and with visual | |subjects of interest. |

|Understanding the gist of short pieces of|Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |and context support. | | |

|news and articles about familiar subjects|Respecting classmates' opinions. |Knowing and knowing how to use the most | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

|or subjects of interest. |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |appropriate strategies to understand the gist, | |criteria. |

|Understanding the gist of short, well |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |essential information or the text's main points. | | |

|structured stories in which pictures or |Reflect on the importance of trying, winning and losing. |Identifying specific and meaningful sociocultural | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

|actions transmit a large part of the |Interest in finding out about cultural issues: positive and |and sociolinguistic features about daily life, | |and formats. |

|information. |negative sides to the Olympic Games. |living conditions, personal relationships and | | |

| | |social conventions, and apply the knowledge used | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Communication functions: |to understand the text correctly. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Expressing feelings. |Distinguishing the text's communication function | |tools. |

| |Describing sports. |or functions and a limited repertoire from its | | |

| |Pupils talk about things which happened in the past |most usual features, as well as basic | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Pupils talk about past events. |communication patterns. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Expressing sequences |Recognising the basic syntax structures associated| | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |with the main principles of written communication.| |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Past continuous |Recognising a limited repertoire of frequently | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Past continuous vs. past simple |used vocabulary about very day situations and | | |

| |when, while |usual, specific subjects connected with your | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Vocabulary: |experiences, needs and interests, and inferring | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Sports, verbs for sports: sailing, diving, golf, gymnastics, |the probably meanings of words and expressions | | |

| |rock-climbing, rugby, snowboarding, skiing, volleyball, |from the context and other information in the | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |windsurfing; play, go, do. |text. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Adverbs of frequency: at first, then, after, finally. |Recognising basic punctuation marks, as well as | |classroom |

| | |frequently used symbols, and identifying the | | |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: |meanings and general communicative purpose of each| |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation |one. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Fill in a short form or card with your |Production strategies: |Write very short, simple texts made up of simple, |LC |LC- Reproduce simple texts using previously |

|personal data. |Write notes with key information about the text they are going to|independent sentences, in a neutral register, in a|MSCT |presented models. |

|Write personal correspondence with short |write. |reasonably correct way in terms of basic |DC | |

|messages or talk about yourself and your |Use their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to write short |punctuation, to speak about yourself, your |SCS |LC- Fill in forms or cards with personal |

|immediate surroundings.. |descriptions, stories, experiences. |immediate surroundings and things from your daily |CCE |information and data. |

| |Use connectors to link simple sentences and expressions to tell a|life in predictable, familiar situations. |LL | |

| |story or describe an event. |Knowing and applying basic strategies for |SIE |LC- Write simple stories and descriptions |

| |Read and analyse a text to use it as a model when writing your |producing very simple, short written texts. | | |

| |own work: an article about a sports event. |Knowing basic, specific and meaningful | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| | |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features and | |criteria. |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |applying this knowledge to write a context | | |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |appropriate text. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |Comply with the written text's main communicative | |and formats. |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |function using a limited repertoire of the most | | |

| |Reflect on the importance of trying, winning and losing. |frequently used features and communication | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Interest in finding out about cultural issues: positive and |patterns. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |negative sides to the Olympic Games. |Using basic syntax structures, although still | |tools. |

| | |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |Communication functions: |Knowing and using frequent written vocabulary | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Expressing feelings. |about daily situations and usual, specific | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Describing sports. |subjects connected with your interests, | | |

| |Pupils talk about things which happened in the past |experiences and needs. | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Pupils talk about past events. |Using chart patterns and basic punctuation | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Expressing sequences |conventions to write words and short sentences | | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |which are often used in speech reasonably | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Past continuous |correctly, although not necessarily completely | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Past continuous vs. past simple |correctly. | | |

| |when, while | | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Vocabulary: | | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Sports, verbs for sports: sailing, diving, golf, gymnastics, | | |classroom |

| |rock-climbing, rugby, snowboarding, skiing, volleyball, | | | |

| |windsurfing; play, go, do. | | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Adverbs of sequence: at first, then, after, finally. | | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |





|Understanding the gist of adverts about |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the gist, the essential information |LC |LC- Understand simple oral messages and |

|products of interest. |Understanding the general idea, sentences and expressions |and main points in very short oral texts with |MSCT |instructions and recognise familiar words and |

|Understanding messages and public |connected with different parts of the worlds and cultures. |standard language, simple structures and |DC |linguistic structures. |

|announcements with contain instructions, |Understanding interaction in conversations about the Bushmen's |frequently used vocabulary, enunciated with |SCS | |

|warnings or other types of information. |traditions. |clarity and slowly, read live or using technical |CCE |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding what is said during usual |Understand and extract the main information from recordings |resources, about specific, usual subjects |LL |from a short situation from repeated |

|transactions. |(listening, photo story, video). |connected with personal experiences, needs and |SIE |visualisations of the oral text |

|Identifying the subject of a predictable | |interests in predictable daily contexts or | | |

|daily conversation which you hear. |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |connected with areas of immediate need in the | |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding the gist of short, simple |Respecting classmates' opinions. |personal, public or educational areas, with good | |from a short situation from repeated |

|conversations about family matters and |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |acoustic conditions and no distortion of the | |visualisations of the oral text |

|which you take part in. |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |message, with the possibility of listening to the | | |

|Understanding the gist of simple, well |Reflect on valuing our world. |message again or asking for confirmation and with | |LC- Recognise aural items such as accent, rhythm|

|structured, clear, slowly delivered |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as being brave. |visual support or a clear visual context | |and correct intonation in familiar and varied |

|presentations about family matters or |Show an interest in developing social skills such as helping the |reference. | |contexts. |

|matters of interest helped by pictures |community. |Knowing and using the most appropriate basic | | |

|and illustrations. | |strategies for general comprehension of the text's| |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate |

|Understanding the gist and identifying |Communication functions: |essential information or main points. | |criteria. |

|subject changes in television programmes |Giving compliments. |Identifying basic, meaningful social and cultural | | |

|and other audio visual materials about |Description of the climate. |features about daily life, interpersonal | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources |

|matters of interest. |Expressing comparisons |relationships, behaviour and social conventions | |and formats. |

| |Expressing ability |andmaking use of the knowledge acquired about them| | |

| |Describing geographical features. |to understand the text correctly. | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |Distinguishing between the main communicative | |English using various formats and digital tools.|

| |Comparative adjectives |function or functions of the text and a limited | | |

| |Superlative adjectives |repertoire of their most usual features, as well | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect |

| |can / can’t for ability |as basic patterns of expression. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Vocabulary: |Recognising the most common meanings associated | | |

