Women’s Western New England Prep School Soccer …

Women’s Western New England Prep School Soccer Association Coaching Manual

* Updated May 2012*


Section 1 League Officers

Section 2 Important League & New England Tournament Dates

Section 3 Important League Information

Section 4 Coaches Directory

Section 5 Participating Schools

Section 6 Association Bylaws

Section 7 New England Tournament information

Section 8 Rules Sheet

Section 1: League Officers

President: Tracy Deeter, Kingswood Oxford School

Address: 170 Kingswood Road, West Hartford, CT 06119

Work Phone: 860-233-9631 (Ext. 2287) 

Cell: 860-794-2364

Email: deeter.t@k-

Vice-President: Christy Cooper, Hotchkiss School

Address: 11 Interlaken Road, PO Box 800, Lakeville, CT 06039

Work Phone: 860-435-3192

Email: ccooper@

Secretary/Treasurer: Tauni Butterfield, Greens Farms Academy

Address: 35 Beachside Ave, PO Box 998, Greens Farms, CT 06838

Work Phone: 203-256-7517

Email: tbutterfield@

Statistician: Bob Marvel, MacDuffie School

Address: 66 School Street, Granby, MA 01033

Work Phone: 413-626-3317

Email: r.marvel@

Section 2: Important Dates


|Sunday, September 9 |NEPSWSA and WWNEPSSA Annual Coaches Meeting at 10am |Worcester School |

| | |(Worcester, MA) |

|Saturday, September 15 |Deadline for WWNEPSSA dues of $50 to Tauni Butterfield | |

|Tuesday, November 1 |Deadline for NEPSWSA dues of $35 to Matt Butcher | |

| |(* Deadline/Amount of dues have yet to be confirmed!) | |

|Monday, November 5 |Deadline for submission of WWNEPSSA All-League selections | |

| |– submit via | |

|Wednesday, November 7 |Deadline for submission of New England Tournament Application | |

| |– submit via | |

|Saturday, November 10 |New England Tournament Committee Meetings / Seedings Announced |Worcester Academy (Worcester, MA) |

|Sunday, November 11 |Coaches Meeting at 11am and WWNEPSSA All-League games at 1pm |Westminster School (Simsbury, CT) |

|Wednesday, November 14 |NEPSAC Quarterfinals |At higher seed |

|Saturday, November 17 |NEPSAC Semifinals |At higher seed |

|Sunday, November 28 |NEPSAC Finals |Neutral Site (TBA) |

| |Class A & C @ | |

| |Class B & D @ | |

Section 3: Important League Information

1. League Website

The league website is:

Bob Marvel from The MacDuffie School maintains the site. Please enter all home games into the system. In addition, enter all (home and away) non-league games. If there are mistakes, please notify Bob Marvel and Tracy Deeter.

2. Reporting of scores

The home team is responsible for entering scores on the website. If you play non-league games, please enter those results as well. If you have difficulty in entering scores, please contact Bob Marvel. Scores should be reported the day of the game (or first thing the next morning).

Email: r.marvel@ Work Phone: 413-626-3317

3. All-League Selection process

At the conclusion of each league game, each coach should select a player from the opposing team as their “Player of the Game.” Each coach is responsible for keeping track of such selections and submitting their final nominations via by November 5th. To access the form, under the “team” tab, click “All-Star Selection Form.” If you have difficulty submitting your nominations online, please notify Bob Marvel or Tracy Deeter. Each team receives two selections. If names are submitted after the November 5th deadline, there is no guarantee that the players’ names will be included in the rosters given to college coaches. The top two schools in each class (according to the rankings as of November 5th) will receive an additional All-League selection. All-stars will participate in the Large School or Small School All-League Games on Sunday, November 11th at 1:00 PM at The Westminster School in Simsbury, CT. Each player will receive a T-shirt and certificate. Christy Cooper also sends a letter to all New England-based college coaches inviting them to the games.

4. Attendance at Meetings

Coaches (or their representatives) are required to attend the September and November meeting. If a coach or representative of the school is unable to attend either meeting, one of the league officers should be notified prior to the meeting. Otherwise, a fine of $50 will be levied against the school. In addition, failure to attend the meeting (without notification) makes the school’s players ineligible to participate in the All-League Games and places the school on probationary review by the association. Continued failure to attend can lead to removal from the league for an unspecified amount of time.

