Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Time Period:Foundations 8000 BCE to 600 CEReview of Locating World History in the environment and timeEnvironment:Interaction of geography and climate with the development of human societyEnvironment:Demography-major pop changes due to human/environment factorsEnvironment:The environment as historical actorTime:Periodization in early human historyTime:Nature and causes of change during this timeTime:Changes and continuities during this timeDiverse Interpretations:What are the issues involved in using “civilization” as an organizing principle in world history?Diverse Interpretations:What is the most common source of change: connection or diffusion v. independent invention?What was the effect of the Neolithic Revolution on gender relations?Time Period:Foundations 8000 BCE to 600 CEReview of Developing Agriculture and TechnologySOCIETIES AND THEIR DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS, INCLUDE AFRICA, THE AMERICAS AND SOUTHEAST ASIAAgricultural SocietiesPastoral SocietiesForaging SocietiesCompare societies and cultures that include cities with pastoral and nomadic societiesEmergence of agriculture and technological changeNature of village settlementsImpact of agriculture on the environmentIntroduction of key stages of metal useTime Period:Foundations 8000 BCE to 600 CEReview of Early CivilizationsBASIC FEATURES OF EARLY CIVILIZATIONS IN DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS: CULTURE, STATE, AND SOCIAL STRUCTURESMesopotamiaEgyptShangIndusAndean South AmericaMesoamericaCOMPARE TWO OF THE ABOVETime Period:Foundations 8000 BCE to 600 CEReview of Classical Civilizations MAJOR POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS AND ANALYZE THE ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN THE GROWTH OF LARGE STATE STRUCTURESMesoamericaIndiaMediterraneanSocial and gender structuresArts, sciences and technologyMajor trading patterns within and among Classical civilizations; contacts with adjacent regionsCompare the caste system to other systems of social inequality devised by early and classical civilizations, include slaveryTime Period:Foundations 8000 BCE to 600 CEReview of Major Belief SystemsKNOW BASIC FEATURES OF EACH BELIEF SYSTEM & LOCATION PRIOR TO 600 CEHinduismBuddhismDaoismChristianityJudaismConfucianismPolytheismCompare major belief systems including similarities in cementing social hierarchy ex. Hinduism contrasted with ConfucianismRole of Women in different belief systems-Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, HinduismTime Period:Foundations 8000 BCE to 600 CEReview of Late Classical Period 200—600 CECOLLAPSE OF EMPIRES/STATES Han ChinaWestern half of Roman Empire Gupta EmpireHow and why was the collapse of empire more severe in W. Europe than it was in the E. Mediterranean or in ChinaMOVEMENTS OF PEOPLESHunsGermansBantuPolynesiansINTERREGIONAL NETWORKSTradeReligious DiffusionCompare the development of traditions and institutions in major civilizations-Indian, Chinese and Greek/RomanTime Period:Regional and Transregional Interactions 600-1450 Review of PeriodizationNature and causes of changes in world history framework leading up to 600-1450 as a periodChanges and continuities within the era Emergence of new empires and political systems (Umayyad, Abbasid, Byzantium, Russia, Sudanic States, Swahili Coast, Tang, Song, Ming, Delhi Sultanate, Mongol, Turkish, Aztec, Inca)Impact of the Mongols on international contacts and on specific societiesTime Period:Regional and Transregional Interactions 600-1450Review of The Islamic WorldRise of IslamRole of Islam as a unifying cultural force in Eurasia and AfricaRole of Islam as an economic force in Eurasia and AfricaIslamic political structures, notably the caliphate Arts, sciences and technology of the Islamic WorldCompare European and sub-Saharan African contacts with the Islamic WorldAnalyze gender systems and changes, such as the effects of IslamTime Period:Regional and Transregional Interactions 600-1450Review of Interregional Networks and Contacts DEVELOPMENT AND SHIFTS IN INTERREGIONAL TRADE, TEHNOLOGY AND CULTURAL EXCHANGETrans-Saharan TradeSilk RoadsIndian Ocean TradeEconomic innovations (Tang, Song, Ming, Swahili, Americas)Missionary Outreach of Major ReligionsContacts between major religions-Islam and Buddhism, Christianity and IslamImpact of the Mongol EmpiresTime Period:Regional and Transregional Interactions 600-1450Review of Political Systems and Cultural Patterns-East AsiaChina’s expansionChinese influence on surrounding areas and its limits (Japan, Vietnam and Korea)Compare Japanese and European FeudalismCompare gender systems and changesAnalyze the Chinese civil service exam system and the rise of meritocracyTime Period:Regional and Transregional Interactions 600-1450 Review of Political Systems and Cultural Patterns-EuropeRestructuring of Europe institutions Decentralization-medieval societyDivision of Christendom into eastern and western Christian culturesRevival of CitiesCompare developments in political and social institutions in both