| |Geographical features: ocean, hill, mountain, jungle, river, |with basic syntax structures in oral | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |desert, lake, beach, island, forest. |communication. | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Climate: freezing, sunny, rainy, humid, windy, wet, cloudy, dry, |Recognising a limited repertoire of oral | | |

| |warm, foggy, cold, hot. |vocabulary often used in everyday situations and | | |

| |Expressions with : busy with, to do with me, with us. |usual, specific subjects connected with needs and | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |interests and using the context indicators and the| |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Recognising, comparing and pronouncing vowel sounds /ɪ/ and /aɪ/.|information in the text to form an idea about the | | |

| | |probable meanings of unfamiliar words and | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| | |expressions. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| | |Distinguishing between sound patterns, accents, | |classroom |

| | |rhythms and basic intonation and recognising | | |

| | |general communicative meanings and intentions | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| | |connected with them. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to complete|

| | | | |your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


|Make short presentations, previously |Production strategies: |Taking part in a simple, comprehensible way in |LC |LC- Give simple oral presentations. |

|prepared and practised, about daily |Take part in short conversations in everyday contexts about the |short conversations which involve a direct |MSCT | |

|subjects or things of interest. |climate. |exchange of information in areas of immediate need|DC |LC- Give personal information and information |

|Cope in daily situations. |Pupils discuss practical issues connected with the unit. |or about familiar subjects using a neutral, |SCS |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in direct conversations or |Expressing agreement or disagreement with classmates' opinions. |informal register, using simple phases or |CCE | |

|using technical resources to make social |Asking for and giving personal information. |expressions of frequent use, which are normally |LL |LC- Give personal information and information |

|contact. |Giving / following instructions / directions. |used separately or linking them with basic |SIE |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in an interview and give |Exchanging limited information about issues connected with the |connectors, even though the pronunciation may not | | |

|personal information.. |climate. |always be clear, although there may be pauses and | |LC- Take part in spoken interaction |

| |Basic description of activities and experiences. |hesitations and repetition may be required, as | |spontaneously. |

| |Using descriptive language to make short statements. |well as paraphrasing and the interlocutor's | | |

| |Explaining what they like and what they do not like. |cooperation in order to keep communication going. | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| |Assimilating expressions for giving compliments. |Knowing and being able to use basic strategies in | |criteria. |

| | |order to produce oral texts about single subjects | | |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |or very short, simple dialogues. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |Knowing specific and meaningful basic | |and formats. |

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features, | | |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |applying knowledge about them when speaking in the| |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Reflect on valuing our world. |same context, respecting the most basic | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as being brave. |communicative conventions. | |tools. |

| |Show an interest in developing social skills such as helping the |Comply with the text's main communicative | | |

| |community. |function, using a limited repertoire of its most | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| | |frequent features and basic communication | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Communication functions: |patterns. | | |

| |Giving compliments. |Using basic syntax structures (eg. linking words | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Description of the climate. |and groups of words with basic connectors such as | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Expressing comparisons |"and", "then", "but" and "because") although still| | |

| |Expressing ability |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |Describing geographical features. |Knowing and using a much used, limited oral | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |repertoire in daily situations about usual, | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Comparative adjectives |specific subjects connected with interests, | | |

| |Superlative adjectives |experiences and needs. | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |can / can’t for ability |Using, in a general comprehensible manner, albeit | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Vocabulary: |obviously influenced by mother tongue or other | |classroom |

| |Geographical features: ocean, hill, mountain, jungle, river, |languages, a very limited repertoire of basic | | |

| |desert, lake, beach, island, forest. |sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns, | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Climate: freezing, sunny, rainy, humid, windy, wet, cloudy, dry, |adapting them to the communicative task desired. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |warm, foggy, cold, hot. |Making yourself understood in short, simple | | |

| |Expressions with : busy with, to do with me, with us. |speech, although initial hesitation and faltering | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |are apparent, as are repetitions and pauses to | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |Recognising, comparing and pronouncing vowel sounds /ɪ/ and /aɪ/.|organise, correct and better express what you want| | |

| | |to say. | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | |Interact in a very basic way, using very simple | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | |techniques, both language and non-verbal at first,| |mistakes. |

| | |to hold or conclude a conversation. | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Understanding instructions, explanations |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the subject, the gist, the main ideas |LC |LC- Identify relevant information on written |

|and basic information in notes, signs and|Identifying specific information in simple material such as two |and specific information in very short, simple |MSCT |posters and simple maps.. |

|posters. |articles, a photo-story, a story. |texts, in standard language, with often used |DC | |

|Understanding essential information and |Identifying the type of text. |vocabulary, in which the subject and the type of |CCE |LC- Understand the general idea and specific |

|identifying specific information in |Predict the contents of the text by its title or pictures. |text are highly familiar, dealing with everyday |LL |details about familiar subjects. |

|simple informative texts. |Deduce the meaning of unknown words by their context. |subjects or matters of immediate need, with the |SIE | |

|Understanding brief, simple |Identifying the subject and contents of each paragraph. |possibility of re-reading if you have not | |LC- Deduce information from diverse texts about|

|correspondence about familiar subjects. | |understood it, using a dictionary and with visual | |subjects of interest. |

|Understanding the gist of short pieces of|Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |and context support. | | |

|news and articles about familiar subjects|Respecting classmates' opinions. |Knowing and knowing how to use the most | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

|or subjects of interest. |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |appropriate strategies to understand the gist, | |criteria. |

|Understanding the gist of short, well |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |essential information or the text's main points. | | |

|structured stories in which pictures or |Reflect on valuing our world. |Identifying specific and meaningful sociocultural | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

|actions transmit a large part of the |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as being brave. |and sociolinguistic features about daily life, | |and formats. |

|information. |Show an interest in developing social skills such as helping the |living conditions, personal relationships and | | |

| |community. |social conventions, and apply the knowledge used | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| | |to understand the text correctly. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Communication functions: |Distinguishing the text's communication function | |tools. |

| |Giving compliments. |or functions and a limited repertoire from its | | |

| |Description of the climate. |most usual features, as well as basic | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Expressing comparisons |communication patterns. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Expressing ability |Recognising the basic syntax structures associated| | |

| |Describing geographical features. |with the main principles of written communication.| |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |Recognising a limited repertoire of frequently | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Comparative adjectives |used vocabulary about very day situations and | | |

| |Superlative adjectives |usual, specific subjects connected with your | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |can / can’t for ability |experiences, needs and interests, and inferring | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Vocabulary: |the probably meanings of words and expressions | | |

| |Geographical features: ocean, hill, mountain, jungle, river, |from the context and other information in the | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |desert, lake, beach, island, forest. |text. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Climate: freezing, sunny, rainy, humid, windy, wet, cloudy, dry, |Recognising basic punctuation marks, as well as | |classroom |

