Caesar’s English List of Words and Definitions for Lessons ...

Caesar’s English List of Words and Definitions for Lessons 11-15 Name ___________

Lesson 11

|spec |look |

|pend |hang |

|omni |all |

|re |again |

|ex |out |

|omnipotent |all powerful |

| |Something false that appears to be true(it usually refers to |

|specious** |thinking) |

Lesson 12

|vulgar |common;lacking in good taste or refinement |

|traverse |to cross |

|undulate |to wave; to move in a wavelike motion |

|vivid |bright, colorful, lifelike |

|pallor |paleness |

Lesson 13

|bene |good |

|son |sound |

|nov |new |

|sangui |blood |

|cogn |know |

|cognizance |awareness;knowledge |

|sanquine** |cheerful; rosy cheeked |

Lesson 14

|wistful |yearning |

|subtle |slight |

|sagacity |wisdom |

|remonstrate |to object; to plead in protest; to argue repeatedly over |

| |something |

|tedious |dull, boring, |

Lesson 15

|ject |throw |

|dorm |sleep |

|magn |great |

|ver |true |

|put |think |

|magnanimous |generous; noble in one’s thoughts |

|dejection** |when we are full of despair, sad, feeling thrown down in spirit |

Caesar’s English List of Words and Definitions for Lessons 16-20 Name ___________

Lesson 16

|articulate |express clearly |

|vex |to irritate, annoy |

|prostrate |lying face down |

|abyss |a bottomless depth |

|martyr |one who suffers for a cause |

Lesson 17

|archy |government |

|bio |life |

|auto |self |

|chron |time |

|dec |ten |

|anarchy |no government; chaos |

|chronic** |lasting or happening frequently |

Lesson 18

|apprehension |fear( usually before something is understood or tried) |

|superfluous |extra; overflowing;excessive |

|tangible |touchable |

|lurid |sensational, horrible, gruesome |

|pervade |to spread throughout |

Lesson 19

|geo |earth |

|scope |look |

|anti |against |

|intro |into |

|neo |new |

|neophyte |beginner |

|introspective** |thinking deeply about one’s own personal feelings and thoughts. |

Lesson 20

|genial |kind |

|stolid |unemotional |

|palpable |touchable; easily seen or felt |

|austere |bare; severe;stern |

|furtive |sneaky; stealthy; in a hidden manner |


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