Youth Ministry Survey - Peace of Christ Parish

Youth Ministry Survey

1.    How old are you?









2.    Which of the following activities are you involved in at POC? Please mark all that apply.

    I assist with Coffee Hour

I help set up or run social or community building events in the Parish (e.g., Soup Suppers, cultural celebrations)

I am not involved in any activities at POC

I go to Mass

I am a Lector, Alter Server, Greater, Eucharistic Minister, or help with Children’s Liturgy

I am a member of a POC CYO sports team

I am in a Boy Scout or Girl Scout Troop

I serve as a representative or chair of a committee at POC

I volunteer at Vacation Bible Camp

3. Please mark how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about POC

I feel welcome at all Masses and not just on special occasions

Strongly agree Somewhat agree Not Sure Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree N/A

There are adults at POC who value my opinions, feelings and suggestions

Strongly agree Somewhat agree Not Sure Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree N/A

Adults at POC treat me with respect

Strongly agree Somewhat agree Not Sure Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree N/A

Youth Programs are a priority in our Parish

Strongly agree Somewhat agree Not Sure Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree N/A

My experience at Mass makes me a better person

Strongly agree Somewhat agree Not Sure Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree N/A

I have opportunities to develop my leadership skills

Strongly agree Somewhat agree Not Sure Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree N/A

I feel like POC is my spiritual home

Strongly agree Somewhat agree Not Sure Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree N/A

4. Which of the following best describes your experience with Youth Group (Jr. & Sr. High) at POC

I go to Youth Group

I used to go to Youth Group but, I feel like I am too old for the program now

I want to go to Youth Group but, I have too much on my plate

I stopped going to Youth Group even though I’m still the right age to attend

I don’t want to attend Youth Group at POC

I attend Youth Group somewhere else

5. Community Service- Please mark off your interest level on the following regarding community service

I would like to be of service to those in my parish community

Very Interested Somewhat interested Not Interested at all

I would like to take part in community service projects on a bi-monthly basis

Very Interested Somewhat interested Not Interested at all

I would like to learn how to make a difference in the world through service to others

Very Interested Somewhat interested Not Interested at all

I would like to learn the Catholic response to social problems like hunger and poverty

Very Interested Somewhat interested Not Interested at all


6. Spiritual Life- What program or programs would help you grow in your faith/spirituality?

I would be interested in participating in a youth-ONLY bible study

Very Interested Somewhat interested Not Interested at all

I would be interested in attending an overnight retreat

Very Interested Somewhat interested Not Interested at all

I would be interested in a once a month faith discussion

Very Interested Somewhat interested Not Interested at all

I would like to learn different styles of prayer

Very Interested Somewhat interested Not Interested at all

I would like to develop a more personal relationship with Jesus

Very Interested Somewhat interested Not Interested at all

I would like to learn more about church history

Very Interested Somewhat interested Not Interested at all


7. Social Life- If the POC Parish offered different social activities just for teens what would you attend?

White Water Rafting


Sports Night

Movie Night with Popcorn and pizza

Game Night


8. What is the best way to get information to you about teen happenings in our parish?







9. What day of the week and time is best for you to get together?

Sunday After Mass PM

Monday PM

Tuesday PM

Wednesday PM

Thursday PM

Friday PM

Saturday AM PM

10 If you would like to receive regular emails regarding Youth activities being offered at POC, please fill out the information below:




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