| |warm, foggy, cold, hot. |frequently used symbols, and identifying the | | |

| |Expressions with : busy with, to do with me, with us. |meanings and general communicative purpose of each| |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| | |one. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | | |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Fill in a short form or card with your |Production strategies: |Write very short, simple texts made up of simple, |LC |LC- Reproduce simple texts using previously |

|personal data. |Write notes with key information about the text they are going to|independent sentences, in a neutral register, in a|MSCT |presented models. |

|Write personal correspondence with short |write. |reasonably correct way in terms of basic |DC | |

|messages or talk about yourself and your |Use their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to write short |punctuation, to speak about yourself, your |SCS |LC- Fill in forms or cards with personal |

|immediate surroundings.. |descriptions, stories, experiences. |immediate surroundings and things from your daily |CCE |information and data. |

| |Use connectors to link simple sentences and expressions to tell a|life in predictable, familiar situations. |LL | |

| |story or describe an event. |Knowing and applying basic strategies for |SIE |LC- Write simple stories and descriptions |

| |Read and analyse a text to use it as a model when writing your |producing very simple, short written texts. | | |

| |own work: an e-mail about a place. |Knowing basic, specific and meaningful | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| | |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features and | |criteria. |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |applying this knowledge to write a context | | |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |appropriate text. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |Comply with the written text's main communicative | |and formats. |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |function using a limited repertoire of the most | | |

| |Reflect on valuing our world. |frequently used features and communication | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as being brave. |patterns. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Show an interest in developing social skills such as helping the |Using basic syntax structures, although still | |tools. |

| |community. |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| | |Knowing and using frequent written vocabulary | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Communication functions: |about daily situations and usual, specific | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Giving compliments. |subjects connected with your interests, | | |

| |Description of the climate. |experiences and needs. | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Expressing comparisons |Using chart patterns and basic punctuation | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Expressing ability |conventions to write words and short sentences | | |

| |Describing geographical features. |which are often used in speech reasonably | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |correctly, although not necessarily completely | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Comparative adjectives |correctly. | | |

| |Superlative adjectives | | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |can / can’t for ability | | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Vocabulary: | | |classroom |

| |Geographical features: ocean, hill, mountain, jungle, river, | | | |

| |desert, lake, beach, island, forest. | | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Climate: freezing, sunny, rainy, humid, windy, wet, cloudy, dry, | | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |warm, foggy, cold, hot. | | | |

| |Expressions with : busy with, to do with me, with us. | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | | |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |





|Understanding the gist of adverts about |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the gist, the essential information |LC |LC- Understand simple oral messages and |

|products of interest. |Understand the general idea, sentences and expressions connected |and main points in very short oral texts with |MSCT |instructions and recognise familiar words and |

|Understanding messages and public |with the city. |standard language, simple structures and |DC |linguistic structures. |

|announcements with contain instructions, |Understand interaction in conversations about arranging to meet. |frequently used vocabulary, enunciated with |SCS | |

|warnings or other types of information. |Understand and extract the main information from recordings |clarity and slowly, read live or using technical |CCE |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding what is said during usual |(listening). |resources, about specific, usual subjects |LL |from a short situation from repeated |

|transactions. | |connected with personal experiences, needs and |SIE |visualisations of the oral text |

|Identifying the subject of a predictable |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |interests in predictable daily contexts or | | |

|daily conversation which you hear. |Respecting classmates' opinions. |connected with areas of immediate need in the | |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding the gist of short, simple |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |personal, public or educational areas, with good | |from a short situation from repeated |

|conversations about family matters and |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |acoustic conditions and no distortion of the | |visualisations of the oral text |

|which you take part in. |Interest in and reflection on appreciating other cultures. |message, with the possibility of listening to the | | |

|Understanding the gist of simple, well |Interest in finding out about cultural matters such as ghost |message again or asking for confirmation and with | |LC- Recognise aural items such as accent, rhythm|

|structured, clear, slowly delivered |towns in different parts of the world. |visual support or a clear visual context | |and correct intonation in familiar and varied |

|presentations about family matters or | |reference. | |contexts. |

|matters of interest helped by pictures |Communication functions: |Knowing and using the most appropriate basic | | |

|and illustrations. |Giving invitations |strategies for general comprehension of the text's| |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate |

|Understanding the gist and identifying |Expressing plans |essential information or main points. | |criteria. |

|subject changes in television programmes |Expressing intention |Identifying basic, meaningful social and cultural | | |

|and other audio visual materials about |Describing places |features about daily life, interpersonal | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources |

|matters of interest. |Describing things in the city |relationships, behaviour and social conventions | |and formats. |

| |Expressing manner |andmaking use of the knowledge acquired about them| | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |to understand the text correctly. | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |‘be going to’ for intentions |Distinguishing between the main communicative | |English using various formats and digital tools.|

| |Present continuous for arrangements |function or functions of the text and a limited | | |

| |Adverbs |repertoire of their most usual features, as well | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect |

| |Vocabulary: |as basic patterns of expression. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Places in the city: concert hall, car park, shopping mall, bus |Recognising the most common meanings associated | | |

| |station, police station, post office, football stadium, sports |with basic syntax structures in oral | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |centre. |communication. | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Things in the city - compound nouns: zebra crossing, youth club, |Recognising a limited repertoire of oral | | |

| |speed camera, graffiti wall, cycle lane, litter bin, bill board, |vocabulary often used in everyday situations and | | |

| |high street. |usual, specific subjects connected with needs and | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |interests and using the context indicators and the| |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation of |information in the text to form an idea about the | | |

| |contracted forms of consonants: Voiced /ð/ and unvoiced /θ/. |probable meanings of unfamiliar words and | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| | |expressions. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| | |Distinguishing between sound patterns, accents, | |classroom |

| | |rhythms and basic intonation and recognising | | |

| | |general communicative meanings and intentions | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| | |connected with them. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to complete|

| | | | |your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


|Make short presentations, previously |Production strategies: |Taking part in a simple, comprehensible way in |LC |LC- Give simple oral presentations. |

|prepared and practised, about daily |Take part in short conversations in everyday contexts about |short conversations which involve a direct |MSCT | |

|subjects or things of interest. |making plans. |exchange of information in areas of immediate need|DC |LC- Give personal information and information |

|Cope in daily situations. |Pupils discuss practical issues connected with the unit. |or about familiar subjects using a neutral, |SCS |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in direct conversations or |Expressing agreement or disagreement with classmates' opinions. |informal register, using simple phases or |CCE | |

|using technical resources to make social |Asking for and giving personal information. |expressions of frequent use, which are normally |LL |LC- Give personal information and information |

|contact. |Giving / following instructions / directions. |used separately or linking them with basic |SIE |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in an interview and give |Exchanging limited information about issues connected with the |connectors, even though the pronunciation may not | | |

|personal information.. |city. |always be clear, although there may be pauses and | |LC- Take part in spoken interaction |

| |Basic description of activities and experiences. |hesitations and repetition may be required, as | |spontaneously. |

| |Using descriptive language to make short statements. |well as paraphrasing and the interlocutor's | | |

| |Explaining what they like and what they do not like. |cooperation in order to keep communication going. | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| |Assimilating expressions for making invitations and agreeing on |Knowing and being able to use basic strategies in | |criteria. |

| |plans. |order to produce oral texts about single subjects | | |

| | |or very short, simple dialogues. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |Knowing specific and meaningful basic | |and formats. |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features, | | |