eastern and western EuropeTime Period:Regional and Transregional Interactions 600-1450Review of Political Systems and Cultural Patterns-Americas, Africa, South Asia and Southeast AsiaAMERICASApex and Decline of the MayaRise of the AztecRise of the IncaAFRICASudanic Empires (Mali, Ghana, Songhay)Swahili CoastSOUTH ASIADelhi SultanateSOUTHEAST ASIAVietnamTime Period:Regional and Transregional Interactions 600-1450 Review of Demographic and Environmental changesIMPACT OF NOMADIC MIGRATIONS ON AFRO-EURASIA AND AMERICASAztecsMongolsTurksVikings ArabsConsequences of Plague pandemics in the 14th centuryCompare the role and function of cities in major societiesGrowth and role of cities (expansion of urban commercial centers in Song China and administrative centers in Africa and the AmericasTime Period:Regional and Transregional Interactions 600-1450 Review of Diverse InterpretationsWhat are the issues involved in using cultural areas rather than states as units of analysis?What are the sources of change: nomadic migrations versus urban growth?Was there a world economic network in this period?Were there common patterns in the new opportunities available to and constraints placed on elite women in this period?To what extent was Dar al-Islam a unified cultural/political entity?Time Period:Global Interactions 1450-1750Review of Periodization and changesPeriodization-why the boundaries for this era?Changes and continuities for this eraCauses and changes within the eraCauses and changes from the last eraChanges in trade (ex Columbian exchangeChanges in technology (ex. Guns, shipbuilding, navigational technologies)Changes in global interactionsTime Period:Global Interactions 1450-1750Review of Major Empires, Political units and Social SystemsKNOW MAJOR EMPIRES AND OTHER POLITICAL UNITS AND SOCIAL SYSTEMSOttomanAztecChinaPortugalSpainRussiaFranceBritainTokugawaMughalIncaDoodle HereCharacteristics of African KingdomsKnow one to illustrate characteristics-Kongo, Benin, Dahomey, Ashanti, Songhay, or OyoGender and Empire (including the role of women in households and in politics)Time Period:Global Interactions 1450-1750Review of SlaverySlave systemsSlave tradePlantation systemsCompare coercive labor systems: slavery and other coercive labor systems in the AmericasTime Period:Global Interactions 1450-1750Review of Demographic and Environmental ChangesEuropean explorationNew cropsAnimalsComparative Population TrendsDiseasesTime Period:Global Interactions 1450-1750Review of Cultural and Intellectual DevelopmentsScientific RevolutionEnlightenmentAbsolutismReformationChanges and continuities in Confucianism (include neoconfucianism)Major developments and exchanges in the artsCompare global causes and impacts of cultural change (ex. African contributions to cultures in the Americas)Creation of new religions (Vodun, Sihkism, Zen, Protestantism)Time Period: Global Interactions 1450-1750Review of Diverse Interpretations and Major ComparisonsWhat are the debates about the timing and extent of European predominance in the world economy?How does the world economic system of this period compare with patterns of interregional trade in the previous period?Compare colonial administrationsAnalyze the development of empire (general empire building in Asia, Africa, Americas and EuropeAnalyze imperial systems: A European seaborne empire compared with a land-based Asian empireCompare Russia’s interaction two of the following (Ottoman Empire, China, western Europe and eastern EuropeCompare Mesoamerican and Andean systems of economic exchangeTime Period: Industrialization and Global Integration 1750-1914Review of :Periodization and Major ChangesPeriodization: What makes the year 1750 an important transition year for the world? Why does the era end at 1914?What are continuities and changes from the previous period?Causes of changes within the eraChanges in global commerce Changes in global communicationsChanges in global technologyChanges in patterns of world tradeIndustrial RevolutionTransformative effects of Ind. Rev on different societiesDifferent timing of industrialization in different societiesMutual relation of industrial and scientific developmentsCommonalities among industrializing societiesTime Period: Industrialization and Global Integration 1750-1914Review of: Demographic and Environmental ChangesDemographic changesEnvironmental changesMedicineMigrationsEnd of Atlantic slave tradeNew birthrate patternsFood supplyCompare the causes and early phases of the Industrial Revolution in western Europe and JapanTime Period: Industrialization of Global Integration 1750-1914Review of: Changes in Social and Gender StructuresChanges in social structuresChanges in gender structuresIndustrialization effect on social/gender structuresEmancipation of serfs/slavesTension between work patterns and ideas about genderCommercial and demographic developmentsNew forms of labor systemsCompare the roles and conditions of elite women in Latin America with those in western Europe before 1850Time Period: Industrialization and Global Integration 1750-1914Review of: Political