5. League Dues

A check made payable to WWNEPSSA for $50.00 is due on or before September 15th to cover league expenditures. The check should be mailed to the league treasurer (Tauni Butterfield).

Address: Tauni Butterfield

Greens Farms Academy

35 Beachside Avenue, PO Box 998

Greens Farms, CT 06838

6. Rankings

WWNEPSSA now uses the McLaughlin Index to determine rankings for the four classes. Rankings and league results are posted on the website and updated whenever new scores are reported. Below is an explanation of how the McLaughlin Index works.

McLaughlin Index - (Wins x 2 + Ties) / (Games x 2)

Note: Rank is computed by McLaughlin's Index then PTS Str. Games where no score has been entered are not counted.

The procedure for entering results when you play a team twice is as follows:

• The first game played is the only game that counts in the WWNEPSSA standings. Thus, the second time you play a team, it should be scheduled and recorded as a “non-league” game.

• If games are added after the season has started (including any pre-established post-season tournament games), they should be counted and recorded as “non-league” games.

Section 4: Coaches Directory

|Class A |  |  |  |  |

|Choate Rosemary Hall School |Rick |Koczak |860-307-7638 |rkoczak@choate.edu |

|Convent of the Sacred Heart |Brendan |Reidy |203-598-9227 |brendan.reidy@ |

|Deerfield Academy |Heidi |Valk |413-774-4675 |hvalk@deerfield.edu |

|Greenwich Academy |Alistair |Lonsdale |203-979-5472 |alistairlonsdale@ |

|Hotchkiss School |Christy |Cooper |860-435-3192 |ccooper@ |

|Kent School |Jesse |Klingebiel |860-927-6098 |klingebielj@kent-school.edu |

|Loomis Chaffee School |Carey |O’Brien |860-687-6237 |carey_obrien@ |

|Northfield Mount Hermon School |Kate |Moriarty |978-424-1905 |kmoriarty@ |

|Taft School |Winnie |Adrien |860-945-7828 |eadrien@ |

|Westminster School |Farrell |Swain |208-720-8930 |fswain@westminster- |

|Class B |  |  |  |  |

|Berkshire School |Brad |D’Arco |413-229-1327 |bdarco@ |

|Hopkins School |Gerard |Casanova |203-389-9834 |gcasanova@hopkins.edu |

|Kingswood Oxford School |Tracy |Deeter |860-233-9631 |deeter.t@k- |

|Miss Porter's School |Jamie |Perry |860-409-3500 |jamie_perry@ |

|Pomfret School |Erin |Fisher |860-963-5220 |efisher@ |

|Suffield Academy |Heather |Dugan |860-386-4537 |hdugan@ |

|Wilbraham & Monson Academy |Don |Nicholson |413-596-6811 |dnicholson@wma.us |

|Williston Northampton School |Erin |Davey |603-759-4864 |edavey@ |

|Class C |  |  |  |  |

|Canterbury School |Scott |Willmen |860-210-3974 |swillmen@ |

|Cheshire Academy |James |Luis |860-256-7461 |james_luis@ |

|Ethel Walker School |Erin |Ross-Moses |860-658-4467 |erossmoses@ |

|Greens Farms Academy |Tauni |Butterfield |203-667-4519 |tbutterfield@ |

|Gunnery |Alisa |Croft |860-868-7259 |crofta@ |

|Hamden Hall |Christine |Huber |203-671-9712 |huber33@ |

|King School |Peter |Newcomb |203-322-3496 |pnewcomb@ |

|Marianapolis School |Michelle |Parker |860-817-2667 |mparker@ |

|Masters School (NY) |Michael |Callisto |914-906-7419 |mcitalia61@ |

|Millbrook School |Gordie |MacKenzie |845-677-8261 |gmackenzie@ |

|Miss Hall's School |Christie |Higuera |413-395-7016 |chiguera@ |

|Rye Country Day School |Alin |Andrei |203-559-5527 |alin_baggio@ |

|School of the Holy Child |Ernest |Harmon |917-553-3657 |ernestharmon@ |

|St Luke's School |Dan |Clarke |203-224-9466 |danielclarke25@ |

|Stoneleigh-Burnham School |Jeff |Conlon |413-774-2711 |jconlon@ |

|Westover School |Lee Ann |Lovelace |203-768-9304 |lucyzeke12@ |

|Class D |  |  |  |  |

|Chase Collegiate School |Adam |Allerton |203-522-7274 |gasoccer@ |

|Christian Heritage School |Rommy |Ferreira |203-450-8699 |rommyferreira@ |