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |applying knowledge about them when speaking in the| |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |same context, respecting the most basic | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Interest in and reflection on appreciating other cultures. |communicative conventions. | |tools. |

| |Interest in finding out about cultural matters such as ghost |Comply with the text's main communicative | | |

| |towns in different parts of the world. |function, using a limited repertoire of its most | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| | |frequent features and basic communication | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Communication functions: |patterns. | | |

| |Giving invitations |Using basic syntax structures (eg. linking words | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Expressing plans |and groups of words with basic connectors such as | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Expressing intention |"and", "then", "but" and "because") although still| | |

| |Describing places |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |Describing things in the city |Knowing and using a much used, limited oral | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Expressing manner |repertoire in daily situations about usual, | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |specific subjects connected with interests, | | |

| |‘be going to’ for intentions |experiences and needs. | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Present continuous for arrangements |Using, in a general comprehensible manner, albeit | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Adverbs |obviously influenced by mother tongue or other | |classroom |

| |Vocabulary: |languages, a very limited repertoire of basic | | |

| |Places in the city: concert hall, car park, shopping mall, bus |sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns, | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |station, police station, post office, football stadium, sports |adapting them to the communicative task desired. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |centre. |Making yourself understood in short, simple | | |

| |Things in the city - compound nouns: zebra crossing, youth club, |speech, although initial hesitation and faltering | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |speed camera, graffiti wall, cycle lane, litter bin, bill board, |are apparent, as are repetitions and pauses to | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |high street. |organise, correct and better express what you want| | |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |to say. | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| |Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation of |Interact in a very basic way, using very simple | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| |contracted forms of consonants: Voiced /ð/ and unvoiced /θ/. |techniques, both language and non-verbal at first,| |mistakes. |

| | |to hold or conclude a conversation. | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Understanding instructions, explanations |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the subject, the gist, the main ideas |LC |LC- Identify relevant information on written |

|and basic information in notes, signs and|Identifying specific information in simple material such as two |and specific information in very short, simple |MSCT |posters and simple maps.. |

|posters. |blogs, a newspaper letters page, a literary extract. |texts, in standard language, with often used |DC | |

|Understanding essential information and |Identifying the type of text. |vocabulary, in which the subject and the type of |CCE |LC- Understand the general idea and specific |

|identifying specific information in |Predict the contents of the text by its title or pictures. |text are highly familiar, dealing with everyday |LL |details about familiar subjects. |

|simple informative texts. |Deduce the meaning of unknown words by their context. |subjects or matters of immediate need, with the |SIE | |

|Understanding brief, simple |Identifying the subject and contents of each paragraph. |possibility of re-reading if you have not | |LC- Deduce information from diverse texts about|

|correspondence about familiar subjects. | |understood it, using a dictionary and with visual | |subjects of interest. |

|Understanding the gist of short pieces of|Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |and context support. | | |

|news and articles about familiar subjects|Respecting classmates' opinions. |Knowing and knowing how to use the most | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

|or subjects of interest. |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |appropriate strategies to understand the gist, | |criteria. |

|Understanding the gist of short, well |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |essential information or the text's main points. | | |

|structured stories in which pictures or |Interest in and reflection on appreciating other cultures. |Identifying specific and meaningful sociocultural | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

|actions transmit a large part of the |Interest in finding out about cultural matters such as ghost |and sociolinguistic features about daily life, | |and formats. |

|information. |towns in different parts of the world. |living conditions, personal relationships and | | |

| | |social conventions, and apply the knowledge used | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Communication functions: |to understand the text correctly. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Giving invitations |Distinguishing the text's communication function | |tools. |

| |Expressing plans |or functions and a limited repertoire from its | | |

| |Expressing intention |most usual features, as well as basic | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Describing places |communication patterns. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Describing things in the city |Recognising the basic syntax structures associated| | |

| |Expressing manner |with the main principles of written communication.| |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |Recognising a limited repertoire of frequently | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |‘be going to’ for intentions |used vocabulary about very day situations and | | |

| |Present continuous for arrangements |usual, specific subjects connected with your | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Adverbs |experiences, needs and interests, and inferring | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Vocabulary: |the probably meanings of words and expressions | | |

| |Places in the city: concert hall, car park, shopping mall, bus |from the context and other information in the | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |station, police station, post office, football stadium, sports |text. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |centre. |Recognising basic punctuation marks, as well as | |classroom |

| |Things in the city - compound nouns: zebra crossing, youth club, |frequently used symbols, and identifying the | | |

| |speed camera, graffiti wall, cycle lane, litter bin, bill board, |meanings and general communicative purpose of each| |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |high street. |one. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Fill in a short form or card with your |Production strategies: |Write very short, simple texts made up of simple, |LC |LC- Reproduce simple texts using previously |

|personal data. |Write notes with key information about the text they are going to|independent sentences, in a neutral register, in a|MSCT |presented models. |

|Write personal correspondence with short |write. |reasonably correct way in terms of basic |DC | |

|messages or talk about yourself and your |Use their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to write short |punctuation, to speak about yourself, your |SCS |LC- Fill in forms or cards with personal |

|immediate surroundings.. |descriptions, stories, experiences. |immediate surroundings and things from your daily |CCE |information and data. |

| |Use connectors to link simple sentences and expressions to tell a|life in predictable, familiar situations. |LL | |

| |story or describe an event. |Knowing and applying basic strategies for |SIE |LC- Write simple stories and descriptions |

| |Read and analyse a text to use it as a model when writing your |producing very simple, short written texts. | | |

| |own work: an informal e-mail. |Knowing basic, specific and meaningful | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| | |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features and | |criteria. |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |applying this knowledge to write a context | | |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |appropriate text. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |Comply with the written text's main communicative | |and formats. |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |function using a limited repertoire of the most | | |

| |Interest in and reflection on appreciating other cultures. |frequently used features and communication | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Interest in finding out about cultural matters such as ghost |patterns. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |towns in different parts of the world. |Using basic syntax structures, although still | |tools. |

