The Scientist Biography Project

The Scientist Biography Project (200points) Due: April 23rd, 2010


Your assignment is to investigate the life of a scientist, create a PowerPoint presentation, and present your scientist to the class. Your scientist must be approved by your teacher and nobody in the class can research the same scientist.

You can work in partners. Any student that wishes to work on their own may earn an additional 10% on their project.

PowerPoint Requirements:

PowerPoint Slides (8-10 slides total) (80 pts):


1. Title page: Name, date of birth, date of death, and picture (1-2 slides) (10 points)

2. Childhood: (1-3 slides, 1-3 graphics/pictures): Where they were born and raised? What were their hobbies? How did they become interested in science? (10 pts)

3. Adulthood: Are they married? Do they have children? What are their interests other than science? Where did they go to college? (10 points)

4. Scientific contributions (1-3 slides, 1-3 graphic/pictures): What did they invent? Have they won any awards for their work? What are they currently working on? How has their work changed the world? (20 points)

5. Create meaning (1-2 slides): Why did you choose this scientist? How has their research impacted your life? What did you learn from this person? What are some interesting or unique facts about this person? Do they have famous quotes? (20 points)

6. Bibliography (1 slide, at least 3 sources): List ALL of the websites that were used in your research including pictures and graphics. Use proper citation. (10 points)

7. Email your project to me at by 2:15 pm, April 23rd, 2010.

Slide presentation requirements (50 points):

1. Background color (10 pts)

2. 2-6 graphics/animations (10 pts)

3. Slide transitions between all slides (10 pts)

4. Slide animations on all slides (10 pts)

5. Correct spelling and grammar (10 pts)

Presentation Requirements: (20 points)

Presentations begin Monday, April 26th

1. Each partner presents exactly half of the slides. (5pts)

2. Speak clearly and loudly. (5pts)

3. Make eye contact with your audience. (5pts)

4. Do not simply read the slide! You may hold an outline or note cards in your hand. (5pts)

The Scientist Biography Project Grading Rubric

PowerPoint Slides


|Category |Comment |Points |Points earned|

| | |possible | |

|Title page | |10 | |

|Childhood | |10 | |

|Adulthood | |10 | |

|Contributions | |20 | |

|Meaning | |20 | |

|Bibliography | |10 | |

|Total | |80 | |

Slide presentation

|Category |Comment |Points possible|Points earned|

|Background | |10 | |

|Graphics/animations | |10 | |

|Transitions | |10 | |

|Animations | |10 | |

|Spelling/grammar | |10 | |

|Total | |50 | |


|Category |Comment |Points Possible|Points earned|

|Speaking time | |5 | |

|Clear/loud | |5 | |

|Eye contact | |5 | |

|Notecards/notes | |5 | |

|Total | |20 | |

Overall Score

|Score | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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