Revolutions, Independence Movements and New Political Ideas and Diverse InterpretationsUS Independence MovementsLatin American Independence Movements French RevolutionHaitian RevolutionChinese Revolution Mexican RevolutionCompare the Haitian and French RevolutionsRise of nationalism, nation-states, and movements of political reformRISE OF DEMOCRACY AND ITS LIMITATIONSReformWomenRacismCOMPARE NATIONALISM IN THE FOLLOWING PAIRS:China and JapanEgypt and ItalyPan Africanism and the Indian Congress MovementDIVERSE INTERPRETATIONSWhat are the debates over causes and effect of serf and slave emancipation in this period, and how do these debates fit into broader comparisons of labor systems?What are the debates over the causes of European/British technological innovation versus development in Asia/China?What are the debates over the nature of women’s roles in this era and how do these debates apply to industrialized areas and how do they apply to colonial societies?Time Period: Industrialization and Global Integration 1750-1914Review of Rise of Western DominanceRISE OF WESTERN DOMINANCEEconomic MilitaryPoliticalSocialCultural and ArtisticPatterns of expansionImperialismColonialismNeocolonialismDIFFERENT CULTURAL AND POLITICAL REACTIONS TO THE RISE OF WESTERN DOMINANCEReformDissentResistanceRebellionRacismNationalismImpact of changing European ideologies on colonial administrationsCOMPARE REACTION TO FOREIGN INTERFERENCE IN:JapanOttoman EmpireChinaIndiaSoutheast AsiaEXPLAIN FORMS OF WESTERN INTERVENTION IN:Latin AmericaAfricaSoutheast AsiaTime Period: Industrialization and Global Integration 1750-1914Review of: Patterns of Artistic and Cultural InteractionsPatterns of cultural and artistic interactions among societies in different parts of the worldAfrican influences on European artAsian influences on European artCultural policies of Meiji JapanTime Period:Global Fragmentations and Realignments 1914-PresentReview of:Periodization and War and Peace in a Global ContextPERIODIZATIONContinuties and breaksCauses of changes from the previous periodCauses of changes within this periodWAR AND PEACE IN A GLOBAL CONTEXTWWIWWIIColonial Soldiers in WWIHolocaustCold WarNuclear WeaponryCompare the effects of the World Wars on areas outside of EuropeCompare major forms of twentieth century warfareINTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON THE GLOBAL FRAMEWORKGlobalization of DiplomacyGlobalization of ConflictGlobal Balance of PowerReduction of European InfluenceLeague of NationsUnited NationsNon-Aligned Nations\Time Period:Global Fragmentations and Realignments 1914-PresentReview of: New Patterns of Nationalism NEW PATTERNS OF NATIONALISMFacismDecolonizationRacismGenocideBreakup of the Soviet UnionAnalyze nationalist ideologies and movements in contrasting European and Colonial environmentsCompare patterns and results of decolonization in Africa and IndiaTime Period:Global Fragmentations and Realignments 1914-PresentReview of:Effects of Major Global Economic DevelopmentsEFFECTS OF MAJOR GLOBAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTSGreat Depression in Latin AmericaTechnologyPacific RimMultinational CorporationsAsses different proposals (or models) for economic growth in the developing world and the social and political consequencesCompare legacies of colonialism and patterns of economic development in two of the three areas (Africa, Asia and Latin America)Time Period: Global Fragmentations and Realignments 1914-PresentReview of: New Forces of Revolution and Innovation and Social Reform and Social RevolutionNew Forces of RevolutionOther Sources of political innovationsPick two revolutions (Russian, Chinese, Cuban, Iranian) and compare their effects of the roles of womenCompare the different types of independence strugglesSOCIAL REFORM AND SOCIAL REVOLUTIONChanging gender rolesFamily structuresRise of FeminismPeasant protestInternational MarxismReligious FundamentalismTime Period: Global Fragmentations and Realignments 1914-PresentReview of: Globalization of Science, Technology and CultureGlobalization of ScienceGlobalization of TechnologyGlobalization of CultureDevelopments in global cultures and regional reactions including science and consumer cultureAnalyze the global effects of the Western consumer cultureInteractions between elite and popular culture and artEXAMINE GLOBAL INTERACTIONS IN CULTURAL ARENASReggaeArtSportsTime Period: Global Fragmentations and Realignments 1914-PresentReview of: Demographic and Environmental Changes and Diverse InterpretationsDEMOGRAPHIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGESMigrationsChanges in birthrates and deathratesNew forms of urbanizationDeforestationGreen/Environmental MovementsRural to Urban ShiftsDIVERSE INTERPRETATIONSIs cultural convergence or diversity the best model for understanding increased intercultural contact in the modern world?What are the advantages and disadvantages of using units of analysis for the modern world, such as the nation, the world, the West, and the developing world? ................

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