| | |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |Communication functions: |Knowing and using frequent written vocabulary | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Giving invitations |about daily situations and usual, specific | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Expressing plans |subjects connected with your interests, | | |

| |Expressing intention |experiences and needs. | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Describing places |Using chart patterns and basic punctuation | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Describing things in the city |conventions to write words and short sentences | | |

| |Expressing manner |which are often used in speech reasonably | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |correctly, although not necessarily completely | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |‘be going to’ for intentions |correctly. | | |

| |Present continuous for arrangements | | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Adverbs | | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Vocabulary: | | |classroom |

| |Places in the city: concert hall, car park, shopping mall, bus | | | |

| |station, police station, post office, football stadium, sports | | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |centre. | | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |Things in the city - compound nouns: zebra crossing, youth club, | | | |

| |speed camera, graffiti wall, cycle lane, litter bin, bill board, | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |high street. | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| | | | | |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |





|Understanding the gist of adverts about |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the gist, the essential information |LC |LC- Understand simple oral messages and |

|products of interest. |Understand the general idea, sentences and expressions connected |and main points in very short oral texts with |MSCT |instructions and recognise familiar words and |

|Understanding messages and public |with physical problems. |standard language, simple structures and |DC |linguistic structures. |

|announcements with contain instructions, |Understanding interaction in conversations about physical |frequently used vocabulary, enunciated with |SCS | |

|warnings or other types of information. |problems and illnesses. |clarity and slowly, read live or using technical |CCE |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding what is said during usual |Understand and extract the main information from recordings |resources, about specific, usual subjects |LL |from a short situation from repeated |

|transactions. |(listening, photo story, video). |connected with personal experiences, needs and |SIE |visualisations of the oral text |

|Identifying the subject of a predictable | |interests in predictable daily contexts or | | |

|daily conversation which you hear. |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |connected with areas of immediate need in the | |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding the gist of short, simple |Respecting classmates' opinions. |personal, public or educational areas, with good | |from a short situation from repeated |

|conversations about family matters and |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |acoustic conditions and no distortion of the | |visualisations of the oral text |

|which you take part in. |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |message, with the possibility of listening to the | | |

|Understanding the gist of simple, well |Reflect on the importance of exercise and health. |message again or asking for confirmation and with | |LC- Recognise aural items such as accent, rhythm|

|structured, clear, slowly delivered |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as asking for help when|visual support or a clear visual context | |and correct intonation in familiar and varied |

|presentations about family matters or |needed. |reference. | |contexts. |

|matters of interest helped by pictures |Show an interest in developing social skills such as facing up to|Knowing and using the most appropriate basic | | |

|and illustrations. |negative feelings. |strategies for general comprehension of the text's| |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate |

|Understanding the gist and identifying | |essential information or main points. | |criteria. |

|subject changes in television programmes |Communication functions: |Identifying basic, meaningful social and cultural | | |

|and other audio visual materials about |Giving predictions |features about daily life, interpersonal | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources |

|matters of interest. |Expressing future events |relationships, behaviour and social conventions | |and formats. |

| |Expressing condition |andmaking use of the knowledge acquired about them| | |

| |Expressing temporary nature |to understand the text correctly. | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Describing parts of the body |Distinguishing between the main communicative | |English using various formats and digital tools.|

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |function or functions of the text and a limited | | |

| |‘will / won’t’ for future predictions |repertoire of their most usual features, as well | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect |

| |First conditional |as basic patterns of expression. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Time clauses with ‘when / as soon as’ |Recognising the most common meanings associated | | |

| |Vocabulary: |with basic syntax structures in oral | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Parts of the body: arm, leg, mouth, muscle, finger, foot, ear, |communication. | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |eye, toe, hair, bone, thumb; ankle, back, elbow, knees, lips, |Recognising a limited repertoire of oral | | |

| |neck, shoulder, stomach, throat, tongue. |vocabulary often used in everyday situations and | | |

| |when / if |usual, specific subjects connected with needs and | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Expressions with do: ice cream, homework, cooking, well. |interests and using the context indicators and the| |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |information in the text to form an idea about the | | |

| |Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation of |probable meanings of unfamiliar words and | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |contracted forms of the consonant 'h': /h/, /’h/. |expressions. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| | |Distinguishing between sound patterns, accents, | |classroom |

| | |rhythms and basic intonation and recognising | | |

| | |general communicative meanings and intentions | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| | |connected with them. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to complete|

| | | | |your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


|Make short presentations, previously |Production strategies: |Taking part in a simple, comprehensible way in |LC |LC- Give simple oral presentations. |

|prepared and practised, about daily |Take part in short conversations in everyday contexts about the |short conversations which involve a direct |MSCT | |

|subjects or things of interest. |future. |exchange of information in areas of immediate need|DC |LC- Give personal information and information |

|Cope in daily situations. |Pupils discuss practical issues connected with the unit. |or about familiar subjects using a neutral, |SCS |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in direct conversations or |Expressing agreement or disagreement with classmates' opinions. |informal register, using simple phases or |CCE | |

|using technical resources to make social |Asking for and giving personal information. |expressions of frequent use, which are normally |LL |LC- Give personal information and information |

|contact. |Giving / following instructions / directions. |used separately or linking them with basic |SIE |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in an interview and give |Exchanging limited information about issues connected with health|connectors, even though the pronunciation may not | | |

|personal information.. |problems. |always be clear, although there may be pauses and | |LC- Take part in spoken interaction |

| |Basic description of activities and experiences. |hesitations and repetition may be required, as | |spontaneously. |

| |Using descriptive language to make short statements. |well as paraphrasing and the interlocutor's | | |

| |Explaining what they like and what they do not like. |cooperation in order to keep communication going. | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| |Assimilating expressions for showing empathy. |Knowing and being able to use basic strategies in | |criteria. |

| |A role-play about a health problem. |order to produce oral texts about single subjects | | |

| | |or very short, simple dialogues. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |Knowing specific and meaningful basic | |and formats. |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features, | | |