|Darrow School-New Lebanon |Jenna |Barbary |518-794-6000 |barbaryj@ |

|Forman School |Kyle |Halloran |860-567-6215 |kyle.halloran@ |

|Harvey School |Tim |Stark |914-980-3518 |tstark@ |

|Hyde School |Rachel |Folan |860-963-9096 |rfolan@hyde.edu |

|MacDuffie School |Bob |Marvel |413-626-3317 |r.marvel@ |

|Marvelwood School |Valentin |Dumitrascu |860-567-0657 |valentin.dumitrascu@ |

|Master's School (CT) |Mina |Deckert |860-651-9361 |mdeckert@ |

|Oakwood Friends School |Lauren |Dorsa |845-462-4200 |ldorsa@ |

|Poughkeepsie Day School |Joan |Matheis |845-462-7600 |jmatheis@ |

|Watkinson School |Kerry |Boyle |860-236-5618 |kerry_boyle@ |

|Williams School |Andrew |Storton |203-901-5879 | |

|Wooster School |Amanda |Barter |203-830-3951 |amanda.barter@ |

Section 5: WWNEPSSA Schools for 2012

|Class A (10) |Class B (8) |

|Choate Rosemary Hall |Berkshire |

|Convent of the Sacred Heart |Hopkins |

|Deerfield Academy |Kingswood Oxford |

|Greenwich Academy |Miss Porter’s |

|Hotchkiss |Pomfret |

|Kent |Suffield Academy |

|Loomis |Wilbraham & Monson Academy |

|Northfield Mt. Hermon |Williston Northampton |

|Taft | |

|Westminster | |

| | |

|Class C (16) |Class D (14) |

|Canterbury |Chase Collegiate |

|Cheshire Academy |Christian Heritage |

|Ethel Walker |Darrow |

|Greens Farms Academy |Forman |

|Hamden Hall |Gunnery |

|King |Harvey |

|Marianapolis |Hyde |

|Masters School (NY) |MacDuffie |

|Millbrook |Marvelwood |

|Miss Hall’s |Master’s School (CT) |

|Rye Country Day |Oakwood Friends |

|School of the Holy Child |Poughkeepsie CDS |

|St. Luke’s |Watkinson |

|Stoneleigh Burnham |Williams |

|Westover |Wooster |

Section 6: WWNEPSSA Bylaws

Article I: Name and Purpose

A. This organization shall be known as the Women’s Western New England Preparatory School Soccer Association.

B. The purpose of this Association shall be to promote and develop women’s soccer in western New England.

Article II: Membership in the Association

A. Charter members of the Association are: Berkshire, Canterbury, Ethel Walker, Hotchkiss, Kent, Kingswood Oxford, Pomfret, Renbrook*, Taft, St. Margaret’s-McTernan, Westminster, Westover, and Wooster.

* Indicates no longer a member.

B. Current members are listed in Appendix 1.

C. A school wishing to be considered for membership in the Association shall make a written request to the President. A unanimous vote of approval by the members present at a regular meeting shall be required for acceptance.

D. Member schools should seriously consider becoming members of NEPSAC.

E. The executive committee shall have the power to act on requests for membership under special conditions.

Article III: Officers of the Association

A. The officers shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasury, and Statistician.

B. The President shall be elected bi-annually at the meeting of the Association at the end of the season. The President's duties are to preside at the meetings of the Association and the executive committee and to be responsible for their coordination and direction during his/her term.

C. The Vice-President shall be elected bi-annually at the meeting of the Association at the end of the season. Duties shall be to assist the President in the coordination of Association business and to preside at meetings in the absence of the President.

D. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected bi-annually at the meeting of the Association at the end of the season. Duties shall be to record the minutes of the meetings and keep an accurate account of expenses and receipts. The Secretary-Treasurer shall handle all financial transactions as approved by the Association and shall submit reports of Association activities to member schools as deemed necessary.

