Soc213(001) Social Deviance Bogart Test01A 02/15/03

Soc213(003) Social Deviance Bogart Test01b 02/18/03

Part01: Text (Thio)

Ch. 02: Traditional Theories


01b. In Merton’s view, US society heavily emphasizes the cultural value of _____. A. success B. good sportsmanship C. nonconformity D. retreatism E. status (p. 18)

02b. Cohen amends Merton’s theory by replacing the word(s) _____ with _____. A. legitimate opportunity/illegitimate opportunity B. conformity/nonconformity C. success/status D. ritualism/delinquent subculture E. association/identification (p. 20)

03b. In status frustration theory, Cohen studied lower-class boys, who, frustrated with their inability to achieve at school, would set up their own distinct (best answer) _____A. socialization clubs, B. delinquent subcultures,

C. successful subcultures, D. ritual enclaves E. criminal nexus. (p. 21)


04b. Because they have failed to achieve success in the criminal subculture and failed to attain status in the conflict subculture, those in the _____ subculture have been called “double failures.” A. conflict B. ritualistic C. retreatist D. criminal E. opportunistic (p. 22)

5b. A valid premise of strain theory, as put forth by Thio, is that: A. if an individual associates more with people who hold deviant ideas, the individual is likely to become deviant, B. lower-class people are more likely to commit deviance, C. once labeled deviant, people tend to see themselves as deviant, D. first time offenders have weak social bonds, E. when there is a significant gap between aspirations and opportunity, deviation is generated, regardless of social class. (p.23)

06b. _____ theory has its roots in psychological theory known as behaviorist theory and operant behavior theory. A. differential identification B. differential reinforcement C. control D. differential illegitimate opportunity E. strain (p. 25)


07b. Burgess and Akers argue that before one becomes criminal, a process of _____ must occur where he or she is rewarded for continuing deviant behavior. A. differential reinforcement, B. differential revulsion, C. differential learning, D. differential rejection. (p. 26)

08b. In his most recent writings, Hirschi theorizes that people with _____ are more likely to commit deviant acts. A. strong social bonds B. weak self-control C. strong self-control D. weak social bonds E. involvement in nonconventional activities (p. 28)

9b. Which of the following is NOT one of Hirschi’s four ways in which individuals bond themselves to society? A. belief B. attachment C. involvement D. self-control E. commitment (p.28)

10b. Braithwaite maintains that the US can reduce its crime rates by emphasizing _____. A. formal deterrence B. informal deterrence C. specific deterrence D. reintegrative shaming E. disintegrative shaming (p. 29)

Chapter 03: Constructionist Theories: Understanding Deviance

11b. As discussed by Thio, significant gestures, interpretations, definitions, and labels are examples of _____. A. deviations B. symbols C. situations D. brackets E. bonding (p. 35)

12b. Secondary deviation is also known as the _____. A. first act B. law in action C. final behavior D. law on the books E. organizational imperative (p. 37)


13b. According to Thio, the primary difference between phenomenological theory and labeling theory is _____. A. the decade in which the theory was formulated B. subjectivity versus objectivity C. high versus low status D. the punishment assigned to the deviant behavior E. the mental health status of the deviants (p. 39)

14b. Ethnomethodology is also known as the study of _____. A. labeling theory B. primary and secondary deviation C. legal reality theory D. phenomenology E. conflict theory (p. 39)

15b. Which of the following is defined as “the law on the books?” A. the reality of law B. the laws of our fathers C. social justice D. theoretical law E. the ideal of law (p. 45)

16b. _____ shows that legal authorities are unfair and unjust, favoring the rich and powerful over the poor and weak. A. the law in action B. the laws of our fathers C. social justice D. theoretical law E. the law on the books (p. 45)

17b. _____ theorists are conflict theorists who concern themselves with the causes of deviance. A. feminist B. power C. Marxist D. social reality E. legal reality (pp. 47-48)

18b. _____ theory holds that Merton’s theory of anomie does not apply to all people because of a difference in socialization. A. social reality B. Marxist C. legal reality D. feminist E. postmodernist (pp. 48-49)