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |applying knowledge about them when speaking in the| |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |same context, respecting the most basic | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Reflect on the importance of exercise and health. |communicative conventions. | |tools. |

| |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as asking for help when|Comply with the text's main communicative | | |

| |needed. |function, using a limited repertoire of its most | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Show an interest in developing social skills such as facing up to|frequent features and basic communication | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |negative feelings. |patterns. | | |

| | |Using basic syntax structures (eg. linking words | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Communication functions: |and groups of words with basic connectors such as | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Giving predictions |"and", "then", "but" and "because") although still| | |

| |Expressing future events |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |Expressing condition |Knowing and using a much used, limited oral | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Expressing temporary nature |repertoire in daily situations about usual, | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Describing parts of the body |specific subjects connected with interests, | | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |experiences and needs. | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |‘will / won’t’ for future predictions |Using, in a general comprehensible manner, albeit | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |First conditional |obviously influenced by mother tongue or other | |classroom |

| |Time clauses with ‘when / as soon as’ |languages, a very limited repertoire of basic | | |

| |Vocabulary: |sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns, | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Parts of the body: arm, leg, mouth, muscle, finger, foot, ear, |adapting them to the communicative task desired. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |eye, toe, hair, bone, thumb; ankle, back, elbow, knees, lips, |Making yourself understood in short, simple | | |

| |neck, shoulder, stomach, throat, tongue. |speech, although initial hesitation and faltering | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |when / if |are apparent, as are repetitions and pauses to | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |Expressions with do: ice cream, homework, cooking, well. |organise, correct and better express what you want| | |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |to say. | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| |Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation of |Interact in a very basic way, using very simple | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| |contracted forms of the consonant 'h': /h/, /’h/. |techniques, both language and non-verbal at first,| |mistakes. |

| | |to hold or conclude a conversation. | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Understanding instructions, explanations |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the subject, the gist, the main ideas |LC |LC- Identify relevant information on written |

|and basic information in notes, signs and|Identifying specific information in simple material such as an |and specific information in very short, simple |MSCT |posters and simple maps.. |

|posters. |article, chats on a website, a photo-story, a story. |texts, in standard language, with often used |DC | |

|Understanding essential information and |Identifying the type of text. |vocabulary, in which the subject and the type of |CCE |LC- Understand the general idea and specific |

|identifying specific information in |Predict the contents of the text by its title or pictures. |text are highly familiar, dealing with everyday |LL |details about familiar subjects. |

|simple informative texts. |Deduce the meaning of unknown words by their context. |subjects or matters of immediate need, with the |SIE | |

|Understanding brief, simple |Identifying the subject and contents of each paragraph. |possibility of re-reading if you have not | |LC- Deduce information from diverse texts about|

|correspondence about familiar subjects. | |understood it, using a dictionary and with visual | |subjects of interest. |

|Understanding the gist of short pieces of|Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |and context support. | | |

|news and articles about familiar subjects|Respecting classmates' opinions. |Knowing and knowing how to use the most | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

|or subjects of interest. |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |appropriate strategies to understand the gist, | |criteria. |

|Understanding the gist of short, well |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |essential information or the text's main points. | | |

|structured stories in which pictures or |Reflect on the importance of exercise and health. |Identifying specific and meaningful sociocultural | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

|actions transmit a large part of the |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as asking for help when|and sociolinguistic features about daily life, | |and formats. |

|information. |needed. |living conditions, personal relationships and | | |

| |Show an interest in developing social skills such as facing up to|social conventions, and apply the knowledge used | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |negative feelings. |to understand the text correctly. | |English using various formats and digital |

| | |Distinguishing the text's communication function | |tools. |

| |Communication functions: |or functions and a limited repertoire from its | | |

| |Giving predictions |most usual features, as well as basic | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Expressing future events |communication patterns. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Expressing condition |Recognising the basic syntax structures associated| | |

| |Expressing temporary nature |with the main principles of written communication.| |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Describing parts of the body |Recognising a limited repertoire of frequently | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |used vocabulary about very day situations and | | |

| |‘will / won’t’ for future predictions |usual, specific subjects connected with your | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |First conditional |experiences, needs and interests, and inferring | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Time clauses with ‘when / as soon as’ |the probably meanings of words and expressions | | |

| |Vocabulary: |from the context and other information in the | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Parts of the body: arm, leg, mouth, muscle, finger, foot, ear, |text. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |eye, toe, hair, bone, thumb; ankle, back, elbow, knees, lips, |Recognising basic punctuation marks, as well as | |classroom |

| |neck, shoulder, stomach, throat, tongue. |frequently used symbols, and identifying the | | |

| |when / if |meanings and general communicative purpose of each| |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Expressions with do: ice cream, homework, cooking, well. |one. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Fill in a short form or card with your |Production strategies: |Write very short, simple texts made up of simple, |LC |LC- Reproduce simple texts using previously |

|personal data. |Write notes with key information about the text they are going to|independent sentences, in a neutral register, in a|MSCT |presented models. |

|Write personal correspondence with short |write. |reasonably correct way in terms of basic |DC | |

|messages or talk about yourself and your |Use their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to write short |punctuation, to speak about yourself, your |SCS |LC- Fill in forms or cards with personal |

|immediate surroundings.. |descriptions, stories, experiences. |immediate surroundings and things from your daily |CCE |information and data. |

| |Use connectors to link simple sentences and expressions to tell a|life in predictable, familiar situations. |LL | |

| |story or describe an event. |Knowing and applying basic strategies for |SIE |LC- Write simple stories and descriptions |

| |Read and analyse a text to use it as a model when writing your |producing very simple, short written texts. | | |

| |own work: a telephone message. |Knowing basic, specific and meaningful | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| | |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features and | |criteria. |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |applying this knowledge to write a context | | |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |appropriate text. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |Comply with the written text's main communicative | |and formats. |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |function using a limited repertoire of the most | | |

| |Reflect on the importance of exercise and health. |frequently used features and communication | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Reflect on the values of self-esteem such as asking for help when|patterns. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |needed. |Using basic syntax structures, although still | |tools. |

| |Show an interest in developing social skills such as facing up to|making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |negative feelings. |Knowing and using frequent written vocabulary | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| | |about daily situations and usual, specific | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Communication functions: |subjects connected with your interests, | | |

| |Giving predictions |experiences and needs. | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Expressing future events |Using chart patterns and basic punctuation | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Expressing condition |conventions to write words and short sentences | | |

| |Expressing temporary nature |which are often used in speech reasonably | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Describing parts of the body |correctly, although not necessarily completely | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |correctly. | | |

| |‘will / won’t’ for future predictions | | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |First conditional | | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Time clauses with ‘when / as soon as’ | | |classroom |

| |Vocabulary: | | | |

| |Parts of the body: arm, leg, mouth, muscle, finger, foot, ear, | | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |eye, toe, hair, bone, thumb; ankle, back, elbow, knees, lips, | | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |neck, shoulder, stomach, throat, tongue. | | | |

| |when / if | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| |Expressions with do: ice cream, homework, cooking, well. | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| | | | | |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |





|Understanding the gist of adverts about |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the gist, the essential information |LC |LC- Understand simple oral messages and |

|products of interest. |Understand the general idea, sentences and expressions connected |and main points in very short oral texts with |MSCT |instructions and recognise familiar words and |

|Understanding messages and public |with means of transport. |standard language, simple structures and |DC |linguistic structures. |