E. A Statistician shall be appointed by the President of the Association. Duties shall be to keep track of such statistics, as the Association shall deem necessary.

F. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the following members: President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Statistician, and the last retired President. There may also be members at large if it is so desired.

G. The outgoing President shall be chairman of the nominating committee.

Article IV: Policies Governing the Association

A. Dues – There shall be annual dues from each member school, payable on or before the September coaches meeting upon submission of bills by the Secretary-Treasurer.

B. Clinics – It shall be the policy of the Association to hold a clinic prior to the start of each season.

C. Meetings – There shall be two meetings each year, one prior to the start of the season and one at the end.  Attendance at the two annual meetings is required.  If a coach is unable to attend, a school representative should be sent (ie, Athletic Director, Assistant Coach, Faculty Member, etc).  If a member school misses a meeting without having told a member of the executive committee, the school will be fined $50.00. If this is not paid before the meeting at the end of the season, the school is not eligible for tournament play.  Failure to have representation at both meetings in one year (without permission not to attend) will result in that school's suspension from the league for the following season.

D. Communication – Member schools shall reply to all communications issued by the Association (these to include provision of schedules, final results, clinic and annual meeting announcements).

E. League –

1. The McLaughlin Index will be used for the ranking of teams with only matches between two varsity squads counting. The procedure for entering results when you play a team twice is as follows: The first game played is the only game that counts in the WWNEPSSA standings. Thus, the second time you play a team, it should be scheduled and recorded as a “non-league” game. If games are added after the season has started (including any pre-established post-season tournament games), they should be counted and recorded as “non-league” games.

2. An Association member must play six varsity level games to be ranked.

3. Two accredited officials shall be used in all Association matches. They shall have the power, once a match has started, to decide whether or not the match shall be terminated because of the elements or playing conditions.

4. NCAA rules shall be followed, with the following exceptions: an unlimited number of substitutions will be allowed, matches will be played in two forty minute halves, there will be no overtimes, and the visiting team will wear white uniforms and the home team contrasting unless otherwise prearranged.

5. The home team shall provide two ball persons. It is recommended that they not be members of the squad and that they wear a distinguishing uniform or shirt.

6. An extra game ball shall be provided for each ball person.

7. Field sizes shall be in compliance with NCAA rules (length: 110-120 yards, width: 65-80 yards). If a school chooses not to comply, the visiting team may request a change in site to another field, a neutral location, or its home field if no neutral field is available.

8. Both teams shall sit on the same side of the field with an appropriate table between them for the scorekeeper and managers. Either an electronic scoreboard or the officials can keep the official time. If time is to be kept on the sideline, it is recommended that a faculty member keep the time. It is recommended that a restraining rope be installed ten feet from the touch-line on the bench side of the field and that a scoreboard be provided.

9. It is recommended that a team salute be used at the conclusion of all matches.

10. Thirty-two panel, non-rubber balls shall be used for Association matches.

11. Responsibility for match publicity shall be that of the home team, but the reporting of match results to the Statistician shall be the responsibility of each coach.

12. All matches played between Association schools shall follow the rules established in the bylaws.

F. Disciplinary

Action: non-compliance with the Association bylaws shall make a member school subject to disciplinary action, such action being open to appeal to the Executive Committee. Infractions shall be violations of Article 4A, 4C, 4E sections 3, 4, and 11, and will call for an initial probation and then suspension of the school from the Association for the following season. Minor infractions shall be violations of Article 4D and Article 4E, sections 5, 6, 8, and 12, and will call for a warning consisting of notification of the infraction to the Director of Athletics, Coach, and Headmaster of the school involved.

A School that that been suspended from the Association may apply for reinstatement as a member in good standing by making a written request to the President before the annual meeting of the year following suspension. A unanimous vote of approval by the members at the annual meeting shall be required for reinstatement into the Association. A school not making such written request for reinstatement shall be dropped from the Association after the school’s year of suspension.

