1308100165100Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityGlobal Youth Leaders Summit 2020Transforming Crisis into Re-ConnectionOctober 24, 2020Completed application is due Friday, September 11 at 11:59 p.m. You may submit your application to (Subject: ATTN – Global Youth Leaders Summit) Please submit your essay and resume along with the completed application, preferably in a single file.Program Description and Requirements:The “Global Youth Leaders Summit 2020: Transforming Crisis into Re-connection” is organized by the Service-Learning and Leadership Office (SLLO) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Scheduled for 24 October (Hong Kong Time), this is a hybrid summit and platform for youth leaders from all over the world to share and reflect on their experiences under the different pandemic contexts, and to discuss, plan, and act together for future social initiatives to take place among the involuntary social distancing and other crisis and challenges. You can participate in 1 of 2 ways:Global Reconnection HackathonGlobal Reflection WorkshopStudents will work together to brainstorm, design and prototype innovative products that address the theme of “Reconnection” under the context of COVID-19, world-pressing challenges and help the community. Their innovation and solutions will be presented, and outstanding ideas will be awarded. You can apply as a team, small groups, OR individualsStudents will complete a guided reflection study before the Summit. At the Summit they will discuss their work with other students from all over the world. They will compare and contrast their findings/experience, get to understand different issues under various contexts around the globe, and conclude the Summit with in-depth and guided discussions.This session will last for 24 hours: October 23rd 10:30pm (Friday) [PST]* -October 24th 10:30pm (Saturday) [PST]This session will last for 3 hours:October 23rd (Friday) 10:30pm – 1:30am [PST]*Pre-Program Activities Saturday October 3rd 12am [PST]* – Team Building (For Individuals/Small groups Only) Saturday October 10th 12am [PST]* – Information Session Pre-Program Activities: Students will complete a social study, focused on the unique challenges faced by specific groups under the pandemic. Studies will compare and contrast the situations of these groups across various regions and contexts.For more information – GYLS2020 Invitation* The Summit is hosted in Hong Kong, however application times/dates are given in Pacific Standard Time [PST]Please contact Susan Harris at or Sable Manson at with any questions.FOR OFFICE USE ONLY4099560-6985000 Global Youth Leaders SummitHong Kong Polytechnic UniversitySUBMISSION DEADLINE: Friday, September 4 at 11:59 p.m.USC ID#:First Name:Last (Family) Name:Cell:USC email: Year @ USC (class standing): Anticipated date of Graduation:Date of Birth:Gender:Major: | | | | | [ 2 OR 3 OR 4 LETTER CODE ]Minor: | | | | | [ 2 OR 3 OR 4 LETTER CODE ](Current)Local Address:NumberStreetApt #CityStateZipAdditionalContact InformationEmergency Contact (name, email, phone number and relationship to student):Personal Zoon Room InformationZoomID Number:Link:Application Type 88900000Global Reconnection Hackathon (Individual) 889002540000Global Reconnection Hackathon (Team)Potential Team Members: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 1574801524000 Global Reflection WorkshopLanguage(s) spoken and level of fluency: Special Skill or talents, any relevant prior experience: Write an essay (max. 500 words) Please discuss why you are interested in participating in the GYL Summit 2020.If you are applying for the Hackathon: Describe at least one potential idea, design, or technological solution you may develop during the 24 Hackathon. If you are applying with others, describe what role you might play or how you might contribute. If you are applying for the Workshop: Describe the specific group, region, or context under the pandemic you might explore in your social study. Discuss what unique challenges or issues you might compare and contrast Global Youth Leaders Summit 2020 AgreementI will commit to fulfilling all requirements of the participation: I will complete all Pre-Summit assignments/activitiesI will conduct myself with proper online netiquette in all Summit activities I will participate fully during the Summit (e.g. Engage video, contribute productively, support teammates, respect other students and all Summit administrators)I will abide by all USC University policies and Code of ConductI agree to completing the above responsibilities to the best of my abilities should I be chosen to participate in the Global Youth Leadership Summit 2020. Name ______________________________________________Date_______________ ................

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