
323850-525145Scoil Bhríde, Loreto N.S.00Scoil Bhríde, Loreto N.S.June 2020As we come to the end of a very different school year, we take time to look back at the changes that have happened, the wonderful activities that have been undertaken and we look forward to September, when we can all return to a happy and safe school. Thank you to all our parent community for your continued support and dedication to our school and to your child’s education over the past few months.Keep an eye on our website and our facebook page for up to date news and events. Workshop; We were very lucky to have Shonagh Grey in the school in January to give a presentation on energy saving and looking after our environment to 2nd and 3rd class. Playground leaders;Loreto National School began a new initiative as we work to achieve our first Active School flag. Volunteers from 2nd-6th class gave up some of their time at lunch break to help our Junior and Senior Infants play some games and stay active! It was a huge success and thanks to our volunteers.Reading Buddies;Reading buddies began in January for 4th and 1st class. Our 4th class pupils were trained up and visited 1st class once a week to model reading and help them with some tricky words. It was very enjoyable for the two classes and thanks to 4th class for all their work and preparation.Grandparent’s Day;As always, Loreto National School celebrated Grandparent’s day at the end of January. We had a huge turnout in the school hall where Fr. Kieran celebrated mass with some lovely music performed by the children led by Mr. Looney. Grandparents were presented with some lovely St. Bridgit Crosses made by our pupils. Some lovely refreshments were served afterwards and our Grandparents visited the classrooms. It was and always is such a special day. Thank you to all the Grandparents for making it so rewarding.Credit Union Quiz;We had four amazing teams representing Loreto National School in the Credit Union quiz. After a very tense and close battle, two of our teams made it through to a five way tie. Well done to all involved for putting in so much work. Open day;Loreto National School held an open day on Saturday, February 29th. It was a great success with many commenting on the wonderful atmosphere that is present in our school. Some boys and girls from all classes took part in various activities in their classrooms and in the P.E hall. We had a huge turnout with many new students having a look around our wonderful facilities. Thanks to our Parent’s Association for helping out on the day.BeeBots & Lego WeDoAll our classes received great experience in some programming and designing. Our 4th and 5th Class pupils, led by Ms. Cahill loaned some BeeBot kits and Lego We Do kits from Tralee Education Centre. 4TH and 5th class then went around to all other classes and taught them some areas of designing and programming. Well done to all involved.Service of Light;Our Service of light took place in the school on Tuesday, March 9th. It was a lovely service led by Fr. Kieran. Huge thanks to all our 6th class pupils and their teacher Mr. Looney.Confirmation and Communion Ceremonies;Unfortunately, we did not have a chance to celebration our Confirmation and Communion this school year, but we look forward to Term 1 of next week when we will all celebrate together.FAI Primary 5 aside;Well done to our 6th class pupils who took apart in the Primary 5 aside competition in Celtic pitch in March.Distance Learning;Well done to all our pupils for putting such effort into their work at home for the past few months. We know it wasn’t easy and thanks to your parents for their help and support.Board of Management; The Board of Management of Loreto National School met on Thursday, 18th June.Yearly review of our Anti-bullying policy and our legislative and regulatory checklist was completed.Our Acceptable Usage Policy was also reviewed and updated. Class Allocations for 2020/2021 were confirmed. Provisional guidelines were discussed regarding our return to school in SeptemberFarewell!!Congratulations to our 6th class who will graduate from Loreto National School shortly. It has been a very tough few weeks for you all but we will celebrate with you and mark the occasion shortly. We wish you all the best in Secondary School.Please keep an eye on our website and our facebook page to keep up to date with all our activities. Thanks to the wonderful staff here in Scoil Bhríde, Loreto for the hard work during the year.Thanks to all the parents and to our wonderful parent’s association for all your help and support throughout the year. We really appreciate everything you do for us here in the school. Most importantly, thank you to all our pupils who have worked so hard especially during the last few months. It has been extremely hard for you all and for us here in the school but we look forward to the time soon when we are all back together again!! Have a great summer and we look forward to welcoming you all back here safe and sound in September. ................

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