Appendix I (updated 2011)

Current members of WWNEPSSA include:

Berkshire School, Canterbury School, Chase Collegiate School, Cheshire Academy, Christian Heritage School, Choate Rosemary Hall, Convent of the Sacred Heart, Darrow School, Deerfield Academy, Ethel Walker School, Forman School, Greens Farms Academy, Greenwich Academy, The Gunnery, Hamden Hall Country Day School, Harvey School, Hopkins School, Hotchkiss School, Hyde School, Kent School, King School, Kingswood Oxford School, Loomis Chaffee School, MacDuffie School, Marianapolis School, Marvelwood School, Master’s School (CT), Masters School (NY), Millbrook School, Miss Hall’s School, Miss Porter’s School, Northfield Mt Hermon School, Oakwood School, Pomfret School, Poughkeepsie Day School, Rye Country Day School, School of the Holy Child, St. Luke’s, Stoneleigh-Burnham School, Suffield Academy, Taft School, Watkinson School, Westminster School, Westover School, Wilbraham & Monson Academy, Williams School, Williston Northampton School, Wooster School.

Section 7: New England Postseason Tournament

The New England Soccer Coaches’ Association sponsors a New England Championship tournament for each of the four classes within New England Prep School Girls’ Soccer. This tournament is entirely separate from WWNPESSA. It is important to understand that the rankings within WWNEPSSA have very little bearing on the selection process. Eight teams for each class are selected with a directive to include teams from all four New England regions if possible. Individual schools are responsible for submitting the pertinent paperwork in a timely manner (see Section II) to the appropriate person. Selections are made by committees and teams are announced on Saturday, November 10th. Selections are based on overall record, record within class, record against tournament eligible teams and common sense.

To be eligible for consideration, the following criteria must be met:

a) Dues of $35 must be submitted to Matt Butcher at Brewster Academy by November 1, 2012.

b) The New England Tournament forms must be submitted by November 7, 2012.

c) A team must be at or above .500 EITHER in class or overall in order to qualify for consideration.

***New Online Tournament Application Procedure***

▪ Submit online the Tournament Application Form

▪ Submit online the Season Results Form

All forms can be found on the NEPSAC site at:

Submit your roster by email to Susanna Donahue, Tournament Co-Chair Includes: uniform number; name of player; grade in school; position; hometown

Susanna Donahue, Tournament Co-Chair s.donahue@

All application items must be submitted by November 7th, 2012

Tournament Cost: $225.00 All teams that are invited to participate in the

Championship Tournament must mail the $225.00 tournament fee

to Matt Butcher, Treasurer.

* Please note that the deadlines for the NEPSAC tournament application are subject to change and exact dates and dues will be confirmed over the summer …


Tracy Deeter (deeter.t@k-) – President

Christy Cooper (ccooper@) – Vice President

Tauni Butterfield (tbutterfield@) – Secretary & Treasurer

Bob Marvel (r.marvel@) – Webmaster

2012 Soccer Season

To all Officials, Coaches, & Athletic Directors,

As stated in the WWNEPSSA by-laws, the NCAA rules shall be followed for all games, with the following changes:

• Official time is kept on the scoreboard unless agreed upon by coaches and referees prior to the game.

• Any throw in that does not enter the field of play is considered a redo unless this happens consecutively.

• Substitutions for both teams on any ball played over the end line regardless of team in possession.

• Opposition may substitute on your throw in only if you are making a substitution.

• Matching numbers of substitutions on an injury

• On an injury, both the trainer and coach may attend to the injured player

• An unlimited number of substitutions will be allowed

• Matches will be played in two forty minute halves

• There will be no overtimes

• The visiting team will wear white uniforms and the home contrasting, unless otherwise prearranged.

• Player Cautions – The following rules will apply to cautions in the WWNEPSSA League:

o One Red Card (or two yellow cards) shown during a game will result in that player leaving the game and not being able to return. In addition, that player will not be allowed to play in the next scheduled game.

o Three Yellow Cards shown during the course of a season will result in that player not being allowed to play in the next scheduled game.

o Five Yellow Cards shown during the course of a season will result in that player not being allowed to play in the post-season games.

o Reporting – Any yellow or red cards shown during a game must be reported to the WWNEPSSA League directors (President & Vice President) as listed above.

• Coach Cautions

o Coaches cautioned with a yellow card may remain at the competition site.

o Coaches cautioned with two yellow cards or one red card must leave the competition site and will have a one game suspension.


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