|announcements with contain instructions, |Understand interaction in conversations about travel. |frequently used vocabulary, enunciated with |SCS | |

|warnings or other types of information. |Understand and extract the main information from recordings |clarity and slowly, read live or using technical |CCE |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding what is said during usual |(listening). |resources, about specific, usual subjects |LL |from a short situation from repeated |

|transactions. | |connected with personal experiences, needs and |SIE |visualisations of the oral text |

|Identifying the subject of a predictable |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |interests in predictable daily contexts or | | |

|daily conversation which you hear. |Respecting classmates' opinions. |connected with areas of immediate need in the | |LC- Identify the gist and specific information |

|Understanding the gist of short, simple |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |personal, public or educational areas, with good | |from a short situation from repeated |

|conversations about family matters and |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |acoustic conditions and no distortion of the | |visualisations of the oral text |

|which you take part in. |Reflect on the positive effect of travel on the mind. |message, with the possibility of listening to the | | |

|Understanding the gist of simple, well |Interest in finding out about cultural issues such as other |message again or asking for confirmation and with | |LC- Recognise aural items such as accent, rhythm|

|structured, clear, slowly delivered |people's experiences and journeys |visual support or a clear visual context | |and correct intonation in familiar and varied |

|presentations about family matters or | |reference. | |contexts. |

|matters of interest helped by pictures |Communication functions: |Knowing and using the most appropriate basic | | |

|and illustrations. |Describing experiences |strategies for general comprehension of the text's| |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate |

|Understanding the gist and identifying |Pupils talk about past events. |essential information or main points. | |criteria. |

|subject changes in television programmes |Describing means of transport. |Identifying basic, meaningful social and cultural | | |

|and other audio visual materials about |Describing actions (connected with means of transport). |features about daily life, interpersonal | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources |

|matters of interest. |Syntactic-discursive contents: |relationships, behaviour and social conventions | |and formats. |

| |Present perfect simple |andmaking use of the knowledge acquired about them| | |

| |Present perfect with ‘ever / never’ |to understand the text correctly. | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Present perfect vs. past simple |Distinguishing between the main communicative | |English using various formats and digital tools.|

| |Vocabulary: |function or functions of the text and a limited | | |

| |Transport and travel: minibus, helicopter, tram, motorbike, |repertoire of their most usual features, as well | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect |

| |scooter, underground train. |as basic patterns of expression. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Verbs for travel: miss, fly, catch, take, ride, drive. |Recognising the most common meanings associated | | |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |with basic syntax structures in oral | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation stress in |communication. | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |sentences: sentence stress. |Recognising a limited repertoire of oral | | |

| | |vocabulary often used in everyday situations and | | |

| | |usual, specific subjects connected with needs and | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| | |interests and using the context indicators and the| |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| | |information in the text to form an idea about the | | |

| | |probable meanings of unfamiliar words and | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| | |expressions. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| | |Distinguishing between sound patterns, accents, | |classroom |

| | |rhythms and basic intonation and recognising | | |

| | |general communicative meanings and intentions | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| | |connected with them. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to complete|

| | | | |your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


|Make short presentations, previously |Production strategies: |Taking part in a simple, comprehensible way in |LC |LC- Give simple oral presentations. |

|prepared and practised, about daily |Take part in short conversations in everyday contexts about |short conversations which involve a direct |MSCT | |

|subjects or things of interest. |journeys, means of transport and experiences. |exchange of information in areas of immediate need|DC |LC- Give personal information and information |

|Cope in daily situations. |Pupils discuss practical issues connected with the unit. |or about familiar subjects using a neutral, |SCS |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in direct conversations or |Expressing agreement or disagreement with classmates' opinions. |informal register, using simple phases or |CCE | |

|using technical resources to make social |Asking for and giving personal information. |expressions of frequent use, which are normally |LL |LC- Give personal information and information |

|contact. |Giving / following instructions / directions. |used separately or linking them with basic |SIE |about your surroundings in daily situations. |

|Take part in an interview and give |Exchanging limited information about issues connected with |connectors, even though the pronunciation may not | | |

|personal information.. |journeys and means of transport. |always be clear, although there may be pauses and | |LC- Take part in spoken interaction |

| |Basic description of activities and experiences. |hesitations and repetition may be required, as | |spontaneously. |

| |Using descriptive language to make short statements. |well as paraphrasing and the interlocutor's | | |

| |Explaining what they like and what they do not like. |cooperation in order to keep communication going. | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| |Role-play about the life of a bus driver / flight assistant. |Knowing and being able to use basic strategies in | |criteria. |

| | |order to produce oral texts about single subjects | | |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |or very short, simple dialogues. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |Knowing specific and meaningful basic | |and formats. |

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features, | | |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |applying knowledge about them when speaking in the| |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Reflect on the positive effect of travel on the mind. |same context, respecting the most basic | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Interest in finding out about cultural issues such as other |communicative conventions. | |tools. |

| |people's experiences and journeys |Comply with the text's main communicative | | |

| | |function, using a limited repertoire of its most | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Communication functions: |frequent features and basic communication | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Describing experiences |patterns. | | |

| |Pupils talk about past events. |Using basic syntax structures (eg. linking words | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Describing means of transport. |and groups of words with basic connectors such as | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Describing actions (connected with means of transport). |"and", "then", "but" and "because") although still| | |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |Present perfect simple |Knowing and using a much used, limited oral | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Present perfect with ‘ever / never’ |repertoire in daily situations about usual, | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Present perfect vs. past simple |specific subjects connected with interests, | | |

| |Vocabulary: |experiences and needs. | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Transport and travel: minibus, helicopter, tram, motorbike, |Using, in a general comprehensible manner, albeit | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |scooter, underground train. |obviously influenced by mother tongue or other | |classroom |

| |Verbs for travel: miss, fly, catch, take, ride, drive. |languages, a very limited repertoire of basic | | |

| |Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns: |sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns, | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Recognising, contrasting and the correct pronunciation stress in |adapting them to the communicative task desired. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |sentences: sentence stress. |Making yourself understood in short, simple | | |

| | |speech, although initial hesitation and faltering | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | |are apparent, as are repetitions and pauses to | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| | |organise, correct and better express what you want| | |

| | |to say. | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | |Interact in a very basic way, using very simple | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | |techniques, both language and non-verbal at first,| |mistakes. |

| | |to hold or conclude a conversation. | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Understanding instructions, explanations |Comprehension strategies: |Identifying the subject, the gist, the main ideas |LC |LC- Identify relevant information on written |

|and basic information in notes, signs and|Identifying specific information in simple material such as a |and specific information in very short, simple |MSCT |posters and simple maps.. |

|posters. |blog, an interview, a literary extract. |texts, in standard language, with often used |DC | |

