Oral Presentation Rubric : Holidays and Festival Around ...

|Oral Presentation Rubric : Holidays around the World |

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|Teacher’s Name: Mrs. Churchill |

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|Student Name:     ________________________________________ |

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|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Preparation |Student is completely |Student seems pretty |The student is somewhat |Student does not|

| |prepared and has obviously |prepared but might have |prepared, but it is clear |seem at all |

| |rehearsed. |needed a couple more |that rehearsal was lacking. |prepared to |

| | |rehearsals. | |present. |

|Content |Shows a full understanding |Shows a good understanding |Shows a good understanding |Does not seem to|

| |of the topic and thoroughly |of the topic and explains |of parts of the topic and/or|understand the |

| |explains all required |all required information. |is missing one required |topic very well |

| |information. Includes all | |piece of information. |and/or does not |

| |needed criteria listed on | | |include several |

| |the project description | | |required pieces |

| |sheet. | | |of information. |

|Visuals |Student uses several visuals|Student uses more than one |Student uses 1 visual which |The student uses|

| |that show considerable |visual, but they do not show|makes the presentation |no visuals OR |

| |work/creativity and which |a considerable amount of |better. |the visuals |

| |make the presentation |work or 1 visual is used | |chosen detract |

| |better. |that shows considerable | |from the |

| | |work/creativity and which | |presentation. |

| | |make the presentation | | |

| | |better. | | |

|Stays on Topic |Stays on topic all of the |Stays on topic most of the |Stays on topic some of the |It was hard to |

| |time. |time. |time. |tell what the |

| | | | |topic was. |


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