
Preschool News

This month's theme:

All About Me

Important Dates:

October 14th, Monday: Student Holiday

October 25th, Friday: PTA "Somethin Pumpkin"

Super Friends Treasure Chest!

We have been reading the story

"Super Friends." The children are

learning how to play and share

with friends, take turns, and listen

All About Me!

and participate in group activities.

This month we will be learning "All About Me." During this unit the children will be learning parts of the body, their five senses, and feelings. We will be singing "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes," "My Five Senses," and "If You're Happy and You Know It." The children will make self portraits and paper bag puppets. There will be a take home activity, so please be on the look out for that! At the end of this unit, the children will have learned to identify parts of the body, use their five senses to identify objects, and identify emotions such as happy, sad, and mad.

To help reinforce these behaviors, the children will receive a star when they are being a "super friend." When they get five stars they get to go to the treasure chest. The treasure chest contains items such as toy watches, whistle blowers, and medals. At first, the children will have many opportunities throughout the day to receive five stars. After a couple

Alphabet and Writing:

of weeks, the children will have the

Each week we will be focusing on a different letter. The

opportunity to go to the treasure

children will learn the letter sound and how to write the letter. chest once or twice a week. Please

This month we will be learning the letters L, F, E, and H. We will let me know if you have any

be using to practice identifying the letters questions.

and letter sound. The children will practice writing letters in

shaving cream and making the letters using play dough.



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