|Understanding essential information and |Identifying the type of text. |vocabulary, in which the subject and the type of |CCE |LC- Understand the general idea and specific |

|identifying specific information in |Predict the contents of the text by its title or pictures. |text are highly familiar, dealing with everyday |LL |details about familiar subjects. |

|simple informative texts. |Deduce the meaning of unknown words by their context. |subjects or matters of immediate need, with the |SIE | |

|Understanding brief, simple |Identifying the subject and contents of each paragraph. |possibility of re-reading if you have not | |LC- Deduce information from diverse texts about|

|correspondence about familiar subjects. | |understood it, using a dictionary and with visual | |subjects of interest. |

|Understanding the gist of short pieces of|Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |and context support. | | |

|news and articles about familiar subjects|Respecting classmates' opinions. |Knowing and knowing how to use the most | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

|or subjects of interest. |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |appropriate strategies to understand the gist, | |criteria. |

|Understanding the gist of short, well |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |essential information or the text's main points. | | |

|structured stories in which pictures or |Reflect on the positive effect of travel on the mind. |Identifying specific and meaningful sociocultural | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

|actions transmit a large part of the |Interest in finding out about cultural issues such as other |and sociolinguistic features about daily life, | |and formats. |

|information. |people's experiences and journeys |living conditions, personal relationships and | | |

| | |social conventions, and apply the knowledge used | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Communication functions: |to understand the text correctly. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |Describing experiences |Distinguishing the text's communication function | |tools. |

| |Pupils talk about past events. |or functions and a limited repertoire from its | | |

| |Describing means of transport. |most usual features, as well as basic | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Describing actions (connected with means of transport). |communication patterns. | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |Recognising the basic syntax structures associated| | |

| |Present perfect simple |with the main principles of written communication.| |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Present perfect with ‘ever / never’ |Recognising a limited repertoire of frequently | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Present perfect vs. past simple |used vocabulary about very day situations and | | |

| |Vocabulary: |usual, specific subjects connected with your | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Transport and travel: minibus, helicopter, tram, motorbike, |experiences, needs and interests, and inferring | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |scooter, underground train. |the probably meanings of words and expressions | | |

| |Verbs for travel: miss, fly, catch, take, ride, drive. |from the context and other information in the | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| | |text. | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: |Recognising basic punctuation marks, as well as | |classroom |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation |frequently used symbols, and identifying the | | |

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. |meanings and general communicative purpose of each| |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| | |one. | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


|Fill in a short form or card with your |Production strategies: |Write very short, simple texts made up of simple, |LC |LC- Reproduce simple texts using previously |

|personal data. |Write notes with key information about the text they are going to|independent sentences, in a neutral register, in a|MSCT |presented models. |

|Write personal correspondence with short |write. |reasonably correct way in terms of basic |DC | |

|messages or talk about yourself and your |Use their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to write short |punctuation, to speak about yourself, your |SCS |LC- Fill in forms or cards with personal |

|immediate surroundings.. |descriptions, stories, experiences. |immediate surroundings and things from your daily |CCE |information and data. |

| |Use connectors to link simple sentences and expressions to tell a|life in predictable, familiar situations. |LL | |

| |story or describe an event. |Knowing and applying basic strategies for |SIE |LC- Write simple stories and descriptions |

| |Read and analyse a text to use it as a model when writing your |producing very simple, short written texts. | | |

| |own work: an essay about somebody they admire. |Knowing basic, specific and meaningful | |MSCT- Order and classify data using appropriate|

| | |sociocultural and sociolinguistic features and | |criteria. |

| |Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: |applying this knowledge to write a context | | |

| |Respecting classmates' opinions. |appropriate text. | |DC- Locate basic information on digital sources|

| |Respecting and complying with classroom rules. |Comply with the written text's main communicative | |and formats. |

| |Respecting habits, values and beliefs other than your own. |function using a limited repertoire of the most | | |

| |Reflect on the positive effect of travel on the mind. |frequently used features and communication | |DC- Give short presentations and create in |

| |Interest in finding out about cultural issues such as other |patterns. | |English using various formats and digital |

| |people's experiences and journeys |Using basic syntax structures, although still | |tools. |

| | |making basic mistakes habitually. | | |

| |Communication functions: |Knowing and using frequent written vocabulary | |SCS- Take part in group activities with respect|

| |Describing experiences |about daily situations and usual, specific | |and interest and share opinions. |

| |Pupils talk about past events. |subjects connected with your interests, | | |

| |Describing means of transport. |experiences and needs. | |SCS- Show respect for your classmates and wait |

| |Describing actions (connected with means of transport). |Using chart patterns and basic punctuation | |for your turn to speak.. |

| |Syntactic-discursive contents: |conventions to write words and short sentences | | |

| |Present perfect simple |which are often used in speech reasonably | |CCE- Show interest in and respect for the |

| |Present perfect with ‘ever / never’ |correctly, although not necessarily completely | |culture of English-speaking countries.. |

| |Present perfect vs. past simple |correctly. | | |

| |Vocabulary: | | |CCE- Take an active part in preparing and |

| |Transport and travel: minibus, helicopter, tram, motorbike, | | |carrying out artistic activities in the |

| |scooter, underground train. | | |classroom |

| |Verbs for travel: miss, fly, catch, take, ride, drive. | | | |

| | | | |LL- Identify, plan and apply objectives for |

| |Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions: | | |carrying out tasks and activities. |

| |Knowing about and correctly using basic spelling and punctuation | | | |

| |rules when writing sentences and texts. | | |LL- Use tools and resources, such as |

| | | | |dictionaries and grammar books, to solve doubts|

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Show an interest in carrying out |

| | | | |self-evaluation and correcting your own |

| | | | |mistakes. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LL- Use basic comprehension and expression |

| | | | |strategies to help carry out tasks. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Look for information to be able to |

| | | | |complete your tasks individually. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Have a positive, proactive attitude to |

| | | | |reading texts by yourself. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |SIE- Plan and check your work to be able to |

| | | | |present it properly. |


[1] Throughout this programme, the terms “teachers” and “pupils” will be used as often as possible.

2 The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is the international standard which defines linguistic ability. It is used world-wide to define pupils' language skills. CEFR has six levels which go from A1 (absolute beginner) to C2 (the highest level of ability).

[2] Royal Decree 126/2014, 28th February, State Bulletin 52, 1st March 2014.

[3] European Parliament and Council recommendations for key competences for continual learning, 18th December 2006 (2006/962/CE)

[4] Gardner, H. (1994): Estructuras de the mente: the teoría de the inteligencias múltiples, (Colombia, Fondo de Cultura Económica) and Gardner, H. (2001): La inteligencia reformulada: the teoría de the inteligencias múltiples in the siglo XXI, (Barcelona, Paidós).


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