19b. The powerful are more likely to engage in _____ deviance. A. relative B. violent C. constructive D. profitable E. motivational (p. 50)

20b. Which of the following terms is most closely associated with postmodernist theory? A. objectification B. rationality C. depersonalization D. subjectivity E. opportunity (p. 51)

Li: Functional Theory

21b. The role of functional theorists was primarily that of _____. A. naturalist B. college professor C. criminologist D. college administrator E. religious leader

22b. As a functionalist, Durkheim wrote about _____. A. the rules of sociological method B. prostitution C. Puritans D. street corner society E. the culture of poverty

23b. The purpose of punishment for a crime is primarily to _____. A. act as a deterrent to future crimes B. cure a pathology C. express the sentiments of the community D. encourage dependence in the deviant E. bring dishonor upon the deviant’s family

4b. The demand for prostitution is strongest in a society where _____ is common and accepted. A. the extended family B. bigamy C. polygamy D. monogamy E. divorce

25b. Erikson’s study of _____ also applies to small groups, organizations, and societies. A. fraternal organizations B. Roman Catholics C. gang members D. suburban housewives E. Puritans

Lii: Social Disorganization


26b. Penal reform, following which deviants were no longer paraded in the public square, coincided with the _____. A. advent of the modern penetentiary system B. modernization of the judicial system C. development of the mass media D. development of the 12-person jury system E. enrollment of more young people in colleges and universities

27b. Which of the following is NOT typically associated with social disorganization theory? A. competition of population B. time and space C. sociological determinism D. differentiation and specialization E. impersonal relationships

8b. In “Social Change and Social Disorganization,” Robert Park wrote that the single most deadly and most demoralizing instrument of present-day civilization was _____. A. marijuana B. the automobile C. television D. involvement in youth organizations E. alcohol

29b. “Hobohemia” is associated with _____. A. government B. unskilled labor C. artists and sculptors D. slums E. dancers

0b. According to Faris and Dunham’s discussion of zones, the highest rate of suicide is found among _____. A. unmarried white-collar workers B. married blue-collar workers C. middle class wives D. upper middle class daughters E. unmarried blue-collar workers.

Liii: Anomie Theory

31b. Which of the following concepts is NOT associated with anomic theory? A. goal-means B. ritualism C. retreatism D. zones E. innovation


32b. In Durkheim’s interpretation, “declassified” means _____. A. stripped of one’s identity B. regrouped according to a common language C. homogenous social behavior D. morally reprehensible E. loss of the means that one once enjoyed.

33b. In Merton’s typology of the goal-means disjunction, “ritualism” means _____. A. acceptance of goals and means B. accept goal but reject means C. reject goal but accept means D. reject both goal and means without replacement E. reject both goal and means with replacement

34b. Cloward’s theory of illegitimate means, anomie, and deviant behavior is most helpful in understanding retreatism among the _____ classes. A. upper B. upper middle C. lower D. middle E. lower middle

35b. Anomie theory came into popularity following _____. A. World War II B. the Korean conflict C. the Gulf war D. the Vietnam war E. World War I

LIV Differential Association Theory

36b. Which of the following is NOT typically associated with differential association theory? A. white-collar crimes B. goal-means C. victimology D. careers E. Chicago school

37b. According to the book, Criminology, the process of logical abstraction involves an analysis of _____. A. different types of criminal acts B. different types of punishment C. what criminals have in common D. criminal outcomes E. criminal images

38b. Glaser’s article, “Criminality Theories and Behavior Images,” outlines his theory of _____. A. identity embezzlement B. suicide C. differential communication D. differential identification E. population stratification


39b. According to the lecture notes, differential identification theory leads to _____. A. an increase in the number of violent crimes B. a decrease in the number of violent crimes C. a typology of behavior making criminals more readily identifiable D. more effective rehabilitation programs E. more liberal penal institutions

40b. Which of the following is NOT one of Sykes and Matza’s “techniques of neutralization”? A. blaming the victim B. minimizing the damage/injury done C. denial of responsibility D. appealing to higher loyalties E. blaming the offender’s parents


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